Page 1: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire
Page 2: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire
Page 3: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

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THEEMPIREMilitary Uniforms and Regalia

of the Provinccs and City-States

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Page 4: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

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Thc Empirc is simply too largc, too varicd' and too full

of historv to bc cntircly documcntcd. Instead wc havc

focusscd on thc most chatactcristic traits rnd rccognisablc

motifs. That mcans thcrc is plcnry of room lcft for your

own variations or wholc ncw crcations if that suits your

nccds. Eaioy and Long Live thc Empcror Karl Franz!

IntroductionWclcomc to Uniforms and Hcraldry of thc Empirc. This

book has bccn compilcd to aid collcctors' miniaturcs

paintcrs, wartamcrs, and anybody who has an intcrcst in

rhc Empirc and its rrmics. Thc information in thcsc

pagcs vill ccrtainly inspirc and inform' but it is by no

meens comPlctc or wholly dcfinitivc.


Conte ntsThc Empirc. . . . . . . . . 3

Provincial Map of thc Empirc . . . . . . '4

Soldicrs of thc Empirc . . . . . .6

Thc Empcror Kar l Franz. . . . . .8

Thc Elcctor Counts. . . . . . . . .9

Al tdorf . ' . . . .10Avcr land . ' . . -14Hochland . . .18

Middcnhcim . . . . . . .22

Middcnland. . . . . . . ' .26Nordland . . . '28

Nuln. . . . . . .30

Ostcrmark . . . . . . . . .34

Ost land . . . .36

Rcik land. . . . .40

St i r land . . . . .42

Talabccland . . . . . . . -46

Talabhcim. ' . . . . . . . .48Famous Rcgimcnts of thc Empirc. . . . . 5l

Wisscnland . . . . . . . .52

Othcr Rcgions of rhc Empirc . . . . . ' . 56

ThcRciksguard . . ' . .58

Knight lyOrdcrs. . . . .60

Col lcgcsof Magic. . . . . . . . .64

Impcrial Enginccrs School. . . .66

StcamTanks . . . . . .67

Famous Rcgimcnts of thc Empire. . . . . . 68

Pistol icrsandOutr iders . . . '69

Warrior Pricsts of Sigmar. . . ' 70

Flagcl lants. . . . . . . . .71

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The E-pireThc Empirc is thc largcst and most powcrful rcalm in

thc Old World. Its vast cxpansc strctchcs from the

rolling, grccn hills of Brctonnia in thc wcst to thc

swccping stcppcs o[ Kislcv in thc cast. Thc pridcof thc nation is undoubtcdly thc cosmopoliran citicswhcrc thc pinnaclc of human achicvcmcnts can bc found.

Lcgcndary institutions, such as univcrsitics, acadcmics,

thc lmpcrial Collcgc of Engincers and thc Collcgcs of

Magic, attract the brighrcst o{ mankind the world ovcr to

study and lcarn. Convcrscly, thc Empire is also a

brooding land of ignorancc and fcar, a land whcre vast

forestcd tracts are ovcrrun by lawless banditry or worse

Out in this wildcrncss thc widesprcad vilhgcs arc likc

small and isolated islands amidst a vcritablc sea of

dangcrous forcst. Supcrstition in thcsc smallcr hamlcts ls

rifc and who is to say if thc rituals of thc rural

pcasantry don't actually ward off lurking thrcats? For cvcn

in thc Empire, mighticst of mankind's rcalms, thcrc prowlmany grcat and unfathomablc cvils.

Thc land is scldom at pcacc for long. Orcs and Goblins

launch inccssant raids frorn thc mountainous bordcrs,

while thc impcnctrablc forcsts at thc vcry hcart of the

Empirc arc homc to vilc Bcastmcn, who burst from undcr

rhc canopy of darkncss, cagcr lo dcspoil and dcstroy. To

thc cast, in thc ancicnt land of Sylvania, the dcad do not

rcst casy and undcrncath bustling citics throughout thc

rcalm, thc vcrminous Skavcn {cstcr, cvcr plotting ncw,

morc sinistcr assaults. Pcrhaps most dangcrous of all, thc

northcrn tribcs who opcnly worship thc Dark Gods

thrcaten to burst southwards bringing firc and dcath with

unrold fury. So it is that thc Empirc is always at war,

sccuring bordcrs against ancicnt encmics, fcnding off raids,

and clashing egainst all manncr of invadcrs. Thc soldicrs

of thc Empirc stand shouldcr to shouldcr forming a

bulwark of couragc and stccl lo stavc off thc darkness

that bcscts thcm.

And so it has cvcr bccn. For wcll ovcr 2,500 ycarsthc Empirc has cndurcd, surviving invasions, plagucs,and civil wars. Its vcry birth was forgcd in battlc: thc

lcgcndary varrior king Sigmar uniting thc disparatc

barbaric tribcs in ordcr to drivc off an ovcrwhclming

army of invading Orcs. Since thosc fabled timcs, the

nation has grown to thc promincncc with which it

dominatcs thc Old World today.

Many rcfcr to thc Empirc as if it werc a wholly unificd

nation, but morc rcalistically it is a conglomcration of

many individual and cxtrcmcly indcpcndcnt statcs. Thcsc

slatcs wcrc built on thc ancicnt tribal lands of thc pcoplcs

that Sigmar lcd to glory. Aftcr swccping cvil from thc

lands, Si6mar dccrccd the rcalm too large for onc man to

rulc, and so hc dividcd powcr along old boundarics, with

each chicftain answcrablc only to himsclf. Ovcr rhc

ccnturies thc bordcrs havc shiftcd or disappcarcd and somc

states havc riscn or bcen dcstroycd. Vast citics havc grovn

in both import and powcr, so much so that many arc

now sclf-govcrning city-statcs. But thc mcn of thc Empirc

today arc still dcsccndanrs of thosc ancient barbarians and

thc ordcr of rulc is similar, vith cach state rulcd by an

Elector Count, hcrcdirary rulcrs of cach separatc rcgion

who 'clcct' onc of thcir mcmbcrs to scrve as Empcror.

Each Elcctor Count is responsiblc for thc wholc of his

own provincc and answerablc only to the Empcror. This

system, cxistctrt sincc thc days of Sigmar, has prcscrvcd

thc indcpcndencc, idiosyncrasics and uniquc customs lhat

can bc found in thc diffcrent provinccs of thc Empirc. To

this day, cach of thc surviving statcs is ficrccly proud of

its hcritagc and rightfully wary (or outright disdainful) of

its ncighbour's tradirions.

Thc armies of thc Empirc arc rightfully famous. Thcy

havc stood rcsolutc on countlcss batlcficlds, winning thc

day through might of arms. Thc bulk of thc Empirc's

forccs arc formcd of profcssional statc troops, soldicrs

raiscd, traincd, and girdcd for war by officcrs appointcd

by thc Elcctor Counts, as decrecd by thc Emperor

himsclf. At nccd, thc statc troops arc joincd by militia,

lcss drillcd pcrhaps, but morc than rcady to fight for

thcir homeland. Additionally, many commanders can call

upon elitc military brothcrhoods to aid rhcm in battlc.

Young aspiring noblcs form units of Pisrolicrs, vhilc thc

most daring of infantrymcn arc promotcd to thc

formidablc Crcatswords rcgimcnts. Thc Knightly Ordcrs

of thc Empirc arc powcrful forccs that stand rcady to

fight ar thc command of thcir Grand Mastcr. Battlc

Wizards, Warrior Pricsts, Enginccrs, mighty artillcry picccs

and fabulous war machincs autmcnt thc armics fortunatc

cnough to havc thcm.

Thcsc soldicrs of thc Empirc march to war undcr many

diffcrcnt banncrs and wcaring diffcrcnt uniforms. Thcir

panoply of wrr is varicd in colour and dccoratcd with

many imagcs, all of which say somcthing about a soldicr's

bclicfs, his localc, or his rcgimcnt's history. But whcn

thcy form in placc into a battlclinc, it is for onc purposc

- to bring victory and glory to thc Empirc.

Page 6: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

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Wbt @rnpfreThc city-statcs and provinccs markcd vith bordcrs, rivcrs and placcs of notc.



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Page 7: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

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Page 8: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

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Soldiers of the E^PireThe Empirc is a divcrsc narion and this is rcflcctcd in thc uniforms of its soldicry. From profcssional and highly

polishcd regimcnts, to hastily raiscd militia marching undcr a common banncr, an Empire army can bc a homogcnous

unifi.d forc-., or a widcly dirp.r.t. group. Each proviocc or city-statc has its own distinct colours' iconography, and

hisrory, whilc rcgimcnts i.". ih.i, own iraditions, somc of vhich datc back to thc founding of thc Empirc itsclf. This

,.rolr, io . wid.' of diffcrcnt uniforms, cvcn for rcgimcnts raiscd from thc samc town' and possibly within rhc

vcry samc unit. Whii. in no way complctc, givcn thc Empirc's sizc and lengthy .history,

rhis guide will illustrate thc

panoply of uniforms and how thcy might bc worn throughout thc provinccs and city-statcs.

STATE TROOPSRcgiments of statc trooPs

typically wcar thc colour or colours

associatcd with thcir provincc or

city-statc, although thcrc arc notablc

exccptions. Thcrc arc no ovcrriding

rules govcrning how, whcrc' or in

what proportions thcsc colours arc

uscd. Instead colours differ bascd

on individual unit traditions' thc

whim of commandcrs or nobility

(such as dukcs, barons or counts)'

or possibly iust rhc availability of

matcrials and dycs. Onc rcgimcnt

mighr bc outfittcd entirely in its

provincial colours, whilc anothcr

could only bcar slccvcs or lcggings

of their associatcd huc. ManY

rcgimcnts distinguish thcmsclvcs by

usc of a minor dctail such as a

slccvc, cuff, plumc, hat, or collar in

a cornmon colour. Unlcss notcd' thc

uniforms shown throughout this

book dcpict cxamplcs of PoPularpattcrns - it would bc casY to find

statc regimcnts which mix thc

stvlcs shown with anv of thc

possiblc colour combinations.

Somc rcgimcnts follow a strict

uniform, but many units lcavc cach

soldier to sourcc his own garb,

rcsulting in a varicty of gcar, oftcn

in differing statcs of wcar. As cach

province cquips its soldicrs from its

own armourics, somc arc bcttcr ablc

to afford fincrics. Rcgardlcss' troops

on thc march, bascd in thc

wilderncss, or out camPaiSning arc

morc ra8ta8 in appcarancc as

cquipmcnt wcars oul and

rcolaccments must be found.

Hal\erdier of Altdorf in

troditionol red ond blue



Lcathcr boots

Stccl hclm




Stote troops are orgonised into

regiments beoring the same ueaPon '

so o unit could 6e all halberdiers,

cross6oomen, or spearmen forinstonce.Wile theg moy all haoe the

same ueopon, it is unusual for eaery

soldier to be armoured and outfttted

in enctly the same uay.

The same uniform uom in colours of different prooinces or city-states'

Page 9: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire





B.\NNERS OF THE EMPIRE\lost rcgiments havc a banncr, which could bc a hastily adoprcd flag to identify and rally a formation on thc battlcficld,

:r it could bc an ancicnt hcirloom, stccpcd in martial tradition and important icons of rcgimcntal pridc. Banncrs can bc

simplc dcsigns, rcpcating thc provincc or city-state colours, or evcn in contrast to thcm. Morc complcx designs can bc

:rovincial coats-of-arms, emblcms of local nobility, symbols of patron gods, or rcfercnces to a unit's past glorics.

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SHIELD COLOURSMany rcgimcnts usc simplc colouts or Pattcrns on

thcir shiclds. Thesc arc often in provincial or city-

statc colours, but may be a complimcntary or cvcn

contrasting colour.

SHIELD DESIGNSMany symbols arc common to thc Empirc and canbe scen in slightly diffcrent guiscs or colours onshiclds throughout all the provinccs and city-statcs.






Page 10: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

@.rrry,oror ft,arl frnn,Thc Banncrs and Shiclds of thc Empcror Karl Franz.

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Page 11: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

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e'\ ' .

Wbt @lector @suntr->F'

The pcrsonal hcraldry of thc Elector Counts.

Count Aldebrqnd Ludenhof of HochlondCount Mqrius Leitdorf of Aoerlond Grof Boris Todbringer of Mi ddenlond

ffiC ount Theoderic Gousse r of Nordl and CountWolfrom Hertuig of OstermarkWissenlqndoitz oflln LiebuitzDOn

The Elector Counts ore hereditary rulers

uhose fomilies hooe long and often

complicated histories. Ooer the yeors there

houe 6een numerous dynasty changes

orisinglrom /osses in 6sttle, intermoilioges

betueen importont fomilies, or eoen hostile

takeoaers.Thus the Elector Counts are

aluays aary of their succession and the

future of their noble houses. The banners

shown here are current for the Elector

Counts of the Empire in the year of 2522.

All of the Elector Counts mag cost o Dote to

decide ahich of their member uill \ecome the nert

Emperor. Houeoer. there are other Electors uho ore

not Counts.These other Electors may cast a aote,

but may not become Emperor themselaes. At

present, these additional Electors are the Grand

Theogonist of Sigmar, the tuo Arch Lectors of

Sigmar, the High Priest of Ulric and the Elder of the

Moot. h is usuol for the son or heir of the current

Emperor to succeed, 6ut there haoe been instances

uhere there is no suitoble candidate or o mote

pouerful Count has been preferred.

Emperor Karl Franz of ReiklondCountValmir oon Raukoo of Ostland rich Houpt-Anderssen of Stirland

Count Helmut Feue16ach ofTolobeclond

Page 12: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

TF. -'---r'9


ltdorf is rhc lrrgcst

I I and wcalrhicsr citv in

thc Empirc and is homc to thc

Impcrirl Court. Thc Alrdorf

colours arc rcd and bluc and

thc city-sratc flag bcars icons

bcfitting thc ruling homc of

thc Empcror: thc crown, thc

Hrmmcr of Sigmar, and thc

griffon's hcad. Thcsc symbols

arc commonly rcpcrtcd in various forms by many Altdorf

rcgimcnts, who takc righrcous pridc in bcilg thc prc-cmincnt city.

Thc lavish uniforms and spit-and-polish of many units hrs cernt

thc ciry-srarc a rcputation. Dctractors arc quick to point out thc

many paradc drill-marchcs, bur rhc storicd history of Altdorf

rcgimcnts in many battlcs throughout thc vholc o{ thc Empircrclls a trlc of vell-disciplincd bravcry. Mrny rcgimcnts cclcbratc

thcir famous victorics with commcmorativc mcdals or scals.




Page 13: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

It is not uncommon to see gold trim or filogree on the ormour or ueapons of a soldier of Altdorf.

Mony of the reginents are uell poid and not afroid to shou it'

L Altdorf Captoin



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Page 14: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

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Most artillery creumon aeor the coloursof their city-stote or prooince, but these

ore often complemented uith leatherjerkins or other protectioe clothing-

As a porticulorly uealthy city-stote,Altdorf is uell equipped with

artillery pieces.

Mony of the Empire's uormachines hoae rich histories ond

arc mointained in specific colours.

Most regiments march to asr \eneath abonner. A \anner is more thon o mere flag ortotem, it is a glorious embodiment of mortialpride, perhaps conying importont meonng,decloring ollegiance, or stating the oilgins orhonelond of its beoterc.Whether taken frcnhonoured disploy out of the most hallouedtreasury of o fortress or hostily constructedon the eoe of 6ottle, the bonner seroes as o

rallying point for a unit ond a rccognition sign

for friend ond foe alike.

Page 15: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire


Itdorf's Company of Honour, rlso knovn as thc Sons of thc Rcik, rrc r vcll-known sight throughour rhc city. Thc

formrtion rccruits cxclusivcly from othcr Altdorf rcaimcots, picking only thc bcst and brevcst troops out of t[c arar]' '

its that garrison rhc city valls and watch. Othcr soldicrs instantly rccognizc thc ycllov plumc rnd black stccl rrmd 'Altdorf Comprny of Honour lor thc rcgimcrt's rcputation is vcll cstablishcd, its bartlcficld history stccpcd in glory.

lcd by rhc yountcst son o{ olc of thc city's noblc houscs, thc currcnt captain is Otto Hclstcin - r vrlirnt vrnior -.L his mark. Evcry Alrdorf nativc knows rhc distinctivc trumpct blast lhat announccs vhcn thc rcgimcnt lcavcs thc city

o$rrtp.igo rnd all offcr praisc ro Sigmar ro cnsurc thc salc rcturn of Alrdorf's favourcd sons. .1.'ft





Page 16: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

T' iF

AverlandA vciland is an cxlrcmclvA

.( I vcalrhy provincc. Its

bordcrs includc thc dangcrous

Blackfirc Pass, a common

invasion routc inro rhc Empirc.

Thc colours of Avcilald arc

black and ycllow and rhc

soldicrs arc known lor showy

unilorms and ostcntrtious war

gcar. Thc statc bantrcr is a sun,

and has bccn sincc thc surviving noblcs of downfallcl Solland

scttlcd in Avcrland. Thc provincc is currcntly without an

Elcctor Count and thcrc is talk of rcinstrting thc banncr

of thc prcvious houschold.

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Page 17: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire


l f -EilN\f 1'i l f l,Gr. I,U*, .


T# A f f iI \rlri rr| *,=,' r.,,.. .H. |fri l h" , KFt; [T*- iil,' ,," $1 il f$

lI l... lfBoth highty potish"d gtro^ing orJond-bl*?k"n"d ur"l o-

-8popular uith soldiers of Aaerland.



6onner ofAaerlond.

'1 .

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The prcDious stote



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Page 18: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire


IL Militia member (consuipted)

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The emilems or deoices used on ionnen lftusuolly haae some releDonce to past eDtnts, l'geographicol locotion, religious 6elief, or lrl

general chorocteristic of the unit thot 6ears it. lHThe loss of o regiment's bonner in bottle is

f lconsidered o shomeful eoent, eoen in aictory. l*Many fierce com|ots erupt Dhen an enemy I ;

attempts to cut doun the stondard besrer ond j :

capturc o rcgiment's flag. Most units aill go \

to any length to recopture o follen bonner the .!,y^tit o7 th, ugi^ent's mortiol pride.

tlgt ,:r.


Page 19: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

on ThraqsbudGm

ccruitcd, traincd, and cquippcd by thc von Kragsburg {amily of Avcrhcim, rhc von Kragsburg Guard f,rvc tr*'il&[i

throughout t[c Old World. Likc his farhcr bcforc him, Dukc Bcrrold von Kragsburg is forcvcr r..kiog rich pj i$

spoils of var. Vhcn thc pricc is right thc von Kragsburg Guard has safcguar&d mcrchrnts elong thc OIC Dj

iOincd rmics strviog off invadcrs in Wisscnland, and lcd cxpcditions to dcstroy Bcastmcn stronglolds io thc

f,rs fought for Avcrland, but always undcr a contract lor prymclt. Whilc thc scruplcs of thc 'Di4y

lDonc mry contcst thc ulit's fightiog prowcss. Coultlcss trlcs prcvril, {rom wirhsranding chargcs'by wolf

Are&od to bttdirg towcring Ogrcs in thc Worlds Edgc Mountains, thc proud von Kngsbur! Guard get


Page 20: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

- ry. /4? I



hcavily forcstcd provincc

|' of Hochland is vcll knovn

{or its hunring grourds and for

producing cxccllcnt mrrlsmcn.

Thc sturdy troopcrs of

Hochland arc clothcd in rhc

slalc colours of rcd and grccn.

Thc provilciJ broncr bcrrs rn

Impcrial Cross on r ficld

of rcd. Thc Empcror's cmblcmwas addcd in thc ycar 2510 as a spccial honour aftcr a Hochlandforcst patrol savcd thc lifc oI Empcror Karl Franz vhcn hissmall hunring cxpcdirion vas assailcd by a mrraudiog forcc ofBcasimco. Now knovn as thc Battlc of thc Wccpiog Glcn, thcbloody affair is still sung about in mrny Hochland inns up anddown thc Old Forcst Road. Dcspitc frcqucnt patrols and forrificdvatchtowcrs along thc roadvays, ambushcs by bandirs orvorsc arc common undcr thc dark cavcs of Hochhnd.

Drokaold patrol

forces often 6eorcolour schemes or

eoen emblems linkingthe oorious regiments

ond detachments.




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The nobles of bothHochland ond Stirlondlay cloim to the sym|olof the hunting hom.To this day 6oth sides\itterly remember theBattles of the Hom.

L HochlandCaptoin

l Marksmqnuith repeoterhondgun




Ashort \anoge 6y a \ouery ofmortors hos prooen an inooluoble

aid uhen the Drakuald patrolsattock Beastmen settlements in the


Page 22: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

t '

In the Drokuold there is often only time for a single oolley \efore foesare upon you, so Hochlond morksmen lean to moke each shot count.

XSome regiments odopticons ond disploy them

on uniforms or uargeor.

The Imperiol Cross is a common symbol ofthe Enpire, representing loyolty to the Emperor.The cross is especiol/yp reoalent in Hochland - it can be found onthe state \onner and mony shields or standords 6eor crossed suords, keys, or eaen the crossed strop of o hunting hon. Fortifications ond uotchtouers areoften locoted ot key crossrood junctions olong the Old Forest Bood ond troops gorrisoned there frequently adopt ooss deoices to identify their regiment.

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7, TheKatzbulgerPatol'\ guords the South rood

\ \etween Fort Defiant and:- i tAe Cuo on d Hom Inn.qp\

\ )V


TBruhhnlD lFstro[6Drakvald forcst covcrs Hochland vith a canopy of darkncss. Roads thcorctically conncct rh. far-flung tovls

and logging camps, but contact is tcnuous at bcst. Thc vasl tracts of wildcrncss that scparatc villagcs arc akinhostilc tcrritory. For protcction a scrics of forts, fortificd inns and vatchtowcrs arc stationcd along thc highvap.

rcgularly travcl bctvccn stations, rotating garrisol duty with othcr rcgimcnts. Occasionelly troops will bandition into thc forcst to scck out aad dcstroy bandits, ncsts of Forcst Goblias, or Bcastmcn sl



f*;3Drakuold Patrols are often

made of a hal\erdier unit

ui t h se ae rul detachmentsuorking o longsi de them.The Gruncaps are oeteran

patrollers, ha oing foughtmony

'attles in the fotest.

In some coses porent units ond their detochments haDe the same or similor uniforms. In this case the main regiment,

the Gruncaps, ore green ond red quartered uith o detochment of mostly green - Gundermon's Surefires, ond one of

mostlg red - the Crimson Defiants. All formations are olso interlinhed uith similor insignia, o skull 6adge.

G'itl",@: : ptrin Katzbulget's reputotion hos:-tan since he singlehondedly sleu o!!':otaur in bloodg close combot.l r '


r f



The Surefires hoae trained:longside the Gruncops ond':ear the same emblem, DurzGunderman leods the unit ond':ears o Hochlond long rifle.

Tasked uith protecting themost oulneroble flonk of theGruncaps, the CrimsonDefionts ore uell knoun fortheir steadfast \raoery in battle.

Page 24: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

:'E-qF*IFlTll' ,--' '- - r 'r.J '-

Middenheimfowcring abovc thc Drakvald

l -

|' forest is a shccr-sidcd oinnaclc

oI whitc rock rtop vhich sirs

thc fortrcss-city of Middcnhcim,

rhc City of rhc Whitc Wolf. Thc

Whirc Wolf is thc sign of Ullc.

thc aod of battlcs and patron dcity

of Middcnhcim. Thc Cult of Ulric

is ccntrcd around thc rcgiol and

thc imprcssivc Tcmple of Ulric is a

vondcr of thc city that attracts mary pilgrims. A povcrful army,

clorhcd in thc city-statc colours of bluc and vhitc, garrisons thc

nigh-imprcgnablc valls and tirclessly prtrols thc roads lcading to thc

Ulricsbcrg - thc rock plrtcau on vhich Middcnhcim stands as if

bcsicgcd by thc surrounding forcst. And so it is, for thc Drakwrld

is dark, dangcrous, and synonymous with pcril. Thc Middcnhcim

banocr dcpicts rhc Whitc Wolf standing guard ovcr thc fortrcss vrlls

and gatcs into thc city - a sign of Ulric prorccting his ovn.

The uhite aoloes of the

Drokaald are fierce andmerciless predotors that

are notorious for

fighting to the 'ittet


Afitting synbol forUlric, god of \attles.



Page 25: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

Many cannons 6earmarkings, sym'ols and

colours of their city-stote or



Page 26: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

Some regiments bear the personalemblem of their potron.This could betheir Elector Count, a locql noble orguild, or eoen o fomed officer. For

emmple,Todbringer's Oon is one ofmany Halberdier regiments ormed ond

equipped under the direction of theElector Count himself.The oon

Strumpet rcgiment is formed around oninspirationol captoin ond the

Grimmhogen Suordsmen are poid ondequipped 6y a traders guild from the city

street beoilng that title.

Mony regiments ueor tokens of Ulric to shoa theirdedicotion ond to goin the god's fooour.

Becorse of the

fosness of thedyes, the shade of6lue often oaries

'etbeen rcgiments

and sometimeseoen uithin thesame uniform.

Page 27: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire






re-,y.Svords of Ulric rc onc of thc mrny rcgimcnts formcd by aod pard for by thc Tcmplc of Ulric in Middcilcin Thc

tnining of thc Svords of Ulric consists not of muchcs or vapom pnctice bur instcad of parrols ald var Frtics lcd out ofcity into thc surrounding Dnkvdd Inftiara hoping ro ioin thc unit must rccompary such cxcursions - only thosc rlrr fi$t

eud survivc rrc admittcd It is lcfi to ach mldicr ro cquip himslf io thc bluc and whirc cotoure of Middcnhcin Silrcc t[,cin fic dap vhcr Count Mandrcd rallicd thc Empirc bchind him ard bcomc Empaor, thc mm of Ulric lnrc bornc

$tdc By tnditior, uch shicld bcan a variation of thc samc dcvicc - a rcd volf, signifying Ulric cmbatlcd T[c arinfor formrl .ccrcmooy but vhar thcy lack il prradc-ground disciplinc they makc up for vith uvagcry on thc

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I vast and darkly forcstcd

I I orovincc. Middcnland

is stroogly associatcd wirh Ulrrc,

thc god of battlcs, wolvcs, and

wintcr. Thc hcarty soldicrs of

Middcnland arc quicklv turncdinto scasoncd varriors as thc spravling woods of thc untamcdDrakvald harbours coulilcss Goblins, Bcastmcn, and vorsc.

Thc statc colour of Middcnlald is bluc, with ribbons and

slashing of contrastint colours uscd to idcnrify diffcrcnt

rcgimcnts. Thc statc flag bcars a whitc volf, thc symbol ofUlric, thc ancicnt warrior-god of thc Empirc who prc-dates rhccoming of Sigmrr. Thc Elcctor Coult, Craf Boris Todbringcr,

rcsidcs in Middcnhcim and has added a castlc morif dcpicting thcprovincc's most importatrt city onto the provincial banncr.








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. 1 ' '1 ' ,


provincc of Nordland

I is famous for its naw and

its hcavily tollcd coastal roads

which providc safc passagc

for rich mcrchants travcllint toMaricnburg. Many sca fortrcsscs

rnd vatchlowcrs linc thc coast,

as raidcrs from across thc Sca

of Clavs arc all too common.

Thc statc troops of Nordhnd,including thc Nordland Marincrs, vcar distioctivc bluc and ycllovuniforms. Thc provincial banncr bcars a dcpiction of a sca caglcclutching a shicld vith thc aallcy icon. rhc symbol uscd as prrtof thc coat of arms by thc Elcctor Count Thcodcric Gausscr.Traditionally rhc Elcctor Count of Nordland is rlso thc Princc oIMaricnburg, and this has bccn a point of contcntion sitcc thar ciryscccdcd from thc Empirc. Orhcr oft-sccn cmblcms il Nordhndincludc thc Impcrial Cross, various ship, anchor or fish dcsigns,and rhc fivc-pointcd crown of thc sca god Manann.

Page 31: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

Many Nordland stote troops rotote duty as

part of a garrison for o uotchtouer and

o6oord ships patrolling the coastlines.








In addition to oastttscts of coostlandNordland is qlso a

proaince of denseuoods, including the

Forest of Shodows ondthe Lourelon Forest





Page 32: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

Nulnfhc city of Nuln tnils only

a'I. Altdorf in trrms of sizc

rnd population. Famous for its

anciclt rcadcmics and its

indusrry, Nuln is rhc homc

of vast forgcs and thc Impcrial

Cunncry School. Thc uniforms -.

of soldicrs from Nuln arc black.

although whcthcr this is by

agc-old dcsigl or morc practical

nccds to hidc thc soot from fighting alongsidc so many canoons

(or from thc pollutcd city itsclf) is uoccrtain. Thc city banncr of

Nuln dcpicts a goldcn lior holding thc scrlcs of iudgcmcnt - a

symbol of Vcrcna, goddcss of lcarning. A blindfoldcd maidcn

crrrying scrlcs is anothcr populrr morif amongst many units of

Nuln. Orhcr symbols vhich appcar lrcqucntly on rcgimcntal

shiclds rnd banncrs, arc cannons, thc famous bridgc of Nuln, and

variations of thc lion.


Page 33: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

mointained 6y theb oeas ondfrcquently 6ealnames eooking greot heroes or \ottlefield

oirtues,These nomes ore sometimes engrooedor painted onto the \arrel or corrioge of anartillery piece. Some reoered guns haoe seen

centuries of noble seroice ond haDe uell-e sto 6 li shed repu to ti ons.

) Some ortillerypieces beor astate seol or

coster's motk.

A Hebloster

Volley Gun

Creu operoting a Hel\loster oolley gun or Helstom rochet \atteryoften corry uith them some ossociated token to shou they are paid

up uith the Priests of Mon This often takes the form of o rooen,hourgloss, or black rose.This proctice is discouroged 6y the ImperialCollege of Engineers ond the Imperiol Gunnery School, uho see the

superstition os 6ad for recruitment.

As firing on ortillery piece is notoriously

filthy uork, often coDeilng the crcD in sootond grime, it is conDenient thot the Nuln

uniform colour is 6lack. Dffirently coloured

plumes, sleeoes, or rib|ons ore used todistinquish 6etueen creus.

) HelstormRocket Banery

Page 34: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

Some Nu/n regiments are tosked Dith guarding specific uar mochines u |atteries.These poirings uill often shore common sym6ols or insignio.

Y Arms of the Imperial Gunnery School

Page 35: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire



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Dcfcndcrs vas first raisd rftcr thc disastrous battlcs of thc yar 2421 vhcn Goblin Mrlord Grom T[c Pauoc.h d

ir lcd ar bvuioo through Blackfirc Pas and srvrgcly rarsckcd Nuh bcforc svccping through thc hart of th

vrs occdcd bctvccn rnillcry and infantry, rnd in thc vrkc of thc dcvrstrtion ncv rcgfurcnts vcrc formcd hto

fou$t togaha. Baron Albraht Cruodcl first namcd rnd thc cquippcd thosc undcr his commnd md his som hap,

dry. Trslad with protcctilg thc httcris of crnlon and morlar from thc cncmy, Cruodcli Dcfcldcrs hevc lcrtcr fdhd

Discounring vitchcnft ald r fry ill-fatcd misfircs, Cr[ndd's Dcfcndcs havc yct to losc onc of rhcir prccious wr n

of grar pridc to thc rcgimcnl

t.t --.114

Page 36: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

OstermarkrFhc rural Drovincc of

I' Ostcrm.rk is a sombrc and

grim land wirh a history abound

with brttles. invasiols. disastcr and

lavless rcavcrs. To thc north lics

ruggcd Kislcv, to the south thc

curscd lands o[ Sylvania. Othcr

landmarks includc thc ruincd city

of Mordhcim, thc Blcak Moors.

---:X ---.1

and thc ancicnt battlcsitc of Hcl

Fcnn. Thc Ostcrmark colours arc purplc and ycllov or purplc and

vhitc and lhc statc cmblcm is a crowncd Manticorc, famously

rcmcmbcring thc talc of thc firsr flccror Count of Ostcrmark's

heroic dcfcat of such a bcast ncar thc World's Edgc Mountains.

. A Caproin o/Ostermark

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Page 37: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

Armi es from O ster mo r k ha oecrossed their northem border to aidthe nation of Kisleo mony timesthroughout history.

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provincc of Osrland is

|. dominarcd by thc Forcst of

Shadovs. Its troopcrs wcar black

ald whirc, a combination which

lcnds irsclf to bold halvcd

or quartcrcd uniforms, whilc

stripcs, chccks, and diamond

pattcrns arc popular on hosc or

slccvcs. Thc symbol of Osdand

is thc bull stubborn alddcpcndablc, likc thc pcoplc oi Osthod thcmsclvcs

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L Ostland Captoin

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Fircfoqlcs of Fcrhngcn rrc r troop of dcrdly rccuratc hrldgunncrs thrt f,rvc fought throughout Ostlrad, oficl

brms of Elcctor Count voo Rtukov himsclf. Wcrring thc blrck rnd vhirc of thcir homc provincc, thc

bcer oo formrl iosignir but supcrstiriously dccorrtc thcir tnts rnd uniforms vith rf,c bolcs of frllcl

hck charms. Evco amoagst thc srubborn Osthodcrs, rhc Fircloqucs of Fcrhagcl hrvc arincd a rcputation for

ir gun linc rnd unlcrshing vollcy rftcr vollcy of lirc ilto rpproachilg focs. Thcir rcfusrl to surrcodcr tfic flall

from thc north during rhc rhrcc-day Battlc of thc Littcrcd Boncs crrlcd thcm thc nicknamc of Skull Cluhbcrq rc

lq for tf,c cntirc h$ day thcy rcsortcd to using thcir bclovcd f,andguos rs bluot vcrpous to stcm tf,c ridc of attrctcis,

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In the year 2429 theImperial Croun possed to

Wilheln III, the Prince ofAltdorf and Count of

Reikland. h remqins Dit[ liis

fomily to this day.fhc Rcikland is thc

I mosr pow.rful and

cosmopolitan provincc in

thc Empirc. Its wcll-cquippcd

rnd profcssional soldicrs arc

clothcd in vhitc. though in

practicc this is oftcn a fawn

or off-whitc colour. Thc statc

banncr o[ thc Rcikland dcpicts

an Eaglc, in this casc

rcprcscnting thc aoddcss Myrmidia, thc patron dcrty of thc art

of var. Othcr kcy icons includc a crovn, thc Hammcr of

Sigmar, and a svord, symbolising a mighty Runclang. As thc

lcgcndary birthplacc of Sigmar himscl{, it is no surprisc that thc

cult of Signar is highly popular in thc Rcikland. Soldicrs from

Rcikland considcr thcmsclvcs to bc supcrior to troops from othcr

rcgions, vhich can occasionally lcad to troublc on campaigns.




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Page 43: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

Helmgart is one of the most famous fortresses in the Beikland.It guords Ate Bite Pass - the gateuoy to Bretonnis uhere many greot

and glorious 6onles haae 6een fought.

l fL Defender of Helngort L Coptoin of Reikland

Corroburg Greotsuords first eoned its reputationthe Siege of Carro\urg in I 865. After hol&ngthat d.a! against an army of Mddenlond, the

chonged their uhite uniforms to red in order to honoqrblood.-drenched oi ctor s,

Page 44: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

-* . . . .Frr ' , . - ,"i'? '-

Stirlandtt i i lald

is r ooor orovincc and

9thc rusric customs of its

pcoplc arc thc targct for snidc

commclts fron forcigncrs. Many

of its soldicrs bcar simplc arms

and atmour and thcrc arc many

rcgimcnts that vear rhc Srirland

colours of grccn and ycllow only

in a tokcn fashion, thcir garb oficn

vcll-vorn or prtchcd ovcr. In

cootrast some Srirland noblcs ovcrcompcnsatc rnd cquip thcir

soldicrs as lavishly as any city-statc. Thc Banncr of Stirland shovs

a skclcton sounding a hunting horn, signifying a call to battlc. Thc

skclctol irsclf is a common symbol of thc lands, an cxprcssion of

borh thc Stirland battlc cry 'victory or dcaih- and a grim rcmindcr

of thc lands of Sylvania. ostcnsibly parr of Srirlard. bur in rcality

a dangerous rnd ncar-dcscrtcd provilcc vhcrc thc dcad notoriously

do Dot rcst.

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t r - l\.'F--rr. "'

Because of costs and ooailability, nang of Stirlond's soldiers are

equipped uith only bosic ueoponry.


L Coptoin of Stirland L Members of the Stiilond Mlitio

Bfber lFstrol ":Fffhc mighty Srir rivcr runs from thc Worlds Edgc Mountains to rhc Rcik, forming thc bordcr of Srirlrtd

I r vcll-plicd rradc rourc. Thc wrrcry highvay must bc corstantly prtrollcd, rs tf,c vcahhy mcrchrnt bargc

rl, rfiract attcntion of thc vorst kind. Thc Stir Rivcr Patrol usc grccu end vhitc uniforms, no mattcr vf,ic['tf,c mrny fonificd porrs tf,cy usc as r harbour basc. Somc formations erc f,igf,ly polisf,cd rnd wcll cquippcd, {ff

'mr!y rrc voro - shoving off thc vcar rnd tcar of constrnt naval rnd laod ections. "i

q1 Some of the larger oessels in the disporate naoy

carrg more than one unit, often equipped for either

6oarding or ronged ottacks against enemy ships,

U@Fish and the fioe-pointed croun of

Manann are common symiols amongst

the Rioer Patrols.

L Rioer Potrol Coptoin

The Green Lurkerfish is o fiercepredator of the Stir knoun for its

suift strihe,

Page 46: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire


Stirlond's orchers are fomous for their suifness on thefield of 6anle.This is pattly due to skill,6ut often due to

the impoaerished troops hoaing less in the ooy of gear or proaisions to \urden them.

lCr dr

t lThe occuracy of

Stirlond Huntsmen is

uell knoun throughoutthe Empire.

Page 47: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire


Darhircls rrc rcoovncd rchcn vho can tnck r foc rt spccd tlrou$ rny lorcst First rccordcd ol tfic Vurrbd roll of'

honour in thc yar 2004, thc Dathjacls wcrc hircd to scout ahcad of thc main Stirlud ermy during thc civil vus bctvccl

; \VTbt . Empcrors. Thc Dathiacls herc conioucd to bc oI scruicc - rmbuhiag opposirg scouts md findhg hiddcr pths

liiticl to takc thc fc unavrre To rhis dry thc Dathiacks still rccruit out of thc Grcrt Forcst rs tf,c rough country brccds oaay ud{

[t\rL" voodscrrft U*d to fcoding lor thcnslvcs, thc Dathircls havc bccr dubbcd rhc Mufioo-sticlcn or Tticr,isgidc by ifl

.s hgt gc mias ud supplia nyscriously go nissilg in thcir prcscncc All is forgivcn" hovcvcr, vhca thc ucfrcrs rc&'

i-scoutilg missioo vrviag rhci hmcr ro signify clcmics rhcad, or bluing thc rll-dsr ol thcir hunting homs.

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!.:; l t lF.^t! lF.!


vast provincc of

|. Talabccland is hcavily

lorcstcd and sprrscly populatcd.

Thc land is namcd aftcr Taal,

thc god of bcasts and wild

placcs. It is considcrcd grcat

luck to cross thc rivcr Tahbcc

and rcgimcnts doing so wil l dip

thcir standards into thc watcr,

considcring thc act r sacrcd

blcssing. Talabccland's colours arc rcd and ycllow and thc statc

banncr is r crovncd caglc. Shiclds rnd banncrs oftcn portray

antlcrs or a trce - both symbols of Taal.








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Any trcoelling the uoods of the Empire night offer honage toToal,6ut the GreotForest oithinTalabecland is the heartlond of the god's uorship. Many soldiers beor

signs of the god as charms to uord off eoil.

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Thlabheirn {

Ii \


Many of the

Toal\oston Guard, the

regiments that man the

crater uall,6ear the tuin-

toiled comet symbol ontheir lioery.

ftccp vithin thc Grcat Forcst

I-llics thc citv-statc of

Talabhcim. A mrssivc cratcr

scvcnl milcs vidc forms thc basc

of a hcrvily fortificd rim wrll

that cncirclcs thc imprcgnablc

city. Thc Talabhcim colours arc

rcd and vhitc and sincc thc ycar

llll thc statc banncr has bccn

dcoictcd as r varrior maiden

bcarirg an icon of thc Impcrirl Griffor holdirg thc Hammcr of

Sigmar. As thc ralcs go, it vas such r maidcn, a hcalcr, who

took up rrms and rallicd thc dcfcndcrs to srvc thc plaguc-riddcn

city from bcing rakcn by Chaos Ratmcn. Shc dicd a hcro. but

hcr lcgcnd rs saviour of thc city livcs on in rhc form of

numcrous shicld and banlcr dcsigns. Thc motto of that dcfcocc,'Nonc Shall Pass' is still uscd by many of thc soldicrs

rcsoonsiblc for thc dcfcncc of thc cratcr vall.


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h is said thatToal himselfformed the great croter that fingsTalobheim ahen he fought ondcost doun a giganticWyrn, its fery trail blozing like the fabled conet of Signar itse$ So it

pleosedToal greatly to see people settle in sqfety in the crcter he had made. fust os in

Tolobecland, many soldiersofTalobheim bear the stog shull or ontlered tree, or other symbolsassocioted uith the qodTaol.






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fsr- ,rflq.r


The imposing touers and fortificotions around the croter uolt ofTalo,hein 6ristle uith an array of

formiia1te ieaponry. In addition to the more recogniso6le ortillery p-ieces, such as Greot Cannons'

ond Mortors, cn be found some of the erperimental uorkings of the College of Engineers',*



Page 53: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

Famous Regiments of the EmpireWhilc most Empirc troops wcar thcir provincial or city-slatc colours, therc arc notable cxccptions that do not follow

rhis tradition. Somc rcgimcnts havc pcrformcd lcgcndrry fcats on past battlcficlds that arc forcvcr commcmoratcd by a

symbolic changc of uniform dcsign or colour. Othcr unorthodox formations adopt thc srylc of a mavcrick lcrdcr or

dcvclop thcir ovn hcritage ovcr thc course of long campaigning. Agc-old cncmics, uniquc fighting tactics, or cvcn a

chancc to cmbcllish thcir own myrhic rcputation havc all bccn rcason cnough for rcgimcnt to adopt non-standard

colours and symbols.

Helhunten's Rcdeemcrs --- r

Lcd by zcalous vitch-huntcr )oscphvon Hclhuntcn, thc Redccmcrs arc

Vampirc-huntcrs. Hailing from rhc

rcgion around Sicgfricdhof in

Srirland, thc Rcdccmcrs shun thc

grccn and ycllow of rhcir homc

provincc, choosing instcad black and

tan. All mcmbcrs of thc rcgimcnt

hrvc expcricnccd loss at the hands of

the undcad and havc vowed rcvcnge.

The Bedeemers bear neck-protecting armour and mony

corry ritual stokes. APriest of Signar occomponies

the unit as the fight is 6oth physicol ond spirituol.


Thc srory of hov thc CarroburgGrcatswords camc to supplantrhcir whitc uniforms for bloodrcd oncs has bccomc lcgcnd. Ir isa tale that Rciklandcrs particularlylikc to rccall as it tclls of onc ofthcir glorious victorics andhumilation for thc rival provtnccof Middcnland.

Carroburg Greatswords

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.--. . rt, .

\Wissenlandfhc southcrnmosr of all

I thc Empirc's provioccs,

Wisscnland hrs ilcorporalcd

thc formcr tcrritory of Solland

sincc its collapsc in thc ycar

1707. Thc colours of Wisscnland

arc grcy and whitc, with many

statc rctimcnts distinguishing

thcmsclvcs virh dilfcrcntly

colourcd plumcs, ribbons, or

shicld dcsigns. Thc starc banncr is a whitc lion carrying a pcnnant

with a sun, a nod to rhc hcritagc of Sollaod, although thcrc arc

somc noblcs vho dispurc rhis and maintain thc oldcr dcsign with

thc tvio-tailcd comct on thc lion's banncr.

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L. Greotsuord of Wssenlond

Page 56: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

Wssenland guards itsnotoriously dongerous\orders uith o string of

Iinhed fortresses and signoltoue rs. Troops go r ri soni ngthese edifices often adopt a

specific plume colour oreoen 6ear o bodge to denoteuhich fort they coll home.

Page 57: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire


ntoher frtsrht---)-

Sra'atortr llukr n r -rh

ircC rcaimor out of Stcingart. Tf,cy rc aanisoncd rs prt of th lbi of


6d Fdd & Ir iod& i rsr Wisolil4 undcr thc shadov of tlc Bhck Mountrins. Alwqrs d

Ihc ro iJv ra. rL ud.bcrttts m csscntirl for borda dc{cncc Thc rcgioo is rifc vith

{ Tm& h* -r- r r&rg Ccn ia sarch of prcy. Thc Mrksmcn sherc thc Stcrntova with i

- rrl rb &t he c*Hrsncd r froot-linc ceruradcria Scrgant-rt-:rms llaas $hvrrzblut

EL'SErrr lGrbc I e u d[ o{ hJbcrdicrs rnd sparmcn Flc is r wtcno of mrny brttlcs

[*tp I tto+ r lil l|rt Urilliry to sit rrd vrit, $.hvanzbhrr "ft- ";d* Ftt l" uP 4

Page 58: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

dt; ,-ljr'.'

The MootIn thc ycar l0l0 thc Halflings wcrc grantcd thc arca around thc Uppcr Avcr rivcr to scrvc as thcir homcland. Likc rll

provinccs of thc Empirc, thc Moot maintains troops to guard its bordcrs and to providc troops for thc Empcror's armics.

Halfling militia tcnd to wcar e unifying colour somcwhcrc on thcir kir, oftcn Brccn or rcd, but morc formal uniforms

havc bccn obscrvcd.

The banner of the Moot is a

Fighting Cocketel.

Marie nburg

from rhc Empirc in thc ycar 2429 thanks to vast bribcs and thc grccd of Empcror Dictcr IV. Now rulcd by

Burgomcisrcrs and powcrful mcrcantilc guilds, Maricnburg ficlds a largc army that includcs many wcll-paid mcrccnarlcs.

Thc Maricnburg colours arc rcd, bluc and ycllow, and sumptuous showy uniforms arc commonplacc.


Page 59: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire


I::.ffi:'H,:'"ii',., .u :::surviv ing noblcs ha' . : . : ' . : . .





,r{t tlI



( f l '


The sun sym\ol

fron the old

Solland flog is stillin use by mang

suraioing no6les.

-: ' - - ' - ' - : ' -- : i - : : :F : i the Worlds Edgc Mountains. Long rulcd by rhc von Drak

:.- - : - : . : : : . : : \ ' . : : ron Carstein who then at temptcd to ovcrthrow the Empirc, T.-, :- ' : : ' , ' : : . : : : : Counts. Since thc Batt lc of Hcl Fcnn in 2145, Sylvania has

Thc land of Sylvanr: . : , ' : :

fami ly. Sylvania sa: - : - : : : : :

dur ing what arc no' i . : ' : : - .becn re-absorbcd hr S:. ' . : - :

- lIi

- lI

- l

tt1)t - l

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Page 60: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

The ReiksguardThc Rciksguard arc thc pcrsonal army and bodygurrd of thc Empcror himsclf. Thcir ranks are opcn to any noblcs vho arcIoyal to thc Empcror and includc mcmbcrs from throughout the Empirc. Although bascd in Altdorf, thc RciksguardaccomPany thc Empcror on all his iourncys and maintain many fortrcsscs and barracks scattcrcd through thc wholc of thc iEmpire. Thc colours of thc Reiksguard arc rcd and whitc, and thcy traditionally catry symbols of allcgiancc to thcEmpcror - thc crowncd skull, laurcl lcavcs, and thc Impcrial Cross.

The \anner of the Reiksmorshol


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Page 61: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

- . i , . r r t jF


bining th. Rcrks;::: r ::La:r::: i nr.lttrn rnd social honour amongst rhc nobility. rnd brrons, dukcs and couots chmots

lo hrvc thcir *-!i i:::-:: ::: s;i u r:cleimcd brothcrhood. Thc Rciksguard oftcn includcs sons of Elcctor Counts ud

mcmbcrs from:l: f::-::; ir.rr ::sli..\ftcr arduous training, ncv inductccs ioin thc Rciksgurrd in el austcrq if

thrt concluda rb: E:.:-::; T:--:.::: This cvcnt occurs cvcry ycar io Altdorf during thc spring fcstivals. A ncwly

is givcn r dun rr rlc R:iu:r:ui. :hc Graod Mastcr of thc Ordcr itsclf. This could bc an ordcr lo ioin rhc Empcroi

Guerd. r poLtr:e. .ri- :: i:r:h:rt ro . formation that marchcs to war undcr thc commud of Elcctor Count.

! l

. - " '4- f t i : " i , !

Page 62: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

lf- -{!j-1

t '7 ' t ts PantherI\nlgnThc exotically attired Order of thc Knights Panrher is a secular brotherhood dcdicatcd to thc aood of thc Empire.

Thcsc noblcs see thcmselves as protcctors of rhc people, lands, rnd aims of thcir bcloved nation, and thcy strivc to risc

abovc political machinations of individual provinces or city-states. Arraycd in distinctivc furs of grcat hunting cats from

thc southern lands, the Knights Panther clad thcmsclvcs in platc armour of silvcr and gold and chargc inro battlc asrridc

horscs with distinctivc bluc and gold barding.

Bonner of the Grand Master

of the Knights Ponther.

The panthersym6olises strength,

nobility, and courage.

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Page 63: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

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Knights of the White WolfThc fcrocious Knights ;i -13 S: :: S:if rrc dcvorcd followcrs of Ulric that arc bascd in Middcnhcim. Thc Ordcr can

bc found rhroughout rl.: E::.': :-: r:: f:r morc common in thc northcrn lands. Thcy ridc to war barchcadcd, drapcd in

thc pclrs of grcat sbrt: r:.r:: i:::-::: Drakvald forcst. Knights of thc Whitc Wolf bcar thc colour red on thcir

banncr, barding and sori::::.= :.:: :: s:itoo hafts. A whitc volf or a hammcr always fcatufcs on their banncrs.

As they charge into battle, Knights of

the White Wolf bellou saoage ooths to

Ulric.This gunurol houling hos sentmany foes flying eoen \efore the

Knights' chorge can impact.

" \ \\.*\

' \ i



3Knights of theWhiteWolf do not 6ear shields, preferring instead to

use both honds to uield their heoou hommers.

Banner of the Grand Moster of the Chapter.This is only remooed fromthe Chopter House's Hall of Honour in greot need.

Page 64: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

'>-itTr::.ntlTJ r:\ ;- r -,al-6rrqt

Knights of the Blazing Sun

Foundcd aftcr a remarkablc victory during a crusade, rhc Knights of thc Blazing Sun arc dcdicatcd to Myrmidia, thc

goddcss of war. Thcy bcar armour and barding of black rnd gold, or somctimcs ycllow. A varicty of stylised sunsymbols arc uscd on banncrs and somctimcs paintcd or engravcd on barding and armour.

The colours of plumesare 6lock or yellow ond

sometimes both.

Red soshes oftensignify preoious

uounds in com6ot.

Since retuming fromthe ctusades, the

Knights of theBlazing Sun haoe

founded their maintemple inTalabheim.


Knights of the Evcrlasting Light

Thc Knights of thc Evcrlasting Light arc champions of iusticc atrd losr causcs, but arc pcrhaps cvcn bcttcrknovn for bcing a curscd order. Foul occurrcnccs and ill luck plaguc thc brothcrhood, but rhcy will not ,/,spcak opcnly of any cursc nor vill thcy spcculatc on how it camc to bc. z/rz

qThe Knights ofthe EoerlostingLight polish

theit armou to ahighly reflectioe


After a series ofdiscsfers, sucll as

fire, eorthquake,and comet-strikes, the

cutrcntchopterhouse isbavd in the city

of Essen in


i t




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Page 66: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

(l t 'r

Colleges of MagicAftcr thc Grcat War against Chaos, Magnus thc Pious liftcd thc ancicnt laws against thc practicc of wizardry and foundcd

thc cight Collcgcs of Magic in Altdorf. Each Ordcr draws powcr from onc of thc cight Winds of Magic, for thc minds

of mcn cannot mastcr thc full spcctrum of sorccry. As a rcsult, wizards from diffcrcnt Collcgcs havc thcir ovn distinct

sorccrics, traditions and rituals, according to thc naturc of thc magical cncrgy thcy harncss.

\ Thc Bright Order-

Brirh, Wizards channcl rhc\ fl. Ambcr ordcr

d tn. Light ordcr 6f rn. Gold ordcr

Viod oI Aqshy for rhcir magic.Thcy spccialisc ir a wild rnddcstructivc pyromancy thrt lcrvcsnaught but ruin rnd dcvastation irits wrkc.

Thc runc of thc Bright collcgc isthc Kcy of Sccrcts.

Thc Vind of Hysh is villlul aodrccalcitrant. so Light \[izards cmployclaborrtc riturls to dircct its powcrLight magic is rcoovrcd for itspowcr to hcal atrd protcct.

Light Wizrrds bcrr thc rurc of thcScrpcnt of Light.

Ambcr Vizards drrv upoo thcWiod of Chur. Thcy arc solirrryfolk vho shuo thc cilics ir favourof thc primal wildcrrcss whcrc thcirpowcr is stroog.

Thc Ambcr Ordcr display rhc runcof thc Arrov.

Cold Wizards arc alchcmists, anddrav upon thc Wiod of Chamoo.Gold Wizards arc madc vcalthy

by thcir skills, aod thcirostctrlatious robcs rrc hcaly vithprccious mctals.

Tfic symbol of thc Gold Collcacis thc runc oI thc Sorrirg Eaglc.

+ J^ r1

Page 67: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire


The Whccl of Magic is a common sight amongst the magical tomcs of rhc Empirc.

It shows the rclationships bctwecn thc cight Lorcs of Magic and thc sorccrous vinds

that fccd thcm. Each lorc sharcs key words of commrnd, rituals or abilitics vith othcr

lorcs in closc proximity, whilst cxisting in opposition to thc lorc that sits on thc

oppositc sidc of thc vhccl. It is littlc wondcr that mcn cannot mistcr all cight lorcs

simultancously, for to do so would bc to hold cight polar oppositcs in balancc

a rccipc for disastcr should cven a singlc word of command bc mispronounccd.

@ Thc |ade Ordcr e\ fn. Cclestial OrdcrCclcstial Wizards arc sccr and

progtroslic.tors vho draw thcir powcr

from thc Wind of Azyr. Thcy carry

scxtiuts, astrolabcs aod othcr morc

mystcrious tools for stargrzing and


Thc plummcting Comct of Povcr rc

thc chosco ruoc oI thc Cclcstirl Ordcr.

Y The Greyv Order

] : : r S:: : : ls 1rc mrstc$ of

'_, : r :a . : : i : ic i t . rs ooc

-, i : : : \ : : : i o i scrvants of lhc

;-- : : : : r . r i6 Wild of Ulgu.

T:: Sr:rC of fudgcmcot is

:::::r: oi thc Crcy Collcgc.

/ Tn .Amethyst--\'- Order

Thc Vind of Shyish is thc viod ol

dcarh, grantirg Amcthyst Wizrrds powcr

ovcr spirits rnd thc dcrd. No vondcr

rhco thrt thc sombrc Amcthyst otdcr

hrs a lcll rcpurrtioo.

Thc Scythc is thc runc of Amcthyst,

and mauy Wizrrds crrry such . vcapo!.

Page 68: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

Itttperial Engine ers SchoolLocatcd in Altdorf, thc Impcrial Enginccrs School has produccd a rangc of strangc and dcadly machincs of war, from thcsclf-loading rcpcatcr handgun to thc mighty Stcam Tank. Enginccrs somctimcs rcmain at thc school in Altdorf or pcrhaps

scck out a patron of thcir own amongst thc Elcctor Counts or noblcs of thc Empirc. On thc batlcficld it is possiblc toscc Enginccrs vcaring no disccrnablc uniform at all or convcrscly conforming rigidly to thc state colours of a province orcity-statc, sometimcs cvcn taking on the personal panoply of a dukc, counl, or baron. Always prcvalcnt, howcver, is soot,

thc smcll of gunpowdcr, and a ccrtain mad glcam in rhc cycs that is common amongst invcntors.

An Engineer from Altdofequipped uith a Repeoter Pistol.

An Engineer in the seroiceof Hochlond.

An Engineer uith aHochland Long Bifle.

An Engineer uith aRepeater Hondgun.

The Banner of theImperial Engineer School.

Founded in Altdorfin the year 20 I 2 6ythe modTilean genius Leonardo ofMi ragliano, the Inperial EngineersSchool hss 6een responsille for inoentingo oost arsenol of deadly ueopons ondunusual controptions,


An Engineer in the

seroice ofTolobheim.An Engineer uith o Grenade

Lo u nc hi ng B I unde rbu ss.


i '


Page 69: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

Stearn Thnks:.::::e, Stcam Tank was dcsigncd and built ovcr 500 ycars a8o by Lconardo of Miragliano' thc

f::,:.:: and foundcr of thc Impcrial School of Engincers. Twclvc of thcsc iron-clad bchcmoths

:- : . : l :s : rer only c ight rcmain, thc rcst bcing lost in battlc or catastrophic accidcnt.

aThe Conqueror oos one of the first SteomTqnks built,

its hull stfiking cetemony held in the yeor 2025. Other

SteamTonks uith the ssme ormament - the main

cannon and steam gun ore often referred to as'Conqueror Closs'.

Ooer the yeors these oenerable uor machines haoe eoch

seen o number of modifications - the engineers connot help

tinkering. Often these inooloe adding neu or ezperimentol

ueapons. Different configurations become knoun 6y the

name of the SteonTanh or, occasionally, 6y the nome of

the engineer uho designed the ooriont.

LThe Emperor'sWrath has recently 6een to the Engineer's

College in Altdorffor ooerhouling. k has been repoired

ond refitted bock to a Conqueror Class configuration.

Now retumed to octioe duty, the Emperor'swrsth hqs

been instrumental in oiding Graf BorisTodbringer's

ongoing \attles in the Drakualdforest.

aThe SteqmTank Delioerance entered seroice in the year

2035 ond its many banlefield performonces haoe made

it legendory. Delioerance coused untold camoge to the

foe during the Greatwor Against Choos ofter uhich it

uas honoured aith the Imperial Cross 6y neuly elected

Emperor Magnus the Pious.

Page 70: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

b'dilF.:1.1ry.!. i. ' . . ' '

Famous Regiments of the EmpireTo this day, the regiment of the Deoth's Heods still maintoins their reputation for bottlefield\raoerg along uith their distinctioe 6lack and red colour scheme ond ominous mssks.


Thc Death's Hcads

The Dcath's Hcads of Ostcrmark formcd

during thc rcign of Vlad von Carstcin.

Subiagating Sylvania vas not enough for thc

Vampire Count as hc sprcad his rcalm,

prcparing to launch vhat history calls thc

Vampirc Wars. Thosc who darcd to dcfy

this draconian rulc disappcarcd. Informcrs

wcrc cvcrywhcrc. In thc town of Esscn thosc

willing to fight lcft bchind thc purplc and

ycllov of old rcgimcnts and formcd a ncw

unit grrbcd in sombrc black and rcd. Masks

wcrc worn to kccp thcir idcntitics sccrct.

Aftcr frccing Esscn thc unit gaincd notoricty

on many battlcficlds, taking thc fighr into

Sylvania aftcr thc grcat victory of Hcl Fcnn.

Van Klumpf's Buccanccrsco


#! rvnff iM...8 ruG&iZ L:F

Originoting from the toun of Essen, the Deoth's Heads nou recruit from all ooer Ostermark.

Van Klumpf's Buccanccrs arc also known as

thc Murdercrs out of Maricnburg and thc

Scourgc of thc Rcik. Thcsc scllsvords arrivcd

at thc Rciksport in 2545 and havc bccn

of{cring thcir scrviccs cvcr sincc. As rhcy havc

carvcd a brutal namc for thcmsclvcs on both

land and rivcr, thcir fecs havc steadily gonc up.

It is rumoured that Bartholomeus osn Klumpf is thedrspossessed son o/ o Morienburg noble.This moy be trueas the Buccaneers ore loaishly equipped - or ot least theyonce uere, before time ond hord duty tooh its toll.TheBucconeers uear omate ta\ards in Marienburg colours,6utthe rest of their ga,6 is dra6-

The Ripper Fishseroes os deaice for

6oth shield ond banner.

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Page 72: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

-r"Y.l1*:Er a,zr-.' 'flR-r'-

Warrior Priests of SigmarWhcn an Empirc army gocs to var, it is oftcn accompanicd by a Warrior Pricst of Sigmar. Warrior Pricsts do not vcar

a uniform as such, but arc rccognisablc by thcir shavcn hcads (a sign of dcvotion) rnd prolific usc of thc icons of

Sigmar. Warrior Pricsts forsakc vorldly posscssions, cxccpt whcn it comc to gcar of var. Evcn a Warrior Pricst from r

poor provincc is likcly to bcar polishcd armour and r fincly craftcd warhammcr or two.

The Empire is a land of many gods ond

eoeryuhere a citizen loohs he uill see their

sigms andsyn6o/s. There ore grand temples in

the mojor cities that hoae been built ondembellished ooer the long centuries-Conoersely, olong eoen the nost forsokenpothuays there are roodside sfirines so

possing trcoellers might pay theb respects.

LWarrior Priest of Uric

While there are priests for all the many gods ofthe Empire, the only ones to accompony troops

to bottle ore deooted to Sigmar or occosionally

to Ulric (especially in ond oround the prooinceof Middenland). It is for this reason they are

knoun aswarrior Priests,for their deities are

gods of bottle uho demand strength of arms.

Shields bome byWorrior Priests of Sigmor

Page 73: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

FlagellantsUnhingcd bv thoughts of thc world's cnding, Flagcllants arc vandcring lunatic doomsaycrs that gravitatc towards battlcs

whcrc thcy scck to smitc somcthing bcsidc thcmsclvcs. Thcsc homclcss mobs arc not an uncommon sight in thc Empirc,

wandcring thc rordsrvs or travclling from villagc to villagc. Thcir garb can bc that of ordinary citizcns, although it is

most oftcn drrb. rrggcC rod partially covcrcd with filth, scravlcd vovs on parchmcnts, and prophccics of the apocalypsc.

A.;:---=:, -,rilui



i l

i^ l

Usuolly just o rogtag mob, certoin FlagellontWorbands 6ear

distinguishing morks often ossocioted uith certain areas or a

porticularly zealous prophet. For instonce, the Flogellonts of the

Red Redemption uith their distinctioe pattems aelts ore aell knoun

olong the pothuays through the Foresr o/Siodoas.

) The banner

bome 6y the

Flogellonts of

the RedRedemption

It is not uncommon for Flagellantsto gother under o 6anner. Many ofthese stondords uill cony symbolsrich in gloomy predictions of doombut occosionolly they aill 6e naught

6ut sc ra wle d. propheci es, \loodyhondprints, or the ronting

pr edi cti ons of o tonement.


Page 74: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire


CrcditsUniforms & Heraldry of The Empireby Neil Hodgson and leremy Vetock.

Compiling this book - the drawing, colouring, and writ ing, has been achievedonly after meticulously poring over eveMhing produced by Games Workshopabout the Empire, including Warhammer Armies books, Warhammer FantasyBattle, White Dwarf, and many other publications. The Uniforms and Heraldryguide could not have been produced without this rich hislory.

Special mention must go to Ne I Hodgson who drew all the soldiers, banners,and shields used throughout this volume. Dave Andrews - who created and thengathered togelher a great many of the original heraldic devices, andDave Gallaghet who painted all the i l lustrations and nspired us all with hisEmpire sketches. Emma Parrington and Mark Raynor led the book design,including colouring a good-sized army's worth of soldiers.

Produccd by Gamcs Workshop

O Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2008. Games Workshop, the Games Workshop logo, GW Warhammer, the Warhammer logo, Citadel, the Citadel Device, theDouble-Headed/lmperial Eagle device, Empire regiment names and insignia and all associated marks, logos, names, places, characters, creatures, races and race insignia,

i l lustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either @, TM and/or O Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2008, variably registered in the UK and other countriesaround the wor d. All Rights Reserued.

Brit ish Cataloguing-in-Pub ication Data. A catalogue record for thrs book is available from the Brit ish Library Pictures used for i l lustrative purposes only.

Games Workshop web site:www.

Design StudioArt: Ne I Hodgson, john Blanche, Alex Boyd, Robin Carey, Pau Da nton,Dav d Gallagher, Nuala Kinrade. Book Design: Carl Dafforn, Emma Parington,Mark Raynol'EaW Metal: Phil ip Dunn, Neil Green, Da(en Latham,Keith Robertson, Joe Tomaszewski, Anja Wettergren, Kirsten Willams.Games Development Alessio Cavatore, Andrew Kenrick, Robin Cruddace,Graham Davey, Andy Hoare, Jeryis lohnson, Phil Kelly, ieremy Vetock, Ny'atthew Ward.Hobby Team: David Andrews, Nick Bawon, Mark lones, Chad Mierea, ChrisPeach, Stuart White. Miniature Design: Michael Anderson, iuan Diaz, MartrnFootitt, Jes Goodwin, Colin Grayson, N.4ark Hatrison, Alexander Hedstrom, MattHolland, Neil Langdown, Alan Perry Michael Perry Ai Morison, Trish Carden, BrianNelson, Seb Perbet, Dale Stringet Davld Thomas, Tom Walton, lonny Ware.Production & Reprographics: Simon Burton, Chns Eggar, lVarc Ejliott, Kr s Jaggers,lohn Michelbach, lVelissa Roberts, Rachel Ryan, James Shardlow Krs Shlelds.lan Strickland, Madeleine Tighe. Special Thanks to: Alan Merett, Rick Priestley,Pete Borlace, Pete Gosling, Tom Hibbard, l\y'atthew Hutson, Mark Latham,Glenn More, Dom Mutray, Gabrio Tolentino, Markus Trenknet and Adam Troke.

UKGames Workshop,

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Nottingham NG7 2WS

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IngleburnNSW 2565

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Page 75: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire
Page 76: Warhammer - EnG - Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire









This book contains thc colours, insignia and hcraldicdcviccs of the soldicrs of the Empirc. Insidc thisfull-colour guide you'll find hundreds of cxamplcs ofuniforms, shicld designs, and banncrs for thc mostpowerful rcalm in thc Old World.

The TroopsExamplc uniforms for all thc rparriors of thc Empirc can bcfound, including thc srcadfast State Troops, Grcatswords, thcKnightly Ordcrs, the war machincs dcviscd by thc ImpcrialSchool of Enginccrs, Warrior Pricsts, and Flagcllants.

The Provinccs 6 City-StatesThis guidc conlains uniforms, shiclds, and banners from all thc

rcgions of rhc Empirc - from the rcsplendent whitc of Rcikland

and thcir Impcrial Eaglc to thc sombrc bluc of Middcnheim,

mrrkcd by thc sign of thc Whitc Wolf. Also includcd arc rcgions

likc the Moot, the lost province of Solland, thc curscd hnds of

Sylvania and somc famous rcgimcnts from throughout rhc Empirc.

Hol\erdier of Altdorf Coptoin of Stiilond

::l= lr\


?r??u"r?8f ,lllJlluflllll||[[uu[lltsBN 978-1 -84154-027-0

Bonner Beorer of Ostermorlt

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