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Vitrification, crystallization behavior and structure ofzinc aluminosilicate glasses

Laurent Cormier, Ludovic Delbes, Benoit Baptiste, Valérie Montouillout

To cite this version:Laurent Cormier, Ludovic Delbes, Benoit Baptiste, Valérie Montouillout. Vitrification, crystallizationbehavior and structure of zinc aluminosilicate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Elsevier,2021, 555, pp.120609. �10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2020.120609�. �hal-03168161�

Page 2: Vitrification, crystallization behavior and structure of


Vitrification, crystallization behavior and structure of zinc

aluminosilicate glasses

Laurent Cormier1, Ludovic Delbes1, Benoit Baptiste1, Valérie Montouillout2

1 Sorbonne Université, CNRS, MNHN, IRD, Institut de minéralogie, de physique des

matériaux et de cosmochimie (IMPMC), 4 place Jussieu, F-75005 Paris, France

�2 Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux: Haute Température et Irradiation CEMHTI, CNRS

UPR 3079, Univ. D’Orléans 1D Avenue de la Recherche Scientifique, F-45071 Orléans

Cedex 2, France


The glass formation, crystallization behavior and structure were investigated in the ZnO-

Al2O3-SiO2 system. The boundaries of the glass forming region are defined, indicating the

absence of glasses along the ZnO-SiO2 binary and the role of Al to improve glass formation.

The crystallization behavior has been clarified for representative glass compositions showing

first crystallization of willemite near the ZnO-SiO2 binary and a metastable zinc aluminosilicate

solid solution for higher Al2O3/SiO2 content. Gahnite appears as a second phase and is mainly

present near the center of the tectosilicate join. Glass structure was studied using 27Al NMR

spectroscopy, neutron and X-ray diffraction and molecular dynamics simulation. Both Al and

Zn are shown to be distributed between four-fold and five-fold sites. The proportion of [4]Al is

more important near the ZnAl2O4-SiO2 join. A remarkable similar behavior is revealed for the

glass forming ability and structural properties between MgO and ZnO aluminosilicate systems.

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1. Introduction

Aluminosilicate glasses are critical compositions in many technological applications (fibers,

flat panel displays, chemically strengthened cover glass, waste containments), in geology as

equivalent to magmas and are the subject of numerous fundamental research studies. The

aluminosilicate glass network is mainly characterized by the degree of Al-Si ordering and the

Al speciation. While Si4+ cations are always tetrahedrally-coordinated in ambient conditions,

multiple coordination for aluminum has been observed in CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CAS) [1][2], MgO-

Al2O3-SiO2 (MAS) [3] and CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 glasses [4]. This variety of environment

around aluminum comes from the lower ability of divalent cations to stabilize Al in four-fold

coordination, [4]Al, compared to monovalent cations (Li+, Na+ etc). Zn2+ is another divalent

cations which is an important component added for ceramic glazes [5][6][7], bioactive glasses

[8], optical glasses and glass-ceramics [9][10][11][12][13][11][14]. Addition of zinc to oxide

glasses has important beneficial effects: ZnO is considered as a useful flux in the melting

process, lowering the viscosity, and it also improves the chemical durability and mechanical

properties [15][16][17][18]. By contrast, its presence in Li or Mg aluminosilicate glasses favors

devitrification [15][19]. These two roles of stabilizing glass component or nucleating agent

could be due to different coordination sites for Zn. In the former, a tetrahedral configuration

implies the presence of low-charge cations to compensate the charge deficit of ZnO4 tetrahedra.

As a consequence, less modifier cations are available to depolymerize the network that is

stabilized. This can be especially beneficial for borosilicate glasses considered for nuclear waste

disposal [20]. The presence of high coordinated Zn sites is suspected to favor nucleation.

However when high-coordinated sites are present, there is predominantly ZnO4 tetrahedra


The ZnO-Al2O3-SiO2 (ZAS) system is important in many applications of functional glass-

ceramics due to the opportunity to crystallize gahnite (ZnAl2O4) [23][24][14] or willemite

(Zn2SiO4) [25][26]. Zincite (ZnO) can also crystallize in more chemically complex glasses [27].

Those crystals have suitable host matrix for doping with many rare earths and transition

elements, providing efficient luminescence [28][29].

The ZAS phase diagram has been studied by Buntig [30] and recently reinvestigated

showing significant differences with the previous reported data [31]. Though the glass forming

region has been addressed in Buntig’s work, a more complete investigation over the ternary

diagram is necessary to determine the complete glass forming region.

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The aim of this work is to investigate the glass composition range and the crystallization

behavior in the ZnO-Al2O3-SiO2 ternary system as the glass forming region is not ascertained.

We analyzed the impact of ZnO on crystallization properties and compare the results with other

divalent cations, in correlation with structural information.

2. Experimentalmethod

2.1. Samplepreparation

The studied compositions (Fig. 1) were prepared by melting dried Al2O3, SiO2 and ZnO

oxides. The appropriate quantities of oxides were mixed in an agate mortar in batches of ~5 g.

The powder was heated above the melting temperature between 1500-1700°C in Pt-alloy

crucibles, for a few hours in air with an electrical furnace. The sample was quenched in few

seconds by dipping the bottom of the platinum crucible into water. After grinding, a new melt-

quenching operation was repeated to ensure chemical homogeneity. Several glasses (shown in

yellow in Fig. 1) were melted using aerodynamic levitation device using air as flowing gas and

CO2 laser as a heating source, yielding glass sphere of about 1 mm in diameter. The chemical

compositions were determined by EPMA (Electron Probe Micro Analysis) using a CAMECA

SX100 electron microprobe at the Camparis Center (Sorbonne Université, Paris, France) and

reported in Table 1. All glasses are transparent (except ZAS90.05 and ZAS85.07 that contain a

large proportion of bubbles) and were observed using optical spectroscopy to determine phase

separation and amorphousness was checked using X-ray diffraction. Glasses are labelled

according to the nominal chemical composition as ZASx.y where x = mol%SiO2, y=

mol%Al2O3 and (100-x-y) = mol%ZnO.

The density (d) of the samples was measured using the Archimedes method with acetone as

the immersion liquid. From the densities and chemical compositions, the molar volumes (VM)

were calculated as the ratio between the molar mass and the density of the glass. The values for

d and VM are reported in Table I.

2.2. Thermalanalysis

Thermal stability and the phase transformation behavior were studied using Differential

Thermal Analysis (DTA) using a LABSYS-evo (SETARAM). Approximately 70 mg of ground

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glass was filled into Pt crucibles in powders with particles sizes between 100-50 µm. Heat flow

measurements were achieved by scanning from room temperature to 1200°C with a 10°C/min

heating rate, under an argon flow of 1.5 bar pressure. Glass transition temperatures were

measured at the minimum of the derivative of the heat flow versus temperature. Crystallization

temperatures were determined at the peak maximum of the exothermic peak.

Table 1

Chemical compositions determined by EPMA, densities and molar volumes of the ZAS

glasses. Sample Chemical composition (mol%) d (g cm-3) VM (cm3 mol-1)

ZnO Al2O3 SiO2

ZAS90.05 5.36 6.51 88.13 - a -

ZAS85.07 6.91 8.25 84.84 - a -

ZAS75.12 12.01 13.29 74.70 2.59 ± 0.02 26.4

ZAS72.07 17.61 11.16 71.23 2.73 ± 0.02 25.1

ZAS68.16 15.24 16.19 68.57 2.71 ± 0.01 25.9

ZAS68.11 21.01 11.60 67.39 2.91 ± 0.01 23.8

ZAS60.10 28.41 10.32 61.27 3.11 ± 0.01 22.6

ZAS60.20 21.21 22.01 56.78 2.57 ± 0.01 28.7

ZAS60.25 13.61 25.53 60.86 2.74 ± 0.01 26.9

ZAS50.10 39.60 10.80 49.60 3.35 ± 0.01 21.8

ZAS50.20 27.68 20.26 52.06 3.03 ± 0.02 24.6

ZAS50.25 23.35 25.29 51.36 2.99 ± 0.01 25.1



20 30 50



15 35 50



10 40 50

ZAS45.27 26.75 27.81 45.44 3.06 ± 0.01 25.3

ZAS42.29 27.74 29.06 43.20 3.09 ± 0.01 25.3


(levitation) 30 30 40

ZAS40.10 49.17 9.86 40.97 3.70 ± 0.01 20.2

ZAS40.15 41.33 15.12 43.55 3.45 ± 0.02 21.8

ZAS35.10 54.20 10.98 34.82 3.90 ± 0.01 19.6 a This samplecontains a large proportion of bubbles that prevents an accuratemeasurement of its


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2.3. HighresolutionsolidstateNMRspectroscopy

The 27Al high-resolution NMR experiments have been conducted at 20.0 T (850 MHz) on a

Bruker AVANCE spectrometer equipped with high-speed MAS probe head (spinning rates

30 kHz, aluminum free zirconia rotors of 2.5 mm diameter). 1D MAS spectra have been

acquired after a single short pulse (p/10) ensuring a quantitative excitation and quantification

of 27Al central transition. Chemical shifts were referenced relative to Al(NO3)3 1M solution.

The spectra have been simulated using DMfit software [32].

2.4. NeutronandX-raydiffraction

The neutron diffraction data were performed using the 7C2 Diffractometer at LLB

(Saclay, France) [33]. Glass powders (~4g) were loaded into a cylindrical vanadium can of

6 mm in diameter. The diffracted intensities are recorded with an incoming wavelength of

l=0.592 Å, giving access to a Q-range of 0.7-21 Å-1 (Q = 4psinq/l, with q the scattering angle).

Standard data corrections (detector efficiency, background and container scattering, absorption,

multiple scattering, inelastic effects and normalization from a vanadium standard) were applied

to obtain the structure factor, SN(Q).

The X-ray diffraction data were collected using a laboratory Panalytical Empyrean (Amelo,

Netherlands) diffractometer equipped with Ag Kα radiation (0.5609 Å), operating at 36 mA

and 50 kV, and a scintillation detector. Powder samples are placed in a kapton capillary, 1 mm

diameter. Data were measured in a Q-range of 0.3-21 Å-1. The same acquisition strategy was

used for measuring the contribution of the empty kapton capillary. The total structure factors

for X-ray diffraction SRX(Q) were extracted with the PDFgetx3 program [34].

High-temperature X-ray diffraction (HT-XRD) patterns were collected using a PANalytical

X’Pert PRO (Amelo, Netherlands) diffractometer with Co Ka radiation operating at

40kV/40mA. In order to identify the crystal phases formed upon temperature, measurements

were carried out in situ using an Anton Paar HTK 1200 furnace (Graz, Austria). Scan data was

collected by a X-Celerator detector over an angular range 10° ≤ 2θ ≤ 90° at room temperature,

750 °C, 850 °C, 950 °C and 1050 °C, using an acquisition time of 45 min and an average

heating rate of 10°C/min (including ramps and measurements). Selected samples were prepared

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as coarsely crushed powders to limit surface crystallization. X-ray diffractograms analysis was

performed using X-Pert High Score Plus (Panalytical) software to identify the crystalline phases

from their peak locations and intensities using ICDD patterns.

2.5. MolecularDynamicsSimulations

The DL_Poly code [35] was used to perform Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations on a

cubic box containing 4225 atoms with the composition of ZAS50.25. The density was fixed to

the experimental one. Morse type interaction potentials between atomic pairs were described in

a previous publication [36]. The system was first equilibrated at 5000 K in the NVE ensemble

for 1 ns with an integration time step of 1 fs and then quenched to room temperature in a NVT

ensemble using a Berendsen thermostat and a quenching rate of 4.1012 K s-1.

3. Results

3.1. Glassformingdomain

Figure 1 presents the ZAS ternary diagram with the glass forming region (in red) determined

in this study. This domain corresponds to samples being completely amorphous with no

macroscopic phase separation or partial crystallization (phase separation has not been probed

by Transmission Electron Microscopy that could provide evidences of nanoscopic

heterogeneities [37][38]). Some samples (grey squares) are mixed crystalline and glassy part

but the glassy part was not analyzed and could deviate significantly from the nominal

composition. The boundaries are not exactly defined since the glass formation depends on many

factors, among which the quenching rate or the use of a crucible or not. Quenching by dipping

the bottom of the Pt crucibles into water allows the synthesis of glasses marked with red

squares. Using aerodynamic levitation with laser heating, it is possible to extend the vitrification

domain since crystallization from the melt/crucible interface is abolished. Using this technique,

glasses in the peraluminous region can be synthesized (yellow squares in figure 1) but have not

been further investigated in the present work due to the low quantity. Though volatilization can

result from the levitation process, past studies on similar aluminosilicate glasses have shown a

limited effect on the composition [2]. We then decided to include these points in the glass

forming region.

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Though Buntig reported glasses with high ZnO content and poor SiO2 content [30], we were

not able to reproduce this result with a furnace having a maximum temperature of 1700°C or

by laser heating. In this latter case, an important volatilization is observed. Zn-rich glasses,

partly crystallized (grey points in figure 1), can however be obtained.

We were not able to synthesize glasses along the ZnO-SiO2 binary, even using aerodynamic

levitation. Samples along the binary result in a phase separated glass containing a ZnO-rich

glass matrix and SiO2-rich droplets according to a previous investigation [9]. Only willemite

(Zn2SiO4), ZnO and SiO2 crystals can be formed in this binary and a large immiscibility gap

forming above 1400°C exists for SiO2 > 50mol% [31]. It is necessary to add 10 mol% Al2O3 to

improve the glass stability [9]. This is consistent with aluminum playing a network forming

role improving glass formation.

Fig. 1. Glass formation (in red) in the ZnO-Al2O3-SiO2 ternary system. Glasses found in

previous investigations are also shown [30][9][39].

3.2. Density

The composition evolution of density and molar volume is given in Fig. 2 as a function of

the ZnO content. An almost linear trend is observed. As ZnO content increases, the density

increases and the molar volume decreases. The low molar volume at high ZnO content indicates

a denser packing of the glass structure. This suggests that Zn2+ cations are easily inserted into

the free volume of the aluminosilicate network. A MD study indicates that the Si-O-Zn angle

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decreases with ZnO addition, reducing the volume between Zn and Si units [40]. Geometrical

and structural changes allow for the more compact network structure at high ZnO content.

Fig. 2. Density and molar volume of ZAS glasses (Table 1) as a function of the ZnO

content. R = ZnO / Al2O3.

3.3. Crystallizationbehavior

DTA and HT-XRD were used to determine the crystallization behavior of some selected

glass compositions (Table 1). Typical DTA curves are shown in Fig. 3 and the glass transition

temperatures (Tg) and crystallization temperatures (Tc) are reported in Table 2. It can be seen

that Tg values decrease as the ZnO content increases. These values are also lower compared to

other aluminosilicate glasses containing divalent cations [41][42][43].

Several exothermic events can be observed in the DSC curves, corresponding to the

formation of different crystalline phases. At high silica content, a single broad exothermic peak

is observed at 930-950°C. With the addition of ZnO (ZAS68.11), an additional sharp peak at

~1045°C appears. The crystallization peaks are shifted towards lower temperature as the SiO2

or the ZnO content decreases. When ZnO content increases, multiple peaks and shoulders

indicate the formation of several crystallite à ne phases. The crystallization appears at the lowest

temperatures for the glasses with high ZnO content.

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Fig. 3. DTA curves of the ZAS glasses. The asterisks indicate the glass transition.

Table 2

Characteristic temperatures (±1°C) determined by DTA measurements. Sample Tg (°C) Tc1 (°C) Tc2 (°C) Tc3 (°C)

ZAS75.12 760 950

ZAS68.16 777 954

ZAS68.11 731 932 1046

ZAS60.10 719 906 1040

ZAS60.20 759 962 1016 1050

ZAS60.25 792 934 966

ZAS50.25 752 907 1003

ZAS50.20 728 876 1007

ZAS50.10 704 910 1028 1082

ZAS45.27 747 922 970

ZAS42.29 748 919 974

ZAS40.15 698 870 981

ZAS40.10 688 866 949 981

ZAS35.10 676 809 884 957

In order to determine the nature of the forming phases, HT-XRD measurements have been

recorded from 750°C up to 1050°C, with 50°C step and an average heating rate of 10°C/min.

The main crystalline phases and the temperature treatments are reported in Table 3. Except the

sample ZAS35.10 that presents willemite peaks at 750°C, all the other samples remain

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amorphous until 850°C.

The first phase appearing is usually a metastable zinc aluminosilicate solid solution (ZAS-

s.s.). ZAS s.s. is a stuffed derivative of ß-quartz [44], in which Si4+ is partially replaced by Al3+

and small radius cations (Li+, Mg2+, Zn2+) enter normally empty interstitial holes in the open

silicate framework. This high-temperature form is stabilized over the low-temperature a-quartz

due to the presence of Al3+ and Zn2+ cations. The structure of Znx/2AlxSi3-xO6 has been studied

recently based on the lithium stuffed derivative of ß-quartz (LiAlSi2O6) [45]. It was found that

Zn2+ is located in tetrahedral (3a) positions.

ZAS s.s. transforms rapidly to ß-quartz s.s. and willemite for the samples with low Al2O3

content. The ß-quartz s.s. can correspond to the broad peak observed for ZAS75.12 at 950°C in

Figure 3. The crystallization temperature is gradually shifted to lower temperatures for other

samples due to the incorporation of Al and Zn in the ß-quartz structure.

Table 3

Main crystalline phases determined by XRD at 850, 950 and 1050°C (phases in brackets

indicate small Bragg peak intensities and thus small amounts, as opposed to the other phases

that are dominant). Sample 850°C 950°C 1050°C

ZAS75.12 ß-quartz s.s. ß-quartz s.s. ß-quartz s.s.

ZAS60.10 ß-quartz s.s.

(cristobalite) ß-quartz s.s. / a-Zn2SiO4 /


a-Zn2SiO4 / gahnite /


ZAS60.20 ZAS s.s. ß-quartz s.s. / gahnite ß-quartz s.s. / gahnite /


ZAS50.10 ZAS s.s. / ß-Zn2SiO4

/ (mullite) ZAS s.s. / a-Zn2SiO4 a-Zn2SiO4 / gahnite

ZAS50.20 ZAS s.s. / mullite gahnite / a-Zn2SiO4 gahnite / a-Zn2SiO4

ZAS50.25 ZAS s.s. ZAS s.s. / gahnite gahnite

ZAS40.15 ZAS s.s. / ß-Zn2SiO4

- ZnO / mullite

a- Zn2SiO4 (ß-Zn2SiO4) /


a-Zn2SiO4 / gahnite

ZAS40.10 ZAS s.s. / ß-Zn2SiO4

- ZnO / (mullite)

a-Zn2SiO4 (ß-Zn2SiO4) /

ZAS s.s.

a-Zn2SiO4 / gahnite

ZAS35.10 ß-Zn2SiO4 / a-

Zn2SiO4 (ZnO)

a-Zn2SiO4 (ß-Zn2SiO4) /


a-Zn2SiO4 (ß-Zn2SiO4) /


At 950°C, gahnite can be detected for compositions near the center of the ternary (ZAS60.20,

ZAS50.25, ZAS50.20 and ZAS40.15) and, at 1050°C, gahnite is observed in compositions of

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low Al2O3 content (ZAS60.10, ZAS50.10, ZAS40.10 and ZAS35.10). This phase is the only

one present in ZAS50.25 at 1050°C. Willemite appears for glass composition near the binary

ZnO-SiO2, with ß-Zn2SiO4 crystallizing first, before its transformation in a-Zn2SiO4 as

temperature increases.

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Fig. 4. XRD patterns representative glasses heat treated at various temperatures (25 °C, 750 °C,

850 °C, 950 °C, 1050 °C, 1150 °C). Crystalline phases are identified with the following

symbols: * = ZAS-s.s. (ICDD card N°00-032-1455); ◊ = ß-quartz s.s. (ICDD card N°01-075-

1555); ° = gahnite (ICDD card N°01-074-1138); = cristobalite ((ICDD card N°01-077-

8675); + = a-Zn2SiO4 (ICDD card N°00-008-0492); x = ß-Zn2SiO4 (ICDD card N° 00-014-

0653); • = mullite (ICDD card N° 01-089-2814); ^= ZnO (ICDD card N° 01-071-3830).

3.4. Aluminumspeciation

27Al NMR spectra are shown in Fig 5. The signal exhibits a broad asymmetric lineshape with

two shoulders and span the range of [4]Al, [5]Al and [6]Al. The lineshape is due to distribution of

both quadrupolar interactions and chemical shift, regularly observed in disordered materials

like glasses. 27Al MQ-MAS spectra have been systematically acquired for all samples. Figure

6 shows the example of 27Al MAS and MQ-MAS spectra for ZAS75.12 glass. The 2D spectrum

indicates clearly that the signal is composed of at least two contributions attributed to [4]Al and [5]Al. As previously done [1][4], the quantitative MAS spectra are simulated using the NMR

parameters extracted from more resolved MQ-MAS spectra. Table 4 groups the isotropic

chemical shift (diso) and proportions of each aluminum species. In all cases, [4]Al is the main

component, but higher coordinated species are also detected as previously observed in MAS

and CAS glasses [46][3][47][4] or in sodium aluminosilicate glasses containing ZnO [48]. The

chemical shift for [4]Al varies by about 6 ppm between ZAS75.12 and ZAS40.15 samples. The

variation depends upon both the Si/Al connectivity and the ZnO content then a correlation

between the chemical shift and composition will require a systematic investigation over a large

range of sample composition. A recent study on Ca-Mg aluminosilicate glasses suggest that the

content in M2+ ions is more important than the Si/Al ratio [49].

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Fig. 5. (Left) 27Al 1D NMR spectra for the ZAS glasses. (Right) Proportion of [5]Al in the

ternary ZAS system.

Fig. 6. (Left) Typical 27Al 1D NMR spectrum (left) and (right) contour plot of the 27Al

MQ-MAS NMR spectrum for the ZAS50.25 glass. The bottom curves of the left panel are

fitted peaks for the three different Al sites.

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Table 4

Isotropic chemical shift (ppm) and proportion of [n]Al species corresponding to the

percentage of Al atoms coordinated by n oxygen anions obtained from the 27Al NMR analysis.

The uncertainties are estimated to ±0.5ppm and ±1% for chemical shift and proportion


Sample [4]Al [5]Al [6]Al

diso (ppm) % diso (ppm) % diso (ppm) %

ZAS75.12 61.9 80 38.0 18 15.4 2

ZAS72.07 62.1 97 32.2 3 - -

ZAS60.20 64.2 79 35.9 19 9.75 2

ZAS50.25 64.7 77 39.4 21 8.9 2

ZAS50.20 65.7 88 38.4 11 9.7 1

ZAS50.10 64.7 94 35.0 6 - -

ZAS40.15 67.1 93 37.3 6 16.2 1

3.5. NeutronandX-raydiffractionandMDsimulations

Neutron and X-ray diffraction were acquired on the ZAS50.25 sample and compared with

MD simulations. A quantitative fit of the diffraction data was not tempted due to the overlap of

several pairs (Si-O, [4]Al-O, [5]Al-O and Zn-O). The ZAS50.25 model obtained by MD is

qualitatively close to experimental diffraction data, since the main features of the structure

factors and PDF functions are reproduced (Fig. 7). However, this model bears significant

differences in intensities at low-Q values indicating that the medium range order is not perfectly

reproduced by the MD simulations.

The Al-O Partial PDF (PPDF) shows a first peak at 1.8 Å , followed by a minimum at 2.35 Å

(Fig. 8a), which was used for the cut-off distance to calculate coordination numbers. [4]Al, [5]Al

and [6]Al are found in proportion 58%, 35% and 7% (Fig. 8b). These values are higher than

those determined by NMR (77%, 21% and 2%) but are qualitatively consistent with a high

proportion of high coordinated species. The large values can result from the fast quenching rate

that is intrinsically a limit of the MD method.

Similarly, the Zn-O PPDF has a first peak centered at 2.0 Å, followed by a minimum at 2.5 Å

(Fig. 8c). The site distribution shows different sites with 4-, 5- and 6-fold coordination (Fig.

8d). Using a cut-off at 2.5 Å, a majority of 4-fold (43%) and 5-fold (48%) sites are determined.

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Again, overestimation of high coordinated sites might be induced by the MD quenching rate

but the results indicate that high-coordinated Zn sites are present in ZAS glasses.

Fig. 7. Comparison of the PDF functions for ZAS50.25 between the MD model and the

experimental one for (a) neutron diffraction and (b) X-ray diffraction data. The inserts compare

the MD and experimental structure factors.

Fig. 8. (a) Al-O PPDF extracted from MD model of a ZAS50.25 glass, showing the cut-off

distance rC used to calculated the average coordination number. (b) Evolution with the cutoff

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distance of the Al-O average coordination number (right axis) and of the cation site distribution

(left axis) for Al in a MD model of a ZAS50.25 glass. (c) Zn-O PPDF extracted from MD model

of a ZAS50.25 glass, showing the cut-off distance rC used to calculated the average coordination

number. (d) Evolution with the cutoff distance of the Zn-O average coordination number (right

axis) and of the cation site distribution (left axis) for Zn in a MD model of a ZAS50.25 glass.

4. Discussion

4.1. Glassformingability

The glass forming ability (GFA) in the ZAS ternary has received little attention. GFA

measures the ease for producing a glass upon cooling above liquidus temperature, which is

related to the critical cooling rate needed to avoid crystallization. The GFA can be assessed by

the resistance of a glass against crystallization upon reheating, which is defined as the glass

stability (GS) [50].

The GFA for ZAS can be compared with other divalent cations (Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+)

[51][46][4][52]. While the vitrification ability at high concentrations of Al2O3 is limited in

aluminosilicate systems containing monovalent or divalent cations, the CAS and SAS (SrO-

Al2O3-SiO2) ternaries are atypical since glasses can be formed with very low SiO2 amount and

up to the CaO-Al2O3 binary for the CAS system. Opposite to these systems, the ZAS and MAS

systems show very similar glass forming domains except that MgO-SiO2 glasses can be

obtained in a narrow compositional range from 50 to 33 mol% SiO2 [53][54]. Since no binary

ZnO-SiO2 glasses can be formed, Zn2+ ions have a lesser GFA compared to Mg2+. However,

the lower SiO2 content of MAS glasses is 42 mol% (MAS42.14) while SiO2 content of 30mol%

can be reached for ZnO-rich glasses (ZAS35.10). In spite of these differences, the overall

similarity between ZAS and MAS glass forming domains suggests a similar structural role for

Zn2+ and Mg2+ cations.

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Fig. 9. The ZnO-Al2O3-SiO2 ternary phase diagram (data from [31]) showing the

crystalline phases and the glass forming region in red.

From the phase diagram [31], it can be observed an increase in the melting temperature for

high amount of Al2O3 or ZnO, which is related to a decrease in the GFA, explaining the

difficulties to obtain glasses in the lower part of the ternary (Fig. 9). During our synthesis

experiments, significant volatilization can occur for these compositions. The ZAS phase

diagram is characterized by few binary crystals (gahnite ZnAl2O4, willemite Zn2SiO4, mullite

Al6Si2O13) and no ternary compounds (Fig. 9). A wide range of compositions, covering the

glass forming domain, is dominated by the stability region of gahnite.

The crystalline phases appearing in the course of controlled thermal treatment were

determined by DTA and HT-XRD analysis. The same average heating ramp was applied in

both measurements but HT-XRD patterns were recorded over a plateau of 45min. Diffraction

wit lower acquisition time could be obtained on synchrotron and will allow to have similar

heating treatment than DTA allowing a better interpretation of the thermodynamics events and

allowing the potential observation of metastable phases. The first phase appearing is a

metastable zinc aluminosilicate solid solution (ZAS s.s.), corresponding to the first exothermic

peak on DTA scans (850-950°C). It was shown that crystallization of ZAS s.s. occurs mostly

on the surface [45]. With increasing temperature (950-1050°C), this phase decomposes into

binary phases and gahnite. Simultaneously to the formation of the binary phases, the exsolution

of Zn and Al from the ZAS s.s. results into the formation of ß-quartz s.s. (high-temperature

Page 20: Vitrification, crystallization behavior and structure of


quartz). This is in agreement with a previous study showing the initial crystallization of ß-quartz

s.s. or ß-willemite s.s. between 820-900°C [39]. When the SiO2 content is less than 50 mol%

(ZAS40.15), ZAS s.s. formation does not occur and ß-Zn2SiO4 phase is detected first at 750 °C

then this phase transforms at higher temperature to a-Zn2SiO4.

We were particularly interested in the influence of glass composition on crystallization path

of gahnite. This latter phase does not crystallize during the first exothermic peak, but it is

associated with the second or third exothermic event. With higher amount of ZnO and Al2O3,

gahnite crystallizes in the third stage after the formation of willemite and ß-quartz s.s., though

these glass compositions are still in the stability field of gahnite. Willemite and gahnite appear

after exsolution of Al3+ and Zn2+ from the ZAS s.s.. Willemite is favored near the ZnO-SiO2

join according to the phase diagram, while gahnite is the dominant phase near the ZnAl2O4-

SiO2 tectosilicate join. Gahnite formation is important around the ZAS50.25 glass composition

in which gahnite can even be the only phase present at 1050°C. In the DTA curve, this phase

corresponds to the pronounced crystallization peak near 1000°C.

4.2. InfluenceofAlspeciationonGS

Aluminum usually improves glass formation for systems containing divalent cations. Indeed

the glass forming range in M2+-O-SiO2 binary is limited, for instance around enstatite (MgSiO3)

or wollastonite (CaSiO3) compositions, and an important liquid-liquid immiscibility is well

known at high SiO2 content [51][46][4][52]. Addition of Al2O3 increases the network

connectivity resulting in higher viscosity and lower crystallization kinetics. The tectosilicate

compositions are particularly prone to vitrification and can allow very low SiO2 content, as for

CaO and SrO aluminosilicate glasses.

As observed in previous studies of aluminosilicate glasses containing divalent cations

[46][3][47][4][52], 27Al NMR spectra reveal that aluminum is in majority four-fold coordinated

but there is a large concentration of [5]Al and, to a lesser extent, of [6]Al for all glass

compositions investigated. The behavior is different in alkali aluminosilicate glasses in which

almost only [4]Al species is evidenced [55][56]. Comparison with other systems containing

divalent cations (Fig. 10) shows that ZAS glasses have the highest proportion of [5]Al species

for glasses along the tectosilicate join. Formation of [5]Al is favored in the order Zn2+ > Mg2+ >

Ca2+ > Sr2+,Ba2+ > alkalis [48][52][46][4]. This behavior is in agreement with the assumption

that cation field strength (CFS), defined by the ratio z/r2 with z and r denoting the charge and

Page 21: Vitrification, crystallization behavior and structure of


cation-oxygen bond length (Table 5),controls the formation of five-fold coordinated aluminum;

the higher the CFS the higher the proportion of [5]Al [57][58][48].

Table 5

Valence, cation-oxygen distance and cation field strength.

Cation valence cation-oxygen bond


Cation field


Al3+ 3 1.77 [59] 0.96

Zn2+ 2 1.96 [60] 0.52

Mg2+ 2 2.00 [61] 0.50

Ca2+ 2 2.35 [60] 0.36

Sr2+ 2 2.62 [60] 0.29

The proportion of [5]Al does not increase continuously with Al2O3 addition. The [5]Al content

increases from the M2+O-SiO2 join towards the tectosilicate join. A maximum in the proportion

of [5]Al is observed in aluminosilicate systems close to the center of the tectosilicate

compositions at 40-50 mol% SiO2. For low-silica CAS and SAS glasses [1][52], the [5]Al

content decreases markedly near the aluminate compositions. No such maxima can be observed

in the ZAS system which is limited to glasses with SiO2 content higher than 50 mol%.

High-coordinated Al species are not energetically stable and they should have significant

influence for many properties, especially those related to transport mechanisms. The loss of GS

when going to the peraluminous region was proposed to be related to the formation of [5]Al

[62]. The presence of [5]Al can directly (as nucleation site for the crystal formation) or indirectly

(due to fluctuations in structural organization to compensate this site) impact the crystallization

behavior. For instance, gahnite formation seems favored in the composition domain containing

a high [5]Al proportion. The high-coordinated species also modify the local viscosity. As

proposed in previous investigations on CAS glasses [1][46], [5]Al can be a transition state

similar to [5]Si species determined in alkali silicate melts and both species can play an important

role in the mechanisms of viscous flow [63].

Page 22: Vitrification, crystallization behavior and structure of


Fig. 10. Comparison of the proportion of [5]Al in aluminosilicate glasses containing divalent

cations (Mg2+: MAS; Ca2+: CAS; Sr2+: SAS; Zn2+: ZAS) (a) as a function of the SiO2 content

for a constant ratio M2+O/Al2O3= 1 (curves are guides for the eye) and (b) as a function of the

ratio Al2O3/M2+O.

4.3. Roleofzinc

In crystalline structures, Zn2+ is mostly tetrahedrally coordinated (a-Zn2SiO4 [64], ZnO)

with Zn-O distances in the range 1.85-2.04 Å and, rarely, octahedrally coordinated with longer

Zn-O distances 1.98-2.26 Å. This latter is not favored due to its 3d10 electronic configuration

and a high polarizability of Zn2+ ion.

However, in oxide glasses, 5-fold coordinated Zn is also suggested. In alkali silicate glasses,

Zn is mainly tetrahedrally coordinated at high SiO2 content, and octahedral sites appear when

SiO2 < 50 mol% as suggested by X-ray diffraction [21]. However, authors concluded that “the

coordination is close to, but significantly greater than, 4”. Similarly MD simulations of Na2O-

ZnO-SiO2 glasses indicate that 5-fold coordinated Zn species increase with increasing ZnO

content and this coordination can become majority at high ZnO content (> 40 mol%) [65]. In

Mg aluminosilicate glasses [19], EXAFS suggest a tetrahedral environment but the authors have

underlined that irregular Zn configuration should be present. In the present study, the MD

simulation of ZAS50.25 glass confirm that Zn is almost equally distributed on 4-fold and 5-

fold sites (Fig. 8).

Pentacoordination is not uncommon in glasses and can be observed for Mg or transition

elements (Ti, Ni, Fe) [61][66][60]. It is particularly interesting that Zn2+ and Mg2+ adopt similar

site speciation with relatively lower coordination compared to Ca2+, Sr2+ or Ba2+.

Page 23: Vitrification, crystallization behavior and structure of


High field strength cations tend to bond relatively strongly to oxygens and to be able to

dictate their own local environment. They can be considered to play an intermediate role

between network formers and network modifiers in glass structure. Increasing CFS enhanced

the network disorder [67][68] and favor high coordinated Al species. Indeed, the low [4]Zn

coordination sites suggest that Zn can compete with aluminum in network forming positions.

A significant proportion of Zn is thus not available for charge compensation of (AlO4)-

tetrahedra. Furthermore [4]Zn can be located in interstitial position in the aluminosilicate

network and distort the structure, which could also favor the formation of [5]Al. This behavior

is more associated with a modifying role though Zn has a low coordination number.

5. Conclusions

The ZnO-Al2O3-SiO2 (ZAS) ternary system has been investigated to determine the glass

forming region and the crystallization behavior. The range of vitrification for ZAS is similar to

MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system with no glass formation possible along the ZnO-SiO2 binary and the

ability to elaborate glasses for high ZnO - poor Al2O3 compositions. The first crystalline phases

to appear are willemite near the ZnO-SiO2 binary and a metastable zinc aluminosilicate solid

solution for other compositions. With further heat treatments, this latter phase gives binary

phases and gahnite. Near the ZnAl2O4-SiO2 join, gahnite is mostly favored and becomes the

main phase for ZAS50.25 glass composition. The structure was investigated using 27Al NMR,

neuron and X-ray diffraction coupled with Molecular Dynamics. As for other aluminosilicate

systems, [4]Al is the dominant species but a large fraction of [5]Al is present especially close to

the tectosilicate join. Zn is also distributed between four-fold and five-fold coordinated sites,

which could imply a dual structural role.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing interests or personal relationships

that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

Credit authorship contribution statement

Laurent Cormier: conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis writing – original draft,

supervision. Ludovic Delbes: investigation, writing – review & editing. Benoit Baptiste :

investigation, writing – review & editing. Valérie Montouillout: methodology, investigation,

formal analysis, writing – review & editing.

Page 24: Vitrification, crystallization behavior and structure of



We gratefully thank Joan Brahamcha-Marin for his help in glass synthesis and DTA

measurements and Brigitte Beuneu and Jacques Darpentigny for appreciable supports in

neutron data acquisition. Financial support from the IR-RMH-THC FR3050 CNRS for

conducting the research is gratefully acknowledged.


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