Page 1: Volný čas – koníčky, záliby

Leisure time Hobbies and Interests

(Volný čas – koníčky, záliby)

Page 2: Volný čas – koníčky, záliby

Hobbies and interests


Hobbies for children

Hobbies for young people

Men’s hobbies Women’s hobbies

Hobbies for old people

Sports as a hobby

My hobbies

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What do people like doing in their free time?

Examples of answers:

A lot of people like doing their hobbies in free time.

Everyone likes doing something different. There arehobbies for everybody. Someone likes sports,

someone likes relaxing activity or some other type ofhobby.

People cannot just work or study but they also needsome time to relax and have fun. In their free time

they are interested in various hobbies.

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Can you name any hobbies for children?

Examples of answers:

Children´s hobbies are playing in the playfield,children games and games with animals.

Children like playing with toys – little cars or dolls,watching fairy tales or playing computer games.

Children like collecting things – stamps, postcards,car or plane models or posters. They also like

watching television.

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What are hobbies young people like to do?

Examples of answers:

Young people have many hobbies. Boys play football,basketball and tennis. Girls like playing volleyball, riding a

horse and roller skating.

There are a lot of hobbies practised by young people. They likeparting, dancing, chatting with friends, going out.

Hobbies for young people are listening to music, watchingfilms, playing computer games. They also like hanging out

with their friends.

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Can you name a few typical hobbies for men or for women?

Examples of answers:

Typical hobbies for men are sports, cars and motorbikes.Many men like fishing or watching sport on TV. Typicalhobbies for women are growing flowers and shopping.

Men prefer active hobbies, they like riding a bike,repairing their car or house. Most women and girls like

sewing or knitting. Women also like reading books andmagazines.

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What types of hobbies are preferred by old people?

Examples of answers:

Old people like going for walks or mushrooming, they goto the theatre or cinema. In winter they read newspapers or

books, watch TV and solve crosswords.

Hobbies for old people are watching television, taking care

about their grandchildren, reading books and solvingcrosswords. Many old people like reading books and


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What do you think about sports as a hobby?

Examples of answers:

Sports and games are very popular leisure-time activities. In spring and summer people can go

swimming, riding a bike and running. In winter they like skiing, sledging, skating.

There are many sports and games people can do in their free time. They can go to sports clubs an play football, tennis, golf, basketball. Women like

aerobics, dancing or zumba.

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What were your hobbies when you were a child?

Your own answers, for example:

When I was a child, I liked…………………………

In my childhood I preferred………………………...

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What do you like doing in your free time?

Your own answers, for example:

My favourite hobbies are………………...

In my free time I ………………………...

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Why is it important to have hobbies?

Examples of answers:

It is good to have a hobby in our free time. We have a rest, fun, and we spend our free time in an active

way doing various leisure-time activities.

I think that hobbies are very important for everybody. They help us relax. We would be bored

without a hobby and would not be satisfied.

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Why is it important to have hobbies?

Hobbies help us if we are tired or sad. A hobby is you best friend. I really cannot imagine my life

without hobbies.

Hobbies help people to get rid of everyday stress, and to get some rest. I think hobbies have very

important role in our life.

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