
Job Search Letters

Topics Covered

Written Tools That Attract a Company’s Attention .........................Pg. 66 Cover Letters .................................................................................Pg. 67 Approach/Self Marketing Letters ...................................................Pg. 68 What Employers Look For .............................................................Pg. 69 Steps to Developing Highly Effective Letters .................................Pg. 70 Request for Salary Expectation .....................................................Pg. 73 Proposals .......................................................................................Pg. 73 Other Job Search Letters ...............................................................Pg. 75

Thank You Letters Accepting an offer ..........................................................................Pg. 77 Declining an offer ...........................................................................Pg. 77 Additional Resources .....................................................................Pg. 78 Sample Letters ...............................................................................Pg. 79

Cover letters for postings Approach letters (based on Company research and a

networking lead) Proposals Thank you Letters Accepting or Declining an Offer Letters

What’s Wrong With This Cover Letter ...........................................Pg. 96 Job Description Verbs ....................................................................Pg. 97

Written Tools that Attract a Company’s Attention“Cover letters”, ”approach letters” as well as “proposals” are used to attract a recruiter’s attention and make the company want to find out more about you. When the job market was less competitive, it was common practice that job seekers only wrote cover letters. However, since over 80% of the positions available are not posted or advertised, it is necessary for students to utilize more proactive approaches to gain access to opportunities that are more tailor-made for their specific career goals.

Each of these documents are used in different situations so, the following summary will help you to decide which tool is appropriate in each situation:

Cover letterThe main purpose of a cover letter is to summarize your suitability to an already existing specific position. After reading your cover letter, the recruiter decides whether or not to continue by viewing your resume and will then consider if it’s worthwhile to meet with you. In Canada, 60% of professional recruiters will not review the resume if the cover letter does not attract their attention.

The cover letter is a good tool to demonstrate both your written and problem solving skills. It demonstrates that you understand the COMPANY’s needs in filling a specific position and that you are able to match your skills and the company’s needs all in a one page document. Unfortunately, when applying to specific postings through COOL or the company’s web site, the cover letter leaves the action step on the part of the recruiter. It is now up to the company to decide whether or not to call you back.

In the US, cover letters are often brief; literally only used to introduce your attached resume. There is less emphasis on matching your skill-set and demonstrating your writing abilities. If you are targeting recruiters in the United States, keep your cover letter brief and to the point.

Approach letterApproach letters are used when there are no advertised openings with the company but when the combination of your previous background, industry knowledge and newly acquired academic skills might be relevant to the company. The purpose of the approach letter is to trigger the reader’s attention, show that you are interested in and keen about their company and generate enough interest so that they will review your resume and agree to meet with you for either an informational or more formal interview.

Similar to cover letters, approach letters should demonstrate your writing skills and knowledge about the company and the industry. Approach letters are good tools to reach the 80% of opportunities that are not currently advertised in papers or posted online. An approach letter also requires a closing that is proactive and requires you to take care of the follow up. It is your tool to start a conversation with a company.

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A cover letter is in response to an already existing,

advertised position within a company


An approach letter is written when there are no advertised positions, with the hopes of

generating interest for an interview to discuss your match with a company.

Proposals ~ discussion documentsProposals are used as a follow up document after an informational interview. It summarizes the problems that companies are experiencing and demonstrates your ability to solve those issues. Even more to your benefit, if the company is experiencing problems in the area in which you have previous experience, it becomes the most effective way of getting your foot in the door. Some informational interviews will never progress to a proposal stage since proposal letters should only follow up a meeting where both parties felt connected.

Similar to a cover letter, a proposal letter also requires a follow up from its writer.

Cover Letters – used for applying to advertised positions

Cover Letters are used when applying to an advertised job posting. Few employers seriously consider a resume that is not accompanied by a cover letter; so a dynamically written letter needs to be part of your job-search strategy. A cover letter is a crucial component of a job application because it creates an employer’s first impression of you – and you generally have less than 20 seconds to do that!

A well-written cover letter will help you get an interview if it highlights how your skills, experience and training match and benefit the job that has been advertised. It is imperative to integrate your skills with their needs, as this demonstrates to the employer how you have interpreted their job description.

A cover letter is persuasive in nature. Your aim is to show the employer that you have the skills and experience they are seeking. Your letter should be written to reflect your personality, encouraging the reader to want to know you better through reading your resume and conducting a personal interview.

You also need to show them how you can contribute to their organization. You do this by highlighting the relevant details of your resume related to the specific position you are applying for.

When emailing cover letters used for applying to job postings:Try to shorten your cover letter to three paragraphs so that it is no longer than one page. Use the subject line to identify the name of the job. Send email in plain text – black font, normal size and typeface (10 point, Arial, Helvetica, Times Roman) – on a white background. Unless requested, do not send as an attachment.

If you are sending it as an attachment, attach your cover letter saved as an ASCII (*.txt) or RTF (.rtf) file. In the content of the email, be sure to write a brief message referring the recruiter to your attached file.

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Discuss your skills & experience

RELATED to the position to which you

are applying.

Approach/Self Marketing Letters – used for non-advertised positions________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

It is estimated that over 80% of positions are non-advertised. To take a more proactive approach to your job search, you may wish to directly contact a company you are interested in working for, better known as self-marketing.

By writing an approach letter you demonstrate initiative and show your specific interest in this particular organization. At the end of your letter you are expected to be more proactive and initiate the next step. This can be a statement that you will follow up with the company by calling back at specific date to discuss about opportunities or request for an informational interview. Approach letters that leave the action to the hands of the reader are less effective. There are three methods of approach:

1. Company and Industry ResearchTo effectively attract the employer’s interest, ensure your letter explains how your skills and experience match their needs. Base your rationale on your company and industry research and your analysis of how you add-value to the company.

2. Networking Lead / Mutual ContactNetworking leads are one of the best means to opening the door to an interview. In your approach letter, explain that a mutual contact suggested you contact the employer.

3. ProposalsConsider writing a proposal to do a project for a company. Do your company and industry research to assess where and how you could add value to the organization. Explain in your proposal letter how your project could assist with increasing the efficiency of their operation and how your skill set is relevant to the organization. You might propose to research an operational problem, analyze industry trends, provide competitive analysis, or introduce e-commerce strategies into their organization.

When emailing approach letters:In the “subject” line reference your networking contact, i.e. “RE: conversation with Sam Black”, or note the area of the company you are targeting, i.e. “RE: Corporate Finance Opportunities”. Write a brief cover letter (limit text to 65 characters per line) and attach your resume as an ASCII (*.txt) or RTF (.rtf) file.

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Company research assists you in explaining

WHYyou are interested in

working for that company &

HOW your skills & experience are

relevant to their needs.

What Employers Look For______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Whether it’s a cover or approach letter, or a proposal, a well-written letter speaks about the benefits you bring to the job - your expertise, your mastery of technology, your personal attributes, and how the company will benefit from hiring you. Your letter should illustrate:

1. Skills and experience you have which match the employer’s needs.

For example, if the job posting says you are required to:

“analyze policies and procedures toenhance inventory efficiency.”

Your letter should highlight your related experience and skills:

“My transportation and logistics classprojects involved analyzing inventorycontrol systems and recommendingchanges to existing procedures toincrease efficiency.”

2. Keen interest in working with their company shown by your research and your ability to identify where you can add value in the company.

3. Knowledge of the industry and that particular career area.

4. Strong written communication skills: able to clearly express yourself in a concise and to-the-point manner.

5. Attention to detail – no spelling or grammatical errors, and cover or approach letter is signed.

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Employers examine your documents to assess:

Do you have the skills & experience we require?

Are you very interested in working for our firm?

Do you have a good knowledge of the industry and our firm?

How strong are your communication skills?

Are there any spelling or grammar errors?

Steps to Developing Highly Effective Letters______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


After examining a job posting, and/or researching a career area you need to answer the following:

What qualifications are necessary?

Most job postings will list required skills, education and experience.

Do I have the skills, education and experience required to meet the employer’s needs?

Rule of thumb: If you have at least 60% of the skills and qualifications requested by an employer, apply for the position.

Note: employers do not hire based solely on your education. They are also interested in your previous work and volunteer experience, and transferable skills.

Am I interested in the company, the industry and this line of work?

Employers can quickly assess if a potential candidate is interested in working for them, or just blanketing the market with resumes in an attempt to get a job. Make your cover letter stand out by explaining why you are interested in working for their company.

Company research is essential when developing cover letters that stand out. For information on how to research companies, refer to the “Company Research” career guide.

With the above information identified, develop an “Approach” or “Cover” letter which clearly answers these questions:

WHAT skills and experience do I offer which match the company’s needs? (Choose your top three skills.)

WHY do I want to work for that company? (Based on your company research)

HOW will I add value to the company?

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What are the qualifications required?

Ask yourself, “Where have I developed these qualifications?”

-consider your paid and volunteer work, your activities and class projects.

Tailor your cover letter to match these qualifications.


CONTENT:Recruiters have requested that your one-page letter include:

1. Your Letterhead: include your name, address, postal code, phone number, e-mail address and web page (if applicable and professional). Your letterhead should be used on all job search tools, i.e. resume, references, cover and thank you letters.

2. Date

3. Contact Name and Title

4. Company Address

5. Dear__________ (contact person – use Mr. or Ms.). NEVER USE “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Sir or Madame”. Show that you are resourceful and find the correct person to whom you should address the letter to.

6. Subject Line (optional) to indicate which competition or position you are applying for. (i.e. Marketing Assistant, Job Ref. # 12345)

7. Intro paragraph stating why you are writing and explaining why you are interested in them or that position.

8. Body of your letter: normally 3 to 4 paragraphs showing how your skills match their needs and how you will add benefit.

9. Closing line: use “Sincerely”, “Regards” or “Yours truly “.

10. Your Signature – on hardcopy, signed; on soft copy version, scanned or type script font style.

11. Full name typed out

12. Notation of an Enclosure – indicates to the recipient that there is another document enclosed (usually a resume) (i.e. Enclosure: Resume, Writing Sample, Transcripts)


NO spelling or grammatical errors Single-spaced One page only, minimum 0.75-1” margins Font size 10-11 Standard light coloured, plain bond 8.5 x 11 paper (matching

resume and other documents) Written in full sentences and/or include bulleted points Concise and to-the-point, eliminate unnecessary words Easy to read, single style font throughout

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Recruiters strongly request:

ONE PAGE cover letters

Even ONE spelling or grammar error

can result in your application

being rejected.

In North American culture, when using ‘Mr’ or ‘Ms’, NEVER use the first name in conjunction with it.

Incorrect: Dear Mr. Joe Smith, Correct: Dear Mr. Smith,

AVOID using ‘Dear Sir or Madame’ or ‘To Whom It May Concern’

Incorrect: Dear Sir or Madame, Correct: Dear Hiring Manager,


1. Contact Information: Address your letter to a specific person if at all possible.

Ensure their name and title are correctly spelled.

Research or call the company to find out who is the key person in charge of the department that might hire you.

As a last resort, use “Dear Hiring Manager”.

2. Introduction – Why I am writing (first paragraph):

State the specific position you are applying for.

Spark the reader’s interest by noting:

you have been referred by a mutual contact your research into their company (product

knowledge, recent news, mission statement) how you can add value to their company

Explain why you are interested in ‘their’ company or the particular project.

3. Body of Letter – How I am qualified and Why I am right for this job (second & third paragraphs):

In the body of the letter you must clearly identify that you have the specific skills the employer requires.

Highlight your qualifications, which are related to that job. Choose your top three matches. It is not necessary to address all the requirements of the job. You want to quickly grab the reader’s attention to entice them to read your resume for further details.

Give specific examples of your skills. This provides proof for the employer.

State or illustrate specific product, company and industry knowledge.

Use action verbs when summarizing your experience, skills, and qualifications (see Job Description Verbs on page 97).

Limit the use of the word “I”. You are focusing on meeting the employer’s needs, not your own.

Eliminate unnecessary words; be concise.

Avoid any negative language. (ie: “While I don’t have xyz…”)

Avoid focusing on what you want; be employer-centered. Employers are not concerned with how this job will help you develop a certain set of skills that will help advance you in your career path. Focus on how the company will benefit by hiring and having you as a member of their team.

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Stress accomplishments and achievements to

demonstrate that you will add value to the company

Be sure to use the technical language

of the career / industry you are targeting.

4. Ending of Letter – What steps will I take to make sure we talk further about my qualifications (last paragraph):

Reaffirm your interest in working with that company. Ask for an interview.

Summarize key categories of skills.

Tell the employer you will make contact within a specific period of time (such as a week or 10 days) if appropriate…then DO IT.

If follow-up is not possible or appropriate, be sure to let the reader know how they can contact you during business hours.

State your appreciation to the reader for reviewing you application.

Request for Salary Expectation

Some job postings ask you to provide your salary expectations. Before answering, consider that a good applicant is rarely denied an interview based on omitting salary expectation.

Keep in mind that the phrase “negotiable” has become somewhat annoying to recruiters but again, is not likely grounds for refusing an interview. If you choose to indicate your salary expectation, do your industry research, and don’t restrict yourself to one figure – give an appropriate salary range. The bottom figure should not be less than the amount that you would not accept the job for. For example, “I believe based on my research, education, and experience, an appropriate range might be between _____ and _____.”

Proposals – used for follow up to a meeting

A proposal is a specific tool that can be very effective when following up with target companies when you wish to initiate a short term project (ie: 4 month Co-op, summer work, or 6 month full-time post graduate contract). It is unsolicited by the company and is usually based on a prior meeting(s) you have had with an employer in which you identified some challenges that the company is facing where you think you could add value.

What is a Proposal?

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Typical BBA salary info is available in the “Interview

Strategies” and “Negotiating Salaries”

career guide.

Some employers will wait to see if you follow through with

when you said you would follow up. If you don’t, you risk losing an opportunity.

A proposal is a document in which you are proposing a solution to a business problem that a company is facing. It is used as a tool to help identify for the company areas of needs and challenges that they are facing and then prioritizes it for them. From your perspective/benefit, it is a tool to “close a deal” where a prior conversation or meeting has not resulted in a tangible opportunity or offer.

Writing a Proposal – the basics

Writing a proposal to do a project for a company requires thorough company and industry research to assess where and how you can add value to the organization. Monitor current changes in the market place and pay attention to news releases (ie: the local ‘Business in Vancouver’ weekly publication). These can offer suggestions into areas where you may be able to add value.

Keep it short. It should only be one to two pages in length. If it requires that it be longer (ie: it’s an in-depth project that needs a fair amount of explaining) then you will need to attach to the front page an executive summary – a short synopsis of the key points.

A proposal should always be submitted after you have met with the company or had several interactions. It should be presented shortly after the meeting (2 weeks max) either by email or, ideally, through a second meeting (although this may not always be an option given their schedule).

Structure of a Proposal

Be sure to include the following in your proposal:

1. Reminder of previous meeting

2. Needs assessment/analysis – propose to do any of the following as a project: research an operational problem, analyze industry trends, provide competitive analysis, or introduce e-commerce strategies into their organization.

If you are from another culture, investigate market expansion alternatives for Canadian companies as your background/knowledge in that particular culture would definitely add value to the organization. Approach companies looking to expand or ones where you see an opportunity for them to expand.

Asia Pacific Foundation ( is an excellent resource for information on the developing relationship between Canada and Asia. They publish press releases twice per week and the sign up is free on their website.

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Proposals identify a company’s areas of needs or challenges and allow you to propose a solution to those


Read business publications to keep yourself abreast of current market trends and important press releases.

For other Asian connection resources, refer to the “Job Search Strategies” handout.

3. Credibility statement – qualify how your experience & skill set is relevant to the company.

4. Return on Investment – indicate how your project can increase the efficiency of their operations and offer them a return on their investment.

5. A project time line (ie: for internships maximum of late May – early September)

Follow up

It is imperative that YOU follow up with the company (within 2 weeks of submission). Remember, you have taken the initiative to propose the project so, it is up to you to follow up with them.

Example:“I am following up to see what you thought of my proposal and to see if there is any opportunity to either proceed or explore further options.”

Other Job Search Letters

Thank You Letters

When Should You Send One?

As discussed in the Interview Strategies handout, it is vitally important to send a thank you letter after an employment interview. Even if you do not receive an offer, you will present a much better image to the company by following up with a thank you letter. You should also send a thank you after an informational interview or when someone has gone out of their way to do something for you or give you information.

The sending of “Thank you’s” is actually more rare than we would think. Even though it is known that you should send one, not everyone does this.

Types of Thank You Documents

HARD COPYShould it be a typed letter or handwritten card? It can be either. Take some clues from the person interviewing you. If you developed a more “personal” rapport with the interviewer, a handwritten card might be preferred.

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ALWAYS send a thank you letter

after an interview, to each person that has interviewed you.

Benefits of a card format: When an employer receives a card in the mail, it

impresses them that you took the time to handwrite a note for them.

When we open ‘cards’, the most natural place for them to go, is on our desk to be displayed. They are not thrown away immediately. This is a great form of advertising for you! Each time they see it, they’re reminded of who else, but you!

SOFT COPY – EmailShould you send an email thank you? If much of your correspondence has been by email (applying for the job, setting up the interview), it is quite acceptable. Email offers a fast solution if you know the company will be making a fast hiring decision.


The following is a guideline to use when deciding how long to wait before sending a thank you:

Interviews – send it as soon as you can following the interview to no more than 24 hours later. You never know what they are basing their decision on so, it is always recommended you send it as soon as possible.

Informational interviews and others – send it by 72 hours from the time of assistance.

Sending Multiple Thank You’s

If writing to more than one interviewer, we recommend you make sure the letters are tailored to each. If you are going to write only one letter, address it to everyone who interviewed you, thus avoiding each individual getting a ‘form’ letter.

Between equal candidates, a thank you letter can be what secures the offer.


Your thank you letter should be short, professional, without any grammatical or spelling errors and can include the following elements:

Start by thanking the interviewer for taking the time to talk with you. Include the date of the interview and something of interest that you learned.

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We have heard of employers hiring based on who sent in the first thank

you email if they were unable to decide between

to candidates!

Employers will compare thank you notes!

Be sure to: Tailor each one

you send or

Send only 1 note addressed to all recipients

Reaffirm your interest in the company by pointing out particular issues discussed during the interview that appeal to you.

This is also a perfect opportunity to revisit your key skills or background that match the position that you either did or didn’t get a chance to discuss during the interview.

If needed, dispel any concerns which you felt the interviewer had about you.

Close the letter with another word of appreciation, and that you look forward to hearing from them.

Accepting an OfferCongratulations, you’ve landed a job! Even though you have accepted the position over the telephone, it is important to confirm your acceptance in writing to confirm the details and formally accept the job. Include in your letter your understanding of the terms of your employment: job title, start date, starting salary, benefits and any other pertinent information.

If you are being considered for positions with other companies, it is important to let them know that you have accepted another offer.

Declining an OfferIf a company has extended a job offer and you have decided not to accept, you need to advise the company both over the phone and then confirm in writing. Normally, the reason will be acceptance of another job; or you may have decided that the job is simply not a good fit for you.

Your declining letter should thank the employer for the opportunity and briefly cite the reason for the decline (i.e. acceptance of another offer, etc.)

Maintain your professionalism both over the phone, and in your letter and avoid any negativity. Remember this employer may be a contact for you sometime in the future.


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Confirming a job offer in writing can clarify any

misunderstanding of the job.

THANK YOU LETTERScan reinforce your

candidacy by expressingyour interest in the

position. It also gives you an opportunity to highlight a strength or skill that you

deem appropriate to the job description, but perhaps forgot to

emphasize during the interview.

Be professional and sensitive when you decline

an offer. Vancouver is especially a tight network and you don’t want to risk burning your bridges with other organizations that you may have interest in

down the road.

ProofreadingProofread each letter a minimum of 3 times to ensure all spelling and grammatical errors have been identified.

The majority of employers will eliminate applications based on just ONE spelling or grammatical error. Why take that chance!

One Last CheckBefore you send out your cover letter, ask yourself:

Did I use the correct spelling of all names and addresses?

Have I proofread my letter for spelling and grammatical errors?

Does my letter clearly show I have the skills needed for this position?

Have I indicated clearly what position I am applying for?

Have I indicated how I can be contacted (phone, email)?

Is my letter one page long?

Did I sign my letter?

Additional Resources Check the on-line “Dynamic Letters Tutorial” at

Refer to these books (your Career Centre may have these available in hard copy in their library).

Winning Cover Letters by Robin Ryan

Cover Letters that Knock ‘em Dead by Martin Yate

Best KeyWords for Resumes, Cover Letters and Interviews by Wendy S. Enelow, CPRW,JCTC,CCM

Book yourself in for a coaching appointment with one of our career coaches. We are happy to assist with any areas related to job search.

Sample Letters

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Always performone last check!!!

The following pages contain:

samples of cover and approach letters used when: applying for a job posting ................................. Pg. 81 – 83 following up on company research .................. Pg. 84, 85 following up on a networking lead .................... Pg. 86 – 88 presenting a proposal ...................................... Pg. 89 – 91

samples of other job search letters including: thank you letters .............................................. Pg. 92, 93 job acceptance letters ...................................... Pg. 94 job declining letters .......................................... Pg. 95

***IMPORTANT NOTE: Please, do not copy these letters. Keep in mind that other classmates may do the same and employers have questioned in the past as to why several of the cover letters appeared the same in context and had similar wording. A unique cover letter is one way that you can distinguish yourself from others.

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Sample Job Posting – matching cover letters found on next 2 pages

Refer to the job posting below. On the following page you will see an example of an ineffective cover letter written in response to this opportunity. On page 82 you will see an example of a much more effective cover letter based on the individual having done some company research and tailoring the letter to the job posting.

JOB TITLE: Project Delivery Assistant


COMPANY INFO: We are an employee-owned, multinational firm providing engineering, construction, operations, communications, security, environmental, and related services to public and private clients in numerous industries on six continents. CH2M HILL offers integrated services that help our clients take an infrastructure project from concept to reality.

DESCRIPTION: We are currently looking for a student to: Maintain project budget Prepare work load forecast Prepare financial reports Ensure complete project set up Attend project meetings Prepare project documents, schedules, charts, etc. Prepare completion estimates Query project financial data Work with accounting contract management representatives Assist with project status verification, procurement and procedural compliance Follow up on invoice issues Set up and maintain project records Maintain document files/data bases Coordinate production and delivery of project deliverables, documents, drawings, specs, etc. Respond to billing and invoicing questions and processing.

SPECIALIZED SKILLS: Advanced administrative clerical skills and knowledge. Advanced personal computer and software experience including Word and Excel. Good knowledge of project delivery tools, procedures and practices.

TO APPLY: Submit cover letter and resume by Wednesday, April 26, 200X at 12 Noon sharp. Applications submitted after 12 noon will not be accepted!

Cover Letters can be addressed to: Ms. Marion DicksonHuman Resources CoordinatorCH2M HILL Canada Ltd.123 Homer StreetVancouver, B.C. V8V 1Z6

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Ineffective Cover Letter Sample – based on previous page’s posting

Kelly V. Lee #123 – 456 88th Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V6V 8Z8778-881-8881

October 1, 200XAttn: HR Manager

I would like to submit my application for the Project Delivery Assistant position advertised in the Vancouver Sun with CH2M HILL Canada Ltd. My resume is enclosed.

As a recent Bachelor of Commerce graduate of the Sauder School of Business, I majored in the areas of accounting, finance and marketing. My goal is to find a position that utilizes my accounting skills as well as my organizational abilities and my team-based attitude.

During my time at UBC, I worked part-time and during the summers at Andlauer Transportation Services, a local trucking company where I carried out data entry of POD’s (Proof of Deliveries), reception, and other tasks. Prior to that I was employed at a local restaurant as expediter, and worked during the summers as a camp counsellor.

My work experience as well as my academic career demonstrates several of the qualities listed in your career advertisement: interpersonal skills, attention to detail, and ability to manage projects.

In addition, I am willing learn new skills, and I would be happy to attend an interview at your convenience. I have enclosed the names of three references.

Thank you.


Kelly V. Lee

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Effective Cover Letter Sample – based on previous page’s posting

Kelly V. Lee123 – 456 88th Avenue (604) 777-8881Vancouver, BC V6V 8Z8 [email protected]

Ms. Marion Dickson October 1, 2005Human Resources CoordinatorCH2M HILL Canada Ltd.123 Homer StreetVancouver, B.C. V8V 1Z6

Dear Ms. Dickson,

RE: Project Deliver Assistant position

I was impressed to find that you are a technical consultant for British Columbia’s $3B Gateway program, which will improve road and bridge infrastructure leading to Vancouver from Langley. I was also impressed by your company’s work in constructing temporary housing for victims of Hurricane Katrina. Clearly, the work environment at CH2M HILL must be fast-paced and extremely varied as new projects are won and begin to gear up. I thrive in busy environments where tight deadlines are the norm and would like to submit my application for the Project Delivery Assistant position advertised in the Vancouver Sun.

As a recent Bachelor of Business Administration graduate from the SFU Faculty of Business, I majored in the areas of accounting, finance and marketing. My goal is to find a position where I can contribute my accounting skills as well as my organizational abilities and team-based attitude. Areas of your company where I could make an immediate contribution include:

Project Financial Management – My recently completed course in Project Appraisal and Management focused on techniques for evaluating investment projects, initially on private sector discounted cash flow analysis. The course also covered techniques for quantitative assessment of public projects including multi-criteria methods, planning balance sheets and environmental impact assessment. The basics of project management were also included, as well as some material on project financing and work load forecasting.

Maintenance of document files/data bases – At Andlauer Transportation Services, I was responsible not only for data entry, but also for checking other employees’ work for accuracy, backing up the database each day, and working with the database designer to improve the efficiency of the database.

Interpersonal Skills – As an expediter at Bridge’s, I was responsible for providing courteous customer service and for ensuring the smooth and timely delivery of meals to clients. As a camp counsellor, I worked with various age groups (7-13yrs) where I ensured that every camper had a good experience.

I am willing to learn new skills, and would be happy to attend an interview at your convenience. I will follow up with you next week to inquire about the status of my application. I appreciate the time you took to consider me as a competitive applicant.


Kelly Lee

Kelly LeeBBA Candidate, Class of 200XSFU, Faculty of Business

Enclosure: resume

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Note: Do NOT copy this sample word-for-word.

Sample Cover Letter – based on a job posting

JASMINDER SAMI2654 West 12th Avenue (604) 777-7777Vancouver, BC V6V 6V6 [email protected] ________________________________________________________________________________

Nov. 13, 200X

Ms. Marie FisherMarketing DirectorCeaport Software Inc.468 West Georgia, Suite 1401Vancouver, BC V5H 4R1

Dear Ms. Fisher:

Re: Part-time Marketing Assistant

Ceaport Software’s success as a developer of innovative CRM solutions software is evident in recently landing a $3M CDN sale to a major US manufacturer. I am excited about the possibility of contributing my market research knowledge and enthusiasm to such a dynamic company.

I am currently a third year student at Simon Fraser University majoring in marketing. My qualifications include a class project involving the development of marketing plans for a high tech business launching products into Latin America. Additionally, as a Corporate Marketing Representative for the Student Marketing Association, I promoted new corporate sponsorships to local organizations resulting in a 10% increase in donations. My achievement of strong customer satisfaction through excellent service has been consistently recognized by my managers.

My marketing background and genuine desire to develop a marketing career in the high tech industry will make me a valuable employee to Ceaport Software and I would welcome an opportunity to discuss my potential fit with you in person.

Thank you for your time and consideration of my application. I look forward to the opportunity to meet with you and will contact you next week to set up a meeting to further discuss my qualifications.

Yours truly,

Jasminder Sami

Jasminder Sami

BBA Candidate, Class of 200XSFU Faculty of Business

Enclosure: resume

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Sample Approach Letter – based on company research

STEVEN XU1116 S.W. Marine Drive 604.888.2222Vancouver, BC V7V 7V7 [email protected]

November 12, 200X

Mr. John SemHuman Resources ManagerSummit Capital Asia888 Westley DriveToronto, ON M5M N3N

Dear Mr. Sem,

Congratulations on your recent expansion into the Asian market with the opening of your offices in Hong Kong and Shanghai as recently reported in the “Globe and Mail”. As a highly motivated individual with a strong interest in the Asian investment banking industry, I am eager to contribute my analytical and personal communication skills in an Analyst role within your dynamic organization.

Currently, I am pursuing a BBA degree at the SFU Faculty of Business and am in my fourth year of study majoring in Finance and minoring in International Business. Some of my qualifications which would be of value to Summit Capital Asia include:

Industry knowledge/experience - Solid understanding and training in financial modeling, financial valuation, and risk management. Retail brokerage experience with RBC Dominion Securities sourcing clients and promoting services.

Trading - Participation in TD Waterhouse Student Stock Shadowing Program involving on-line mock trading within the high tech and biotech industries.

Academics - High academic achievement including Dean’s List 2006, 2007; Golden Key Honors Society member awarded for academic excellence, top 15% campus wide.

Specialized training - Expected completion of Canadian Securities Course in February 2008.

Additionally, I speak Cantonese and Mandarin and am also eligible for Hong Kong citizenship. I would welcome an opportunity to discuss possible openings within your Hong Kong branch and will contact you next week to see if we can arrange a brief meeting at your convenience.

Thank you for considering my request.


Steven Xu

Steven XuBBA Candidate, Class of 200XSFU, Faculty of Business

Enclosure: resume, transcripts

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Sample Approach Letter – based on company research

TINA SMITH2020 Marine Drive Tel: 604.777.4141Vancouver, BC V6V 1B8 [email protected]

March 20th, 200X

Ms. Petra AnzarutVice President, Trust AdministrationAlderwoods Group4710 KingswayBurnaby, BC V5H 4M2

Dear Ms. Anzarut,

I am planning to pursue a future career in business consulting and am interested in the prospect of working for Alderwoods to enhance both the quality and process of delivering services to internal customers, specifically with regards to offering improved performance reporting. I have experience in project management involving aspects of marketing internal corporate services that I intend to strengthen by applying research and customer-focused applications taught at the Sauder School of Business, where I am currently pursuing a BCom degree.

Having spent last summer at Telus working within the Corporate Services division, my direct responsibilities included either ownership of or contribution to several large-scale projects to capture process efficiencies and cost savings. I believe these competencies would be valuable for conducting a performance metrics analysis involving several stakeholders.

I have spent time researching not only your company, but also the funeral home industry, and challenges confronting companies such as Alderwood’s, SCI, and Carriage Services. I understand some of the issues confronting the industry, including industry fragmentation, need to reduce debt loads, scaling back of operations with the sale of funeral homes and cemetery properties, and the current trend to standardize product showrooms and other operating methods. Also, I understand that the new Interpretation No. 46 ("FIN No. 46R"), recently issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, is likely to have a strong impact on management of trust funds at Alderwoods.

The complexities that are involved with working for such a multifaceted industry, involving the sale of both products and services, as well as the sale of financial services in the form of insurance, is very appealing to me. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this with you in greater detail, and will contact you by the end of the week in hopes of setting up a time to meet at your convenience.


Tina Smith

Tina SmithBCom Candidate, Class of 200XSauder School of Business

Enclosure: Resume

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Sample Approach Letter – based on networking lead

Susan Smith333 Campus Road (604) 888-8888Vancouver, BC V7V 7V7 [email protected]

November 12, 200X

Marcia NewhouseManager, MarketingIXS Warehousing & Distribution Ltd.888 Queens DriveCalgary, AB T2P 2P2

Dear Ms. Newhouse:

While attending a SFU Transportation and Logistics Club event, I met your colleague, Mr. Myron Davies. He mentioned that you recently secured a major contract and as a result may have a need for a Transportation Analyst. As I am pursuing a career in distribution and will be graduating in May 200X with a Transportation and Logistics degree, Mr. Davies suggested that I contact you to explore possible opportunities with IXS.

As part of my TLog training, I have actively participated in several class projects involving in-depth analysis and applying models to solve transportation and logistics problems. During my experience as a warehousing clerk at Canadian Widget Warehousing, I developed a strong understanding of the need for effective inventory control measures, and the importance of communication with all members of the supply chain. Additionally, I was selected by management to train warehousing clerks on the use of a newly implemented computerized inventory system, Xspeed.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my experience and education can contribute to your team and will contact you next week to see if we can arrange a brief meeting at your convenience.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my request.


Susan Smith

Susan SmithBBA Candidate, Class of 200XSFU, Faculty of Business

Enclosure: Resume

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Note: Do NOT copy this sample word-for-word.

Sample Approach Letter – based on a referral

Nancy Cartwright2020 Marine Drive Tel: 604.123.4567Vancouver, BC V6V 1V1 [email protected]

March 20th, 200X

Ms. Pat SmithVice President, Sales & Business DevelopmentPacific Central Vacations 100-1150 Station Street Vancouver, BC V6A 2X7

Dear Ms. Smith,

I am writing to you to propose a summer work experience with Pacific Central Vacations, and am contacting your company at the suggestion of Go2 marketing manager Ms. Susie Shier.

As a current 3rd year BCom student at the Sauder School of Business, I am focusing in the areas of strategy and marketing. The BCom program has allowed me to study various types of business cases and to develop approaches to analyzing cases within a limited timeframe. These practices have equipped me with the skills to develop business strategies and marketing plans, which can create a competitive advantage for companies. Through my Market Research studies, I have developed methods to systematically gather information that will allow me to make informed business decisions.

My particular area of interest is the tourism, lifestyle and experience industries. Today, it is not easy to meet the needs of every customer, but we know that, more and more, people want rich, compelling and memorable experiences, not passive experiences but actively engaged experiences. I am especially interested in working for Pacific Central Vacations (PCV) because what your company is doing is all about creating this experience for each individual.

PCV has achieved a great deal of success since it was founded in 1989 and has continuously generated innovative ideas to make unforgettable experiences for your guests. Your company is at an exciting growth phase with the vertical expanding to Gray Line sightseeing and charter-bus operations, diversified service portfolios to new destinations such as Whistler, more new rail opportunities across the country and the potential for expanding into surging tourist segments.

Last year, 79,700 Chinese tourists visited BC from China, a 25% increase over 2003. The World Tourism Organization forecasts that by 2010 China will be the fourth-largest source of outbound travelers in the world. Chinese tourists traveling overseas grew at an average of 14% per year in the past decade and the number exceeded that of Japan for the first time in 2003. China recently announced it has recognized Canada as an approved tourism destination. This move is expected to result in a dramatic increase in the number of Chinese visitors to Canada. BC officials estimate the figure of Chinese tourists to BC will rise to 300,000 in a few years.

One of the advantages of PCV is the large number of residents of Chinese origin in Vancouver - about 350,000 people, most of whom maintain close relationships with relatives and friends in China. The promise of strong travel ties between Canada and China, such as expanding non-stop flights to China by Air Canada and Harmony Airways will trigger a huge rush in the coming years. The US, UK and Australia will continue to be PCV’s most important markets. However, with the fast growing Chinese bourgeoisie and their rising purchasing power there is every reason to look in new places and prepare to think in a bigger space which will definitely be rewarded over the next few years.

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Note: Do NOT copy this sample word-for-word.

Nancy Cartwright2020 Marine Drive Tel: 604.123.4567Vancouver, BC V6V 1V1 [email protected]

Through preliminary research and my experience, I strongly believe convenient, innovative, educational, all-in-one packages of pristine scenery, gourmet cooking, Canadian cultural background learning and modern rail tour experience is what Chinese tourists are looking for in their overseas vacations. Chinese nationals are particularly interested in cultural learning experiences. However, there is still a lot of work to do to create more awareness of what experiences PCV can offer them, especially with the obstacle of the unfamiliarity of the Rockies by Chinese tourists.

PCV needs time to properly prepare itself for an increase in volume of this non-traditional customer segment. The first needed is marketing research. To obtain knowledge about Chinese visitors, we need to answer questions such as what are their key motivators? What are their travel preferences? What kind of tour packages are they looking for? How should PCV educate and attract this potential market? In short, it is a matter of marketing an attractive image that will motivate the Chinese tourist to cross the Pacific, and once here, to purchase a PCV vacation experience. I believe a detailed marketing plan should answer these questions and help to harvest the Chinese tourist windfall in the near future.

My Marketing Plan will include the following elements:1. Executive Summary2. Situation Analysis: Target Markets, SWOT Analysis, Competition, Key to Success3. Marketing Strategy: Mission, Objectives, Marketing, Positioning,4. Financials, Budgets and Forecasts: Break-even Analysis, Sales and Expense Forecast5. Controls: Implementation Milestones, Contingency Planning

I believe the skills I would bring to you during the summer would be of great value to Pacific Central Vacations including:

the education and skills to carry out market research and prepare a marketing plan my experience in the hospitality industry in China, ie, assisting in the financial and purchasing stages of

opening a bar in Xi’an an understanding of both cultures, having grown up in China and lived in Vancouver for more than two

years fluency in Mandarin and English enthusiasm, proactive nature and energy my strong desire to work in this industry

I will follow up with you next week to see about setting up a time where we could further discuss my proposal. Thank you for taking the time to consider my request.

Yours Sincerely,

Nancy Cartwright

Nancy CartwrightBCom Candidate, Class of 200XSauder School of Business

Cc: Bob Jones, Vice President, Human Resources

Enclosure: Resume

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Sample Proposal – a student was granted an interview based on a BCC posting opportunity and took this proposal in to the interview. He won the position!

JACK JACKSON111 Campus Road Tel: 604.123.4567Vancouver, BC Cell: 604.765.4321V1V 1V1 [email protected]

Tentative Project Implementation Schedule

Phase 1: Project specification and planning (weeks 1,2,3 and 4)

Objective of this phase is to research and analyze international markets to generate new business opportunities, propose diversification of existing product portfolio based on market need and demand, create a customer centric analysis strategy and develop case studies.

1. Initial project specification

Action: Define project boundaries and create realistic project goals and schedules.

Resources: Meetings with the management team, online library and professor’s advice.

2. Office needs and stakeholder analysis

Action: Analyze current program (business activities and processes, users, functions, inputs and outputs, related systems), identify problems with the present program and assess additional needs.

Stakeholder analysis: Identify the groups and individuals to be consulted during the project, including internal and external customers.

Resources: management team, relevant personnel, office data (financial statements, facility inventory data, strategic plans and customer files).

3. Proposals for new business development and analysis

Action: Based on the analysis, develop proposals for new business development keeping budget constraints in mind.

Project structure: Schedule project activities, specific responsibilities and develop project structure.

Resources: MS Project, product managers and the management team.

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JACK JACKSON111 Campus Road Tel: 604.123.4567Vancouver, BC Cell: 604.765.4321V1V 1V1 [email protected]

Phase 2: Data collection and analysis of desired program (weeks 5,6,7 and 8)

The objective of this phase is to present to the management team the feasible options which would enhance its future growth.

4. Research for feasibility of internal development

Action: Results obtained from phase 1 would be thoroughly analyzed and checked for its feasibility in the real world. New market development would be taken to the next level.

Cost benefit analysis model would be formed and tested for new products, etc.

Brand building campaign design would be formulated.

Resources: internet, company resources, professor, etc.

5. Presentation to the Management Team

Action: Detailed yet concise presentation would be put forward to management identifying the research findings to date and its potential benefits.

The report would contain a brief executive summary of the project and the detailed implementation followed by recommendations.

Resources: 2-3 days of workshops with the management team.

My contribution during the summer

Strong academic background, telecom sector experience and current BBA training. Based on these skills I would contribute during the summer in the following areas:

Marketing: Market research, analysis and good grasp of the technology industry

Supply Chain Management: Analysis and development plan for supply chain such as inventory control, stock in and stock outs, etc.

Relationship Management: Build solid and lasting relationships with all the company’s clients. The cycle is not completed unless and until the client is satisfied and says “Yes! I would recommend your product to others”!

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Sample Proposal – based on a prior meeting with an employer

Treena Blake29292 Marsh Road (604) 607-0515Abbotsford, BC V3M 1B8 [email protected]

ProposalTo: Mr. John Smith, Director of Supply Chain Management, HoneywellSubject: Summer Project ProposalsDate: 28/02/200X

Based on our meeting on February 21, 200X, I have compiled a list of some possible projects to address the issues that are currently affecting your department.

1. Procurement process review. While some part shortages are supplier related, the majority is caused by internal coordination. This project will identify the factors that contribute to part shortages and recommend a strategy to reduce the occurrence of shortages.

2. Aggregation of purchases. Purchasing agents currently procure parts as requested from the engineered bill of materials. Non-stock purchases are estimated to make-up about 30% of the parts purchased. There may be an opportunity to aggregate the requirements to leverage better prices from suppliers.

3. Investigation into the outsourcing of outbound logistics. Three employees currently handle the task of freighting large machines to international destinations in-house. Can Honeywell save costs by outsourcing the task?

4. Process review and identification of optimization opportunities within the spares department. The demand for spares differs greatly from the demand for Honeywell’s regular product line. To what extent should the fulfillment processes overlap or be combined? The current spares price list includes every item carried by Honeywell. Based on sales history and the likely need for failures, should the spares price list be trimmed down?

5. Coordinate interdepartmental study between engineering and procurement to determine suitable alternatives for high-cost items. Which items comprise the highest cost of producing Honeywell equipment? Without sacrificing quality, are alternate materials or parts available that have the same functional characteristics but are less expensive?

6. Performance benchmarking. This study will aim to identify and document core competencies within the department and evaluate and revise current performance metrics for suitability.

7. Expansion of the supplier-managed inventory program. Currently, four vendors automatically receive daily faxes that indicate desired receive dates and Honeywell stock levels. This program has proven successful. Should this program be extended to other suppliers?

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Sample Thank You Letter – after a job interview

Ryan Wei5508 West 54th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V8N 4T0 Telephone: (604) 555-1077 email: [email protected]

October 28, 200X

Ms. Maria RosettiManager, Human ResourcesDKPE and Partners555 Dunsmuir StreetVancouver, BC V7X 1Z6

Dear Ms. Rosetti:

Thank you very much for providing the opportunity to interview with you for the CA articling position with your firm. I am impressed with the enthusiasm and interest that you demonstrated during our meeting, even though it was the end of a very long day for you.

I am excited about the possibility of joining DKPE and am convinced that I possess many of the qualities that you described as desirable in a “new recruit”. My involvement in many on-campus student organizations has strengthened by ability to lead and participate in productive teams. In my role as “Master of Ceremonies” for the IGNITE event, I developed ongoing positive relationships with senior executives in the business community. This experience has prepared me to represent DKPE in a professional manner to its clients. The energy and commitment I have made to my education, part-time work and extra-curricular activities will continue as I launch my professional accounting career.

Again, I truly appreciate the time you spent with me on Wednesday and I look forward to hearing from you after you have completed the rest of your on-campus interviews.

Yours truly,

Ryan WeiRyan Wei

BBA Candidate, Class of 200XSFU, Faculty of Business

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Sample Thank You Letter – after a job interview

Carolyn Gump5555 Forest Avenue 604-299-9999Vancouver, BC V9R 9A9 [email protected]

April 24, 200X

Mr. Michael GoldVP – International StrategiesBig and Bold Corporation3338 Global RoadVancouver, BC V1V 1V1

Dear Mr. Gold,

Thank you for interviewing and talking with me about the summer work experience opportunity with Big & Bold. I truly appreciate all the time and care you took in telling me about the project and learning more about me.

I don’t feel that I gave you a clear answer during the interview to the question of my work style. Here is the makeup. I am a target-oriented and efficient team player with good analytical and communication skills, who always thinks outside the box and enjoys solving problems. I sincerely hope I will get the chance to work with you.

I'm so pleased that Bid & Bold is considering setting up a new diploma program in Human Resource Management, and treated me as a competitive candidate for the market research and feasibility study portion. I believe the knowledge and experience I've already cultivated makes me the best fit for your internship position. Also, I feel I could learn a great deal in this project and would certainly enjoy the opportunity of working with you. I am eager to bring my passion for people and human resource management, as well as skills in business development / market research to this position.

I would very much look forward to working with Big & Bold this summer. Please feel free to contact me if you need further information.

Thank you again for the exhilarating interview.


Carolyn GumpCarolyn GumpBCom Candidate, Class of 200XSauder School of Business

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Note: Do NOT copy this sample word-for-word.

Sample Job Acceptance Letter

Suzanne Ducharme#302 – 1718 Cypress Street, Vancouver, BC V8N 4T0 Telephone: (604) 555-9567 email: [email protected]

January 31, 200X

Mrs. Julie NakamotoHR ManagerABC Financial Group500 Howe StreetVancouver, BC V7X 2J8

Dear Ms. Nakamoto:

Thank you for your letter offering me the Equity Analyst position with your Vancouver office. As we discussed on the phone this morning I am please to accept this offer and look forward to becoming part of the ABC Financial Group team.

I understand the starting salary will be $38,000 per year and I will be starting on June 1, 200X. In the meantime, if you require any additional information from me, please let me know.

Again, thank you for offering this exciting opportunity to start my career with your company.

Yours truly,

Suzanne Ducharme

Suzanne DucharmeBBA Candidate, Class of 200XSFU, Faculty of Business

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Sample Declining a Job Offer Letter

Daniel Gill3445 Thunderbird Way (604) 888-8888Vancouver, BC V7V 7V7 [email protected]

November 14, 200X

Mr. Harv WrightProduct ManagerXcel Consumer Products13895 Viking WayRichmond, BC V5W 3M9

Dear Mr. Wright,

Thank you very much for your telephone call and letter offering me the position of Product Support Specialist. While this is a very exciting position within a well-respected organization, I have accepted a position with another company that more closely aligns with my career goals and interests. As I explained on the phone this morning, this was a very difficult decision, since both companies offered challenging and rewarding opportunities.

I would like to extend once again my sincere appreciation for your interest and hospitality throughout the interview process and I wish you well in the future.


Daniel GillDaniel Gill

BCom Candidate, Class of 200XSauder School of Business

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Note: Do NOT copy this sample word-for-word.

What’s Wrong With This Cover Letter?The cover letter is your fist opportunity to make a favorable impression on a potential employer. It is an important tool that will pique a potential employer’s interest and get you to the next stage…the interview. Even if your qualifications are excellent, your resume may never be read if your cover letter is weak. Find out if you are cover letter literate.

Jimmy Jobless1234 Unemployed Ave.Anywereville, BC

October 7, 2004GeneriCo Ltd.4321 Business St.Bigcity, BCV4V 3K3

To Whom It May Concern:

Re: Assistant Position

Please accept this letter and resume as an application for the position advertised. I am confident that I can make a positive contribution to your company.

I have many skills and abilities that could benefit your organization. I am computer literate and have strong communication skills. I have the ability to asses problems and provide effective solutions. My personal interests include computer programming and web site design.

While I lack formal wok experience as a receptionist, I have several years of experience in the construction industry. At my previous job, my duties included organizing billing and estimates, and scheduling projects for customers.

Because of my strong self-motivated skills and my ability to work well with people, I feel that I would be an excellent addition to your company. In accordance with my education and work experience, I would expect a starting salary of $10K, annually.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I’ll contact you next week to set up an interview at your convenience.

Thank you,


Jimmy JoblessEncl.

Job Search Let tersPage 96

Use proper mailing address, no postal code indicated

Use standard Business Letter format (double space between new paragraphs and sections

Address your letter to a specific contact name

Full names (not nickname)

should be used

Refer to specific job title, as advertised

by the company (include reference number, if known)

List & give evidence of specific skills relevant to the position (name

software programs)

Have someone else proofread – don’t rely

on the computer’s spell check: “I have the ability to assess


Avoid using negative phrases (“lack”, “weak”)

Is it ‘work’ or ‘wok’?

Never include salary expectations, unless

requested to do so. Use a range.

Use a formal closing (Yours truly, Sincerely)

Contractions or slang should never be used

The letter should be limited to no more than four paragraphs

Explain how personal interests are relevant

Explain how unrelated past work experience is relevant (mention transferable skills)

Express an interest in meeting with the employer but avoid using pressuring statements

This opening is boring. Use this first paragraph to grab the reader’s attention

What is it that you are enclosing?

Job Description VerbsAccomplishedAccumulatedAchievedAcquiredActivatedAdaptedAdjustedAdministeredAmendedAnalyzedAppraisedApprovedArrangedAssembledAssignedAttainedAuthorized






FacilitatedFinalizedFollowed upForecastedForesawFormulatedFostered










ParticipatedPerceivedPerformedPersuadedPlannedPreparedPresentedPresidedProblem SolvedProducedProgrammedProjectedPromotedProposedProvidedPurchased








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