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of the wheatbelt

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ForewordThe world is changing at a very rapid pace

as the centre of global power moves to the

Asia Pacific region, the structure of the world

economy is found wanting in the face of a

downturn unprecedented in a lifetime, and

the extreme weather events associated with

climate change become a more frequent

reality with each passing month.

At the same time, there is a struggle for

identity going on in Australia. There are many

cultures that now make up our national tapestry, but our nation has

become the most urbanised on the face of the Earth. Only twelve per

cent of Australians live in non-urban communities. The vast spaces

of our continent are emptier than they ever were before the coming

of the Europeans more than two hundred years ago. This raises the

questions of just who the global Australians of the 21st century will

be, where will they find their identity, and how will they strengthen

their resolve to succeed in adversity?

All these forces and questions come into focus in Western Australia’s

Wheatbelt as communities struggle to make life interesting,

challenging and rewarding for their young people–for it is these

young people who will decide through their commitment whether

communities live or die in the longer term. Looking at the landscape

through fresh new eyes and a different set of experiences helps us all

to understand how important this challenge is.

This is what makes the work of the Community Arts Network Western

Australia (CAN WA) so important. The Voices of the Wheatbelt

project is an important part of CAN WA’s aim to help communities

to strengthen the role of culture in sustaining this identity. Most

importantly, it is about bringing Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal

people together in appreciation of the physical and spiritual aspects

of the landscape, which is their shared heritage and will be the

enduring source of their culture.

Every individual and organisation involved in this project is to be

congratulated in helping to offer this opportunity for young people

to explore their heritage through the camera lens and to give

expression to the way they see themselves in the landscape. The

personal self-esteem in being able to do this and to be recognised

for it is vital in building understanding and commitment to the future

of their community.

Voices of the Wheatbelt provides a new window on a part of Western

Australia that is significant in both the Aboriginal and European

history of our nation. It should be recognised as a considerable

triumph in developing community and one important step on the

way towards reconnecting Australians with the landscape that will

sustain them into the future.

Lieutenant General John Sanderson, AC

Chairman of the Indigenous Implementation Board

of Western Australia

Governor of Western Australia 2000-2005

Disclaimer Throughout the project over 140 photographers took nearly 26,000 images. In each session, each

photographer was assigned a numbered memory card and their photos were carefully stored in their

individual folder. Sometimes the photographer became the subject as a friend or classmate spotted a

great shot. In these large group situations, it just wasn’t possible to keep track of the camera swapping.

For that reason, some of the photos in this book maybe credited to the subject rather than the photographer.

Wherever we could, we have tried to credit the images as accurately as possible.

© Community Arts Network WA Ltd. 2009

357-365 Murray Street Perth WA 6000 t 08 9226 2422 f 08 9226 2230 e [email protected]

This book is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part

may be reproduced without prior written permission from the publisher. Requests and inquiries

concerning production and rights should be addressed to Community Arts Network WA Ltd,

PO Box 7514, Cloisters Square WA 6850 or [email protected].

Every reasonable effort has been made to contact copyright owners of materials reproduced in

this publication. The publishers welcome communication from any copyright owner from whom

permission was inadvertently not obtained.

This project was funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Families,

Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.

National Library of Australia Cataloguing-In-Publication data:

Voices of the Wheatbelt

ISBN: 0-9581235-5-1

Compiled by Ivy Penny

Design by Natalija Brunovs (Seedpod)

Printed by Quality Press

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IntroductionThe Voices of the Wheatbelt project is one of the largest community

arts initiatives that the Community Arts Network of Western Australia

has undertaken in its 25 year history.

As with many of our projects, Voices started with a few good ideas, a

huge amount of enthusiasm, passion, energy and the conviction that

creativity is a powerful force that builds bridges and inspires people.

We embarked on this project with the belief that we could make a

difference in the lives of the people of the Wheatbelt.

Voices of the Wheatbelt created an opportunity for the community

to explore and express their sense of place and belonging, to discover

or rediscover relationships with each other, their families, community

and the environment. More than 200 people from Tammin, Kellerberrin,

Quairading and Merredin taught us that there is so much untapped

richness in the Wheatbelt. People in the community have so much to

offer, in particular, the Aboriginal people, custodians of the land. They

generously shared their wisdom, culture, knowledge and values during

this project.

There are many tangible and intangible outcomes that community

projects such as Voices of the Wheatbelt generate. Participants

expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to learn new skills

in photography and communicate their stories. School principals

and partners shared with us the impact that these workshops had on

students’ self esteem, providing the opportunity for students to learn

creatively, succeed and be recognised within the community. What we

might not be able to measure, evaluate or even ever know, is what really

happens to each individual who participated at a deeper and more

intimate level. Only they will know how this project impacted in their

own lives.

I have powerful memories of those moments when I felt I learnt

something and my creativity and contribution was valued and

appreciated. When I worked together with others, when we made

something exceptional that we could call ‘ours’. I only hope that all the

children who felt valued and recognised will carry that positive feeling

well into their adult life. I hope that they remember this project, and

that it may be an incentive to become involved in future community

arts projects.

Projects like this are critically important for our organisation. It allows

us to stay connected to the interface where practice informs theory and

theory informs practice. We had thousands of photos to choose from,

and the small sample in this book is testimony to the communities’ skills,

the love for their place and the creativity that can be awakened through

the amazing process of community arts practice.

There are so many people I would like to thank, too many to mention

individually here. They are all acknowledged for their contribution at the

end of this publication. I must, however, acknowledge each and every

student and adult who participated in Voices—without your creativity

and generosity this publication would not exist.

Pilar Kasat

Managing Director

Community Arts Network Western AustraliaL Melissa Macarthy

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The story behind the projectVoices of the Wheatbelt evolved from CAN WA’s ongoing

commitment to the Eastern Wheatbelt and partnership with the

Aboriginal community of Kellerberrin.

A youth arts program that included photography sparked the interest

of local young people and provided the basis for CAN WA to develop

a broader initiative which included the communities of Merredin,

Quairading and Tammin, as well as Kellerberrin. CAN WA could see

the opportunity to create a platform where local people and school

students could come together, explore their place and community

while developing creative skills.

Over three school terms in 2008, students from Tammin Primary School,

Kellerberrin District High School, Quairading District High School,

South Merredin Primary School and Merredin Senior High School

participated in photography excursions and songwriting workshops.

Over 16 weeks, CAN WA staff and photographers James Berlyn and

Vinn Pitcher and Perth songwriters, Djiva (Della Rae Morrison and

Jessie Lloyd) facilitated this project.

The syllabus for the photography workshops was created with the input

of Della Rae Morrison, James Berlyn and Vinn Pitcher. Six classes from

the five schools, totaling over 100 students, learnt about the technical

and artistic aspects of digital photography, including the elements of

design, composition and ways to use light on weekly basis during term

studies. They were challenged to complete creative tasks and problem-

solving activities using a Canon Coolpix L10 or L11 digital camera. By

the end of the semester, the students had taken more than 16,000

photos. As the project progressed, song writing and music workshops

were incorporated with students writing and recording songs about

their town and school. The following school term, exhibitions were

held at each of the five schools. Students, teachers, parents and

local dignitaries were invited to see the work of each student who

participated in the project.

In the later part of 2008, CAN WA continued the project by facilitating

skill development workshops for adults in each of the four towns

with professional photographer, Annette Kent. The workshops were

advertised widely within the community at local telecentres, in the local

newspaper and online. The involvement of local groups such as Yok Yurk

Aboriginal Women’s Association, The Country Women’s Association

and Njaki-Njaki Cultural Centre encouraged the participation of over

40 non-Indigenous and Indigenous community members.

Follow up workshops were held in Kellerberrin, Quairading, Tammin

and Merredin. These workshops focused on the photos that were

taken by both the adults and student participants, in particular, photo

selection, photo naming and caption writing. The adults and the

students came together in these workshops to discuss the photos

they had taken and to tell a story about their images. Discussions

were broad on the subject of each photograph. How people who live

in the country are represented, the places in which they lived, the

environment and the people that live in their community were just

some of the stories shared.

For all the staff involved, the project required a huge amount of time,

energy and commitment. The coordination of workshops, excursions,

transportation, facilitators and safety, culminating in the selection of a

handful of images out of the 26,000 captured, has been a mammoth

undertaking, made possible by the goodwill of those involved.

Following the workshops, the photos appeared in exhibitions at

significant events in the Wheatbelt, including the Unity Walk during

NAIDOC week in Quairading, the Badjaling Noongar Cultural Festival

and the Wheatbelt Cultural Festival in Northam. The project culminated

with the production of this publication, in which every participant is

represented. An exhibition was hosted at Kidogo Arthouse in Fremantle

as a means to enhance the connections between the city and the


Since the conclusion of the workshops, an evaluation has been conducted

by Dr. Christopher Sonn from Victoria University. The evaluation examines

the outcomes of the project from the vantage points of the participants,

program facilitators and the evaluators. The feedback from the project

has been overwhelmingly positive. The project not only offered the

opportunity to learn basic photography skills, more importantly it

allowed for people to come together, to be with others and do things


Since the completion of the project, we have seen the creation of a

camera club in the town of Quairading with over 15 members meeting

to take photos on a regular basis. The Voices of the Wheatbelt has

forged important connections between CAN WA, local people, relevant

organisations and local shires as well as facilitating positive creative and

community outcomes for the Eastern Wheatbelt region.

The aim of Voices of the Wheatbelt was to bring people together and

literally give voice to the individual and collective perspectives, that

inform local identity. It is about uncovering and rediscovering the unique

aspects of Wheatbelt life and applying the medium of photography to

capture and celebrate the heart of these communities.

CAN WA has made a pledge to support Indigenous cultural development

in the region with Voices playing a key role in building relationships with

community. The images represent the beginning of a journey to uncover

and celebrate the unique magic and beauty of this place, both in the

people that live here and the landscape that binds them. As this journey

progresses, more stories will be discovered and points of view shared.

We warmly invite you to take a look inside…

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‘Even though our town is small, there are big things within it...’

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L-R Chaya Cousins; iesha stack by James Berlyn (Artist).

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L-R Brendan Groves; Danielle Canova; Colin Harrison; Rani McCarthy.

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‘love of the bush ... animals ... calm ... crickets ... bird noises ... no traffic.’

L-R Barb Greaves; Kevin Humphries; Elena Wong.

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‘We should take the time to stop and appreciate

nature. Stop and look at the world all around us.‘

Previous Page L-R Anne Hawksley; Sharon Heir;

Wade Mackintosh; Cameron Davey.

L-R Victor Hayden; Lauren Holst (facilitator).

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L-R Morgan Wallwork; Erin Garlett; Brenda McIntosh.

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L-R Lisa Mackin; Jodie Pengel; Kristy Colbung; Ethan Cooper.

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Community Arts

‘It breaks down the silence between communities.’

‘Older and younger people, varying age groups and people new to the community were brought together.’

‘It’s all about talking about the same thing at the same level...’

L-R Kylie Mackintosh; Faye Christison.

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L-R Shanice Smith; Iesha Stack; Elena Wong.

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L-R Apryl Longford; Brittany Hayes.

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L-R Colin Harrison; Keliesha O’Breza; Marika Hayden; Lauren Holst (facilitator).

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L-R Bridie Luers; Jodie Pengel; Steven Bayley; Meg Natoli.

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L-R Caitlin Phoebe; Carolyn Stokes; iesha stack, courtney Little & sharon Heir by James Berlyn (artist).

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L-R Eileen Hall; Janet Stokes; Faye Christison; Helen Heinrich.

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L-R Kylie Mackintosh; Lisa Mackin; Helen Heinrich.

‘It’s a dry and hot time of


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L-R Curtis Mackin; Zane Jones; Danielle Conova; Jay Costantini.

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L-R Maria Garlett; Tyson Gors; Kyle Dalton; Maddy Hooper.

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L-R Carrie Yarra; Brigitte Shenton; Danita Hayden.

‘For country folk who depend on the weather...their faith is a very important part of life.’

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L-R Alex Brindley-Cavanagh; Bridie Luers; Eileen Hall.

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L-R Tammin Primary School student; Photo of Percy Boundry.

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L-R Joel Hancock; Marika Riley by James Berlyn (Artist); Alex Brindley-Cavanagh; Sharon Heir.

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L-R Joel Hancock; Alex Brindley-cavanagh by James Berlyn (Artist); Alex Brindley-Cavanagh; Iesha Stack.

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L-R Chrissi Smith; Cortney Dorant; Don Woodock; Christopher Canova.

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L-R Joshua Westberg; Mellisa Macarthy; Telariah Boundry.


‘It’s a starting point to bring people together...’

‘Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal kids had the chance to come together and learn about history, land, bush tucker.’

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L-R Erin Garlett; Neville Kickett; Aubrey Nelson.

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L-R Carolyn Stokes; Brigitte Shenton; Meg Natoli; Kyle Dalton.

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L-R Margaret Hutchinson; Kevin Anderson; Mikayla Ball; Bradley Dyer.

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L-R Kris Hayden; Emily Powell; Stephanie Taumalolo; Luke Cousins.

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L-R Georgianna Crane; Kimberley McIntosh; Jessica Hadlow.

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L-R Marika Hayden; Lachlan Crane; Millie Charlton.

‘As it is today, communication has always been a vital part of our existence in the bush.’

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L-R Corey Dixon; Jack Charlton; Curtis Mackin.

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Previous Page L-R Anne Hawksley; Amy Batchelor; Lisa Mackin.

L-R Wade Mackintosh; Jessica Slater.


‘What became apparent very early on in the workshops was that all the students responded well to the camera technology and user-friendly functions. The students all ready had a high level of visual awareness.’

‘The help that was given was great, learning about the different types of shots and explanations in relation to taking photos was interesting. There were so many different ideas; we learnt a lot.’

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L-R Chelsea Wells; Josh Hayden; Luke Button.

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L-R Kimberley McIntosh; Jay Costantini; Anne Hawksley.

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L-R Apryl Longford; Neil Fraser.

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L-R Brenda McIntosh; Kerry Taumalolo; Elena Wong.

‘This is what we can see from our verandah, vast open spaces, fresh air.’

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L-R Brendan Groves; Connie Yarran; Ethan Cooper; Murray Garlett.

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L-R Jake Mullen; Danielle Conova.

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L-R Danielle Canova; Bradley Dyer; Neil Fraser.

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L-R Bridie Luers by James Berlyn (Artist); Courtney Little; Malcom Garlett.

‘It’s a beautiful

and rugged

place to live... ‘

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L-R Tatyana Smith; Stephanie Taumalolo; Daniel Garlett.

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L-R Alex Brindley-Cavanagh; Katelyn Ball; Katelyn Ball; Kate Maynard.

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L-R Carolyn Stokes; Lauren Holst (facilitator); Don Woodock.

‘...if we take the time to appreciate the simple things, we continue to grow...’

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L-R Apryl Longford; Jessica Slater; Sharon Heir; Kevin Anderson.

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L-R Jorden Bell; Tyson Gors; Danial Bubb.


‘The kids really enjoyed it...I noticed in the workshops, my boy was really excited...he went up to the rocks and saw different landscapes... it was intriguing.’

‘From the school’s perspective, the kids involved in the project showed an enormous increase in confidence, particularly those who were struggling academically. The exhibitions of their work gave the students a sense of achievement and an opportunity to show how capable they are...this was the biggest outcome.’

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Previous Page L-R Jessica Backhouse; Kirralee Dawson; Marissa Walsh.

L-R Jessica Hadlow; Damien Shenton; Taneika Jefferies.

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L-R Jasman Hayden; Dougie Nelson; Chrissi Smith.

‘Conservation and learning about the species of shrubs helps our community to preserve the natural vegetation we have.’

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L-R Kerry Taumalolo; Melodie Dixon; Jordan Van Elden.

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L-R Danial Bubb; Joshua Eriksen; Apryl Longford.

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L-R Patricia Bell; Carolyn Stokes; Lisa Mackin; Val McMillan.

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L-R Scarlett Westberg; Chaya Cousins; Brigitte Shenton.

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Top L-R Danielle Hayden; Shelby Phillips; Beryl Greenwood; Jasmine Walsh; Lynette Mills; Shelby Phillips.

Bottom L-R Stella Henry; Betty Dixon; Tyson Gors; Patricia Bell; Joshua Eriksen; Michael Hayden.

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L-R Kate Maynard; Danielle Canova; Chaya Cousins; Deanna Taumalolo.

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L-R Roland Garlett; Caitlin Phoebe; Brett Hayes; Connie Yarran.

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L-R Faye Christison; Jay Costantini; Don Woodock.

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L-R Jake Mullen by Vinn Pitcher (artist); Apryl Longford; Lauren Holst (facilitator); Victor Hayden.

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L-R Danielle Hayden; Lisa Mackin.

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L-R Katelyn Ball; Don Woodcock.


‘It’s a means of expressing and healing, a way of sharing the pain and joy of life.’

‘There are now 20 people in our camera club taking photos. We share these within the community and use them to promote our town.’

‘We can now tell everybody who we are through the community’s eyes.’

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L-R Melodie Dixon; Chelsea Wells; Jorden Bell; Fraser Hinchcliffe.

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L-R Danita Hayden; Danita Hayden by Vinn Pitcher (Artist).

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L-R Sonya Smith; Sonya Smith; Lauren Holst (facilitator).

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L-R Mikaela Thomson; Michael Hayden; Celina Chivers.

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L-R Damien Shenton; Deanna Taumalolo; Victoria Garlett; Kerry Taumalolo.

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L-R Russell Taylor; Kerry Taumalolo; Cameron Davey; Peter Harwood.

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L-R Cailtin Phoebe; Maddy Hooper.

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L-R Telariah Boundry; Cailtin Phoebe; Lisa Mackin; Murray Garlett.

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L-R Kevin Anderson; Daniel Bartlett; Mikaela Garlett; Alfred McGrath.

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‘The photos are about everyday life, about our community, our people.’

‘Through exploring the environment, the students were able to learn about Aboriginal culture.’

‘It got people together again and we need to belong in such a small place.’

L Helen Heinrich

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L-R Amy Batchelor; Daniel Garlett; Stephanie Taumalolo.

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L-R Tayla Bestwick; Shelby Phillips; Russell Taylor; Tayla Bestwick; Tyler Woods.

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L-R McKayla Brockman; Tayla Bestwick; Lynette Mills; Shelby Phillips.

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L-R Janet Hall; Ashley Wray; Jessica Slater; Janet Hall.

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L-R Jane Edwards; Zane Jones; Jorden Bell.

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L-R McKayla Brockman; Cortney Dorant; Alex Brindley-Cavanagh; Cortney Dorant.

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L-R Percy Boundry; Chaya Cousins.

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L-R Brendan Groves; Kristy Colbung; Neil Fraser.

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L-R Alfred McGrath; Janet Stokes; Marissa Walsh.

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L-R Katelyn Ball; Georgianna Crane; Joan Button; Katelyn Ball.

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L-R Marika Riley; Jack Charlton.

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L-R Malcom Garlett; Kylie Mackintosh; Aubery Nelson by James Berlyn (Artist).

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‘There are still new things to discover.’

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AcknowledgementsVoices of the Wheatbelt was made possible by the collective

input and participation of so many people. In true Community

Cultural Development style; participants, community members,

schools, young people, Elders, artists, government agencies and

local businesses came together to support the devolvement of this

initiative by generously contributing their skills and creativity. Our

heartfelt thanks go out to:

The artists

James Berlyn, Vinn Pitcher, Della Rae Morrison, Jessie Lloyd and

Annette Kent, for their role in facilitating the process and sharing

their wealth of experience with the community.

The schools

For accommodating over a years worth of photography workshops,

song writing sessions and excursions. This requires a great deal of

patience and creative reshuffling. We sincerely thank all of the staff

and students, in particular:

Greg Hunt, Marilyn Lamplugh and Reynald McIntosh of Kellerberrin District High School

Kath Ward, Jacquie Sandhu, Brett Guthrie and Tanya Garlett of Merredin Senior High School

Dave Watkins and Chrissi Smith of South Merredin Primarily School

Robyn Webster and Cynthia Henry of Tammin Primary School

Elizabeth Sorrenson and Pauline Wray of Quairading District High


The Elders of Kellerberrin

Cath Yarran, Carol Yarran, Charlotte Smith, Hazel Winmar and Valma

Humphries who generously shared their stories and experience with


The Njaki-Njaki people of Merredin

Especially Kerry Taumalolo, Mick Hayden Senior, Marika Hayden,

Heather Garlett and Michael Hayden Junior for all of their assistance

and advice.

The Quairading community

Especially, Elder Winnie McHenry, Charlie Colbung and Janet

Colbung for their support and contribution to the project.

The Tammin community

Especially, Wadjella Elder Ron York, who presented a large selection

of historic photos to students at Tammin Primary School.

The shire representatives

Apryl Longford from the Shire of Quairading

Elena Wong from the Shire of Tammin

Cheryl Dimmack from the Shire of Kellerberrin

Marika Hayden and Jane Bandurski from the Shire of Merredin

The Community organisations

The Njaki- Njaki Centre, The Yok Yurk Centre, the Tammin CWA and

Bowling Club and the members of the newly formed Quairading

Camera Club.

The bus drivers

Bernard Stokes, John Ward, Greg Hunt, Neil Fraser and Marilyn


The providers of sustenance and accommodation

Pauline and James Scott at the Prev. in Kellerberrin, Rosalie McIntyre

at the Quairading Motel, Café 56 in Merredin and Succulent Café in


In addition we would like to thank

Special thank you to Natalija Brunovs from Seedpod Design for

undertaking the mammoth task of designing and compiling this

publication, Annette and Brian Kent from True Blue Gallery for their

ongoing support and advice throughout the project, Caroline Mitchell

for being such an avid supported of the project, Christopher Sonn from

Victoria University, Michael Fletcher, Jude Cotter and Phoebe Coyne.

Funding Partner

Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and

Indigenous Affairs and special thanks to Uta Conway, for her

ongoing support and advice.

The team at CAN WA

The coordination of this project and the pulling together of this

publication was without a doubt a team effort! Everyone in the

organisation contributed in one way or another. We would particularly

like to acknowledge the program facilitators Andrea Hammond,

Lauren Holst, Simone Ruane and Natalie Sholtz who assisted in

running and coordinating the workshops. Thanks to Frank Walsh

and Brenda McIntosh from the Kellerberrin office, who provided so

much on the ground support and played a pivotal role in this projects

success. Special thanks also goes to Ivy Penny for pulling together

this publication and coordinating the final phase of the project. We

would also like to acknowledge Rebecca Speidel for her assistance in

managing the marketing and communications and Pilar Kasat, CAN

WA’s Managing Director, for her continued support, leadership and

creative thinking throughout the evolution of this project.

Congratulations to all of the participants and community members

who have helped to make this project possible.

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The participantsAimee Pell

Alex Brindley-Cavanagh

Alfred McGrath

Amy Batchelor

Anne Hawksley

Apryl Longford

Ashley Wray

Aubrey Nelson

Barbara Greaves

Beryl Greenwood

Betty Dixon

Bradley Dyer

Brenda McIntosh

Brendan Groves

Brett Hayes

Bridie Luers

Brigitte Shenton

Brittany Hayes

Caitlin Phoebe

Cameron Davey

Carolyn Stokes

Carrie Yarran

Celina Chivers

Chaya Cousins

Chelsea Wells

Chrissi Smith

Christopher Canova

Colin Harrison

Connie Yarran

Corey Dixon

Cortney Dorant

Courtney Little

Curtis Mackin

Damien Shenton

Danial Bubb

Daniel Bartlett

Daniel Garlett

Danielle Canova

Danielle Hayden

Danita Hayden

David Peet

Deanna Taumalolo

Don Woodock

Dougie Nelson

Eileen Hall

Elena Wong

Emily Powell

Erin Garlett

Ethan Cooper

Faye Christison

Fraser Hinchcliffe

Georgianna Crane

Helen Heinrich

Iesha Stack

Jack Charlton

Jake Mullen

Jane Edwards

Janet Hall

Janet Stokes

Jasman Hayden

Jasmine Walsh

Jay Costantini

Jessica Backhouse

Jessica Hadlow

Jessica Slater

Joan Button

Jodie Pengel

Joel Hancock

Jordan Van Elden

Jorden Bell

Josh Hayden

Joshua Eriksen

Joshua Westberg

Kate Maynard

Katelyn Ball

Keliesha O’Breza

Kerry Taumalolo

Kevin Anderson

Kevin Humphries

Kimberley McIntosh

Kirralee Dawson

Kris Hayden

Kristy Colbung

Kyle Dalton

Kylie Mackintosh

Lachlan Crane

Lisa Mackin

Luke Button

Luke Cousins

Lynette Mills

Maddy Hooper

Malcom Garlett

Margaret Hutchinson

Maria Garlett

Marika Hayden

Marika Riley

Marissa Walsh

McKayla Brockman

Meg Natoli

Mellisa Macarthy

Melodie Dixon

Michael Hayden

Mikaela Garlett

Mikaela Thomson

Mikayla Ball

Millie Charlton

Morgan Wallwork

Murray Garlett

Neil Fraser

Neville Kickett

Patricia Bell

Percy Boundry

Peter Harwood

Rani McCarthy

Rodney Wells

Roland Garlett

Russell Taylor

Scarlett Westberg

Shanice Smith

Sharon Heir

Shelby Phillips

Sonya Smith

Stella Henry

Stephanie Taumalolo

Steven Bayley

Taneika Jefferies

Tatyana Smith

Tayla Bestwick

Telariah Boundry

Tyler Woods

Tyson Gors

Val McMillan

Victor Hayden

Victoria Garlett

Wade Mackintosh

Zane Jones

Thank you!

Kevin Humphries

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Community Arts Network Western Australia Ltd. is the peak body for

community arts and cultural development in Western Australia. Our

vision is for a future where culture, creativity and the arts are known to be

essential for community wellbeing and are at the core of a just, diverse

and resilient society. We are inspired by the values of cultural diversity

and creativity, respect of all people, culture and the environment, social

justice, creativity and resilience.

Our role is to

inspire and mobilise Western Australian communities to explore, express

and grow their unique and local culture;

facilitate and promote participation and engagement in community arts

and cultural development for community wellbeing;

actively engage in partnership development to facilitate and support

community-determined arts and culture activities and

promote the value of cultural diversity and creativity.

Community Arts Network WA

Page 93: Voices wheatbelt


Voices of the Wheatbelt represents the first

leg of a journey, a journey that involves people

getting to know each other on a deeper

level, sharing what makes them unique and

discovering what they have in common.

These pages contain just a small selection

of the 26,000 images taken by community

members from the towns of Tammin, Merredin,

Kellerberrin and Quairading between March

2008 and early 2009. Each image takes you on

a journey into an element of Wheatbelt life,

inviting you to explore the community and the

landscape through the eyes of those who live,

play and work there.

© Community Arts Network WA Inc 2009

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