  • 8/3/2019 We Are Dammaj & Dammaj is Us.





  • 8/3/2019 We Are Dammaj & Dammaj is Us.



    The Shaykh is saying he is going to give an example

    of whats going on, because of these revolts and because

    of what is going on in these countries, the situation that is

    going on now in Dammaaj.

    For those of you who dont know Dammaaj, the place of

    Dammaaj is the place (i.e. the center) that was started by

    Ash-Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee Al-Waadi'ee. And its a

    village that is in the middle of the Rawaafidh, or the

    people that are called the Houthiyeen in Yemen. And

    what happened? These Shiite because Dammaaj is in the

    centre of this part thats called Sa'daa, because they are

    surrounded by the Shiite, the Shiite are practicing an embargo and are preventing anything from going in

    and coming out for more than thirty days now.

    These Houthiyoon, and they are Rawaafidh, they began killing

    our brothers in Dammaaj. When did they begin killing our

    brothers in Dammaaj? They began killing our brothers in

    Dammaaj once there was that vacuum, because there was chaos

    in the country. There were people protesting against the rulers.

    We dont have security. We dont have an army. The Shia began

    to kill our brothers in Dammaaj.

    There are more than 10,000 students in Dammaaj and they

    are surrounded. The Shaykh is saying that we cant get anything

    in. We cant get anything out. And they have snipers. They

    have snipers from the mountains, and when the people go out

    to the Masaajid, they snipe them. And the Shaykh is saying,

    even with that, the fact that its been going on for more than a

    month, we dont hear about it in the news.

    And the Shaykh is saying that, we havent heard it in the

    news, but we live in a time where the news and the




    fast. And the

    Shaykh is saying that, to a point where if a dog falls into

    a well, the news reporters would be there, and they

    would report it on the news and the entire world would

    know that a dog fell in a well. And the Shaykh is saying

    that you can find it, if this was to happen, you can find

    this on the majority of the news channels around the

    world, the major news broadcasters. This is not strange.

  • 8/3/2019 We Are Dammaj & Dammaj is Us.



    Why? Because, there is a vacuum in these countries, a political vacuum and because of that they spread

    the news of this dog falling in the well.

    For example, if a trailer were to hit a bus or if a plane

    was to crash in a particular airport. And the Shaykh is

    saying even with that, the speed of information and how

    it travels, even with that here it is, you have an entire

    city thats been surrounded. And the Shia, its almost

    two months now, and the Shia have been attacking

    constantly on a daily basis. And () we dont see it in

    the news and we dont hear about it in news and we

    havent seen it among the reports.

    The Shaykh is saying that this is like an agreement. It is

    an agreement between certain people. And the Shaykh is saying that its an evil ignored. Its done

    specifically done by intention that these people are ignoring the situation in Dammaaj and the Shaykh said

    that this is evil. Because these people, they say that the people of Ahadeeth (plural of Hadeeth) are the

    enemies to all of them. And when I say Ahlul-

    Hadeeth, it means people of Ahlus-Sunnah or the

    Salafiyoon. Those, who in reality follow the Prophet,

    sallallahu alayhe wa sallam.

    And the Shaykh is saying that the Kuffaar dont love

    them neither the people of Bidah or these other

    different parties and sects that we see. All of them are

    in agreement that their enemy is Ahlul-Hadeeth or

    Ahlus-Sunnah or the Salafiyoon. And the Shaykh is

    saying that this is an example where the person can

    defend himself in Jihaad. The people in Dammaaj,

    they can defend themselves and this is legitimate Jihaad just like what we see in Palestine and other


    The Shaykh is saying do you know that the Jews in

    Israeel are better than the Shiite, the Houthiyoon in


    Sa'da is the place where they are in Yemen, andthese are the people that are killing our brothers in

    Dammaaj. The Shaykh is saying, these Hoothiyoon

    are worse than the Jews in Israeel. The Yahood

    (Jews) didnt prevent the Hujjaaj (the people

    making Hajj) from Gazza. They let them make Hajj.

    But these filthy Shiite, when the brothers went from

    Dammaaj, they had a caravan of people making

    Hajj. These evil Shiite, they prevented our brothers from making Hajj.

  • 8/3/2019 We Are Dammaj & Dammaj is Us.



    The Shaykh is saying did you hear what is going on in

    Dammaaj? Any body?

    The Shaykh is saying yesterday, the Shiite bombarded

    them with missiles and other things. Why? Because

    our brothers in Dammaaj, they are not Raafidhah,

    they are not Shi'a. Allaahul Musta'aan.

    The Shaykh is making Du'aa that Allah gives victory

    to our brothers in Dammaaj and that Allaah

    humiliates these evil Houthiyyeen.

    The Shaykh is saying that the last time he spoke to the brothers in Dammaaj (before three days), there was

    a caravan, which was about 50 km from Dammaaj and these people wouldnt let them in. They wouldnt

    let the caravan come in, and the caravan had foodstuffs. Because they had prevented everything, they had

    made an entire embargo, so no food is entering

    into Dammaaj.

    [The Shaykh says a few words related to the class


    Our brothers in Dammaaj, the Shaykh is saying

    we are Dammaaj and Dammaaj is us meaning we

    are one and the same. What the Muslims are

    suffering is a lot. This is something that people

    are forgetting about. Its almost two months now.

    The Shaykh is saying that what is going on in

    Dammaaj, reminds him of what was going on in

    Afghanistan, in a place called Konar. It was in

    1992, a place in Afghanistan called Konar, it was where they had Shaykh Jameel. The Shaykh is saying

    its the exact same thing! All of the parties that were around at that time, they all agreed to attack this

    place called Konar. Konar was a place that was

    known for Ahlul-Hadeeth and As-Salafiyyeen.

    They had 22,000 fighters. All of these parties and

    groups, they didnt even agree, they werent in

    agreement to fighting the Russians. But they wereall in agreement to fighting the people of Ahlul

    hadeeth and the Salafiyoon in Konar. The Shaykh

    is saying, in this year, the Shaykh himself, he was

    there. The Shaykh is saying, in the Salaatul Eid, it

    was 1411, in the Islaamic year the Shaykh was

    there 1411. The Shaykh is saying it went to the

    extreme that when they prayed Salatul Eid, they

    had to have security. They had to have a barricade

  • 8/3/2019 We Are Dammaj & Dammaj is Us.



    of security to protect them from being bombarded from the party of (). And the Shaykh said that this is

    a reality, this really happened. And the Shaykh said so

    dont to find it strange!

    The Shaykh said that do you want him to clarify

    another issue, another reality. The Shaykh is saying last

    year the Ikhwaanul Muslimeen, this sect or this party

    of Ikhwaanul Muslimeen and Iran and Hizbullaah

    (Hizbullaath which they should be appropriately

    called) were calling upon Saudi when the Houthiyoon

    actually came into Saudi. And the Houthiyoon, again,

    they were the ones that actually started the

    transgression. They began attacking on the side of

    Saudi and it was the days of Hajj. And they told Saudi not to fight these Houthiyoon because we are in the

    holy month. The Shaykh is saying that these same people who were asking Saudi not to fight the

    Houthiyeen, where are they, not asking the Houthiyoon to stop fighting the brothers in Dammaaj eventhough (its) the holy month of Muharram.

    The Shaykh is saying, that this shows that they are in agreement. And because of that our brothers in

    Dammaaj have the right to defend themselves and raise the banner of jihaad to defend themselves. And,

    this Jihaad, the Jihaad that they are fighting in

    Dammaaj is called Jihaad Dafaa, meaning

    preventing or rebelling an enemy.

    Wallaahul Musta'aan!


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