Page 1: VOL. 3 #20 MAY 19, 2016 NO HIGHER CALLING · VOL. 3 #20 MAY 19, 2016 NO HIGHER CALLING ... Her roommate has a stronger spiritual interest, and her influence has been leading the young


MAY 19, 2016 VOL. 3 #20


“There is no higher work than evangelistic canvassing, for it involves the performance of the highest moral duties.

Those who engage in this work need always to be under the control of the Spirit of God.” - CM 12

“The church must give her attention to the canvassing work. This is one way in which she is to shine in the world. Then she will go forth, fair as the moon, clear as the sun and terrible as an army with banners.” RH Jan. 1, 1901

FOUR sets of the new Children’s Century Classics in one week!

by: Brent Chrishon

Well, after this past week, I can truly say that my conversion to our new set – the Children’s Century Classics Bible Stories is officially complete! The changing of the guard, in terms of the set of books which is our bread and butter - our top attraction for gaining the interest of the public, has indeed been a process for me. For many of us L.E.s who have formerly made our living chiefly by selling the old Arthur Maxwell set, transitioning

to a new set of children’s Bible books has mostly involved the necessity of adapting our new habits and thinking patterns.

And it’s not as though the new Children’s Century Classics are not awesome, and are not bringing many winsome features and advantages to the table. For me it’s been mostly my slowness in making the transition of what is new into my favorite set! Well, one of the best ways to turning what is new into my favorite, is when the new features and benefits, which previously were not available, help me to make sales that otherwise would have been lost! Thus, I would like to share with you four experiences that illustrate the deciding factors when the special features and benefits of

the new CCC set helped me to successfully place these books with precious families this week!

Experience One

The first set was purchased by two young roommates who share rent at a small apartment. One of the young ladies saw the lead book while tak-ing her niece to the doctor, and scanned the QR code using her smartphone, generating the lead which was sent to me. She told me that she observed that the books looked very interesting and was impressed that she needed to spend more time getting to know her Bible, and thought these books could be beneficial. Her roommate has a stronger spiritual interest, and her influence has been leading the young lady who sent the lead in to have a stronger desire to grow spiritually. They were both glad that I had come, and we all had a good and spiritual visit together. They got the CCC and the softcover Conflict series. The CCC wins young people with the modern features such as the QR code, making our materials

more accessible to the younger generation.

Experience Two

The second set was sold while standing at the door of an older gentleman’s home at about 8:57 pm! He had just returned from walking his dog, and he told me he was tired. The lead was for the older Bible story set, and he was going through the whole thing of “I was just trying to find out how much they cost because I was thinking I might get something for my grandkids…” He was in the process of shutting my visit down, saying that his money is tight and he’s on a fixed income. Well, somehow, he tarried just a moment, and I asked him to tell me a little about the grandkids he had an interest getting the books for. He said his son was married to an Hispanic woman and, while a nice lady, she’s a Catholic, and he was concerned for the kids being confused in their religious beliefs. I told him I had something I wanted to show him and went back to my car to get volume 7 of the CCC which reveals the Catholic Church’s traditional beliefs and the history of the Protestant Reformation. As I was leaving to get

the books he wanted to see to make sure I was not with a religious cult, I assured him that our company is Protestant, like himself.

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When I returned and placed volume 7 of the new set in his hands I told him that, best of all, our company priced this new set at about half the price of the older set. A small $50 deposit today and we would send the whole set to him and he could take care of the bal-ance at $25 a month. I asked him if he could handle $25 a month to help his grandkids learn the truth. He said “yes” and invited me in to write the order. The CCC wins with its great price point for price sensitive buyers, and its historically documented Protestant feature is a great highlight in appropriate situations. Also, Grandparents see the CCCs as great books which could reach their young,

modern kids!

Experience Three

The third set was a fantastic call with an enthusiastic buyer who LOVES to buy religious books. Their home was very comfortable, and tastefully accented everywhere you looked. The young lady loved the CCC lead book she saw at a doctor’s office, but the card pocket was empty and she was unfamiliar with the QR code. Therefore, she took a picture of the book, The Miracle Man, using her phone. Her interest was so great that she searched the internet for the books. She found the Family Home Christian Books site and had the opportunity to purchase them online; but she delayed to do so and a lead was generated and sent to me (if she had pur-chased online, I would have missed a terrific experience.) Rocky Davis, our KY/TN Publishing Director, was with me for this call and he had told me how much his children are enjoying the CCC set and how awesome the audio reading is for the story of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. This lady's’ kids were playing computer games while we demonstrated the books. During the presentation we played the audio of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho for the children. Not only is the story exciting and professionally read, but there is ambient music creating a mood of excitement, the blowing of ram’s horns, the marching of the soldiers, the shouts of victory and the crashing of the walls in the audio. The result was that we were able to demonstrate how these excellent Bible books will make a nice addition within this thoroughly modern family’s library. She also wanted the hardback Conflict of the Ages series when she saw how it is paired with the children’s set. The CCC wins with modern features that help Moms who like to buy new things for their children to know they are investing in the best for their kids. I frequently add the adult series to study the Bible deeper, because of the matching

reference at the beginning of every story.

Experience Four

The fourth set went to a family in which the dynamic was so perfectly suited for the CCC to win! This was a military family and what made the call rather odd was that as I gave the presentation to the mom, the dad sat with us in the living room and played video games in front of his large flat screen TV while we talked about spiritual things behind him. I showed both Bible story sets, but the Mom chose the new CCC for her kids. At one point during the presentation her youngest came from his room and joined us. I showed him a volume from the CCC and asked him if he liked it. He was a rather quiet young man and he glanced through many pages be-fore nodding his head yes. When he saw that the books have audio he disappeared and came back with his iPad. I told him he would

need to download a QR reader – and moments later he was ready to scan the QR code in the book.

I helped the young man navigate to the home page so that he could listen to the sample audio selection. The boy was so enraptured by the rich atmosphere created by the story reading that he played the audio the rest of the time I was in the home. As Mom and I were writing the order, the young man asked, “Mommy, when are our books coming?” Part way through the presentation the Dad put

on his headphones and was communicating and laughing with his friends in the game-world.

This is the environment in which we are tasked with helping families and these dear children learn about Jesus, God’s saving truth, and the Three Angels’ warning Message. And here the CCC wins again! The Mom purchased the CCC for the kids and the softcover adult set for her devotional study. The CCC wins in families where they are accustomed to living their lives in close connection with

electronic devices and other dazzling things which are all seeking for the heart’s affections.

In closing, the Children’s Century Classics were created to teach the sealing message found in the Conflict of the Ages set in a visually appealing manner. They’re written in an easily understandable language for a modern generation which often has not had a proper Biblical foundation laid. The attractiveness of the books, and the special modern features help make our materials more ap-pealing to this generation. And because the books have a better price point and the children’s set is paired with the adult Conflict of

the Ages set, most of us are selling more Conflict of the Ages units to families than ever before!

Friends, that means that, by the grace of God, the Three Angels’ Message is being requested by the public and brought into the homes at an ever increasing rate, at the end of the world! I thank God for the new weapons of our warfare provided to us in these new

Children’s Century Classics to reach a world of families in darkness!

Courage in the Lord friends!

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Our Star Points Winner for the 6th straight week is Hans Smars!

Congratulations Hans!

Be watching the mail for your $50.00

Testimony Stories

Don’t forget to send in your written testimonials of how God is moving in your Literature Min-

istry. Your submitted canvassing experiences will be featured in this newsletter and, for the

time being, for each testimonial used you will receive a $50.00 check, courtesy of a generous

lay donor who is a strong supporter of the Publishing Ministry.

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