
VOL I I Westfield, Saturday, September 2, 1826. [No. 13

»_ n u u m m n

T""!U,1 : o - n r v n ' . V c ' . T ' " " M V . l.V

Ar wrsTMi'i •», rs?\! T \'••>!••••. co. x. v.

«? smisa.

iibia in this r s ret, turned tfieir attention to inquirer to judge. But let M one condom: MHTtemnun n{ facilit tin;r the trarrsportahon I wrtboat first investigating the project. Hon df it to their Metropolis. Researches intoMnanyiloabtsexBtedastothe practibiKty o! theconn tn between tbe Delaware and the I the present Brie Canal. Strange indeed. Hudson were instituted and the practicahiK-1 would il bo, snire there not some sceptR tv of C« _ _ istructin*a canal nniting their wa-1 who douhted aa io t lie proposed one. Hut

Torillao-e snbscrib »••. * ' " » ' — ' " o 0 * o e | t c r a , inrestis^ited. Conrictien ofits prac-Jonenaabeef>coinpletod, and s o l trust the ind mail subscribers $-MX>. ticabihfy followed thi m-*stigation, and a 1 other will be. To bring the whole Kne into

T »co n >anie* >f I : urmore, who roc. ive J , , n i . ,p ( . r ofenh!rht'>bed individuals ot' enter-lone rii w, I will brieflj recapitulate thesum-their •:•>•,•- i? the office, $1,50. prise and <;i: it.-! embarked in the penject. IrniU and their respective levels. The font,

TT Most kinds >f country produce r e c e i - j | n , o j . t n e _ wure iucorporatcd as " t h e lis the Chantaoqne Lake , supplying witfa wa­red in payment, if delivered i:» their season, H ^ S O , , : I I U ] belaware canal company,"and tertbe levels west to Portland Harbor and

lautliomed to open books for the sale of thejeasf to tbe junction of its outlet wiihthcCon-/ i D V E R T l S E M E N T S

Not exceedinsr i square, wiU be mserted threeweeks, for$t . Forerery sobawraeiil ins ,:,,-,. 2 c snts. A liberal deduction wiU 1,. n-i'letoth «e who »dvei-tisr> bv the vear.

p .nvement of tins grew* and rrow.og plisbsnent, should be under taken first-state wh.le . c a n . or road rensnans to t h e . a passage Iron, one of the eastern be m4c. T o what p r . i t abject Can brancbea, (Chenango , Unadil la S i s their attention be directed and ,!.eir ef-; cpmhannah. j as may be found mo'sx , e a . torts be now appl ied, with most a d v a n - a i t * , finally an op in ing from the C a n -

• * £ ' h P E f •" . . . i S t e ° " i:"UhOCU" t0 l h e ^ - n ser. ga I be upper branches or head waters land Genesee / i ve r .

of the Susqoehanna i i - r ive r wthin this H e r e , [ think, b i noble field the state, present a striking feature in our genera l improvement , and for generoua physical geograpny. T h e eastern or compet i t ion to benefit the whole State principal branch of the 9nsquehnnnah |o /2Ves9-York . It should not be saarr


since, Mr. Ilcvuolds, a lectn-

tbe next session of the legislature, they were, Allegany re t rade will flow to and • for the purpose ofeffecting k,f authorised to swarnp w n e r a h c ^ die wafers of tbe AUega-nse raga creek , a navigable branch of bum the Hudson. It is a priae worth increase their stock to 6fteeo hundred thon-1 ny, and Stfsquehannah, and which will for- tbe Genesee l iver , cosnnianicating with contending foe I T L T ( ) \ isand dollars. Tfie company now faltered nish a supply from Rose Lake, and Owaya | t he E r i e canal at Rochester . I T

' ^ T Z e s ^ a f t h e C a n i s t e o i f a » r rontheSvmmi mian tneory o u n o i arm.i , . . . , , . .. - . • . i-duous and impor- Allrganv, at t o e intersection pfCold Sprmg . w a tScl ienectadT,andlecturedwithmuch t a n t undertaking Although it was later in creek, snd fros i that I «keand a asanber nt\*****w " I " » s " -"•!/> wber* the waters « «

„ , «, o tbe eve of bis departure, he , ' „ season before tl* v connnenced their op-Ism II streams as feeders, aad the Cowani - d .vnle—par t descending by the Cants -wrote a letter to tbe senior class in Union erations than, , was whoa the Erie Canal owe 1 ake andcr , ek^east toandu .tl. theTio- jteij be to the Chesapeake , and par t ,

" , . wasbemin ret at its close, more was effected ffa down tbe latter to its junction with toe falling by the Lanase raga , & c . into t he Coll ?e. requesting them to express their o- ^ ^ d o B e t h e f , r s , s , . a s o n „,, that TbeLsnsqnebannah. l o e / i a r s * mrntnit, is one St. U s r r e n c e . T h b s w a m p near Ark-1


pi lion of tlie theor*. uad send to bim at Vew-¥ >rk, .ri form <<f an answer t<» bis r -'pi. st. The class r a *. app<:..'. d a < nmmittt <, and -. • ted th< report, which was seat to New-To k . . ; . ! ' . .•:!. after made its appearance in die Commen i; I Idrertisi r. vVecheer-l :.!. comply with n'.c request ot a membci . fth( c miaaitt i , to ••>i-u'-li~!i it

!: l e e i •; i of this canal is abort .me bun- oftbe three named, between the I tebware p n r t ) which m ,- l l ; , s i|,e great basins or

Cengr*. itionai Nomination.

Da\Vve\ G. Garn^ey. From the Gazette and Advertiser.


C ' •" "i -i Letter fro


M R . ! i r > o j ] .

( ; I U ' L i vX ;• ' I * 5 l ! l ) * ' ; H C r b I i M i i i i I I ' m t m a u i i u n L u u m n - t u r n i m t u t o o n i o n a m i . . . . . nnnnnnnj - -- ~ -••»

t teS4 r j r Class ia point to tlie llndaon, one would think tbe see that they lose not bv their indolence and ' " t r r v a l s thrown a tn . s s the r ive , , with to b e held a t U t k a _. • ' , t , \ j - . .). i ,- ,!„.!!, . |.. •- most diffionlt f«rt of the whole line from inactivity, tbe advantages which Nature has

... . „• , i , . . , | thence-to Lake Eric. !t has to wend its placed within their reach. Chuntuittji.ccountif.Au<r. 19 ISL 'G .

way lurongh tbe Shawangunk mountains, nu i »'\;. :i<~;>. and I >fty ridgeoftbe Apallachianl Since writing <li

H E R C U L E & obovc we find that

a wooden lock « I small lilt at each dans, would make s l a ik water navigat ion (without a towing p a t h ) ; and an aver- ' The Fredonta Gazette remarks, with

S i V - W e b a v e bad tbe honor -of re- f 'Al leganoan chain, rooning through the Thomas.Bolton Esq.President of the Hud- „ i s J £ ~ l be sofikient to accomplish ^ . H . ^ ! , t " ^

, ; „ , vour favor o f t h e i e u , and l ̂ /'TJ^ ^T5 S ^TtTflS ^V^'^r £ff f 7*3' a n < 1 this k n p r o v e n * n t . T h e Conhocton 5 ^ *™Ut > a n n 0 " " C e , 1 ' " t h ° V1 - ,. ^^sssssssl eiii|>lijticall\ deuommj>.;«iltii. ••l.a.'UI nl . l ' . ' . . W •;•:•.•. (he ceh .rale, ransd enjri- . , . . , . , . , Uutialo I'atnot, .

Yet has the enterprise of at neers, now ra the employ of the company,

9M iii com i!i;»nce >.:tli your request, r>r«> Ci I t«i 'jive s ich an expre sion •! 'a.r >>;> . i it. an tin' m.'i'itv ..i Capi Svmmes '

o!"t:..' I nion. might, in like manner , I

private company surmounted all obstacles, | have surveyed a route from Deposit on the W e n p t o Bath, _ ra t

and nearli completed Uiisim ortant sect ion I Delaware across to the Susqnehaanah, and T h e Tioga, or south branch of the Che- J, ^ • ^ • ^ • ^ • ^ • ^ • B &••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • •> ii e... J ^sannnnnnnL ;.• .^^snannnna anna sn^^nnnnnnnnnnnl anna

, • Jamestown Journal, aod ie made naviga- P _ J . . .

:u utiles,, or bieher. h c ' l o " , a ( e a s o r ' as a ' " ^ r» r c ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ou-?ress. at tbe ensuing election." And would

theory as our brief acquaintance witb of the canal now contemplated And shall j find that a c a n a l c a a be made without dim- m u n g , is susceptible of being m a d e nav- ""•* " l , r c s , e n t , , )1S •* «be MmvOaneotu « , -— ...),„,, T h e imposing »hest^te shrink frajtuundertaking a work of | cuhy . Tbe distance is from M to 16_ miles igable about 4 0 miles u p from Painted { , rcss lon o f public sentiment, when it is tat1 S i b j e c t Wl

t", m in a bid this 5til'i<-! t was pi*

ed in vour l< cturf. rouli ••nt

not (ail t

rreater benefit, and less ditficulties, when! on that route . ^^^^^^^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^lt- , , , T h i sr

8 e t " ? . t b / ! P r a g ^ o a - Post , to or near the coal beds and iron i n . : ' individuals have undertaken and uv of the wnoleJine from r .nc to ttie Hudson. . • . • . , , • .

.» ' , . . . i i, i .. . r i. .. i uistlict in I ennsy vi.ina : and a compa-near k completed that, with «?ss benefits, and It atone opens the navigation from Hath to . . -

ipe : up-this stage of the hivesliga i ••.. h »w« » . . il C i lid not J'¥ d p i Cted til ii we -!i a.i.i • . ess any d •< i led opini >n. ! . •

probablej rut l i of any hypothesis can | j u ^ o n . ^rixn Caowuters Point, tbe canaljon account of its earlier opening m thi

known that Mr. Garnsey personally visited liaise places, and requetted his announce­ment? They proceed : •• We ba\e no he-cora niand oa r impait ia! at tention, ont- g ,,, ; . . . . , , , : , „ , - The pride, tbe honor,] Kingston, . ^ u . . - ,o ... .-I-,HM o o. .,.» - •.-•, - , r , — .

withstanding the ridicule that has for a ibegloryau iuteries of the state forbid iUl noble company, and speedy and profitable p t o v c t b e navigation of the T ioga in s , l a n c y «"» befievwg that he will be elected 1 in' T', :u • b.- i i beape 1 upon it. K\ 'I • •• summit hivej bet ween tlje Hudson and ireturns on their investments. It might per- Pennsy lvan ia , a s soon as they are n e t 1V n n overwhelming majority; indeed, we

• i . ' . : bating, Sullivan coun- j baps be remarked that the canal should ho | H corresponding opperationa in the l^ve seriona donbts whether any other can-y, and tlie two.leaitds are supplied with wa-j continued on t l«nor tbs ideof tne Allegany, ,{ate of N e w - Y o r k . T h e Cawaoisque didam can be brought before the oublic

' • i m a small pond, eivmcrrise to Biimes-iOwava, L owanisque, 1 loffa and Susquehan- , . i . L -r- N I - I - • i ..-.i i , , §«•»•«. . . . i . . ,, . 1 , •, ' , - . , , . , •• ' branch o the [ t oga ) which is navigable with anv con'-'derab e pre fec t of MK rpss "•

but ol ie Delaware, and the Ruudout ot tbi nah and east side ol the Delaware, as v.ii . . .. •- \ e • K , l i r <- io i success. . nni\ i t W

.'•> b • determined bv e\ id m ami nld bf

IU - along the valley of Busbe,kill, printr. as loroth'-r rea^onsil I.r)- ''•. — to 11;.- last number of I l i e n u-

of science, if a theory, which mad«> ma- ; 'y Jd'ter they leavd New-Jersey rod enter | je8," where Sundford and loekhmut occur, in •mi.i iy in t..o ':i : ry tliroughtlie Sliawangunk mountains, sliort

terial innovations n p o i the ri eived a ' ' " •'• ' • Winisink, tlience along the read Sandfortl and Cook hutm.

pinions of the i arn !. should, in its ; ! " " i ; , , ; ' " h t b i s ^ : ' : :h ! '"" ' " ]~' • = — • m( . : : . . - . . , " • . ' ' " .' • »*e « - • f o l a t e the friends of Interna

i ot the Dm • i ,Is, to ' ' . . . . . . , . . . . . : up ::.. . . ,-:•„< to command ready belief . . . . , ;; ,., \ j . i : . , . h ; i , i ; - . its summit, I I m P r o T « n e n t , on the progress of inform*

lor about 20 miles, takes it r i senea i the u Grand! sublime!!" This is of a piece with utmost touted mmrccs of the Genesee asserting a t Washington that his predecea-amdjitteganm ritt r«, in Pot ter ' s county mr left me ranks because he could rot conn Pa . All the branches of the C h e m u n g U l ( h ,x l n a n o f s u d l l ) I l b o m . i d r d l t h l a n t ^ , above Pa in ted Post, With a m o d , , , , ex- h l ( ! , ( , ( ! l t s m u i d s M ̂ l l k , t i n r ( , . . ^, would ahoru about 1 j.> miles ol • ^ " ^ • ^ • ^ • " b

• • i I m • • of this theory, ho we- ; , •.•• ,!...v'.i ;ht- valli v of thi- I;un.lou\ con-; '">" in relation to the resources andadvants

r n a l navigable channels firon ibe various points ol tbe compass . Painted Post is near 1 ;"> miles above N e w t o w n , and

man himself that we cannot help giving its author credit for the i rodoction.

v r, vi tii the ackn "< Ie lg»*d oi inci cf t i V At ni m phil >••; iby, and the • s lauation u a l l a d s it" various plie-nomina of the planets ami t.i^ polai le­gions, wbicii h iv • fn ut ' i lv been i..ii-i d i ri in xplicable, n ndi i it in our ..-j ii ion iii^iil} plausible.

timi rthi rdestern base ol the mono- [ges of the southern section of this state Uijs * *.. • •; ; i Warwasiner, liochcsler. and'

D\ 3 5 miles front T i o g a Point . T h e C h e -

. :. r c i . t r . t \ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

'.. <• have BOW gone through with our c \ -aminatiOu of tlie w bole line from Era to the I >u 1-on, and '. ho <an. from -n< i. investiga-

Tli..t ••>•.: kn .« ledge of the diape rind i u ..;.. ice under v e n diifen ui and f; u • Ii. p a ticabtlty oftbe work? It will tance of improrme it wdl be seen and felt.

i - . i .*

FOR TllF. WESTERS STAB. Tea, ( a;o, you have rights, and may ex-

ercise them in future numbers. But where t̂ tbe fish storv about the western member ' And ate you convinced that the people arc not to be imposed upon by such Sindbad

-aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT BBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 I .1 . 1 I . B t o n « s » a n d that e v e r * a t t e m p t t o leSSVn DUb. known, tk, more the in,, or-! • £ * « i r n * « » n d • * « **?}? P r o d a C t S !« confidence in an md.v.dual. by rc^ r lb ig

j.^o.^.w..^.. . . . . . . . . ^ . ^ , . .w^. .^ .^ . . ~"« , the fbuVwinff. from the Aloany Argus, it will snung is a stream of gent le cur ren t , aip Jarbletovyo. to the Hudson at Kingston m ^ ̂ J ^ t b e attention of the public is »ffordi good navigation. Its Hats am

turning that w;;\. in more .pearlers than one. I vallies are proverbial lor their fertility

And we trust that the mare this section of j «nd for the abundance and excellence

the countrv i

I I more While on this subject, we take the liberty

ErieCaoaL »Vejhare not now to convince J0* **™*** theeditor of the Argus, who eo\ le oftbe sq|| eriority of canal navigra- {ascribes tbe suggestion in relation to a canal

Iransportatic ire and -hoivj

expi nse and the si erage ti :.:• consumed, in

This the comple-!P a P e r '

' n d e s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ L n a a n a S ^ ' " 1

i. . ry ' niti I, cannot be denii d — T . fe •' itn •: i t r a v e l l e r and voya S'is w!io have tempted tbe dangers ••' lire polai r< - ns, have given us at besl mi ti tin, and not unfn quently contra dictorv reports. I In-s-- reports have be**n sufliei«"nl however, to render un­certain ajl oui specuUtions upon the fig ue of tbe earth. Nothing, therefore, in our opinion, could more advance the can-" of science, a thorough ?,i-quaintance with (hose n gions, either to establish tlie new theory, u* 'jive con-firmation to the old. We sincerely 'mpe that in your contemplated expedi­

tion, to bind transportation—we hare not through tbe southern tier of counties, to the .. >a- to compare and &bow tbe difference in Jamestown Jou rna l The attention of the

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ •' pub l i c w a s first c a l l e d to t h e - u h i c c t by this trans ortinga toupl mercliandizefrom given : r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .•, lei l a n d a . i j c a n .1

ti.iii of t i e I'.iie ( a n a l h a s . ! : • ! . ion . i t t a ted . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ rVe have cot now to overcome all the p r e - | F r o m t b e Ubany Argus and City Gazette.

.:.. i , . .i the pe pi . againsteatcrprizes of T h e unparal le led success o f tbe Erie mch doubtful .• ie. Their minds a ie ! m$ Chnaapla in cana l s in tbis s t a t e , has prepared for the subhmest efforts 01 hin .an 1 . , . . . . „ , . :..•,

, . awakened throughout the union a sp in t genius. We have not now, to have re- . ° , . , • • , • , course to the cani ls of China, that of Lan- « bold en te rpr i se , which , if directed to gnedoc, of the Duke of Bridgewater, or «;f pi oper objects and regulated by souini anv other foreign canal tosbowtbei r i;n- j u d g m e n t , wilt soon eflect improve-ortancc. Our own state furnishes the meets of inca lcuab le advan tage to fu-ti>n you may have the rood f.,rt««* in sf lendid P ^ Besides no room c m i a r h * for ; t a r e a g e f < T h e grea t object should nosi

. . . " L >il ' " ! t " " • • n i l i i ; . r . . . m - l dill -r. n e e ol o p i n i o n , w h i c h so . , ° , , t e * ,,•;„,,.,.,„.„ setth this Question for ever i m n i i i < . 1.1 ,- .1 . . i b e , to m a r k out a si/t,(e/n of improve-, ••' ' ' " • ' ' — • result lone; divided the Inends of Internal Improve- •' 1

f I . - . » I . I I - ' I • • . ! 1 1 W . • > / . . • t < . I . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . I 1 . : • I I ' I . ' l - l I . I l l

that would be a uch requital lor indi­vidual enterprize, ami highly honorable to mir common country .

Ace* pt, sir. OBJT sincere expressions of personal regard.

T '•>-. H-.vii i L E A L , * "| Committei ii,;-. \ . 10 ('• \V>.:M.e., >of the Senior !!;.%-.».• Pi w»rs- J Ckn .

internal ^mproucment. rORTSR v\ 1 STKli^ I ' u < -

G R E A T C E N T R A L C A N A L . Mi:! It V I

ineuts Lhemselvi a. between the route finaUj *****to b e « « « « f « * ***** *** duect .o . i adopted and the Lake Owtarki route. Every oi the s ta te anthoritiea, but partly at the thing was then new, our people had not expense t«l individuals or incorporated knowledge of thi .anal system, nor our en- companies . T h i s may prevent a clash-gmeers experience ip constracthag them, ing of local interest ob i ch would retard . \ . r . y , ou ren - i , 1 ce r , a . e , , , , e . , naned ,np i ac - ; o l defeat ll.e c l . ie lobjects , or let loose a Heat science and skill, and tlie information • e - u 1 .1 . • . .

. 1 . ...... 1...... 1 1 .1 .. . 1. < ., spirit of wild adventure that might 01 tne people enaoles tuera accurately toes- • . innate the advantages to be n aped ivw.n the; P r , , v e lOJOoos to its votar ies , and m p e opening of artificial channels of water com- j rions t o the beat interest ot the state. municauon throdgh their country. And it It is sometimes asserted that the expen .- always bj tbeenbghtned support aad * ig- |d i tu reof public money , whatever asa) orous energies of a tree people, that such] ̂ t n c r e s l i ! l t o t l , e communi ty , musi magnincent works must be accpmpbt>bed.

We have shown the necessitj of opening prove advantageous for the tune being, to the section where the money is ex

be West vVe have proved this m the i m m e n s e i n c r e a s e o f b u - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

siness on the present canal, since it has been if such it niav be called, is wlioil> r 1 .^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb *• Oi;Clied till on !i i ts w h o l e e x t e n t , from ti.." , , . . . 1 I u i | . > te -n..i V . l l - w i o o s r ' .verv t b l l l " Liuckawaxen Creek fromPennsvlvanra.— . ' , , , . . . ,, , , , g r o u n o i e s s a n a l a u a c i o u s . ' • » " j " ' l l v T I 1 . /• . , • -in fact tbat such increase has compelled the au- . 1 • 1 . ,-. :.«. r.,,-,1 .-i.^..i» ...... Tbe labors of tbe state, however, will have t e , , , . u J , , . mus t be j udged of by its nna i result atiu

TT • . : ' ' , " ' ' ! M t \ ' - -,• , r v u another outlet to tbe ocean, for tbe boundless vo the section where tbe uumey is ex • 2 - a t M ? ^ V V e b a v e p r o r e d t ^ p e n d e d ; but the merest tyro „, political the canal would be c ontinaed down the same, i o«ess , ty from the immense in . re .se <,1 bu- economy must knovv tl.a tins a r g u m e l .

T b e proposed canal from Chemung to fo falsebood, only serves to strengthen that Seneca l a k e , wil l .open a vent fas the : confidence ? But do not on this account re­importat ion into tbis stale of Coal, iri>n, j««t tbe fidi story. Do not be so cruel as to agricultural produce and lumber , from :ii!"'"lf"! the precious creature and leave it ibe C h e m u n g and its numerous bran- ' " l " ' " ^ for since you brought the an-

, it r .1 . .- . weaned bantlmgfrom Buffalo to this conntv as well as fuf-the e x p o r t . t . o o s ol tfa I U ^ S t o d k ^ n « ^ a « s a v ^ U ^ n e S salt , p las te r , m e r c b a n d i t e , & c . from this t a k e i t a i l l l c l i r i s U M i i{ by what same yon state. T h e cost of th is cana l (31 miles bke—muse it well—'tis important to show from Fainted Tos t ; with wooden lucks, the motives and character of those from has been estimated at something mote whom it had its origin. Hut to be serious: tlu.11 * 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . Wheneve r this canal i o U 8 * T » ° ! 1 this subject .(of congresemanj

''• -.- .• . . . . there is a puny, weak, and sicklv«*>n«hil-,s opened a , n a . n . u e n t scene o, - W - L ^ i ; u u l L h e ^ * ^ ^ .gallon will be unfolded. ^ conduct t»Tapubnc officer is freely criticised

T h e eastern branch , «.r Sosoueban- the cry of calumny and detraction is raised nah proper , should be united, b> a na- at once —and when did rou discover this

I * ' . . • 1 I - - - _*a « r . 1 1 , i *

Binghamton, . 0 or 22 miles m i ) l C - I wbom tbe marked distinction shown bim in In the latter dis tance, the descent ot the ih, metropolis of his district, while on his re-liver is said to be only c[) feet, b u n g turn to tfass county, had made them proud. less than two feet fall per mile. At bT this is what yon call a « puny, weakvaud Binghamton, branches fall in from the *«*[* "*"**& 1 , c . ' l ^ ^ likostuMb.-

0 ' . , . .,.| , hti I trust will ever be shown w lien a pub-nor th , north-east a n d east, and all ol l l t: o t I k . o H s m i j , , i t ! v a s , ; u M _ _ u l ( h u m ' , l l i s

them navigable i<> a greater or less rneii tcouJdcbumnodistmctiohjand a l lm-extent a t some season ol the yens . A eeotrrea to excellence would be lost. "1'is system of dams and locks on these the shreM of b in who aspires to honorable streams would extend slack water nov- stations m thegift of tbe people. I am proud eat ' .on on to Tort Watson , to G e r m a n , °* being a member oftnatcomnmnity whose indignation was excited b\ this attempt to ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i 1 i •' 11 '' ' '' '' U A i u n . ' 1 \ l111*, a11*'1

,o S h e r b n r n , t o -New Bertin, to C o o p - 1 J ^ , rf J ( a ̂ for ^ ers town, and pe rhaps to C h e r r y > ai-

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ mor that cotn-_____ _______ smmity that has feeUng, and 1 would even

T h i s navigation I10111 1 ioga 1 oint. p-eJer a mob where

to tbe point where it is intersect, d hy the

!•>'...» , . . , ; < 1 1 .u . «• .-.. 1 lliorisiii'roi a ran ioau 110m .^coeiK ciauv 10; . - •> • „,. •a. d S ' 1' v l i , > M " S T n i c t , o n f ^ l A l b a n y T v.nA will before long roauira the « * » • « » cont«o««ncet , I k e consomp-

•:at^ -JZn I y ° ' ! /I i' A p n ! erection ,,f double locks, and a parall, I canal, t ' ^ t of public wealth on objects thai r^idlvur,, ' . • , . , ' ' v l r t " i T ^ \ ' to I Uca, then Rocliester and then Buffalo, shall prove w boll v o r mainly unprodttc tapiuu pro-rressinj* m the aceemuhahmeut..... ! . . • . " T • • 1 1 ofit. The PhUadelphia market bad fonar T h l s W m P5"*^ a n n u a n c e d " J ,l"* P'venoi• tnc, is a dnec l step towards individual been supplied witb urtbricite coal of an "Jhisnie^sagetothelcgiidaturcat their last M well a s nat ional pover ty . T h e laboi excellent foimu in ^reai mi-ntilieslsession. "AU, ' says Ibe message, ' - » H put ill requisition loi temporary and uti-ty, found ss great quantities

raters of the Lnckawaxeu. sas alive to her true interest, . - , . • . , , ^. .

and early foresaw the importance of lae.l-i M ' l U l tock8' H " d P « * f M » canal on tbe aortfa itating hy every means 111 her power U l , ,pa!e ,,1 tl e .\Joh:uyk,from Utica, eastward,

J.nii.i'ie faces et saxa volant ••ct ira anna nunistrat—"*

• ____________________________________ along the several branches Off Hie SttSr

: (pieliannali, would amouut to ~t J miles, which being added to the extent ol nav I .., _ ccl&vod heartless conanunitv that can I'^atiim on the western branches would J witness wrong and injustice anmorcd.---be 4 0 0 mile, and wi tb the Chesnung J You say that you intend to make a M lree ex-canal would exceed tbe muted lengths j peas of ffl-brgotten power —and ifm doing

, , , 1 / M I.- 1. iso you can show any mine censurable, I can ot the JSrie and L bam plain canals . •> . , . - p .... ui u n * " 1 1 1 , assure tou that the people of this conntv, ot

t h e erect ion of a dam could almost I | sos (, s i c k , _ s ( . n , l l „ , I t > , }ou somu.-i, ^ ) I U . a lways be so a r ranged as to create '2 urlphun, and whose cry of detraction audca -more mill seats. The value ol these | bimny so much alarms you, will frowa in-sites would probably exceed the cost of the dams and locks. Hydraul ic

dignantty on the guilty. But, sir, your coarse is not consistent. You first armed yourseb'wilhridicule, and in all thehauchtv

near tbe bead waters of the Luckawaxeii. | , m 0 ********* , , , , : " » : r < » " " ' "• ,"sl'°' '1, ;

1 '" I m.ditable" objects, is again dismissed I power to any extent might thus be o b - j > 0 , i ' s . , . f „ , Peiiii,-U-atii-i w-is-d.v.. n. 1 , , . , , , • ( r ^ . , ; t ion, must udinu that in a short time.1 double, I". , l , , U 4 r 7 1 ™ ? . b p u w w w w j » w - g pndeof an overgrown anatocracy, (which, 1 1 .in . iv ani.i i\ a-, ...iv f to li-.r tiiie inter;, t, nana . I ...:.i to., nnai nr n r . i . : . . . : . . . i . . ^ . . . .u . . . . . . . . .1 ilip . i . ' . . • .̂ B__m • ' •

aaaj transportation ot this coal to her cummer ':ial capital. fJy an act oi* her. legislature,

will be required. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Having demonstrated this necessity, w°

therefore, she authorised Mr. \Vurls, the! have eudeayo.-e.l to show thai su< h outlet enterprising proprietor of the coal mines, to improve the aav-gation of the Lueha* waxen to its intersection with tbe DeJawan

would be opened, through the southera tier of counties, and tbat **even banded justice'' required it to b© aa, instead of opening an

The inhabitants of New-York, soon percei-lotner canal, sid. by side of the present one I T ; the a d n n t - g c i puiscuaJ by Pbiladel-1 How sr«have snecetded is for the candid J but they will desire to extend the nn-

williout savings from the pas t , or pro- i a ined , and no section ol the state, per vision for t h e future. J Imps, is better situated lor the success-

New* York having a c e h i e v e d a c i e a t j l . i l prossecutioii of manulncluics , than and glorious vic toiy , bet ardent sons the Sus ipuhanual i region, t spec ia lh will not be content to remain inactive, | w iien improvement in its navigation

while other states are endeavoring to emulate hei noble example . They want not ** another no t Id to conquer ,^

siiail have developed its dormant ie sources. T b e central c . i n m m m ation Irom the l i n e f anal , through tbe S tue cu lake, &e . being the easiest ol ac tum-

by the bye, is the true character off your party} you attempted to laugh down the western member; but failing in this, you BOW appear the champion of democracy.— A oil are on tlie wrong side, Cato, to burl luch weapons. LUCIAtZf.

Aufrust l>0.

* We would advise Lucian to Iran date hi.? i.utiu—what can appear more pedantic • ,V

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