Page 1: VUCA JANUARY 2020 - Shiv Nadar School...short at the north corner of the world. He began to create it, but decided to leave it unfinished, saying “Whoever declares himself to be

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Page 2: VUCA JANUARY 2020 - Shiv Nadar School...short at the north corner of the world. He began to create it, but decided to leave it unfinished, saying “Whoever declares himself to be

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The�last�decade�was�India's�hottest�on�record�with�the�national�weather� office� calling� the� impact� of� global� warming�"unmistakable"�and�extreme�weather�killing�more�than�1,500�people�last�year.

India,�home�to�1.3�billion�people,�is�at�the�forefront�of�climate�change�suffering�devastating�floods,�dire�water�shortages�and�baking� temperatures.� The� southern� city�of�Chennai� last� year�declared�"day�zero"�as�taps�ran�dry.



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Adapted bySaarah Singh, Grade 8, SNS Noida

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Temperatures� between� 2010� and� 2019� were�0.36�degrees�Celsius�(0.65�degrees�Fahrenheit)�above� the� long-term� average,� the� hottest�decade�since�records�began�in�1901,�the�Indian�Meteorological�Department�said�on�Monday.

Extreme�weather� also� killed�more� than� 1,500�people�last�year,�the�seventh-hottest,�the�IMD�said.

They�included�850�people�killed�by�heavy�rain�and� flooding� and� another� 350� in� summer�temperatures� of� up� to� 51C� (123.8F).� Lighting�and�storms�killed�another�380�people.

India's�five�warmest�years�on�record�all�fell�in�the�last� 10� years,� with� 2016� being� the� hottest.�Eleven�of�the�15�warmest�years�were�also�during�the�past�15�years,�the�IMD�said.


Last� year� also� saw� eight� cyclones� form� over� the�north� Indian� Ocean,� below� the� record� of� 10� last�reached� in� 1976,� including� five� over� the� Arabian�Sea,�equaling� the�previous�high�of�1902,� the� IMD�said.

"The� impact� of� global� warming� on� India� is�unmistakable,"� IMD� chief� Mrityunjay� Mohapatra�told�the�Times�of�India�newspaper.�"The�past�year�had�extreme�weather�during�all�seasons."

The�United�Nations�said�in�December�that�the�past�decade� was� set� to� be� the� planet's� hottest� since�records� began.� Each� of� the� last� four� decades� has�been�hotter�than�the�preceding�one.

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ByAyan Gandhi, Grade 4, SNS Noida

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Water�scarcity�-�this�is�a�vast�topic.�There�is�water�scarcity�almost�everywhere�in�this�world.�As� we� know,� water� is� very� precious,� and� it� is� depleting�everywhere�.�.�.�by�the�end�of�this�year�(2020)�there�will�not�be�any�ground�water�left�in�Delhi.�

Crop�failure,�power�shortages�and�more�will�happen�because�of�water� scarcity.� 500� million� people� in� India� depend� on� the�monsoons�for�their�crop�production�and�it�usually�fails�as�there�



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BySrishti Gupta , Grade 7, SNS Noida

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are� floods,� taking� place� because� of� global�warming� or� there� is� scarcity.� "This� most�precious� of� resources� is� having� a� decade�dedicated� to� it� by� the� United� Nations� as� the�international� organization� seeks� to� rally� its�member� countries� to� address� a� problem� that�threatens�to�worsen�the�lives�of�billions."�This�is�quoted�from�a�newsletter�by�We�Build�Value.

To� let� ourselves� have� enough� water� for� the�upcoming� years� of� our� own� life� and� for� new�generations�we�need�to�start�now.�We�will�not�and�cannot�make�the�mistakes�the�generations�before�us�made.�


1.� �bucket�of�water�Use�a for�everything�you�do.


3.�Boil� what� you� need.� Save� water,� money� and�energy�by�only�boiling�as�many�cups�of�water�as�you�need.


5.�Save�up�your� �all�of�them�at�dirty�clothes�to�washthe�same�time�with�less�water

6.�Get�a� .low-flush�toilet

We� all� know� water� is� finishing,� but� i'm� sure�everyone�thinks�'it's�all�going�to�be�okay,�no�need�to�worry'�but�we�all�need�to�change�our�perspective.�

I� end� this� article� with� the� thought� -� “if� you� save�water,�it�will�save�you”.

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Jewish�mythology� is�a�major� literary�element�of� the�body�of�folklore�found�in�the�sacred�texts�and�in�traditional�narratives�that�help�explain�and�symbolize�Jewish�culture�and�Judaism.

Elements�of�Jewish�mythology�has�had�a�profound�influence�on�Christian�mythology�and�on�Islamic�mythology,�as�well�as�on�world�culture�in�general.�This�is�a�mythology�of�many�voices,�sourced�from�the�Midrash�and�Talmud,�Kabbalistic� literature,�Hasidic� texts,�medieval� folklore,� and�oral� tales,� and� it� covers�


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ByDhritiman Dutta, Grade 6, SNS Noida



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mythological� subject� matter� as� varied� as�famous�Biblical�figures,�vampires,�golems,�and�giants.�Many�of�your�favorite�movie�monsters,�in� fact,� might� just� find� their� roots� in� Jewish�mythology.


In�the�year�1580,�when�the�Jewish�community�of�Prague�was�accused�of�the�blood�libel̶the�murder� of� Christians� to� use� their� blood� for�ritualistic�purposes̶Rabbi�Judah�Loew�prayed�for� protection.� He� received� an� answer� in� the�form�of�a�dream.�In�this�dream,�God�gave�him�the�secret�of�how�to�create�a�golem�out�of�clay,�and� that� this� golem� would� protect� the� Jews�against�their�would-be�attackers.�The�creature�went� on� to� defend� the� Jewish� community� in�Prague�until�the�accusations�of�blood�libel�were�finally�over.




This� myth� asks� a� fascinating� question:� What�happened�to�the�darkness�that�existed�before�the�creation�of�the�world?�According�to�this�story,�it�is�sea led � away � and � h idden � in � the � seventh��compartment�of�Gehenna,�another�name�for�hell,�

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where� the� wicked� are� sent� upon� death.� This�compartment� is� said� to� contain� six� nations�whose�denizens�live�in�this�perpetual�darkness.�Indeed,� darkness� seems� one� of� the� principal�punishments�in�the�Jewish�view�of�the�afterlife.

But�what�is�truly�interesting�about�this�myth�is�the�way�it�deals�with�Genesis,�which�says�“Now�the� earth� was� formless� and� empty,� darkness�was�over�the�surface�of�the�deep,�and�the�Spirit�of�God�was�hovering�over�the�waters.”�

This�myth�seizes�upon�the�fact�that�the�darkness�seems�to�have�been�present�before�God�began�working.�What�was� its�nature?�How�did� it�get�there?�These�are�fascinating�questions.�

This� myth� expresses� the� natural� curiosity� of�humankind,�and�attempts� to�make�sense�of�a�very�mysterious�Biblical�passage.



Whoever�lives�within�the�walls�of�Luz�is�protected�from� the� results� of� the� fall̶none� of� its� natives�suffer� strife,�war,� or� cataclysm,� and� not� even� the�grandest,� largest� armies� can� assail� Luz.� Even� the�Angel�of�Death�is�turned�away�from�its�gates,�for�in�Luz,�none�die.

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Over� the� ensuing� decades,� the� average� person� will� devote�hundreds� of� hours� to� carefully� clipping,� painting� and� filing�these�structures.�But�beyond�this�dedication�to�aesthetics,�few�of�us�ponder�the�purpose�of�our�nails.



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Adapted byJahanika Maroli , Grade 7, SNS Noida

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Nails� actually� start� out� as� living� cells� and� we�know� that� nails� are� made� of� a� tough,� dead�substance�called�keratin,�it�is�the�same�material�that� makes� up� hair.� Behind� the� cuticles� on�fingers� and� toes,� just� beneath� the� skin,� a�structure�called�the�"root"�churns�out�living�cells�that�go�on�to�form�the�nail,�also�known�as�the�matrix.� This� little� pocket� of� flesh� connects� to�blood� vessels,�which� supply� the�nail�with� the�nutrients�it�needs�to�make�new�cells.

As�keratin�cells�form�at�the�root,�they're�slowly�pushed�forward�by�newly-formed�cells�jostling�for� space� behind� them.� It� is� edged� out� from�beneath�the�skin�and�into�the�open,�the�older�cells� flatten� and� harden� to� form� the� tough�shield�of�the�nail�plate.“Continuous�division�of�matrix�cells�pushes�the�nail�plate�forward�over�the�nail�bed�at�a�rate�of�about�3�millimeters�per�month� for� fingernails,� and� 1� millimeter� per�

month� for� toenails,"� this� was� said� by� Amanda�Meyer,� a� lecturer� in� human� anatomy� at� the�University�of�Western�Australia.�So,�in�short,�"nails�grow� because� the� cells� are� constantly� being�produced"�̶�just� like� the�majority�of�cells� in�our�body�constantly� churn�out� fresh,�new�versions�of�themselves,"�Amanda�Meyer�told�Live�Science.


The� answer� has� everything� to� do� with� how� our�primate� ancestors� adapted� to� life� in� the� trees,�according� to� Matthew� Borths,� a� curator� at� the�Division� of� Fossil� Primates� at� the� Duke� Lemur�Center�in�North�Carolina.�The�fossil�record�tells�us�that� primates,� or� close� relatives� of� primates,� first�evolved�nails�on�their�digits�around�50�million��years�ago,�when�primates�were�confined�to�trees.�

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Adapted bySahanna Nanda, Grade 7, SNS Noida

So you think

English is Easy?

.... READ ON ...

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Upon�seeing� the� tear� in� the�painting� I� shed�a�tear.



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The�modern� population� has� undoubtedly� been� in� love�with�movies,�novels�and�television.�Most�of�us�watch�or�read�these�in�a�superficial�manner,�we�mostly�tend�to� ignore�our�ability�to�read�between�the�lines,�which�is�why�one�is�never�able�to�enjoy�even�our�most�favorite�movies�or�novels�to�its�fullest.�We�always�leave�something�served�on�the�plate�untouched.

From� contemporary� literature� to� kid's� television,� the�writers/directors� almost� always� leave� certain� information�



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By-Uday Bhanu Singh, Grade 11, SNS Noida

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A� small� scene� or� a� sequence� may� seem�irrelevant�to�a�watcher�or�a�reader,�but�it�might�contain�a�detail�that�is�perceived�by�others�and�maybe�seen�as�profound.�

Just�one�simple�dialogue�can�do�so�much;�it�can�reveal�a�hidden�trait�of�some�character�or�it�may�even�reveal�the�entire�plot�of�the�story,� if� it� is�analyzed� by� the� brain� well� while� your� eyes�watch�or�read.

People� may� call� this� detailing� unfair� towards�some�watchers�who�are�not�able�to�spot�these�connections�while�enjoying�the�movie/novel.

Yes,�it�is�true�that�not�all�of�us�are�able�to�spot�these� hidden� meanings,� even� the� smartest�mind�may�miss�out�on�a�few.�What�I�am�trying�to�say� is� that� the� story� of� whatever� you're�


Finding�these�hidden�details�in�one�or�two�movies�or�novels�will�also�help�you�understand�the�next�one�you�enjoy� in�a�much�greater�sense,�especially�the�satires�or�the�abstract�works�of�art.�


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Recently�the�Indian�Space�Research�Organization�introduced�a�half�Humanoid�Robot�-�Vyom�Mitra�-�which�will�travel�on�the�unmanned� Gaganyaan� Spacecraft,� followed� by� a� manned�mission�(Chandrayaan�3)�in�December�2021.���



�ोम (Space)+�म�(Friend)

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Adapted byAdityan N , Grade 9, SNS Noida

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Vyom�Mitra�can�also�sit�in�various�positions�just�like� astronauts,� � operate� panels,� monitor�module� parameters,� perform� live� support�operations� etc.� She� will� also� be� able� to� give�warnings�if�there�is�a�change�in�cabin�pressure,�temperature�etc,�which�will�greatly�aid� to� the�safety�and�well�being�of�the�astronauts.�

She� was� recently� unveiled� at� the� Human�Spaceflight�and�Exploration�Exp,�where�she�was�the�center�of�attention�.�

Vyom� Mitra � i s � expected � to � he lp � ISRO�understand� how� humans� will� interact� with�Indian�spacecraft�and�equipment.�Further�she�will� also� help� support� a� study� to� understand�how�loneliness�affects�astronauts.�


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Before� our� present� understanding� of� the� COSMOS,� folks�thought�of�it�as�'the�Earth�below�and�the�Sky�above'�until�the�first� great� scientific� revolution� 26� centuries� ago� when�Anaximander�proposed�that�the�Earth�was�a�huge�slab�of�rock�with�the�sky�all�around�it.

In� later� years,� Aristotle� the� great� Greek� philosopher� gave�mankind�a�yet�more�complex�design�of�the�COSMOS�with�the�Earth�in�the�center�and�the�rest�of�the�celestial�matter�in�orbit�


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Adapted byDevarya Madhukar, Grade 5, SNS Noida

S O U R C E : S E V E N B R I E F L E S S O N S O N P H Y S I C S B Y C A R L O R O V E L L I

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S O U R C E : S E V E N B R I E F L E S S O N S O N P H Y S I C S B Y C A R L O R O V E L L I



As�our�knowledge�grew�and�greater�and�precise�instruments� came� into� existence,� we� soon�discovered� that� our� Solar� system� was� an�infinitesimal�speck�in�the�vast�number�of�others,�The�Galaxy.



piece�of� the�Sky.�Each�galaxy�contains�a�hundred�billion� stars� similar� to� ours.� But� this� endless�evenness�is�not�what�it�seems.�

If�we�apply�the�Theory�of�Relativity�to�it,�which�says�that�Space�is�not�uniform,�rather�curved,�then�the�texture� of� the� Universe� is� like� waves� of� shifting�space.

Now� we� know� how� immense� the� Universe� is.� It�started�out�as�a�small�ball�and�gradually�exploded�into�its�current�boundless�dimensions.

But� in� my� mind� the� question� remains� ….if� it� is�Boundless,� Shapeless,� Timeless� then�What�Are� its�Dimensions??�

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A� remarkable� combination� of� artificial� intelligence� (AI)� and�biology�has�produced�the�world's�first��“living�robots”.

This� week,� a� research� team� of� roboticist� and� scientists�published� their� way� for� making� a� new� life-form� and� a� self�propelled� robot� called� Xenobots� from� stem� cells.� The� term�ʻXenoʼ�comes�from�the�frog�cells�(Xenopus�laevis)�used�to�make�them.� One� of� the� researchers� from� the� team� described� the�creation�as “neither�a�traditional�robot�nor�a�known�species�of� �



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ByAarav Agarwal, Grade 5, SNS Noida

S O U R C E : S c i e n c e d a i l y. c o m

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animal”,� but� a� “new� class� of� artifact:� a� living,�programmable�organism”.

Xenobots� are� not� even� 1� mm� long,� and� are�made�of�500�to�1000�living�cells.�The�scientists�have�improvised�the�shapes�of�these�Xenobots�from� the� normal� robots� for� example� with� a�squat�leg.�They�can�be�used�to�do�work�and�can�perform�various�movements.�Using�there�own�cellular�energy�and�work�for�weeks�without�any�food.�They�can�even�heal�themselves.�Another�splendid� creation� by� scientists� for� the�enhancement�of�a�new�level�of�tech!

These� micro� bacteria� can� be� used� to� vastly�improve� human,� animal,� and� environmental�health�that�can�raise�lethal�concerns.

A�bio�bot�never�seen�beforeWell,� making� Xenobots� had� been� one� of� the�most� toughest� things� these� scientists� might�have�done�I�must�say.

To� make� Xenobots,� the� research� team� used� a�supercomputer� to� test� random�designs�of� simple�but� not� complex� style� of� living� to� perform� daily�tasks�with�ease�and�without�hesitation.

The� computer� was� programmed� with� a� specific�creation� known� as� ,� to�AI� Evolutionary� Algorithmexperiment�which�micro�bacteria/micro�organisms�can�be�used�to�display�useful�tasks,�such�to�move�towards�a�target.

After�high�and�complicated�research�and�selection�of� the� most� promising� designs� the� scientists�attempted� to� replicate� the�virtual�models/� (micro�bacteria� created� by� scientists)� with� frog� skin� or�heart� cells� which� were� manually� joined� using�special�microsurgery�tools.�The�heart�cells�in�these�bespoke�assemblies�contract�and�relax,�giving�the�organisms�motion.

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Page 24: VUCA JANUARY 2020 - Shiv Nadar School...short at the north corner of the world. He began to create it, but decided to leave it unfinished, saying “Whoever declares himself to be

v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s

Fo r � me � t h i s � c r e a t i on � i s � an � ab so l u t e�unimaginable� creation� bye� these� scientists.�They� have� created� the� impossible� possible�looking� for� the� development� of� mankind.�Despite� being� described� as� programmable�living�robots,�they�are�completely�organic�and�made�of�living�tissue.�

Although�this�is�a�living�organism,�so�you�might�be�thinking�why�it�has�robot�in�is�name.�Well,�it�was�used�because�this�tiny�little�micro�bacteria�can� even� be� programmed� to� target� certain�objects� they� then� unwittingly� seek.� They� can�self�repair�themselves�if�damaged.


Xenobots�can�be�used�with�great�ease�for�the�development� of� nature,� living� organisms� and�many�more.�Scientists�are�working�on�various�ways� for� how� we� can� use� Xenobots.� Some�science�study�reveals�that�they�could�be�used�to�

enter� confined� or� dangerous� areas� to� scavenge�toxins� or� radioactive� materials.� Maybe� it� can� be�used� to� stop� the� ongoing� virus� in� China� called�Coronovirus!�Xenobots� are� designed� with� carefully� shaped�ÒpouchesÓ� that�have� the� ability� to� carry�healthy�drugs.�With�this�creation�now,�the�future�versions�may� be� built� from� a� patient's� own� cells� to� repair�tissue�or�target�cancers.�


As�we�talk�about�the�pros�of�this�creation�we�are�on�a�positive� perspective.� But� when� we� try� to� think�about�the�cons�of�this�same�affect,�then�we�might�come� to� a� total� opposite�perspective.� These�Bots�might�raise�ethical�concern�and�the�people�doubt�the� side� effects� as� well� as� whole� effects� of� this�creation.�There�might�be�possibilities�that�this�Micro�bacteria�may�not�mix�easily�with�everyone�on�this�

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Page 25: VUCA JANUARY 2020 - Shiv Nadar School...short at the north corner of the world. He began to create it, but decided to leave it unfinished, saying “Whoever declares himself to be

v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s


More� advanced� future� xenobots,� especially�ones� that� live� longer� and� reproduce,� could�potentially�ÒmalfunctionÓ�and�go�rogue,�and�out-compete�other�species.�For�example�in�the�movie� Venom,� the� parasites� went� rogue� and�started�to�compete.�

For�complex�tasks,�xenobots�may�need�sensory�and� nervous� systems,� there� might� be� a�possibility�of�brain�failure!!


Taking� in� mind� everything,� the� scientists� are�doing�a�high�research�and�experiment�until�fit�for�usage.�But�at�the�end,�this�creation�is�I�think�a�totally�next�level�of�AI�and�Tech.�We�hope�that�


J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 0S O U R C E : S c i e n c e d a i l y. c o m

Page 26: VUCA JANUARY 2020 - Shiv Nadar School...short at the north corner of the world. He began to create it, but decided to leave it unfinished, saying “Whoever declares himself to be

v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s

One� of� the� most� looked� forward� to� event� in� school� is� the�Outbound� Learning� Experience.� Last� year,� Grade� 5�was� very�lucky�to�go�to�the�Ranthambore�Tiger�Reserve.�

It�was�the�best�experience�I�have�ever�had.�The�bus�ride�was�really,�really�long.�We�played�games,�slept,�ate�food�and�spent�some�quality� time.�At� last,�we� reached�at�4:30�pm�and�went�straight�to�the�cafeteria�to�eat�lunch,�after�which�we�settled�in�our�rooms.�



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ByRyan Chadha , Grade 5, SNS Noida

Page 27: VUCA JANUARY 2020 - Shiv Nadar School...short at the north corner of the world. He began to create it, but decided to leave it unfinished, saying “Whoever declares himself to be

v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s


Day�2,�we�went�for�a�safari.�I�was�hoping�to�see�a�tiger�but�didn't�see�one.�The�evening�was�really�fun�because�I�got�to�dance�with�Rajasthani�folk�dancers.� This�was� followed�by� a� carbon�audit�session,�which�was�interesting.

At�night,� I�planned�a�midnight�party�with�my�friends�and�luckily�the�teachers�didn't�notice.

Day�3,�we�went�for�a�safari�and�it�was�really�cold,�but� �We�I�spotted�a�tiger!�Was�it�eating�a�deer?couldn't�tell.�Then�we�went�to�a�fort�and�it�was�really�fun�(not).�In�the�evening�we�had�an�epic�night.�

I�dressed�up�as�a�unicorn�and�danced�the�night�away.� It�was� time� to� pack� up� and�go�back� to�


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Page 28: VUCA JANUARY 2020 - Shiv Nadar School...short at the north corner of the world. He began to create it, but decided to leave it unfinished, saying “Whoever declares himself to be

v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s







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ByPrajit Mittal, Grade 7, SNS Noida


Page 29: VUCA JANUARY 2020 - Shiv Nadar School...short at the north corner of the world. He began to create it, but decided to leave it unfinished, saying “Whoever declares himself to be

v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s

J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 0

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