Page 1: Voice in the Villages | August Edition


Voice in the VillagesPO Box 442Alpharetta, GA 30009

Translation – Every month we send a PDF prepared with essential material to help these rural pastors. As of this month, we have hired four full-time translators to translate these PDF’s into Chinese, Moore, Xhosa and Arabic.

Printing – Once translated, these PDF’s will be printed and placed in a notebook. Then they will be recorded and added to an MP3 player because many of these rural pastors are illiterate!

What are the costs? We provide the costs of labor for our full-time translators, the printing and notebook costs, and transportation costs to the villages. 

Simple Concept. Even though we believe the concept is simple that does not mean there are not many ways to get involved. You can submit your material to be published to us at [email protected], you can help create awareness of the need, and you can give financially to help accelerate the systems in place.


North AfricaMoha’s StoryMoha lives in Qsar Moui, a red mud-brick village of only 3,000 people lying in a picturesque green valley watered by a lone natural spring and surrounded by brown desert peaks close to the border of Algeria and Morocco. Everyone speaks a native dialect of Berber called Tamazighet. Most have learned Arabic at least in the Moroccan dialect. There are four mosques in Moha’s town and no churches. In fact, there are no Christians at all within a two-hour drive that we know of…except Moha. Moha heard of Christ in 1994 through short wave radio. He accepted Christ over ten years ago and has received many threats for his faith. He has been praying that God would send someone to help him convince his wife, ten children, and many grandchildren of Christ. Through the Voice in the Villages project we are giving Moha the tools and knowledge he needs to reach his family and village for Christ.

Would you prayerfully consider helping us in this endeavor? The Voice in the Villages project really understands the great need on the mission fields and meets a need in a very simple, tangible manner. We are very grateful for their partnership.

Article from Project North Africa Team Members Tyler and Aaron

Translating and redistributing Christian resources as a means to fight against the theological famine in villages around the world.

Page 2: Voice in the Villages | August Edition

A Monthly Newsletter August 2011

Voice in the Villages 2

Abundance of Resources?Ben Johnson, Missionary in Training to China

If you take a moment and think, it is easy to see how blessed we are at the abundance of resources we have available to us. Multiple study Bibles, expository dictionaries, Bible map books, various commentaries, concordances, and the list could go on of all the many books that may be on just our book shelves. Now add to that everything that is available on the internet – sermons from preachers both alive and dead, online courses in theology, blog posts, and so much more.  We have at our fingertips nearly unlimited access to anything we could use to help us study God’s word. Try to imagine studying the Bible without those helpful tools. How difficult would that be? No concordance to look up words, no dictionary to define words you have never seen, no commentary to help shed light on a difficult passage. This may be imaginary for you but it is reality for thousands of pastors all around the globe. When we think of getting materials to national pastors around the world, we usually only think of sending only Bibles, and without a doubt it is incredibly important to get the Word of God into the language of the people. However, what

many national pastors also need are study materials. They would greatly benefit from books which will help them study the Bible and learn correct doctrine. Though many people have a Bible in their native tongue, they do not have even a concordance which, to us, is the most basic of study tools. Recently, many pastors and Christians were killed by the government of a communist country. They had heard a well-known televangelist tell them the world was going to end on a specific date. Relieved that their suffering would soon be over, they gathered on a mountain to await the promised coming of Christ, it was not Christ who came for them but the government. While some escaped, the majority were slaughtered.What if they had the resources to have known the errors of this televangelist? What if they could have heard and learned correct doctrine to guard themselves? Perhaps their story would have turned out differently. Study tools are desperately needed to help national pastors and Christians become better equipped to do the work of the ministry and guard themselves against false teaching. Consider what you can do to help Voice in the Villages get these materials in countries around the world.

Voice in the Villages

God has opened a door for us to make a difference in places around the world where very few people, if any, are going. I want to ask you to pray with me about getting out into the small villages of the world. We need help! There are so many who hunger for the Word of God but live outside the reach of most churches, TV ministries, and mission stations. We are talking about areas in the 10/40 window that are still relatively untouched. They need materials. Some are already saved. They are caught up in every wind of doctrine that comes along. We can help them by putting good biblical doctrine in their hands. Read this and get involved!

Voice in the Villages is a ministry to some of the least reached peoples of the world. We, with the help several strategic partners, are helping lead up the outreach in rural locations throughout the world—in places like villages in communist China, the Mossi people of Burkina Faso, the Xhosa people in South Africa, and small villages in Northern Africa where Islam has a strong hold.

Austin Gardner,

Pastor of Vision Baptist Church

Interested in Helping?

Send your donations to:Voice in the VillagesP.O. Box 442Alpharetta, GA 30009

Please make checks out to Vision Baptist Missions with “Voice in the Villages” in the memo.

You can also make donations online via

Simple Concept. Several Countries.God has truly blessed this endeavor from day one. We already have 3 offices up and running since we began this project in April of this year!

Burkina FasoImagine begging the spirits for rain, even going as far as to sacrifice grains from your dwindling food supply in hopes that it will come. If you do not plant soon, your family will not survive another year.  For now, the ground is parched and dry, much too dry to till.  Imagine working with your hands all day under the sweltering sun only to come home to a little mud hut with no power or running water.  Imagine waking up in the middle of the night when it is pitch black and all is silent, deathly silent. As you lay on your little mat, too hot to sleep, too hot to even move, you wonder, is there more to this life?  

There are villages all over West Africa where people struggle day to day just to survive. Does God love them less because we consider them poor? No! The beautiful word “whosoever” includes people of every race, kindred, and tribe. It includes our friends in air-conditioned work places and comfortable homes as well as our friends in villages all over this world, villages where most outsiders will never go and inhabitants will have little contact with those outside.  For so many years, spiritual darkness has reigned in these remote villages.  In some of these areas, there are beautiful mosques or “churches” teaching false doctrines which offer no sure hope of eternal life.  Someone has carried them a message but not the truth.  We have a desire to reach them with the gospel of Jesus Christ before it is too late.  Through Voice in the Villages, we will work together to impact these villages.  Would you pray for this project and get involved in carrying the gospel to people who may have never even heard of Jesus Christ?

MoroccoA man studying to become a Muslim imam will spend thousands of hours reading commentaries on the Koran. He will benefit from massive libraries, television shows, and even articles in his local newspaper. In contrast the very small percentage of people in Morocco who profess Christ will have a very limited amount of resources accessible to them. 

Project North Africa has currently employed a part-time translator at the cost of $400 a month. He has translated the 100-page Voice in the Villages document the past two months. The believers have expressed how extremely blessed and grateful they are to study about their wonderful Savior in their heart language of Arabic.

Here is one of many opportunities for you to make a huge impact in the spread of the Gospel among unreached peoples. It may be several decades before the believers will be able to have anything near the level of formal training we are afforded in America. In the next couple of months, however, with your help we can get much needed Bible teaching literature in their language.

ChinaIn 2001, 64% of the Chinese population resided in rural areas. This percentage has been steadily declining over the last decade, however, the majority of China still live in sections labeled rural or urban-rural. Anything that is true about a large portion of China is true about a large portion of the world considering China is the world’s largest country with over 1.4 billion inhabitants. In the rural areas there has been significant growth in the charismatic house churches. Much of what you hear about the growth of Christianity in China is really just a report of the growth of false gospel teaching Charismatic churches.  We must provide solid Biblical Gospel teaching to these villages to help them as they find answers from the Scripture of God’s Word and not the literature of Charismatic denominations. We currently have one part-time translator that translates 100 pages of Biblical materials for distribution into the villages of north eastern China. Our team on the field has identified several villages which have congregations who would benefit from and readily receive these materials. We hope to have a full-time translator soon.

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