
MARY’S SHRINEVolume 76 No. 2 Fall/Winter 2015

Our Lady of Hungary





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» RectoR’s Message

Mary’s ShrineBy Reverend Monsignor Walter R. Rossi, J.C.L.

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As you read this edition of Mary's Shrine, we will be in the final stages of preparation for the Pastoral Visit of

Pope Francis to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The visit of our Holy Father is nothing less than historic. This is the first time in our 95-year history that a pope will not only celebrate Mass at the Shrine but also canonize a saint, the first canonization to take place on American soil. The announcement by Pope Francis of his intention to canonize Blessed Junípero Serra at Mary's Shrine was truly prophetic. Pope Francis has never been to the National Shrine and therefore, the Holy Father would not have known that there is a mosaic of Junípero Serra and the churches of California on the East Portico of the Shrine where he will celebrate Mass and canonize America's 13th Saint. In addition, in the sacristy of the Great Upper Church where the Holy Father will vest for Mass, there is a magnificent stained glass window of Junípero Serra holding one of the mission churches of California. This image will also appear on the banner that will hang from the northeast corner of the Shrine during the Canonization Mass.

Earlier this year, I was privileged to meet Pope Francis. I told the Holy Father that we are looking forward to his visit to Mary’s Shrine and that we are delighted he chose

this great Marian sanctuary as the venue for the canonization of Blessed Junípero Serra. I also gave the Holy Father a Spanish version of our Guide Book so that he might familiarize himself with Mary's Shrine before his visit. Although it is not possible for everyone to participate in the Papal Mass in person, I hope that you will join us in prayer through television. On Divine Mercy Sunday 2015, Pope Francis proclaimed an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, "a special time for the Church ... when the witness of believers might grow stronger and more effective." (Misericordiae Vultus, 3) This Jubilee Year, will open on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, our patronal feast day, and close on the Solemnity of Christ the King, November 20, 2016. This extraordinary Holy Year is intended to be a period which announces anew, "the mercy of

God, the beating heart of the Gospel, which in its own way must penetrate the heart and mind of every person." (MV 12) While the tradition of a Jubilee Year is as old as the Bible, the first recorded jubilee in the Roman Church dates back to the year 1300. The tradition of the Holy Door or Porta Sancta, was first established in 1500, symbolizing the doorway of salvation and the unique, extraordinary spiritual passage offered to God's people during a Jubilee Year. Holy Doors are located at the Papal Basilicas in Rome as well as one in France, in Spain and in Canada. During the Jubilee Year 2000, a Holy Door was designated and inaugurated at Mary's Shrine for the devotional purposes of those who were unable to travel to Rome. This allowed those who made pilgrimage to the National Shrine to be united with those in Rome and provided an opportunity for the faithful to experience in a tangible way, our daily pilgrimage to the Father through Jesus Christ. Among the practices which Pope Francis recommends during this Jubilee Year, is that of making a pilgrimage. As the Holy Father states in the Bull of Indiction (Misericordiae Vultus) announcing the Holy Year, pilgrimages represent "the journey each of us makes in this life" and will "be an impetus to conversion." By "crossing the threshold of the Holy Door," Pope Francis explains, "we will find the strength to embrace God's mercy and dedicate ourselves to being merciful with others as the Father has been with us." (MV 14)In preparation for the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, the National Shrine "sealed" its Holy Door on Divine Mercy Sunday. As the Holy Door at Saint Peter's in Rome is opened on December 8 to inaugurate the Year of Mercy, so too, the “Door of Mercy” at Mary's Shrine will be opened as an invitation to all who come on pilgrimage to this patronal church of the United States, to open their lives to the Divine Mercy which Jesus bestows upon all those who place their trust in him. It is my prayer that the visit of Pope Francis to Mary’s Shrine will be a source of untold blessings for this patronal church of the United States and for all who participate in the Papal events. Then, together, as we cross the portal to the Year of Mercy, may the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Mercy, lead us to experience anew, the loving compassion and “mercy of the Son of God” which “knows no bounds and extends to everyone, without exception.” (MV 24) ❦

An Apostolic Journey with Pope Francis Papal Mass and Canonization September 23, 2015







Pope Francis to Visit Mary’s Shrine

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What was hoped for is now confirmed! Pope Francis will visit the Basilica of the National Shrine

of the Immaculate Conception on September 23, 2015, during his nearly week-long Apostolic Journey to the United States.Upon official announcement, Monsignor Rossi, Rector of the National Shrine, expressed his excitement exclaiming, “We are truly delighted that Pope Francis is following in the footsteps of his predecessors Saint John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI in visiting the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. We are honored that the Holy Father will celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and canonize Blessed Junípero Serra, the first-ever canonization to take place on American soil.”

Pope Francis will visit the National Shrine on the first full day of his visit to the United States. The Canonization Mass is scheduled for 4:15 p.m. Upon his arrival, the Holy Father will walk through the Great Upper Church of the Basilica which will be filled with American seminarians and novices. There he will see firsthand the vibrancy of vocations in the United States and bless those aspirants who are heeding the Lord’s call to serve the Church as priests and religious.

Following a brief visit to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for a moment of private prayer, Pope Francis will vest for the Mass and Canonization

in the sacristy of the Basilica’s Great Upper Church. Providentially if not prophetically, a stained glass window featuring Junípero Serra that was installed nearly 50 years ago figures prominently in the upper church sacristy.

After vesting, the Holy Father will proceed outside to the East Portico of the Basilica where he will celebrate the Canonization Mass of Blessed Junípero Serra. As providence would also have it, the East





Portico has been home to a mosaic of Junípero Serra since the National Shrine’s dedication in 1959.

Due to space limitations on the Basilica’s East side and the neighboring grounds of The Catholic University of America, the Canonization Mass will be a limited, ticketed event. Ticketing is being facilitated by the Archdiocese of Washington. The Archdiocese has the difficult task of ensuring a representation of Catholics from across the United States at the Mass, to include those from California, the territory evangelized by Blessed Junípero Serra, himself.

Though many of the faithful who wish to join us in welcoming the Holy Father in person will be unable to do so, we ask that you join us in prayer and through television, radio and the internet. The Canonization Mass will be broadcast and streamed live locally, nationally and internationally by a wide variety of media outlets, to include EWTN, the Eternal Word Television Network that regularly broadcasts Masses from the National Shrine throughout the year.

For the latest information on the visit of Pope Francis to the National Shrine, please register for email updates at For commemorative items of the Holy Father’s visit, please visit

Full coverage of the Holy Father’s visit will be included in the next issue of Mary’s Shrine. ❦

Mosaic of Junípero Serra on the Basilica's East Portico.

Junípero Serra stained glass window.

O n July 4th, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception hosted the Closing Mass of the

Fortnight for Freedom, the fourteen-day period of prayer, study, catechesis, and public action called for by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for the protection of religious liberty.

Monsignor Walter Rossi, Rector of the National Shrine, welcomed the thousand plus faithful in attendance saying, “Each of you fill this great basilica in testimony that the freedom to live our lives according to our faith is fundamental to the life of believers and is enshrined by the First Amendment for the good and benefit of society as a whole.”

He also greeted the “voices for the protection of conscience and religious freedom with us this day,” to include Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington and Chairman of the National Shrine’s Board of Trustees, the principal celebrant of the Mass; Archbishop Thomas Wenski of Miami, Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, homilist of the Mass; Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, Chairman of the USCCB Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty; and Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese of the Military Services, USA; as well as a number of other concelebrating bishops and priests.

In opening remarks, Cardinal Wuerl referred to the upcoming visit of Pope Francis to the National Shrine noting, “we are very much aware of the

Holy Father’s call for religious freedom that is so necessary to permit us to carry on our works of education, outreach, charitable assistance and care for those in need.” He said, “Let us pray for the courage to boldly and joyfully stand in protection of our freedom so we may continue to live out our faith and help transform this world in which we live into a manifestation of God’s kingdom among us.”

Acknowledging in his homily that “Religious freedom is under stress throughout the world,” Archbishop Wenski echoed Cardinal Wuerl’s call to action as he shared a report by the International Society for Human Rights citing what was to many a surprising statistic—“that 80% of all acts of religious discrimination in the world today are directed at Christians.”

“Even in our Western liberal democracies,” Archbishop Wenski said, “discrimination against religion in general and Catholic Christianity in particular is growing.” He explained the growing trend of how “religious freedom is being interpreted narrowly to mean merely the freedom to worship, excluding the freedom to serve and the freedom to witness.”

“In our own country,” he said, “a new religious intolerance has established itself.” He commented on how “Christian pastors are stalked and threatened for being ‘Christian’ pastors, social scientists are expelled from universities for having turned up ‘politically incorrect’ facts, charitable organizations and confessional schools are harassed if they take seriously their faith’s moral precepts and require their employees to support their mission.”

“Happenings” such as these, said Archbishop Wenski, “give us Catholics both the opportunity and the duty to engage the world and witness to our teachings, to our vision of the life and dignity of the human person in the world.” He added, “even in the face of such intolerance, we must give witness.”

He further urged, “The right to religious freedom has its foundation in the very dignity of the human person” and he underscored that “Religious freedom is the human right that guarantees all other rights.”

“On this Independence Day,” Archbishop Wenski said, “we remember that the glory of our government is its protection of religious freedom.” He concluded, “God bless America…may she always be the ‘land of the free and home of the brave.’” ❦

Fortnight for Freedom 2015Bo

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Standing for Religious Liberty.

Archbishop Wenski delivers the homily.

Patriotic and prayerful.

M a r y ’s S h r i n e v F a l l / W i n t e r 2 0 1 5

T he Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception participated in the 2015 Annual Global Rosary Relay

for Priests held on June 1, the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, also designated as World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests.

The Basilica was one of 84 Shrines from 46 different countries from around the globe to participate in this international effort to encircle the world in prayers of thanksgiving and petition for priests during a 24-hour period.

Beginning at 00:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) on June 1, the Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and Luminous Mysteries were prayed in continuous succession through the Relay’s conclusion at 24:00 GMT. The faithful at each participating Shrine prayed an assigned set of mysteries at an assigned time, imploring the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of all priests, for her priestly sons.

Monsignor Walter Rossi, Rector of the Basilica, led the National Shrine’s “leg” of the Rosary, the Glorious Mysteries, following the 5:15 p.m. Mass which he celebrated. He said, “Today we join the universal church in praying for all priests, so that they will be more closely conformed to Jesus and faithfully serve the Church as good and holy

ministers who truly assist the flock entrusted to their care.”

Of special note, among the shrines from around the world that participated in the Global Rosary Relay were those for which corresponding chapels and oratories exist in the National Shrine to include Our Lady of Vailankanni in India, Our Lady of La Vang in Vietnam, Our Lady of Brezje in Slovenia, Our Lady of Mariazell in Austria, Our Lady of Pompei in Italy, Our Lady of Altotting in Germany, Our Lady of Bastrica in Croatia, Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal, and Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of LaSalette, both in France.

For those who participated in the 2015 Global Rosary Relay, Pope Francis imparted his Apostolic Blessing, commending them and all priests “to the loving intercession of Our Lady of the Rosary.”

The next Global Rosary Relay for Priests is scheduled for Friday, June 3, 2016. ❦

Global Rosary Relay for PriestsThe faithful pray the Rosary in thanksgiving and petition for priests.









Monsignor Rossi leads the Rosary.

Upcoming Basilica Broadcasts on EWTN (All times Eastern)

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September 23 Mass of Canonization of Blessed Junípero Serra 4:15 pm

October 2 Children of the Eucharist Children’s Holy Hour 10:00 am

November 1 The Solemn Mass of All Saints 12:00 noon

December 8 The Solemn Mass of the Immaculate Conception 12:00 noon

December 24 Choral Meditations/Solemn Mass of Christmas Eve 10:00 pm

December 25 Solemn Mass of Christmas 12:00 noon

December 25 Spanish Christmas Mass 2:30 pm

January 21 National Prayer Vigil for Life Opening Mass 6:00 pm

January 22 National Prayer Vigil for Life Closing Mass 7:30 am

January 28 CUA Mass in Honor of Saint Thomas Aquinas 12:10 pm


With the dedication of a new bas-relief honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of Our Lady

Star of the Sea, one of the oldest Marian devotions is now represented in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

Star of the Sea, also known as Stella Maris, was the name given to Our Lady by Saint Jerome circa the year 400. Long the patroness of seafarers, Our Lady Star of the Sea is a gift of the Confraternity of Our Lady Star of the Sea and the Apostleship of the Sea of the United States of America (AOS-USA). The marble rondel, located in the narthex of Basilica’s Great Upper Church, depicts Mary calming the troubled sea with the North Star above her.

The relief was dedicated on May 25, Pentecost Sunday, by Bishop Kevin J. Boland, Bishop Emeritus of Savannah and the Bishop Promoter for the Apostleship of the Sea. In his homily, Bishop Boland reflected on the Angelus and how “Mary, our Mother, responded to the invitation from the Holy Spirit which resulted in her becoming the ultimate disciple.” Noting that “Our Lady Star of the Sea aids not only the seafarers aboard ships, but also those who sail the stormy seas of life,” Bishop Boland invoked the Blessed Virgin Mary’s intercession saying, “Our Lady, Star of the Sea, pray for us.”

Monsignor Walter Rossi, Rector of the Basilica, expressed his great appreciation to Bishop Boland, not only for serving as celebrant and

Bishop Boland dedicates Our Lady Star of the Sea.

(L-R) Monsignor Rossi, Joseph Cox, Bishop Boland, Father Sinclair Oubre, and Deacon Patrick LaPoint.

Our Lady Star of the Sea

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homilist of the Mass and dedication, but also for petitioning the National Shrine, in his capacity as Bishop Promoter for the Apostleship of the Sea, to include the likeness of Our Lady Star of the Sea in thanksgiving for her intercession on behalf of seafarers.

Thanking all whose efforts made the rondel of Our Lady Star of the Sea a reality, Monsignor Rossi especially acknowledged Mr. Joseph Cox, President & CEO of the Chamber of Shipping America; Captain George McShea, President of the AOS-USA Administrative Board; Mrs. Carol Ackerman, original member of the Confraternity of Our Lady Star of the Sea; Father Sinclair Oubre, Diocesan Director of the Apostleship of the Sea; and Mr. Louis DiCocco, designer of the relief, from St. Jude Shop in Philadelphia.

Monsignor Rossi concluded his remarks with a prayer, “May Our Lady, Star of the Sea, guide, enlighten and protect all who work in the maritime industry as well as all of God’s people who sail through the pilgrimage of life; and, may the Holy Spirit which descended upon the Church at Pentecost, pour forth its seven fold gift upon us.”

Mariner’s Prayer

Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Mother of God and Our Mother, you know all dangers of soul and body that threaten seafarers. Protect your sons and daughters who sail the seas, and protect also their families that await their return. Star of the Sea, Mother of the Church, give light and strength to those priests and laypersons who bring the love of your Divine son among seafarers. Fill their hearts with a supernatural and life-giving zeal for the apostolate. Star of the Sea, light shining in the darkness, be a guide to those who sail amid the storms and dangers of life. Stir up in their midst the hearts of ardent apostles and bring all to the safety of heaven’s port. Amen. ❦

Our Lady Star of the Sea bas-relief rises above the Narthex.














Our Lady of Hungary is the newest chapel in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

The chapel was dedicated on August 29, 2015, by Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington and Chairman of the National Shrine’s Board of Trustees, and Cardinal Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest and Primate of Hungary.

Cardinal Erdő had petitioned the National Shrine to establish a chapel in honor of our Lady of Hungary and of Saint Stephen, the first Christian King of Hungary, in 2006. Upon approval that same year, Cardinal Erdő and Friar Barnabas Kiss, the appointed representative of the Hungarian Bishops Conference, began planning and fundraising for the project that

would take less than a decade to come to fruition.

The chapel is a gift of the Hungarian Bishops Conference, the Hungarian government,

and the Hungarian-American Community. It was designed specifically to reflect the Marian heritage and unique spirituality of the Hungarian people.

Central to the chapel is a beautiful mosaic of Our Lady of Hungary holding the Christ Child in her arms. On either side of the chapel, bas-reliefs depict important events in the life of Saint Stephen, and consequently to the Hungarian nation and its people.

On the right, the marble bas-relief depicts the baptism of Saint Stephen by Saint Adalbert and his coronation as King of Hungary on Christmas Day in the year 1000. On the left, the marble relief depicts Saint Stephen offering his crown to the Blessed Virgin Mary, consecrating himself and his country to the Mother of God on the date of his death, August 15, 1038.

The chapel’s walls, floor and altar are made of Hungarian marble and stone and were fabricated in Hungary. The altar itself is modeled after the

altar in the Basilica of Saint Stephen of Hungary in Budapest.

With the addition of the Chapel of Our Lady of Hungary, pilgrims

from across the United States and from around the world who visit the National Shrine can experience the beautiful devotion of the Hungarian people to the Mother of God and ask for her special intercession, “Our Lady of Hungary, pray for us.”

(Further details of the Dedication of the Chapel of Our Lady of Hungary will be forthcoming in the next issue of Mary’s Shrine.)

Our Lady of Hungary

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The Baptism of St. Stephen.

Our Lady of Hungary.

Consecration of St. Stephen to Our Lady.

Upcoming Pilgrimages to Mary’s ShrineSeptember 5 Indian American Catholic Association

September 12 Slovak Catholic Federation/1st Catholic Slovak Union Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel 50th Anniversary

September 13 Croatian Catholic Community

September 19 Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites Celebration for Saint Teresa of Avila

October 3 Diocese of Arlington

October 10 International Day of Prayer and Fasting

October 17 Consecrated Life Pilgrimage

November 7 Diocese of Trenton

December 5 Haitian Catholic Community Pilgrimage


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On October 11, 1962, Pope (Saint) John XXIII solemnly opened the Ecumenical Vatican

Council II. In his address to the bishops of the world, Pope John stated that the purpose of the council was not solely to defend and promote Church doctrine or even to “repeat at length” what was already handed on to us. The teaching of the Church was already known for its ability to oppose errors in every age, sometimes “with the utmost severity.” It was this next sentence however, that caused those present to take notice: “In the present day, the spouse of Christ prefers to make use of the medicine of mercy rather than the weapons of severity.” It was the connection between mercy and truth; a new style of proclamation and practice in the church that was “primarily pastoral in character.”

Pope John XXIII believed “Mercy” to be the most beautiful name and attribute of God. It was only after his death in 1963 that the depth of this life-long belief came to light. The spiritual diary of John XXIII, Journal of a Soul, contains several profound and inspiring reflections on this divine virtue. The following is one such entry written by a 18-year-old Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII) while in the seminary and on retreat during the Holy Year 1900. “Who can plumb the depths of [God’s] mercy? Let whosoever desires, exalt your other divine attributes … but for my part, I will never cease to sing of your mercies” (cf Ps 89:1-2). This is followed by a litany of questions, “Is mercy … not above all your other works? Are you not the Father of mercies? … Was it not you who said you desired mercy not sacrifice? … And I, I myself … am I not a sign, a miracle of your mercy?” Continuing with a recitation of parables, including that of the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan, the reflection concludes, “May we all, gathering under the shadow of your adored Cross, praise your mercy for ever!”

Pope John XXIII and Vatican II were important in the spiritual formation of

A Holy Year, A Holy Visit, A Holy ManGeraldine M. Rohling, Ph.D., M.A.EdArchivist-Curator

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Jorge Mario Bergoglio. To what extent was made clear after the conclave of 2005. During their post-conclave musings, a fellow cardinal asked Bergoglio what name he would have taken, had he been elected. Without hesitation, he replied: “I would have taken the name John, after il papa buono [the good pope], and I would have been totally inspired by him.” Eight years later, Cardinal Bergoglio became the first pope who was a product of rather than having been a participant in Vatican II. The name he chose however, was not John but Francis. Was there a change in “inspiration?” While the catalyst for the name “Francis” may have been the “Don’t forget the poor” comment of Cardinal Hummes of Brazil, his surprising and bold choice bears all the markings of someone still “totally inspired” by John XXIII. Like “the good pope” and the saint from Assisi, Bergoglio had spent his ministerial life among the people, a servant of all; he was a shepherd who “smelled of the sheep.” Like the convocation of Vatican II by John XXIII, the choice of the name “Francis” by Cardinal Bergoglio was a new wind that filled the sails of the Barque of Peter.

On the second anniversary of his pontificate (March 13, 2015), Pope Francis announced his

A Holy Year, A Holy Visit, A Holy Man

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intention to convoke the first "extraordinary" jubilee in the third millennium. An extraordinary jubilee occurs outside the “ordinary” twenty-five year cycle and is proclaimed by the Holy Father to highlight special events in the life of the Church. The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, which will open on December 8, 2015 and close on November 20, 2016, commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of Vatican II. The Bull of Indiction or the official “explanation” of the Holy Year, The Face of Mercy (Misericordiae vultus), outlines the practical features of the jubilee and encapsulates the “essential” Pope Francis. Emphasizing the theme of “mercy” Pope Francis cites the remarks of Pope Paul VI in 1965, who pointed out how charity and mercy had been the “principal religious feature of this Council” and how “the old story of the Good Samaritan [had] been the model of the spirituality of the Council” (MV, §4, see also Mary’s Shrine, Fall/Winter, 2014, “The Tiara of Pope Paul VI”).

In mercy, love becomes authenticated; in mercy—not wrath—the Being of God is revealed; in mercy, the holy essence of God finds expression. Mercy, the Holy Face of God, is the essence and spirit of this extraordinary jubilee and the foundation stone of the papacy of Francis.

A Holy Visit

The defining image of the west portico of the National Shrine is the Parable of the Good Samaritan, rendered in mosaic (Francis Scott Bradford, 1959). It is flanked by two tympana depicting the Sisters of Charity tending the wounded in field hospitals during the Civil War and chaplains

dispensing the sacraments to the wounded soldiers of WWII. From the saints who stand watch—including Francis of Assisi, Vincent de Paul, and Don Bosco—to the remaining two mosaics of Damian on Molokai and the Little Sisters of the Poor, the ministry of the Church is mercy or as Pope Francis said, “taking responsibility for the people, accompanying them, and showing mercy like the Good Samaritan who washes, cleans, and raises up his neighbor. It is pure Gospel.” In an interview six months after the inauguration of his Petrine ministry, Pope Francis used the metaphor of the Church as a “Lazaretto” or battlefield hospital, a channel of mercy and healing. This metaphor is from the epic Italian novel, The Betrothed (Manzoni, 1827), which his grandmother read to him as a young boy and which has been a part of his personal library. The Holy Father has committed portions of this novel to memory.

The west façade of the National Shrine looks out over two historical sites where mercy and charity were practiced and “proclaimed”: the land where the Harewood field hospital once stood during the Civil War (1861-1865), and the cottage at the National Soldiers Home where President Abraham Lincoln penned his final draft of the Emancipation Proclamation (1863). The location, view, and theme of the west façade was planned. Its harmony with this papacy is Providential.

A little more than a quarter of a century before the birth of Jorge Mario Bergoglio (December 17, 1936), Bishop Thomas J. Shahan penned his dream of a great church for America; a church that would reflect a story of faith and

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the people who held that faith. People, who, like Mary, confidently submitted to the mercy of God, remembering it “is on those who fear him from generation to generation” (Luke 1:50, NRSV). This national votive church became a visual curriculum, a course of study in salvation history, ecclesiology, and Mariology. In its art and architecture alone, it is a wonder. Yet, it is in the sacraments here celebrated and the devotions prayed in a wealth of languages that this “hymn in stone” takes on flesh. As Paul writes in his first letter to the Corinthians (12:12): though many parts, we are one body.

A Holy Visit

On September 23, 2015, Pope Francis will be the third reigning pontiff to visit the National

Shrine. At that time the Holy Father will declare and define Blessed Junípero Serra “to be among the saints with God” and worthy of veneration by the universal Church. This will be the first time that a canonization will be celebrated in the United States and at the National Shrine. This “first” will occur on the 95th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone, the “first stone” of this national church, by James Cardinal Gibbons on September 23, 1920. In the Upper Sacristy where the Holy Father will vest for Mass, there is a stained glass window that includes Blessed Junípero Serra and James Cardinal Gibbons.

On the east porch, where the canonization will be celebrated, the center tympanum, Christ the Teacher, defines the theme of the east façade. It is surrounded by mosaic tympana (John de Rosen, 1959) that tell the story of the evangelization of this new world by men

like Blessed Junípero Serra: Servant of God Eusebius Kino, SJ, and Stephen Badin.

One could say that the papal visit to the National Shrine on its 95th anniversary, the canonization ceremony on the east porch just yards from a mosaic depicting the arrival of Junípero Serra at Monterey (June 3, 1770), the location of this church, its art and architecture, is nothing more than serendipity. One could say that the convergence of the life of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Vatican II, the pontificates of Saint John XXIII and Blessed Paul VI is simply coincidence. One could say that were it not for the whisperings of the Spirit and the God of History, whose mercy is known from generation to generation. ❦


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A new CD titled Te Deum: The Sacred Music of Peter Latona, released in August

2015, features the Choir and Chamber Orchestra of the Basilica performing original compositions and arrangements of the National Shrine’s renowned director of music.

Conducted by Dr. Peter Latona, the 20 works on the recording were composed throughout the past 18 years of his continuing tenure at the National Shrine. Dr. Latona explains that the music was conceived specifically for the Basilica in the context of “the uniqueness of the Shrine’s size, architecture, aesthetic, liturgical style, and mission which demands music that fits all of these elements.”

Dr. Latona continued, “From poignant psalms, festive hymns, solemn acclamations, and evocative settings of the propers, the music seeks to create a powerful experience for those who worship at the Basilica.”

The CD was recorded in the Great Upper Church of the Basilica in May 2015.

Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, the CD was produced at the particular request of Supreme Knight Carl Anderson who expressed his fondness and appreciation of Dr. Latona’s music, having become familiar with it through liturgies at the National Shrine as well as the Knights Supreme Convention. Dr. Latona has directed music for the

Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention since 2007. The title track of the CD, Te Deum, was commissioned by the Knights of Columbus and is dedicated to Supreme Knight Anderson.

Also featured on the CD are works composed for the upcoming Apostolic Visit of Pope Francis to the United States. The Peace Prayer

of St. Francis was composed specifically for the Papal Mass to be held at the Basilica on September 23 at which the Holy Father will canonize Blessed Junípero Serra. The Gloria, often sung on solemnities of the National Shrine, will likewise be sung during this historic Papal Mass at which the

first canonization ever in America will take place.

Of special note, also included on the CD is the hymn Look Up and Count the Stars. The hymn’s text and music were composed by Dr. Latona specifically for the 2015 World Meeting of Families to be held September 22-27 in Philadelphia. The hymn was selected for use throughout the week-long congress and for its

Closing Mass to be celebrated by Pope Francis on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway with an estimated 1 to 2 million people expected to attend.

Te Deum: The Sacred Music of Peter Latona is currently available exclusively through the National Shrine Shops, located on the lower level of the Basilica, or online at ❦

Look up and count the stars if ye may,Thus God to Abram did declareSo shall all your descendants be

for now and all eternity.

We are the stars from God's own handreflections of his own true love,

the beauty of God's heavn'ly plan,th'eternal gift from heav'n above.

Now gaze upon the infant childwith Joseph and the Virgin nighmay all our fam'lies be like them

in peace and joy and unity.

Look Up and Count the Stars

Te Deum: New CD Released

M a r y ’s S h r i n e v F a l l / W i n t e r 2 0 1 5

Grant Lord we pray the grace to beThe shining splendor of God's loveHis radiant light of truth and hopefrom heaven down to earth below.

So gaze upon the stars on high, sing praise to God with single voice;

Accept His gift and guard it welland let his will be our hearts' choice.

Praise God the Father, God the Sonand Holy Spirit with them one

We pray they bless our fam'lies nowand throughout all eternity.

Tune: ASTRA DEI, LM; Peter Latona, b.1968Text: Peter Latona, b. 1968

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Commemorative Gifts Celebrating The Apostolic Journey with Pope Francisto The Basilica of The National Shrine

of The Immaculate ConceptionSeptember 23, 2015

Pope Francis Medallion810 This exclusive Pope Francis bronzed medallion bifold commemorating his Papal Visit and Canonization Mass at The Basilica is sculpted and engraved by Don Everhart, an official engraver for the U.S. Mint. The inside features the art of the Basilica’s Junípero Serra stained glass window and historical information about this new saint. $29.95

Pope Francis Commemorative Gifts811 Prayer Mug: Features Basilica on the front and Pope Francis prayer to the Immaculate Conception on the back. $9.95812 Praying the Rosary with Pope Francis: This beautiful 75-page booklet offers meditations by Pope Francis and full-color

photographs of each of the Mysteries of the Rosary. Published by USCCB. $7.95813 Love Is Mug: Features the Basilica on the front and the Love Is Our Mission statement on the back. $9.95814 Holy Water Bottle: Pope Francis glass Holy Water Bottle. 2 ½” high $5.95815 Rosary Ring: Pope Francis rosary ring with prayer card. $4.95816 Glass Bead Rosary: Pope Francis center rosary and prayer card. $21.95 817 Prayer Card with Miraculous Medal: features Pope Francis prayer on the back. $3.95818 Bookmark with Miraculous Medal: features Pope Francis prayer on the back. $4.95

Visit Our NatiONal shriNe shOps Website at WWW.NatiONalshriNeshOps.cOm

M a r y ’s S h r i n e v F a l l / W i n t e r 2 0 1 4use attached Order fOrm Or call tOll-free 1-800-333-4411

GIFTS from

MARY’S SHRINESterling Silver Miraculous JewelryWear the Miraculous Medal and receive the Special Graces of Our Lady. Beautiful handmade Sterling Miraculous Medal Necklace and Bracelet with sparkling Swarovski Aurora Borealis crystals. Wonderful gifts for special friends and loved ones in your family.

819 Sterling and Crystal Miraculous Necklace 18” $75.95820 Sterling and Crystal Miraculous Rosary Bracelet 6 ¾”-8”


Christmas CardsShare the Advent and Christmas season with your friends and family with these beautiful cards. Each Box has 16 cards and envelopes. $9.95 ea

825 “A Christmas Prayer” inside verse from Numbers 14:21826 “Blessings at Christmas” inside verse from Luke 2:11

Hand Painted Madonna and Child IconA true heirloom, this sweet and tender wooden Greek Icon is handmade and painted by Monks using centuries old techniques in the most Holy area of Greece.

821 Madonna and Child Icon 4x5" $59.95

Devotional StatuesBeautifully detailed crafted of resin, these statues feature warm sincere details. 10” high.

822 Madonna of the Streets $34.95823 Infant of Prague $34.95824 Our Lady Undoer of Knots $34.95

Olivewood Nativity Ornament from The Holy LandThis beautiful hand carved Nativity scene with the Holy Family in the grotto is handmade from olive trees grown around Jerusalem where Jesus walked.

827 Olivewood Nativity Ornament 3” $12.95

Pope Francis Commemorative Gifts811 Prayer Mug: Features Basilica on the front and Pope Francis prayer to the Immaculate Conception on the back. $9.95812 Praying the Rosary with Pope Francis: This beautiful 75-page booklet offers meditations by Pope Francis and full-color

photographs of each of the Mysteries of the Rosary. Published by USCCB. $7.95813 Love Is Mug: Features the Basilica on the front and the Love Is Our Mission statement on the back. $9.95814 Holy Water Bottle: Pope Francis glass Holy Water Bottle. 2 ½” high $5.95815 Rosary Ring: Pope Francis rosary ring with prayer card. $4.95816 Glass Bead Rosary: Pope Francis center rosary and prayer card. $21.95 817 Prayer Card with Miraculous Medal: features Pope Francis prayer on the back. $3.95818 Bookmark with Miraculous Medal: features Pope Francis prayer on the back. $4.95



828 Where is God? Children are fascinated with this charming board book. A myriad of animals help search for God in a game of

hide and seek. The children take part in the fun by lifting the hidden flaps in this amusing search for God who is finally found right where he’s always been—in our hearts! With rhyming text and playful pictures, this hands-on book for toddlers and young preschoolers will quickly become a family favorite! $8.95

833 2016 St. Joseph Sunday Missal: This complete St. Joseph 2016 annual Sunday Missal by Catholic Book Publishing provides each Sunday’s Prayers,

Readings, and Responses for the calendar year. Also contained in this book are the Masses for Holydays from the beginning of Advent through the Solemnity of Christ the King. This inexpensive annual missal is always one of our bestsellers in the fall. $5.95

829 Praying with My Fingers: This creative way to pray has been around for a long time

and is often credited to Pope Francis when he was the Archbishop of Argentina. It is a powerful and fun way to teach children to pray that the Holy Father often utilized in his ministry. A great little way to pray together as a family. $7.99

834 Mary and the Saints 2016 Wall Calendar 835 The Life of Our Lord 2016 Wall Calendar

Each calendar is designed to inspire greater devotion to The Blessed Mother and Our Lord for every day of the year and contains special feasts and fascinating Catholic traditions. They are marked with days of Fasting, special Saints Days, and the Sundays of the Liturgical Year for both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Calendar. There is space for personal notes, appointments, and special occasions. $12.95 each

830 Illustrated Book of Saints: The Classic Saint Joseph’s edition for children of all ages, features brightly

colored illustrations that will introduce children to some of our most beloved saints including Saints Anthony, Rita, Joseph, Clare, Francis and more. $9.95

Visit Our NatiONal shriNe shOps Website at WWW.NatiONalshriNeshOps.cOm

GIFTS from


All proceeds from your purchases from Mary’s Shrine directly support the mission and ministry of the Basilica. Thank you for your support!

831 24 Christmas Stories to Welcome Jesus Book: The joy and hope of Christmas are at the heart of this book intended for the whole family. Starting with the 1st of December (like an Advent calendar) each day has a new story, leading up to Christmas. Richly illustrated, this

collection includes stories based on the Gospel accounts of the birth of Christ, as well as stories about Advent and Christmas customs. Ages 4 and up.$14.99

832 Nativity Set: This adorable set is a favorite for parents and grandparents to give to their little ones. Children of all ages will love arranging the 11pcs in different ways. Made of resin and painted by hand. $54.95

Visit Our NatiONal shriNe shOps Website at WWW.NatiONalshriNeshOps.cOm

GIFTS from



839 Psalms: New Catholic Version contains a new translation of the Old Testament Book of Psalms, which is often termed the Gospel of the Holy Spirit. This St. Joseph Edition of the Psalms also

features a valuable Preface that describes the Psalms as the Prayer of Jesus, offers guidance on how to pray the Psalms, and gives a clear explanation of the different systems for numbering the Psalms. This edition features our beautiful Dura-Lux cover in brown. $11.95

842 Victory over Vice: Bishop Fulton Sheen draws a lesson in how you must deal with the sins, in others and in ourselves. From Christ’s holy response to each of the seven deadly sins that led to His Crucifixion you will develop the key to understanding and nurturing your own soul. $9.95

836 Advent and Christmas Wisdom from Pope Francis: This Advent, prepare to celebrate Jesus' arrival as an infant in the small town of Bethlehem. As the author John

Cleary says, let the example of Pope Francis, as he models the humility and generosity of our Savior, inspire you. Reflect on the pope's teachings, accompanied by Scripture, prayer, and action. Paperback $11.99

840 My Confraternity Six Book Set: My Daily Bread, My Daily Life, My Meditation on the Gospel, My Meditations on Saint Paul,

My Imitation of Christ, and My Way of Life from the Confraternity of the Precious Blood all in one set. These little devotionals are treasures of wisdom and consolation to be kept close at hand to provide spiritual refreshment throughout the day. $59.95

843 Our Lady’s Rosary Novenas: Lovely Italian leatherette bound small rosary novena book. Contains the Twenty Mysteries illustrated in full color, gilded gold page edging and a beautiful image of Our Lady on the cover. 124 pages $9.95

837 Pope Francis Statue: A wonderful statue capturing the spirit of Pope Francis. The details of this statue represent his joyful and benevolent expression very well. Perfect for your home or office. 10” high, made of stone and resin and individually boxed $59.95

841 Large Print NABRE Bible: Includes the complete Old and New Testaments in 14-pt, easy-to-read type, notes at the end of each book, footnotes, and

full-color Land of the Bible section. Also included are a Presentation Page, a Family Record and the complete text of Vatican II's Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum).Durably bound in flexible gold-stamped brown imitation leather. $55.95

844 Mornings with Saint Therese: Millions love St Therese of Lisieux, not only for her wisdom but for her unwavering passion to serve God. Listen with your heart to these 120 readings excerpted from her writings and she will help you get to know the pure simple girl often called “the greatest saint of modern times.” Hardcover $12.95

838 Pope Francis 2016 Wall Calendar: A wonderful full color calendar with

photographs of Pope Francis paired with his own quotes, this new calendar will you’re your spirits and inspire you in this Year of Mercy to be a force for positive change in the world. $14.99

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Leaving a Legacy Remembering the National Shrine in Your Will

A publication of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

Reverend Monsignor Walter R. RossiRectoR

Reverend Monsignor Vito A. BuonannoDiRectoR of PilgRimages

Reverend Michael D. WestonDiRectoR of lituRgy

Reverend Raymond A. Lebrun, O.M.I.sPiRitual DiRectoR

Jacquelyn HayesDiRectoR of communications & eDitoR

Location 400 Michigan Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20017 Tel: 202-526-8300 Fax: 202-526-8313 [email protected]

Shrine Hours 7 am - 7 pm (April - October) 7 am - 6 pm (November - March)

Sunday Masses 5:15 pm (Saturday Vigil) 7:30 am, 9 am, 10:30 am 12 noon (Solemn Mass with Choir) 1:30 pm (Spanish Mass) 4:30 pm

Sunday Confessions 10 am - 12 noon 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm (Spanish) 2 pm - 4 pm

Monday-Saturday Masses 7 am, 7:30 am, 8 am, 8:30 am 12:10 pm, 5:15 pm


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For many, charitable giving is an act of faith grounded in confidence in God’s abundance and

motivated by a desire to create additional resources for accomplishing God’s work.

Leaving a legacy gift to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception offers the opportunity to pass on not only your assets but also the values that have guided your life.

Remembering the National Shrine in your estate planning is a wonderful way to put your values into action, ensuring that Mary’s House is maintained for future generations as a center of worship and devotion as a personal legacy.

To remember the Basilica of the National Shrine in your will, you may contact your attorney or financial advisor for assistance in making a bequest. Or, you may simply include the following in your will:

I give, devise, and bequeath to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, a body corporate of the District of Columbia, and located in Washington, D.C., (the sum of _____) or (__ % of rest residue, and remainder of my estate) or (__ shares of _____) or all my right, title and interest in the following described property _____).

Please feel free to contact the Basilica at 202-526-8300 if we can provide you with further information or assistance.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration and continued support of Mary’s Shrine.

Monday-Saturday Confessions 7:45 am - 8:15 am 10 am - 12 noon 3:30 pm - 6 pm

Holy Days Please contact the Basilica for

Holy Day Schedules.

Guided Tours Monday - Saturday 9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm Sunday 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm

Gift Shop & Bookstore Open Daily Monday - Friday: 9 am - 5:30 pm (Year-Round) Saturday - Sunday: 8:30 am - 7 pm (April 1- October 31 ) 8:30 am - 5:30 pm (November 1- March 31)

Cafeteria Open Daily 8:00 am - 2 pm (Sundays until 3 pm)

© 2015 Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception


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