
We were visited by

In 2010 we took part in the Morrison's

'Let's Grow' scheme again and our parents

collected so many vouchers that

Morrison's provided us with LOTS of

gardening equipment including a brand new

greenhouse! Then Mrs Taylor in the Office

won ANOTHER greenhouse for us by

entering a competition!

Our local MP Mr Iain Duncan-Smith was so

proud of us all that on 5th March 2010 he

visited our school to congratulate us!

Look at the pictures below to see his visit!

We were very surprised when Morrison's Head Office rang us

to say that we had won a greenhouse and that our local MP Mr

Iain-Duncan Smith wanted to come to school to present us with

all of our fantastic new gardening equipment! We only had a

week to get ready for the visit!

Mr Duncan-Smith arrived at 11.00am on 5th March 2010 and was

greeted by our Head Teacher Miss Houstoun.

They had a chat in Miss Houstoun't room together with Mr Duncan-Smith's assistant Jo,

and two officials from our local Morrison's Supermarket, and Mrs Rumsey made them a

nice cup of tea and biscuits! Meanwhile, in the hall . . . . .

. . . . all of the Year 1 and Year 3 classes started to gather in the hall. These year groups

were chosen because they study gardening topics in school. These children brought some

very special props to use during the presentation.

And these children were amongst those who were chosen by their teachers to do a very

special job! There was one child from each of the Year 1 and Year 3 classes . . .

They went outside with Mr Duncan-Smith to have their photos taken!

First our MP introduced himself to the six children . . .

Then it was on with the photos - there was lots to do in quite a short time!

MPs have lots of photos taken and Mr Duncan-Smith was soon helping the children to

stand in the right places for the photos . . . .

The photographer from Morrison's told us how he wanted us to pose for the photo . . .

Mr Duncan-Smith encouraged us to look as if we were using the equipment and was

saying "rake the grass!"

He was very funny and soon got us smiling and enjoying our photo session!

Miss Houstoun was invited to join us in the photos too . . .

Then the photographer took us over to the stage for some more photos . . . first he told

us where to stand . . .

. . . then we all smiled again for the camera.

He told us to hold up our gardening equipment for a good photo!


We had lovely photos taken on the stage - we were so lucky it was a nice sunny day!

But then we had to rush back inside - after all, there were nearly 200 children waiting

in the hall for the special assembly to begin! At the front was a lovely display of all of

our new gardening equipment - including our two greenhouses!

First Miss Houstoun introduced our guests to the children, starting with Mr Iain Duncan

-Smith MP of course!

And then our guests from our local Morrison's Supermarket : the Store Manager Mr

Henri Henriques together with a member of staff from Morrison's who knows our school

very well, as her daughter is a pupil!

Then Mr Duncan-Smith spoke to us!

He asked the children if they knew who he was and lots of hands went up : one boy

suggested he might be the man who is going to plant the seeds in our new greenhouse!

When the children realised that Mr Duncan-Smith works in the Houses of Parliament,

they suggested rules that were made there. The children thought of 'not speeding', 'not

going through red traffic lights' and 'not hurting other people'. Our MP then said that

MPs vote on things and asked the children to vote on whether to come to school the next

day - lots of hands went up for both yes and no! (But we didn't come in the next day

anyway because it was Saturday!)

During the assembly, we performed lots of poems and songs on the subject of gardens

and life outdoors. We all sang songs and enjoyed doing the actions . . . .

. . . our Music Co-ordinator Mrs Palmer led us from the front of the hall.

Mr Duncan-Smith and Mr Henriques turned round to see the words on the projector

screen and joined in with our songs once they'd got the hang of the choruses!

Our Year 3 classes all recited poems . . .

That's what the GREENHOUSE props were for!

Mr Duncan-Smith listened to every word of our poems.

And we really enjoyed reading them!

Year 3 Recorder Group were proud to play two tunes too!

After our performances, Mr Duncan-Smith applauded us and thanked us for putting on

such a lovely assembly.

And we thanked the staff of Morrison's and all of our special guests for visiting us.

After the assembly, the photographer from the local Guardian newspaper arrived and

wanted more photos, so out we went again! Now there were three photographers clicking

away including Mrs Taylor for the school website! Mr Duncan-Smith was very jolly and

kept calling out "smile for the website!" and making us laugh! . . .

. . . we didn't need much encouragement!

And Miss Houstoun joined us for the last photo of the day!

Thank you to Morrison's 'Let's Grow'

scheme for providing such wonderful

gardening equipment for our school.

And of course thank you to our local MP

Mr Iain Duncan-Smith for visiting us and

making the presentation so special.

Please come back in the summer and see

all of the wonderful crops we have grown

in our new greenhouses!

Click here to see our other gardening adventure in the same week! (coming soon)

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