Page 1: Warner Bros Harry Potter Tour - SJP - Home · through the eyes of the filmmakers, who brought the Harry Potter book series to life. The Studio Tour provides the magical adventure

Newsletter Issue 01

Learning Programme 1/1

W/C 1st September 2014

Newsletter Issue 01

Learning Programme 1/2

w/c 8th September 2014

Newsletter Issue 02

Learning Programme 1/3

w/c 15thh September 2014

Newsletter Issue 03

Learning Programme 1/4

w/c 22nd September 2014

Newsletter Issue 03

Learning Programme 1/4

w/c 22nd September 2014

Warner Bros Harry Potter Tour

Gryffindor or Slytherin? Dumbledore's Army or Death Eaters? These are the only

questions currently on the minds of a handful of fortunate Sixth Formers who ex-

perienced a truly ‘wand-erful’ opportunity as they embarked on an awe-inspiring

outing to the Warner Brother studios in London; the home of the Harry Potter film


The students were positively ‘stupefied’ with excitement as they were immersed in

the journey from script to screen; stepping onto authentic sets to relive the magic

through the eyes of the filmmakers, who brought the Harry Potter book series to

life. The Studio Tour provides the magical adventure of exploring the soundstages

and a back lot filled with original sets, animatronic creatures and breath-taking

special effects; from storyboards to sorting hats, from green screens to every fla-

vour beans, and all the magic in between - the ‘Potterheads’ got a taste of it all!

After a day of positively ‘Riddikulus’ fun, it was a sad moment for the fanatics hav-

ing to depart Hogwarts and head back to SJP; but not before a quick glimpse into

Gringott's and a detour down Diagon Alley for a few final tricks and treats!

Written by Hannah Kay, Year 13.

Review Day Year 7 & 10 comments from Parents & Carers:

“Wonderful school.” “Nothing but the best.” ”Staff are welcoming and have inspired our son.”

Page 2: Warner Bros Harry Potter Tour - SJP - Home · through the eyes of the filmmakers, who brought the Harry Potter book series to life. The Studio Tour provides the magical adventure

Ne Learn

Learning Programme 1/1 W/C 1st September 2014 Newsletter Issue 01 Newsletter Issue 01 Learning Programme 1/1 W/C 1st September 2014

Newsletter Issue 11 Learning Programme 2/4 w/c 24th November 2014

Wirral Youth Theatre

Coming Up Attendance 01/09/14 - 14/11/14

25-Nov - LIPA Theatre in Education Tour

26-Nov - The Nutcracker, Floral Pavilion

26-Nov - ‘Physics at Work’, Daresbury Campus

28-Nov - Spanish Exchange Visitors week to SJP

1-3- Dec - Yr 8 & 9 Savio House Trip

2-Dec - World Development, Recycling Centre

2-Dec - SJP Panto Primary performance

3-4-Dec - SJP Panto

SJP Panto & Carol Service SJP’s Panto production of Alice in Wonderland

will be held on Wednesday and Thursday 3rd and 4th December 2014 Tickets are available from College Reception now.

For your diary:

SJP Carol Service will be on Tuesday & Wednesday 16th & 17th December 2014

This week saw our Sixth Form Performing Arts students attend a Theatre-In-Education performance at Wirral Youth

Theatre. Along with the Mayor of Wirral, Councillor Steve Foulkes, students watched the 60 minute long perfor-

mance and were able to engage in discussion with the actors, gaining an insight into the working of a professional

theatre and the devising process behind the performance. Students were captivated by the performance and asked

many insightful questions in the hope of gaining valuable expertise ahead of their own Theatre-in-Education perfor-

mances in their current unit of work. Students commented upon how much they had learnt and left the theatre

with ideas flowing, eager to get back to devising in the drama studio.












Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11

97.6% 96.4% 95.0% 96.2% 95.0%

Page 3: Warner Bros Harry Potter Tour - SJP - Home · through the eyes of the filmmakers, who brought the Harry Potter book series to life. The Studio Tour provides the magical adventure

Ne Learn

Learning Programme 1/1 W/C 1st September 2014 Newsletter Issue 01 Newsletter Issue 01 Learning Programme 1/1 W/C 1st September 2014

Newsletter Issue 11 Learning Programme 2/4 w/c 24th November 2014

Literacy Corner

Nuffield Celebration Evening

On the evening of Wednesday 5th November 2014, Year 13 students, Jismi Gladis, Clerin Joseph and Paige Phoenix,

presented their research projects as part of the Nuffield Foundation Research Placement Scheme. The event was held at the World Museum in Liverpool, and involved over 120 Year 13 students from schools throughout Mersey-

side. The students had to explain the results of their research to the judges, teachers and invited guests with the help of a written report and poster presentation.

Student Projects (and host research establishment):

Jismi Gladis: Measuring the volume of fish using Matlab (University of Liverpool) Clerin Joseph: Blood supply to the spinal cord (Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, NHS)

Paige Phoenix: Novel supramolecular silicone elastomers (Unilever)

Three Year 12 A-Level Science students, Shelby Anderson, Patrick McMahon and Jack Martin who are interested in applying for a Nuffield Placement for the summer of 2015 also attended the evening. They enjoyed chatting to the

other students about their research projects, which varied in a huge range of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineer-

ing and Maths) topics; the stu-dents discovered exactly what

was involved in such work.

The Nuffield Research Place-

ment Scheme is designed to get students involved in cutting

-edge research at a university or industrial establishment, and

prepare them for studying sci-ence when they move on to

higher education.

Split words.

Combine the split words in the grid into ten whole

words of two syllables. The theme is ANIMALS.

Bring your answers to Mrs Connolly and win a prize!

li y don ost uin

ger ard peng dol ti

panth en liz chick key

phin rich pon er on

The Year 10 Football team moved

into the third round of the Cheshire Cup last week with a memorable

victory over Calday High School.

The final result was 3-1 with Jordon

Lee Major and Declan Drysdale shar-

ing the man of the match perfor-mance.

Year 10 Football

Page 4: Warner Bros Harry Potter Tour - SJP - Home · through the eyes of the filmmakers, who brought the Harry Potter book series to life. The Studio Tour provides the magical adventure

Ne Learn

Learning Programme 1/1 W/C 1st September 2014 Newsletter Issue 01 Newsletter Issue 01 Learning Programme 1/1 W/C 1st September 2014

Newsletter Issue 11 Learning Programme 2/4 w/c 24th November 2014

Language Corner Maths Corner

Matthew 25:31-46 ‘When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate peo-ple one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left. Then the king will say to those at his right hand, “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and wel-comed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?” And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” Then He will say to those at his left hand, “You that are accurs-ed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.” Then they also will answer, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hun-gry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?” Then He will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.” And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the right-eous into eternal life.’

If you have ever been to Rome, you may have visited the

Sistine Chapel and seen the painting of ‘The Last Judge-ment’ by Michelangelo on the wall behind the altar.

This week’s Gospel gave Michelangelo his inspiration for this wonderful piece of art.

In the picture Jesus dominates the whole scene as the whole of humanity is called to judgement. There are two

groups of people shown in the fresco. Those who have turned away from Jesus and those who look towards him

for salvation through the way they lived their lives by rec-ognising those who are in need.

Jesus calls people to have responsibility for all. Each per-son is made in God’s likeness and image and can tell us

something about God in his or her unique way. Each of us has something that the other does not have.

This is the starting point for Jesus’ teaching on kindness and care that runs through today’s Gospel.

We have a choice to face Jesus and follow him or to turn our back and walk away.


God of love, you raised Jesus from

death to life and he is now with you in glory

as King of creation.

May all the world re-joice in his peace,

glory in his justice, and live in his love.


Weekly Theme - Choices

Answer to last week’s

Maths Corner

Can you put the numbers 1 to 7 in each circle so that the total of every line is 12?

Answer =


¡Me encantan los animales! Tengo un montón en casa.

Tengo tres tigres atigrados, cuatro ranas rojas, dos

pájaros amarillos y un conejo azul.

Tigres, ranas, conejo y pájaros,

¿Cuántos animales tenemos en total?

Can you find the four adjectives used to describe the animals?

The first person

to give the correct answer to Miss Gaffney will win Vivos!

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