Page 1: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

Virtual Library Tour

Easley Library

Featuring Desas your library tour guide

Page 2: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

Welcome to Easley Library!I’m Des, and I’ll be your tour guide today. (Confession – I’m not this corny in real life, but I play the part well, don’t you think?) We are so happy to have you here, and I would love to take the chance to show you around a little.

Page 3: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

This is the circulation desk, a very busy place and one of the best places to come for help. This is the desk where you check out and return books. This is also the place

where you’ll find books reserved for a specific class and pay overdue fines.(Not that you’ll have any overdue fines, right!)

Page 4: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

To the right of the circulation desk we have two full shelves of videos and DVDs. In addition to educational fare, you’ll find many different choices in the form of

popular movies, movies you want to watch. Since you can check them out for three days, stop by on Fridays and stock up on free movies for the weekend!

Page 5: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

Moving to our right, we find the CD cabinet, full of music for everyone’s tastes. I recommend the O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack, but I’m a country boy. Here we also have a nice round table for study and discussions, tucked safely beneath the

staircase for your convenience. There’s even extra chairs in case your quiet study session turns in to a debate!

Page 6: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

I would say this is the best place to come for help in the library. This is the reference desk, where you’ll find one of two people: Lynne during the early shift, and Werner during the late shift. They are here to assist you with research, electronic resources,

and interlibrary loan. There is rarely a question they can’t answer, and they’re always willing to help you find what you’re looking for.

Gotta love a good reference librarian!

Page 7: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

Now we move on the computers, which total fourteen in all. These are beside the circulation desk, and are available for all student use. This shelf that I’m sitting on contains some of our oversized books, as well as our Great Books collection. See,

you can’t go wrong – great is in the title!

Page 8: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

To the other side of the front door, we have four more computers, and shelves containing the rest of the oversized books. We change the displays on tops of these

shelves periodically, showcasing books on a variety of topics. Take a look while you’re here – you may find something you never knew you wanted to read! Note

that these computers, and the previous four, print to the copier, which we’ll see later on in the tour.

Page 9: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

These six computers form a cozy little group, and provide plenty of desk space and privacy for you serious scholars. There is also a lovely window in case you need someplace to gaze while daydreaming. These computers print to the printer in

foreground – shouldn’t be too hard to find! Check out my blog while you’re surfing the web. Leave a comment – I love getting mail!

Page 10: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

This is our Christian Fiction section, set behind another good table to use for spreading out all that homework you really need to get done. The bookshelves are here to assist in case you need a good distraction – just pull a book off the shelf and

start reading. You never know when you may find a treasure.

Page 11: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

Gaze with me at the magnificence of the coziest corner of the library, where you will find newspapers, magazines, and more comfortable leather chairs than you could

ever hope for. The artwork on the wall has been known to change periodically, and the Science Fiction section is located nearby for your browsing pleasure. Oh, and

that door behind me? That would be the Media Lab. Let’s take a look.

Page 12: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

The Media Lab is full of all kinds of technology I can’t quite wrap my wooly brain around! In addition to the scanner and color printer, which also prints photos, there is plenty of software available on the computer for your class projects, from Adobe

to Windows Movie Maker. So many possibilities! Be sure to reserve time to check it out!

Page 13: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

Around the corner, in the wing, we find the copier’s secret hideaway. The shelf where I’m sitting houses the juvenile books, and around the corner to the right are

the children’s books. The shelves on the right hold our periodicals, arranged alphabetically by title.

Page 14: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

These are also around the corner, next to the children’s books. We keep newspapers as far back as two weeks. After that, you’ll have to look online, but feel free to browse here. I don’t know about you, but I usually read the funny papers first.

Those Mutts kill me!

Page 15: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

Once the periodicals reach the end of the alphabet, the shelves give way to the reference books. These are books that will be helpful to you in the research process, but can’t be taken out of the library. That’s great, you’re thinking, but where are the

books I can check out? I’m glad you asked. Follow me.

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See the stairs? See our mural? See me waiting for you? Come on up!

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Stop! Before you go any further, which way do you need to go? This little sign will be helpful in finding which shelves you need. We’ll go left first. A comes first, right?

Page 18: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

The upper floor of the library is called the mezzanine, a good word to know in case your professor ever tells you that class will meet in the library mezzanine. This, the left side of the mezzanine, has several study tables, each strategically placed to help you study with the best view out the windows no matter what the season. This is an

excellent place to study, or just relax.

Page 19: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

Here we are on the right side of the mezzanine, which is like the left but with fewer tables. These shelves hold some of my favorite books – the history books. I’ve been

known to disappear into the shelves for days. When I turn up missing, look here first.

Page 20: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

Through this door lie wonders and mystery, thrills and adventure for those who are most daring, most willing to … all right, enough drama. This is the mezzanine wing,

which houses, you guessed it, more books. Here you will find books on culture, language, art, music, literature, novels, and other things yet to be explored. Come

on in and read a spell!

Page 21: Virtual Library Tour Easley Library Featuring Des as your library tour guide

To the right of the door to the wing is another nice little sitting area, smaller than the one downstairs but with a great view. This one is perched beneath a beautiful

handmade quilt, and portraits of the Easley Brothers. No, they didn’t sing together, but their library endeavor seems to have taken off.

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Nice view, huh? I guess that covers just about everything up here, except…isn’t that a doorway between those bookshelves back there? Wanna go see it?

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This little study corner is the closest thing to a balcony we have. It’s quiet, peaceful, and has a great view of the quad. This would be a great place to get some reading

done when all the big brown chairs are full.Too bad we couldn’t squeeze a few back here!

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One last look before we leave – doesn’t this seem like a great place to study?

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Wondering why I didn’t show you where the bathroom is? Well, here you go – down the stairs and through the door.

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Great tour, everybody. So glad you stopped by! Hope to see you soon and often. Oh, and if we aren’t home when you drop by, drop your books here. I should be out

of the way by then. Bye!

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