Download - WAVY bookcase


modular asymmetric bookcasedesiGN by GiusePPe baVuso

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5waVymodular asymmetric bookcase

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9waVymodular asymmetric bookcase

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1waVymodular asymmetric bookcase

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l/w 63 H 1,2 P/d 25/31l/w 24,8” H 0,5” d 9,8”/12,2”

art. ec2 t

top art. art. ec2t.

art. ec4 t

top art. art. ec4t.

l/w 124 H 1,2 P/d 25/31l/w 48,8” H 0,5” d 9,8”/12,2”

l/w 185 H 1,2 P/d 25/31l/w 72,8” H 0,5” d 9,8”/12,2”

art. ec6 t

top art. art. ec6t.

l/w 63 H 1,2 P/d 25/31l/w 24,8” H 0,5” d 9,8”/12,2”

art. ed2 t

top art. art. ed2t.

l/w 124 H 1,2 P/d 25/31l/w 48,8” H 0,5” d 9,8”/12,2”

art. ed4 t

top art. art. ed4t.

art. ed6 t

top art. art. ed6t.

l/w 185 H 1,2 P/d 25/31l/w 72,8” H 0,5” d 9,8”/12,2”

l/w 124 H 36 P/d 25/31l/w 48,8” H 14,2” d 9,8”/12,2”

art. eb4

elemento art. eb4.element art. eb4.

art. eb6

elemento art. eb6.element art. eb6.

l/w 185 H 36 P/d 25/31l/w 72,8” H 14,2” d 9,8”/12,2”

l/w 63 H 36 P/d 25/31l/w 24,8” H 14,2” d 9,8”/12,2”

art. eb2

elemento art. eb2.element art. eb2.

l/w 124 H 36 P/d 25/31l/w 48,8” H 14,2” d 9,8”/12,2”

art. ea4

elemento art. ea4.element art. ea4.

elemento art. ea6.

art. ea6

element art. ea6.

l/w 185 H 36 P/d 25/31l/w 72,8” H 14,2” d 9,8”/12,2”

l/w 63 H 36 P/d 25/31l/w 24,8” H 14,2” d 9,8”/12,2”

art. ea2

elemento art. ea2.element art. ea2.

l/w 63 H 39 P/d 25/31l/w 24,8” H 15,3” d 9,8”/12,2”

art. ea2 Z

elemento base con zoccolo art. ea2Z.element with basement art. ea2Z.

l/w 124 H 39 P/d 25/31l/w 48,8” H 15,3” d 9,8”/12,2”

art. ea4 Z

elemento base con zoccolo art. ea4Z.element with basement art. ea4Z.

art. ea6 Z

elemento base con zoccolo art. ea6Z.element with basement art. ea6Z.

l/w 185 H 39 P/d 25/31l/w 72,8” H 15,3” d 9,8”/12,2”

14 1

5waVy, disegnata da Giuseppe bavuso per alivar, è un sistema di librerie che coniuga in modo rigoroso design

e funzionalità. un prodotto minimale in cui la sottile struttura dal disegno ondeggiante, sia in verticale che in

orizzontale, conferisce all’insieme un’immagine di grande solidità e leggerezza.

estremamente caratterizzata nell’accuratezza dei dettagli e nell’utilizzo dei materiali, waVy è realizzata

completamente in “Hi – macs Natural acrylic stone” della lG nel colore bianco s28 alpine white.

composta da blocchi sovrapponibili e accostabili, waVy, nasconde alla vista qualunque tipo di giunzione,

diventando così un elemento di arredo molto elegante di estrema linearità formale.

componibile a piacere in verticale per sovrapposizione con modulo H.36, in orizzontale è costituita da 3

elementi accostabili : cm. 63 – cm. 124 – cm. 185

waVy, designed by Giuseppe bavuso for alivar, is a bookshelf system that rigorously combines design and

function. it is a minimalistic product in which the thin structure and the waVy design, both vertical and

horizontal, gives the ensemble an image of great solidity and lightness. with its extremely characteristic

accuracy of detail and use of materials, waVy is made entirely of “Hi – macs Natural acrylic stone” by lG in

s28 alpine white colour.

composed of blocks that can be laid one upon another and combined, waVy conceals any kind of joint, thus

becoming a highly elegant furnishing element with an extremely formal linear nature. it may be arranged as

desired: superimposed vertically with module H.36, or horizontally, composed of 3 elements which may be

combined: cm. 63 – cm. 124 – cm. 185.

esemPi di comPosiZioNe eXamPle oF combiNatioNs

l/w 63 H 220,2 P/d 31l/w 24,8” H 86,7” d 12,2”

l/w 124 H 184,2 P/d 31l/w 48,8” H 72,5” d 12,2”



l/w 72,8” H 30” d 12,2”l/w 185 H 76,2 P/d 31

l/w 72,8” H 58,3”l/w 185 H 148,2 P

d 12,2”/d 31

l/w 72,8” H 86,7”l/w 185 H 220,2 P




d 12,2”/d 31

alivar s.r.l. - Via l. da Vinci, 118/14 50028 tavarnelle Val di Pesa - Firenze - italy t +39 055 8070115 f +39 055 8070127 [email protected]

modular asymmetric bookcase


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