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Self-Made Wealth FrameworkTable of ContentsWealth & Money Framework................................................................................................................................................1

Wealth and Money Principles:..........................................................................................................................................2

Money Concepts...........................................................................................................................................................3

Money and Wealth Distinctions....................................................................................................................................4

Session 1 Exercise: Spend on what you need................................................................................................................4

Creating a Wealth Game You Can Win..............................................................................................................................4

An Empowered Model of Wealth..................................................................................................................................5

Session 2 Exercises: New Model....................................................................................................................................6

Goals and Skills..................................................................................................................................................................6

Primary Skills.................................................................................................................................................................7

Wealth Belief Affirmations............................................................................................................................................7

Session 4 Exercise: Transcending “Failure”...................................................................................................................8

The Psychology of Money & Wealth.................................................................................................................................8

Subconscious Mind........................................................................................................................................................9

Ego Identity / Self-Image...............................................................................................................................................9

Session 5 Exercise – Getting Over the Free Line............................................................................................................9

FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real............................................................................................................................9

Tools to Transcend FEAR: Cognitive Reappraisal.....................................................................................................11

Why do You Really Want Wealth?...............................................................................................................................11

Alignment Exercise..................................................................................................................................................11

The Inner Game of Wealth..........................................................................................................................................12


Receiving and Contribution.....................................................................................................................................12

6 Powerful Emotions that empower you to succeed in any area of your life..........................................................13

Fast Start Sessions.......................................................................................................................................................13

Session 1: Positive Refocus......................................................................................................................................13

Session 2: Your Money Story / Model / Beliefs.......................................................................................................13

Session 3: Obstacles to Wealth................................................................................................................................14

Stop Self-Sabotage – why habits are the key to long-term financial success..................................................................14

Wealth Prevention Habits that Really Work...............................................................................................................14

Bad Money Habits:......................................................................................................................................................14

Mindsets to create value:............................................................................................................................................15

Some questions you might ponder:.............................................................................................................................15

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Changing Beliefs by changing behavior:......................................................................................................................15

Habits of wealth creation........................................................................................................................................15

Exercises: Eliminate Debt & Financial Purchase Pause................................................................................................16

Creating Massive Value...................................................................................................................................................16

What is Value?.............................................................................................................................................................16

What are Assets?.........................................................................................................................................................16

What is Wealth?..........................................................................................................................................................17

Laser Focus: Create Value for Others..........................................................................................................................17

How do you Create Massive Value:.............................................................................................................................17

Exercise: Focus on what you’re really good at, not on your weaknesses................................................................19

Exercise: Mastering the skill of compassion............................................................................................................20

Accumulating Assets.......................................................................................................................................................20

Categories of Assets....................................................................................................................................................20

Exercise: Accumulating Inner Assets...........................................................................................................................21

Exercise: Accumulating External Soft Assets (People Assets)......................................................................................21

Exercise: Accumulating Hard Assets............................................................................................................................21

Building Long-term Wealth.............................................................................................................................................21

Wealth Consciousness.................................................................................................................................................21

Wealth Frames of Reference.......................................................................................................................................22


Wealth and Money Principles:1) Don't accumulate money.

a) Convert the money into real assets, rather than just sit on the money in a bank account. Accumulate real assets that create value and wealth for you.

b) Don’t focus on money. Don't hold your wealth in money. Money isn't wealth. Don't keep too much money in your bank account. You don't get wealthy by focusing on money. Money can lose all its representation of value through hyper-inflation.

c) Focus on creating value that generates money. 2) Don't confuse money with wealth or an asset that has real value.

a) Money has no intrinsic value. It is a representation of an asset that has real value. It is a fiction. b) The purpose of money is to facilitate trade. Money is just a tool that allows you to transact different forms of

value in a very fast and efficient process. c) Money can be converted into wealth, and wealth can be converted into money, but they are not the same.d) For example, money is like the map of California, not the land of California. Money is like the menu at a

restaurant, not the actual food that the menu represents. Money is simply a medium of exchange. Use it for what it is best designed for, not for a store of wealth. Money literally loses value when it sits over time.

e) Money doesn’t meet needs. Money is not value. The real value provides for your needs, such as foods, relationships, experiences, etc. Real assets, people, education, food, shelter meets your needs.

3) Money comes when you create real value for others who will pay you for that value.

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4) Using money costs you money. For example, you pay for agency fees, such as ATM fees, kick-backs, taxes, commission fees, time and energy. Interest and inflation: inflation is the dilution of the value of money because more money is created out of nothing. When you use credit the cost of money is multiplied exponentially.

5) Top 4 places to invest your money in. Use your money to invest in assets (has intrinsic value, throws off cash flow, appreciates in value), education (internal assets), relationships (help other people to be successful), and your health and well-being. You accomplish your wealth through positive relationships. Invest in your network, friendships and bonds.

6) Borrowing money is the ultimate trap. It magnifies or amplifies all the problems related to using money. Don't borrow money if you can help it. Why? You limit your options, because you "made a deal with the Devil". It's the gateway drug to poverty. Using credit cards causes you to rationalize any bullshit to pay for something you can't afford in the moment. Using credit robs you of your resourcefulness, your creativity, your responsibility, etc., to find other ways to pay for what you want. Using credit leads to the modern indentured servant program: you become a slave to money and to those who you owe.

Money Concepts1) Fiat Currency: currency that is not backed by anything. It’s a complete fiction like monopoly money.

a) In the past the USD used to be backed by real gold (prior to 1970). Now it’s a complete fiction. b) With a fiat currency all you need to do is simply print more. Even then, with digital money you simply add more

numbers on a bank accounting system. Dilution of the money supply causes inflation. i) Historically, in the USA inflation has been running about 3% / year.

c) Currently, in the USA a private corporation (the Federal Reserve) creates money out of thin air, then lends it to the US government who then pays interest on this made up fiction that was borrowed. i) The implications of this are astounding: it benefits the bankers to create debt so that everyone else can be

enslaved to them. Wars motivate governments to get into debt.ii) The same people who own the Federal Reserve own the largest, most powerful banks in the country.

d) The monetary system is a fractional reserve system: banks only keep a fraction of the money that they have in reserve as what they have in debt. Roughly only 10% – 15% of the money in circulation is real.

e) There is nothing behind the monetary system. It’s a complete fiction that wasn’t created for your benefit. It was created to benefit the savvy bankers.

2) Debt and Interest: a) The entire model of the entire financial model is based on debt. b) Money is created by debt, or IOUs. Banks create money out of thin air when a real person opens a debt account.

Money itself are IOUs. c) The only thing of real value are people and natural resources.

3) Consumerism:a) Consume our way to happiness, self-expression, prosperity, and to grow the economy. Accumulate stuff to make

you feel good, impress people, and show your status (“keeping up with the Joneses”). b) The economy is based on everyone buying more and more to grow the economy. c) People buy on wants, rather than needs. d) The issue is that society is outward focused to fulfill the internal fulfilment. We derive our self-worth based on

how we compare to others. e) Consumerism is a great way to control and manipulate the population, because people are subconsciously

disconnected, unworthy.4) Entitlement as the modern business model

a) Most people work as an employee for a large corporation. It’s all about security, pensions, retirement, etc. b) Most people don’t work with their hands. They work in knowledge-based roles. All manual labor has been

outsourced. c) Knowledge-based jobs are changing faster and faster, so the timeframe of a job is smaller and smaller. d) The old paradigm of entitlement where you feel you like you’re owed something for sticking it out is going away.e) You need to change the paradigm to where others seek you out for the value you provide. Rather than doing the

same thing to get security.

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Money and Wealth Distinctions1) Financial Maturity

a) You need to take personal responsibility for creating value for others to receive value in the form of money. b) You no longer are expecting something for nothing through entitlement and credit.

2) Assets and Liabilitiesa) Liabilities drop in value over time, and take time and money to maintain.b) Assets have intrinsic value, grows in value, throws off cash flow, earn interest.

3) Spending vs Investinga) Spending means you buy liabilities. b) Investing means you buy assets that have intrinsic value, grows in value, and throws off cash flow. c) Investing means you think long-term when managing money. It's not about the instant emotional gratification

you get when you spend and receive something real. d) Anytime you spend your money, value or time, ask “am I investing or spending?”

4) Money vs Wealtha) Money: “A medium of exchange”, “Money is an idea, backed by confidence”b) Wealth: “The ability to survive a certain number of days forward”

5) Money Making vs Creating Wealtha) Money making is running a business that is systematized and requires input to get more back. b) Creating wealth: Using your creativity, skills and know how to create something out of nothing that grows in

value and throws off cash. 6) Value Extraction vs. Value Creator

a) Value creators are always adapting and fluid, adding value to life and others.b) Value extractors are always taking from life and others.

7) Needs vs Wantsa) This is about building awareness on what it is you really need vs. what is simply a want that can wait, or will be

wasted. b) Buy based on needs not wants. Before you buy ask “is this a need or a want?”c) For example, investing in your health is a need, vs going out to a fancy restaurant which is a want.

Session 1 Exercise: Spend on what you need1) What do you really need?

a) Write down 10 things you will buy this month that are really needs, that are long-term investments, that will contribute to your long-term health, success, wealth, and happiness.

b) Write down 10 things you will NOT buy this month that are wants, that are there to satisfy an emotional inadequacy, impress others, will suck your energy, and distract you from what’s important.

2) Awareness exercisea) Mantra: “I invest in only what I need.”

i) Be a satificer (i.e., buy what will satisfy your needs). Don’t spend so much time trying to maximize your purchase (by getting the best deal, getting the “perfect” product). Wasting time spending hours researching your purchases will suck a tremendous amount of energy, and will lead to attachment to your purchases. It’s just stuff. If you make a mistake you can always make a new choice.

ii) Make purchases that improve your overall quality of life, not to satisfy the ego emotion-backed addictions to the Lower CoCs.

b) When you spend your money think about the reality that what you’re really trading is your time, energy and focus. Is what you want worth that? Remember, material stuff takes time, space, energy and money to maintain: physical, emotional, and psychological. i) When you use money relate to what is real. Money, in all its forms and disguises, removes you from reality.

Using credit cards is even another layer deeper separation from reality.

Creating a Wealth Game You Can Win1) You can’t win a game you don’t understand.

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a) Using money prevents you from understanding money. Because you’re handling the money every day you can’t perceive how it really works. It’s like you’re in the trees, rather than seeing the forest to understand it. i) As mentioned earlier, money isn’t value or wealth. It’s merely a representation of the real value and wealth. ii) When you use something that isn’t real it separates you from reality. When you’re separated from reality

you’re more easily manipulated. b) This is the Matrix. To win in the Matrix you must understand what it is, how it was designed, who does it benefit,

and adopt a model that supports you in achieving your heart’s desires. 2) You must create a new reality that supports you in creating what you want.

a) Break free of the “consensual reality” and create your own that is empowered. b) You can’t trust the mind. It’s prone to so many fallacies. The mind can’t know anything. It only has made up

models that may or may not be an accurate reflection of reality. So simply don’t attach to anything the mind creates. SO why not create a model that aligns to reality and empowers you to create the life you want.

3) You can’t win a game unless you have a goal, unless you’re clear on what you want to create in your life. a) Once you’re clear on what you want to create, then you can adopt models that are closer to reality and

empower you to create the life you want.

An Empowered Model of Wealth1) Live simply, and focus on what’s important.

a) The more material stuff that you own, the more time and energy it sucks up. So you end up managing and maintaining the stuff, rather than enjoying your life.

b) You can survive and even thrive on much, much less. Suffering comes from the attachment to the stuff that you think you need. You don’t need 80% of what you buy that isn’t food.

2) Buy what makes sense and for utility, not to impress your neighbors, get approval, or improve your status.a) Do things for practical reasons that fit your life. b) Don’t compare yourself to others. c) Make purchasing decisions based on investing on what you need, not just buying what you want. d) Be a satificer (i.e., buy what will satisfy your needs). Don’t spend so much time trying to maximize your purchase

(by getting the best deal, getting the “perfect” product). Wasting time spending hours researching your purchases will suck a tremendous amount of energy, and will lead to attachment to your purchases. It’s just stuff. If you make a mistake you can always make a new choice.

e) Make purchases that improve your overall quality of life, not to satisfy the ego emotion-backed addictions to the Lower CoCs.

f) Wants are there to satisfy an underlying emotional inadequacy or impress others, suck your energy, and distract you from what’s important.

3) Stop making impulse purchases. Make only the purchases you plan to buy. a) Minor purchases ($50 - $500) wait at least 7 days.b) Major purchases (>$500) wait at least 30 days. c) Huge purchases like a car or house that require long-term financial commitment it’s best to wait it out 3-6

months. Research it, talk to experts, consider how these things will play out over time and how they will impact your longer term finances.

d) Purchase of toys, luxury items, or jewelry wear off within 2 weeks. If you think it’s cool that feeling will generally wear out in 2 weeks anyway.

e) Point of diminishing returns: as quality increases 4) Avoid debt like the plague.

a) Debt is a made up construct designed to enslave you. Entities that you don’t even know are giving you money. It’s not for free.

b) The debt trap is when you get into the habit of paying off the card, even when you have a 0% interest. It’s the habit of paying off the debt that gets you into trouble. You get in the habit of paying for stuff with money you don’t have. The credit card offers are the first step in this horrible habit by providing teaser rates.

c) The ego loves debt, because it allows the ego to satisfy its addictions now.5) Pay yourself first. 6) Buy investments that will contribute to your long-term health, success, wealth, and happiness.

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7) Money is a side effect of creating value. When you create value for others they will reward you with money. The cause is the value you create, not the money itself.

8) Depersonalize money and assets to get control over it and use it as a tool to grow your wealth a) In negotiation you're always ready to walk out the door. You can't get too excited when you lose or gain money.

Then you can convert money into assets and convert assets into wealth.b) You got to elevate your consciousness above money to go to work at it, and use it to grow your wealth. c) Example: “You earn gross, and you spend net.” You need to focus on the net since that is what you are taking

home. In general, businesses that make $1M in gross, net about 5% - 10% of the gross. So you’ve go to sell 10 – 20 times to net the 1 sale. i) Net is discretionary income, after all your expenses. You want to focus on the NET.

9) As soon as you get money translate it into a real asset.a) Money has no intrinsic value, so you don’t want to hold onto it long term. b) All the profit or discretionary income convert it into an asset.

10) Building relationships, skills, education, etc., and improving your models over time creates wealth. a) Get rich quick schemes, scams, tricks don’t work.

11) The more I create value for others, the more I enjoy my life.a) When you’re focused on getting stuff, you’re not as fulfilled and enjoyed. b) The more contribution, the more satisfaction.

12) Implement Boundaries that align to what you want to create in your life.a) The more I say “no” the more successful I become. b) Stay focused on what you want to create.

13) Abundance Mentality: There is no scarcity in resources. There is only scarcity in creativity. Creativity in using whatever you have to create new value. a) We live in a world of unlimited resources because of creative thinking that creates value out of what you have

now. Economics is about the creative reinvention of the existing resources to new value that didn’t exist before.i) We define the resource by what we’re trying to accomplish. All you have to do is change your perspective to

create new value. b) Be grateful for all in your life.

14) You can create success for yourself with a Mastermind group.15) Become a value creator.

a) You’re no longer looking to get something from life and others. b) What do others think is valuable, and how can I bring that value to them. c) How do I create value, innovate, and create things / processes that never existed before for others?d) Flowing, evolving, changing value creation process. e) Money, assets and wealth come when you’re creating value for others.

Session 2 Exercises: New Model1) Write down three new ways of looking at reality (perspectives) that empower you to create the life you want.

a) For each new model explain how it will benefit your life. b) Now you want to build this model of reality as you go about your days to continue to improve.

2) The way you structure your life impacts your reality and the results of your life. a) Get rid of 20%+ of everything you own. Get rid of all the dead weight stuff that sucks up your energy and

prevents you from focusing on success. b) This frees up emotional, psychological resources.

Goals and SkillsThere are two types of goals:1) Achievement oriented - externally based to get some reward.2) Skill or mastery oriented - internally based - learning what you need to know to achieve the specific goals over and

over again.

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a) This is the more powerful place to direct your goals. The reason is that once you master the skill to master the external goal, then you can create a system that can achieve the goal over and over again.

3) Minding the GAP: a) Compare back to where you came from, rather than where you are compared to where you want to be (the

goal). The goal is not real. What is real is your current situation, where you are each and every present moment. What’s important is making progress towards the goal. Not the goal itself.

4) You can’t get to where you want by focusing on what you don’t want. This is where goals come into play.

Primary Skills 1) Creating Value for Others

a) Master the art of creating value in all situations for others. Be Unconditional in this. Once you're a master at creating value for others, then you can create a system that can generate income for yourself. For now, you're just building up the skill. You're not worried about getting paid for it yet. Getting paid is an external goal that comes from systematizing the value you created for others.

b) Mastering the art of creating value for others will result in the creation of wealth.c) Do this over and over again until you master the goal of creating value for others. d) Focus on this skill alone. Don’t let anything else distract you from this skill. Don’t focus on getting money in

return. Like a marathon runner in practice to run the marathon. He runs longer and longer distance every day until he masters the art of running long distance, and can go into any situation and run a marathon, because he has the skill to do so. The marathon runner doesn’t earn anything when they’re practicing, only when they actually run the race.

e) Likewise, as you practice the art and skill or creating value, over time you begin to create more value and more value. Once you have built up the personal self-confidence (through practice) in this skill that you have Mastery over it, such that you can walk into any situation and create massive value, and you’re doing this over and over again, that’s when you turn it into a business model and you figure out how to get paid back in return.

f) This is also related to the art of serving others and life with your talents and gifts (PD 3). This is why you are here. Consider these points:i) Serve all regardless of race, economic status, or organizational pecking order.ii) Server whenever you see a need regardless of your agenda. Be willing to interrupt your day, set aside your

agenda, and your plans in order to serve.iii) Serve without attachment to results or expectations for external reward. iv) Be as willing to serve regardless of the size of the opportunity. Be just as ready to serve in the small things as

in the big things.v) Be unconditional in your willingness to serve. Give no authority to the mind. Follow your heart. Serve when

there’s a need, and keep your commitments. 2) Elevating Your Consciousness in any and all situations

a) See HCHB3) The Concepts of Failure and “Problem” are your Greatest Learning Opportunities

a) The Fierce Grace.b) Fail Fast, Fail Forward. You need feedback in order to learn and grow. c) You can use these lessons to create value for others. Take all your failures and see what you can do to create

value for others. 4) Relate to money as a tool to create value for others.

a) You don’t use money as cash anymore. You use for what it was designed for: as currency and capital to create long-term value, assets and wealth for yourself and others.

Wealth Belief Affirmations1) I invest in only what I need.2) Money is a tool that I use to create value, assets and wealth.3) I bless all wealth and all wealth in my life. 4) I control the process of creating wealth and becoming wealthy.5) I am personally responsible for creating all the value that results in all the wealth in my life.

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6) I become wealthy to the degree that I help other people become even more wealthy.7) I create as much value as possible in every situation whether I'm paid for it or not. 8) I appreciate every challenge and setback as an essential lesson in my development for creating wealth.9) Owning more stuff only wastes my time, creates more hassles, and takes me off track from what's important in my

life.10) I make financial decisions, financial communications, and take financial actions only when I’m at that Higher Centers

of Consciousness. 11) I fully receive all gifts and contributions that are offered to me and my life.

Session 4 Exercise: Transcending “Failure”1) Make a list of 10 areas in your life or choices that you made where you felt like a financial failure.2) Write down what you learned about yourself that will help you create value for others. 3) Do this every day. Each time you run into a challenge or a problem, see what you can do to create value for others

from what you learned. 4) Make a list of 5 – 10 areas where you’re experiencing suffering both now and in the future.

a) Where are you creating suffering over pain that hasn’t happened, that you imagine it happening in the future?b) Make a distinction between the reality of the pain, versus how you are contributing to the suffering? What are

you adding to “what is” that is creating your own suffering?5) Review the Wealth Belief Affirmations every night and morning. Embody them as you reflect on them.

a) May be best to write them down on paper.

The Psychology of Money & Wealth1) Self-deception – giving power and authority to the mind (and others)

a) Your mind filters out anything that doesn’t fit within its view of the world.b) Your mind amplifies anything that does fit in its view of the world.c) It does the above by:

i) Distorting what you seeii) Deleting whole scenes of what you seeiii) Generalizing, simplifying, lumping things together

d) This is vital for survival, but it limits your ability to see beyond your blocks. 2) Crowd psychology amplifies the individual emotions and motivations. When one or more gather then the crowd

amplifies the self-deception.3) Examples of Self-Deception

a) See common fallacies in logic.b) Made up stories that rationalize your choices and your life situation. The mind makes up stories to rationalize

the emotions and why they are there. c) For example, the subconscious makes the decision first based on subconscious beliefs and emotional reactions,

and this filters up to the conscious mind. The conscious mind then makes up a story to rationalize the decision from the subconscious belief and emotional reaction.

4) Secondary apparent payoffs for not taking action, for rationalizing your choices and why you don’t do what you know to do.a) E.g., staying in your comfort zone, not rocking the boat, get attention for being a victim.

5) Influencersa) Obedience to “Authority”b) Reciprocity: the need to give to others after others give to youc) The Justice Mechanism: belief in fairness. If someone isn’t fair, then they deserve nothing, even if you don’t get

anything. i) Belief that someone should pay for your ideas. That somehow your ideas are yours and not to share with

others unless they pay for it. So you keep all your best stuff to yourself.ii) Belief that it’s better that no one, including yourself, get anything, than to let another keep more money

than you. So you both starve, rather than both win, but the other win a little more compensation.

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(1) You can’t stand the idea that others get your ideas for free. So you hoard them. iii) The injustice in this is that whatever you create never gets out into the world. It keeps you closed in your

own little world. It’s impossible to create wealth by staying closed and thinking your ideas shouldn’t get out until you get compensated.

iv) The truth is you don’t know if anything you have is any good until you get it out into the world. That way you get feedback to improve it and validate your idea.

6) All the stuff we buy has been made up and created by other people, organizations, companies, religions.a) It’s all a made up matrix that is driving your subconscious. Others have created this to influence us to be their

little slaves. And we’ve bought into this with our subconscious beliefs.

Subconscious Mind1) The fundamental subconscious programs are not yours. Most of the programs are self-sabotaging, and limiting. 2) Whenever you let go of the present, you’re not paying attention, you go on auto-pilot. You play the programs in the

subconscious. Most of the times you’re not present. If fact, it’s closer to 95% of the time that you’re not present. 3) Your life is a reflection of your subconscious programs since 95% of your life is coming from your subconscious

programs. The programs in your subconscious mind is your destiny. Habit = Destiny.4) So you really need to clear out the subconscious and replace the old programs with new. This is the habit creation

process. 5) Ultimately you are in control of how you perceive life. You perception of life creates your experience of life.

Ego Identity / Self-Image1) Ego mind attaches to ideas, stories, and identifies with them as if they were absolute truth. The Ego is a fiction, it

doesn't exist, so it has to attach to stuff and ideas to give it form or life. "I", "me" is a thing that is fixed and frozen. Ego attachment phrases: "I am this way." "The world is this way.” “That's just the way it is."a) Culture: everyone doing what everyone else is doing for generation after generation. Impersonate, conform, and

imitate others unconsciously. We don't consciously create who we are. It's all made up bullshit. b) Identity, self-image, the story of who you are is operating on your models of the world. The internal identity

projecting on your model of the world. For example, a victim identity projecting on a scarce model of the world. 2) The truth is there are just roles that are fluid and flexible. These roles and models are not who we are. Likewise,

there are models of the world that are simply models. The ego is simply a fluid process that is always changing and evolving. Fluid: "I behave this way and I get this result. If I change my behavior I can get a better result." You can change and evolve. The source is within you.

Session 5 Exercise – Getting Over the Free Line1) Getting over the injustice in the Justice Mechanism: Getting over the free line.

a) In order to create massive value for others you have to do things that seem unfair or unjust to you. 2) Make a list of your top 10 ideas, schemes, insights, inventions that would be valuable to share with others.3) Give away the ideas to others for free, totally unselfishly. Get the ideas out in the world and rejoice when others get

value from them. a) Post it on social media, blog, website, etc.

4) Be aware of the Justice Mechanism, and all the other self-deception mechanisms, as you give them away. Let them come up, be aware, and see the mechanisms at work.a) Don’t worry about what you’re getting in return. Just give it away.

5) As you give them away, get the feedback from others and see what they think about it. Use this to improve upon the ideas.

FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real1) The physical body is designed to survive real world threats. Whenever there is a pattern that triggers the fear

response it sets off a series of chain reactions that shut off the conscious, rational mind, and reacts instantly to survive the trigger event.

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a) The body will respond/react based on what’s been encoded in the subconscious. The better the encoded responses the better your survival of those real life dangers.

b) This is a wonderful mechanism to help you survive physically and to bypass the conscious mind in here and now present moment life threatening situations.

c) The problem with this is that the mind reacts the same whether there is a real life threat, or if it’s a completely imaginary fiction.

2) If you’re feeling fear it’s almost certainly triggered by a complete fiction, delusional mind imagining. a) The reason is that if you’re in the real life event you’re no longer feeling fear. You’re in action to survive the

threat. This is why we say fear is false evidence appearing real. b) So if you’re dwelling in your fear, then you’re simply spiraling down the delusional mind imagining.

3) When you’re in a fear-based reactive emotional wave don’t take or make any important:a) Decisions, actions, important communications, big purchases. b) Simply allow the emotional wave to subside without resisting it so that it simply dissipates. c) See CoC 0 for more information.d) Whenever you make a decision or take an action based on fear, however small, you feed that fear. When you do

this you feed what you don’t want to create, rather than what you do want to create. 4) Adrenaline Addiction and a Culture of FEAR

a) In our modern society we want to create artificial situations where we experience fear to trigger the fight/flight mechanism. They look for opportunities to feel fear since they don’t have the opportunities that ancient man had on a daily basis.

b) The reality of this is that it’s all made up, artificial situations to get a high, rather than simply enjoying life. c) Other sources of artificial fear: scary movies, standard mainstream news, doing extreme sports, fighting sports,

fast cars. This puts us into an artificial fight/flight state that is rather detrimental. d) The general news is one of the most detrimental as it keeps people in a state of fear most of the time. It’s a

chronic state. i) The news has generally nothing to do with your specific situation, your specific reality. It’s someone else’s

perspective that’s designed to get a reaction from you for a specific purpose. ii) The news gives you excuses not to act, be a victim, shapes your perception of life and others in a very

negative way. iii) It’s much easier to control a society that is in fear and in duality, than a society in love. iv) News is a money making business, a multi-billion dollar industry. It was created as an advertising revenue

model. The negative news is what sells. e) Negative gossip idle conversation about their relationships, mostly talking negatively about others that undercut

them, compare yourself to them to make you feel better about yourself. f) Worry: delusional mind imaginings about the future that put you in a fear state about the future. g) If you can eliminate general news, negative gossip, and worry you will be far ahead in being at peace in love.

i) By doing any of these activities you simply contribute to the fear, what you don’t want to create. 5) Two dominant fears that keep you from being wealthy:

a) Fear of failure: fear of something not working out, fear of looking bad, etc.b) Fear of success: primarily based on CoC 2: Belonging.

6) Two types of Financial fear: a) Fear of loss: this is the fear that keeps you from letting go of assets that are losing value, because you don’t want

to experience the loss. For example, keeping a stock that is losing value. b) Fear that prevents you from doing the things that create wealth.

i) For example, fear that someone else will steal your ideas. Focus on what you want to create, creating more value, than fear of someone will steal your ideas.

7) The basic foundation of fear is giving authority to the mind or anything else that isn’t real, such as an authority figure, agent, government agency, etc.a) The mind is a completely made up construct. Nothing it comes up with is real. b) Experiencing FEAR is an indicator you have a lack of a powerful relationship with reality. If you don’t know what

is real you will always be stuck in FEAR.

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Tools to Transcend FEAR: Cognitive Reappraisal 1) Make a list of the top 10 financial fears/worries in your life.

a) Know that these are all made up bullshit scenarios that simply trigger your subconscious patterns. 2) Take the fear and imagine the worst case scenario.

a) Accept that it could happen, and realize that it would be okay and you would survive if in fact it happened.b) You have little to no control over what can happen. Life happens and there’s simply nothing you can do to

control it all. Accept it and know it’s all perfect and Divine. 3) Take the fear and imagine what lesson would you learn if it in fact happened?

a) The only thing you lose with a worst case scenario are material possessions, but what you gain when you learn from what happened is internal and priceless. It can never be taken away.

b) If you do this you will see that it’s ALL a blessing when you realize it’s all made up and you create your experience of life no matter what happens.

c) Think of all the Fierce Graces you’ve had in your life over the absolute worst case scenarios that have occurred. 4) Make a commitment to make no decisions, take action, make communications when you’re in an emotional wave.5) Eliminate general news, negative gossip, and worry from your life.

Why do You Really Want Wealth?Creating wealth and adding value is very different than to be happy, to not be poor, to feel secure, to get others to like you, to be more powerful or better than. Creating wealth and value is an internal expression that comes from within. You are the SOURCE of the wealth and value. Whereas when you’re seeking external, material possessions to compensate for an internal lack will never fill the internal emptiness. Wealth and value is an internal game. See HCHB for more details on how to create your experience of life. So you are already the source of everything real in your life. There’s nothing you need from life or others. Everything is already within you. The truth is wealth comes when you are already wealthy within, when you are giving value to others. Wealth is a natural flow from life when you are filled within.

Alignment Exercise1) Align all the elements of who you are with what you want to create for the world.

a) What is your vision for a better world? Can you see how you can help create that better world you want to create?

b) How can you help create that picture of a better world for all? 2) The four areas that you need to align are: your vision for what you want to create in the world, creating wealth for

the world, creating wealth for others (business partners, your employees, customers), and creating wealth for yourself. a) Doing this will give you the energy to create value and massive wealth for others and yourself. You will be

unstoppable! No matter what comes in your path you will find a way around it. 3) Visualization exercise (Session 7, 55 min)

a) Visualize all four elements above aligning in your life, in others, and in the world. i) Get really clear on how the world can be better in a specific, measurable, concrete way. ii) Can you see how you can drive making that happen? Can you see how your unique talents, natural gifts and

strengths will create that better world? iii) See everyone in the world having a more rich experience physically, intellectually, emotionally.iv) Imagine all those people around you being wealthy, even more wealthy than you while you’re contributing

to the wealth of the world. v) Can you see how all these align to create a better world?

b) Write a narrative of the ultimate scenario of how the world will be in 20 years from today that integrates all four elements above. You are writing the history of the future when you do this. It’s the most important exercise you will do in this program. i) You can write it from another person’s perspective of how it all happened. ii) Write several pages that really inspire you.

c) By doing this you are identifying the need, fears, frustrations, efficiency gaps in your environment and the world. This is how business are started to meet the market need.

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i) Sub-market niches can be further determined by your personal network and their needs.ii) New technologies can be used to exploit efficiency gaps. iii) Bringing things together in a unique way to create synergy, the multiplicative effect, can also be used to

exploit efficiency gaps.

The Inner Game of WealthThe inner world of perception (how we see ourselves and the world) creates the outer world. Integrity1) Personal Integrity: The alignment of your thoughts, words and actions.

a) Reliable, Dependable, Trust, behave consistently over the long term.b) Unconditional SOURCE: regardless of energies and conditions around you, and without aversions or attachments

to outcomes. c) When you have integrity over the long-run you build your reputation.

i) It can take 20 years to build your reputation, but only 10 minutes to destroy it.d) Don’t make promises in the moment. No more in the moment promises or commitments.

i) Promises made in the moment are emotionally driven. Whereas when you think about things 2) Financial Integrity:

a) The wise use of money, value and assets over a long period of time. b) The consistent creation of value over a long period of time.c) The consistent reinvestment of value over a long period of time.d) A financial strategy that you commit to and stay the course on over a long period of time.e) Alignment of strategy, how you communicate your strategy, and your actions aligned to your strategy.f) Create value consistently, figuring out how to turn that value into assets, convert that value into assets, and

accumulating those assets over a long period of time to create long-term wealth.g) Wealth creation is a long-term game that requires that you stick to the plan no matter what. You have to have a

strong enough desire to build wealth. 3) Be fully responsible for every result in your life.

a) Blame no one. You create your experience of life. b) You could have made different choices and created a different result in any situation in your life.

Receiving and Contribution1) The ability to be present and fully receive without any story behind it, without obligation, judgment, etc. Be right in

the moment, look them in the eye, experience the emotions fully, open your heart wide to receive the gift or contribution that others are providing to you. a) When you fully receive you integrate the gift more into your life, the thought behind the gift, the lesson the

other is trying to teach. b) Say “your welcome, I really enjoyed doing that.” c) Start receiving fully when others say thank you. d) Pay attention when someone contributes to your life.

2) Getting vs. Receiving: a) Getting is doing whatever it takes to get what you want.

i) Most people give in order to get. There’s an agenda behind the giving. b) Receiving is someone else freely contribute to your life.

3) Obstacles to freely receivinga) Deserving: not good enoughb) Permission: in order to receive something you need permission from an authority figure to get or receive.

4) Contributiona) Giving to another freely without expectation for anything in return. b) You can’t contribute to another unless you can fully receive freely.

5) You want to get into a cycle of freely contributing and freely receiving. a) This is the Male – Female – Neutrality principle of creation.

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6 Powerful Emotions that empower you to succeed in any area of your life1) Heart’s Desire to create the inspiration.2) Fully Responsible for result in your life.3) Commitment: do whatever it takes to figure out overcoming the obstacles in your life. Be unconditional, fully

committed to whatever you set your heart to. a) “The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem

incessantly without growing weary.” Marshal all of our inner and outer resources with focus and conviction over years and decades in our life.

4) Optimism: know that your heart’s desire is possible no matter what.a) The challenges in your life are the causes of your success. Your greatest success comes right after your greatest

failure. b) Reframe any event from the optimist perspective.

5) Gratitude: no matter what happens you can still be grateful for whatever is going on.6) Faith: transcending all mind bullshit that stops you from fulfilling your heart’s desire.

Fast Start SessionsSession 1: Positive Refocus1) Write a list of all the things you worry when it comes to money, investing, finances: anxieties, fears, worries, not

having enough for ??, etc.a) Write for only for 10 – 15 min max.b) Use at most 10 words for each item.

2) Now focus your mind on what you want to have happen, not what you worry about. a) What you focus on will manifest. If you focus on your worries, fears, doubts, then that’s what will manifest in

your life. 3) Review your list of worry items, and put a star on the top 3 items that you worry about most, or that if you handled

those items only you would pretty much handle the 80% of the worry.a) The Pareto Principle operates here by

4) Now take those top 3 items and reframe them into a “how” question. This is a positive refocus. a) For each item write a positive, future focus question that begins with “how do I…” or “how to…”. This opens up

the possibility space to come up with solutions to the issue, rather than just worry about it. b) Consciously redirectionalize your mind toward what you want to create.c) Now write down the possibilities that your mind comes up when you redirectionalize your mind.

5) This tool works for any worries you might have. Try this for any area of life.

Session 2: Your Money Story / Model / Beliefs1) Journal about everything you remember about money: conflicts, conversations, experiences, earliest impressions,

major events, discussion around the home, scarcity, anything that influenced your impressions of money.a) Look at this from your how you view others who have wealth.b) Look at this from how you see life in general regarding resources, scarcity and abundance.c) Take 10 – 15 min to write.

2) Review what you wrote. a) Identify the pattern in your story.

3) Notice that money is an accelerator pedal that amplifies your underlying character. The more you have of it, the more you can express your true colors, both the positive and negative. a) You can either become more philanthropic or more addictive.

4) Write about how your current perception of life and conditions around money are colored by your story and beliefs around money.

5) This is simply more of an awareness exercise to help you realize that there are no accidents in life. Your current life experience and conditions are a direct reflection of your beliefs around money.

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Session 3: Obstacles to Wealth1) Take 10 min to write down all the obstacles to you having the wealth you want in your life.

a) List at least 10 items, but best to get as many as possible.2) Review the list and identify the items that are outside of your control and inside your control (internal beliefs vs

external conditions outside of your control).a) Notice that these are all simply excuses, made up reasons that your rational mind has created to justify why you

are where you are. It’s all bullshit, imaginary, made up in the mind. The entire cause/effect relationship we created is all made up, no matter how rational it is.

b) All these excuses gives your power away. 3) What’s important to see from this exercise is simply to take full, 100% responsibility for your experience of life, and

for the choices that led to the conditions in your life. 4) Commitments that lead to wealth:

a) I’m never going to take payment or money unless I first create value for others. In fact, I will create greater value than I expect in payment and money in return. Give more wealth than you take back.

b) You’re never going to get a free ride. You will always give value before receiving anything. i) This includes credit. Using credit is getting something for nothing.

Stop Self-Sabotage – why habits are the key to long-term financial successCan anyone create wealth? 80% of millionaires are self-made.Wealth Prevention Habits that Really Work1) Thinking there is a get rich quick scheme, the magic bullet that will be the answer to all your financial problems. 2) Thinking that you can get results by being lazy. 3) Buying with credit cards or with debt.

a) Buying anything on credit, especially consumables, rapidly depreciating assets, and liabilities costs you even more. And this is what most people use credit cards for. Credit amplifies the other bad habits by making it orders of magnitude worse.

b) When you factor in that you could have used the money to buy appreciating assets, then it gets much worse. 4) Buying brand new cars. Cars lose 50%+ of their value after 5 years or so.5) Buying or leasing a car on payments. 6) Unnecessary monthly subscriptions to magazines, cable TV, online entertainment, etc., that adds no value to your

life or your loved ones.7) Buying consumables and rapidly depreciating assets. Assets are anything that you buy that still has some value and

drops very quickly.a) Examples: a new car, latest and greatest technology (like a home theater) that will be 50% off in 2 years.b) A consumable is something you really don’t need, you consume it and it’s gone and you have nothing to show

for it. Like junk food, the Starbucks coffee. 8) Buying liabilities. Liabilities are something that suck value and require so much to maintain, more than its worth.

a) Example are boats and other expensive toys, luxury items, jewelry, and hobbies. 9) Impulse spending, spending in the moment before you have any time to reflect on it.

a) This is the habit of instant gratification. Instant gratification is an emotional squirt that will soon wash over you if you wait it out. Impulse drives credit card use.

b) Retail therapy is a symptom of this specific disease. 10) Fear-based credit card accumulation. You accumulate credit just in case something happens. 11) Don’t play the lottery. The chances of winning the lottery are worse than getting struck by lightning 10 times in your


Bad Money Habits:1) We spend money unconsciously. For example, we don't consider the real costs of spending on depreciating assets

that take energy, space, time and money to maintain. What is the alternative if you purchased an appreciating asset instead? Or of converting the appreciating asset into a depreciating asset.

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2) Making spending decisions in the heat of the moment. It gives you no time to think about the real, long-term impact to you and your goals. Make rules in advance that you reflect on before spending money or lending money to another.

3) Thinking that money (in all its disguises) is real and has some value, and therefore, the answer to all your problems. “I need to get my hands on some money.” Money has no intrinsic value. What you really need is real assets, relationships, education, and health to support you in overcoming your problems. Don’t think in money, think in value.

4) Spending on credit like you were purchasing with cash. This amplifies the real costs of spending on depreciating assets.

5) Taking and getting for me and mine: the selfish paradigm, a conscious way of life. a) This formula worked when you were completely dependent on your parents. It was necessary for your survival. b) “If I don’t look out for #1, then I won’t make it, I won’t survive in this big, bad world.”c) Most people rationalize this paradigm that it’s fair, necessary for survival, etc.

6) Short-term, survival focus

Mindsets to create value:1) I’ll believe when I see it.

a) This is a good idea when you’re buying something, or hiring something. Trust, but verify. 2) I’ll see it when I believe.3) I’ll create it in my reality.

a) When it comes to you, you need to create it now in your internal experience in order to create it in your reality.b) Do the things that will lead to wealth now, consistently over the long-run. c) Humans are not good at thinking in the long-term. We have to be intentional each and every present moment to

do the right things over the long run.

Some questions you might ponder:1) How do you keep yourself on track for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years or 40 years to consistently take the right actions

each and every day to create wealth? 2) What conditions do you have to set up in your life? What do you have to do in your environment? Who do you have

to hang out with? What temptations do you have to eliminate so they are not even an option in your life? Who do you have to stop being around? What are the influences you have to stop letting into your head? Who are the people you have start interacting with? Who are the mentors you have to bring into your life?

Changing Beliefs by changing behavior:1) To stay on track for decades you have to start behaving the way you want to believe.

a) Cognitive dissonance will lead you to accept a new belief that is in alignment to your behavior. b) You want to get around others who already behave the way you want to behave to get that influence.

2) To change behavior you need to change habits and align those habits to wealth creation.3) When you have awareness of what you do, you need to install the habit immediately before you forget it. Habits of wealth creation1) See “An Empowered Model of Wealth”2) Delayed gratification for things you want: In any area of life if you simply wait out the instant gratification emotional

wave and do the thing the will give you the greatest long-term benefit you will come out ahead. a) You need to make the distinction between what you want and your real needs.

3) Get out of the debt-based thinking and debt logic where you think that you can buy now and think in monthly payments to asses value and make purchase decisions. This gets you into the trap of buying what you don’t need and getting into debt.

4) Find ways to reduce your overhead. Get rid of your car payments. Get rid of anything that you’re paying monthly on. Don’t buy anything that will increase your monthly overhead higher.

5) Consider how your purchases will impact your long-term financial position. a) Learn how to use financial modeling analysis to determine the real impact or costs of purchases.

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6) Keep low amounts of cash and credit cards on hand so that you have to hassle yourself to spend. 7) Stop looking online or going to stores with your credit cards to look for stuff you don’t need. 8) Pre-select what you will buy for the month after consideration. 9) Take the extra value that you do create and invest it over time.

Exercises: Eliminate Debt & Financial Purchase Pause1) Get out of monthly payments for liabilities, depreciating assets, etc.

a) Review all your monthly subscriptions, payments, etc. b) Look at the whole list of things you have. c) Call your credit card company and ask them to lower your rate. You need to talk to a senior person and threaten

to transfer the balance to another card with a lower rate. Just negotiate.d) Get rid of anything where you’re making a monthly payment that is a depreciating asset, even if you have to

take a loss at this time. e) Review all your credit cards and prioritize them from highest to lowest to pay down. Start paying off all these

from highest to lowest priority. Use the money you freed up by getting rid of all your monthly payments to do this.

2) Cultivating the financial purchase pause. See ‘Empowered Model of Wealth’.a) Start to implement that in your life. b) List the top 10 significant things you purchased on impulse. c) Look at each of those 10 things and think about what was your psychology during the moment you were

purchasing the items. i) Were you using debt-based thinking? Did you think in payments?ii) Were you imaging that someone would think that you are cool with this new thing? iii) What actually happened in that moment right before you made the purchase? Look at the bad habits for

ideas. d) With each of these items, think about the future, and imagine seeing that thing you want to purchase, but you

stop and execute the purchase pause and wait at least 1 week. e) Then think about how much you could have earned if you invested the money instead. What’s the cost of the

alternative? What’s the real cost of this habit?i) Use 3x for 10 years when doing this.

Creating Massive Value1) Formula for wealth creation:

a) Stop Self-Sabotageb) Create Massive Value for Othersc) Accumulate personal assetsd) Turn the assets into long-term wealth.

2) These all work together in synergy. When you layer them they exponentially amplify the wealth creation. It’s not a linear equation.

What is Value?1) Value is something that is 100% external. It only exists if others think it’s valuable. It’s always from another person’s

perspective. a) If you were alone, there would be no value since there are no humans to judge it as valuable other than

yourself.2) Value Hierarchy:

a) Fundamental level: to take away their fears, frustrations, problems, anxieties, pains. On the flip side we want to give them convenience, easy, happiness, joy, safety and security.

b) Higher levels: relationship, avoiding rejection, health and fitness, creating wealth. What are Assets?1) Money is not an asset.

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2) Common assets: real estate, gold, stock in a company. 3) Appreciating assets: holds value and becomes more valuable over time.

a) Ocean front real estate. b) A business that grows consistently over time.

4) Appreciating assets that throws off a stream of income.a) Rental property.b) Profitable, growing business. c) Dividend paying stocks.

5) Assets only have value because other people value them. What is Wealth?1) A balanced portfolio of several different assets, where you have allocated you assets across different risks, etc. It’s a

platform that is solid over the long-term.

Laser Focus: Create Value for Others1) You must be laser focused on creating value for others. You can’t get distracted from this one activity over the long-

term if you want to create massive wealth. How can you create the maximum amount of value for another. 2) Don’t focus on where your life is missing the mark financially. Focus purely on value creation for others.

a) When you get into the negative you will lose your focus on creating value for others. 3) Paradigms of creating value:

a) Trading / Reciprocating: I give to you and you give to me. Fairness, even trade, justice.i) This is very inefficient to track and account over what’s fair. It creates me vs. you. It prevents collaboration.

b) Contribution and Receiving: contribute value without having to think about get something in return. i) You use your talents and gifts to contribute to life and make it better. ii) This allows you to find like-minded individuals to collaborate and create massive value for everyone.

c) Lower CoC 2: Belongingi) Be careful not to create co-dependent relationships where you train others to get value from you for

nothing and they expect it. ii) If you do find yourself in this situation, just slowly remove yourself from that person and gravitate to those

who get it, to where there’s more synergy between you.

How do you Create Massive Value: 1) What does it meant to create?

a) Creating is making / manifesting something that is new in some respect. It didn’t exist the same way before. b) To create you first must imitate, then assimilate, and then finally innovate and begin to create.

i) Imitate: learn and practice the way that other people do it. Be a master of conventional knowledge. ii) By practicing the way that other people do it, we assimilate and understand it, we get it. At this point you

can teach it to others. iii) Once we really get it, then we can start taking the little tweaks and adjustments to create the variations that

are true innovations that help others go to the next level, that others really value. iv) When you get to the point of innovation you’ve mastered and truly elevated the art to a whole new level. So

in order to innovate and create massive value, you must first stand on the shoulders of the giants that came before you in the field you are studying. You need to study the very best knowledge in the field before you can innovate in that field.

2) What is value? What is value for others?a) The more you can see what value is for others, the better you are at creating it. The more you can see it and

understand it the better you can get at creating it. i) If you would buy what John Smith buys, then you must look through Jon Smith’s eyes.

b) Value is a nominalization, an abstract noun. It’s a fictional thing. It’s a process. It doesn’t exist as a physical thing, only as an idea in the mind of another.

c) To free up value you need to look at it as a process, not a thing itself. d) The better questions to ask to help create massive value are:

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i) What is the process of creating value?ii) What is the process of valuing something with our minds and emotions?iii) Dan Sullivan considers the following to be the core components of value:

(1) Leadership: providing direction(a) In a world filled with complexity, people need clarity about where to go next. Value is created when

we help others gain a sense of simplicity in their thinking about the future. (b) In order to provide direction you need to understand what their dangers are. What do they fear

most losing? What worrisome thoughts keep them awake at 2:00 am?(2) Relationship: providing confidence

(a) Everyone operates at a higher level when they feel supported in what they’re doing. Creating value through relationship happens when you increase someone’s confidence by showing that you are someone they can trust and rely on, someone who is focusing on their strengths and playing on their team.

(b) In order to provide confidence you need to know what they’ve already accomplished and they still feel uncertainty.

(3) Creativity: providing capability(a) Creativity goes beyond the conventional idea of products and services to include any kind of

capability you can provide. Clients and customers aren’t interested in your products or services per se. What they they’re really after are the new capabilities embodied in those offerings. Value creation through creativity can mean providing new tools, techniques, structures, systems, or even new ways of thinking and problem solving.

(b) What areas will they need to focus on in order to achieve what’s really important to them?3) Entrepreneur / Intrapreneur:

a) Combines, synthesizes, integrates, takes materials and processes from a lower level of value and productivity to a higher level of value and productivity. They see how to put stuff together in a way that others can’t, then take it to another level of value, then they receive some value in return.

4) How can I create value? a) You always start from the other person’s perspective. From this perspective ask the following:

i) What can I create (product, service, process) so that it will take away someone’s fear, anxiety or pain, or give them happiness, joy, or pleasure. Or it could be something the other person perceives will satisfy that for them.

ii) Create knowledge and systems to allow other people to get what they want or avoid what they don’t want. iii) You need to really get into someone else’s head and heart, live in their shoes, experience what they

experience, feel what they feel, empathize at the deepest possible level. iv) Once you’re able to really experience from another’s perspective, then you can start to create value for

them. Reflect back to them what you think and have them validate your thoughts before you go off and create something of value for them.

v) Note that you will not get it perfect the first time. You need to get feedback to validate your assumptions, and iterate based on their feedback. How can it be better? How can I create more value? Is there anything I can take out or add in? Then tweak and tune over time to get the perfect product out there.

b) The ultimate business skill and the ultimate value creation skill is COMPASSION. i) Being proactive with your empathy, then alleviate their suffering and create joy in their life. This skill must

be learned and practiced. Tuned into where others are coming from. What’s their reality and experience of life like? (1) Ask them I want to experience what it feels to be you. Will you help me see from your perspective? (2) Then listen and don’t jump to conclusions too quickly. As they talk, don’t assume you understand what

they mean. Listen compassionately, then clarify. “Let me see if I got this clear. You told me what you’re trying to do, or how you see things, is this exactly right? Let me say this another way.”

(3) Through this dialogue you begin to really understand each other and have a meeting of the minds. (4) Keep going deeper and deeper and deeper until you get the “ah ha” moment where you really see

what’s going on.

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ii) Imagine what it’s like to be another person in your life: their story, fears and frustrations, wants and aspirations. Think about someone you love, hate, or want to get know them.

iii) When you do this and others get that you get them and want to help them you will be a magnet for others. They will naturally gravitate to you.

c) Questions that uncover the real problem:i) What is the problem?ii) Why is the problem indeed a problem?iii) What goals must be served by whatever action or solution is chosen?iv) What triggered the request in the first place?v) Who is the target audience?

d) Determine the criteria that will be used to evaluate alternative solutions (clear metrics of success or failure).i) See R-Factor Question below.

e) The R-Factor Question: “If we were meeting here three years from today what has to have happened for you to feel happy with your progress?”i) “If we were having this discussion three years from today, and you were looking back over those three

years, what has to have happened in your life, both professionally and personally, for you to feel happy with your progress?”

ii) No trust, no value: if a person doesn’t trust you enough to share their vision, there is no basis for relationship. Without relationship there is no basis for value creation.

iii) No future, no value: How they will measure success. What tangible achievements are important to them? If a person can’t visualize their future, they won’t be able to communicate how you can create value for them.

f) The D.O.S. Conversation: Dangers, Opportunities, Strengthsg) See also Primary Skills for wealth creation.h) Once you hone your skill of creating value for others you can focus that on your niche: the integration of your

unique abilities, with what you’re really good at, with a specific problem or group that get you. i) At this level you start to build trust with other people and you are known for your level of innovation. ii) After months and years of practice at creating value for others you get this grand “ah ha”, a breakthrough

awakening. At this point the money starts to flow in. You are a value creation machine. i) At some level after years and years of practice at creating value for others you will “see” how to create value

anywhere in life. They will not be ideas anymore, because you’ve actually mastered value creation, in interacting with other people, in being compassionate, in getting paid for what you create. i) You mastered compassion and the connection for value and what others will pay for.

5) You need to create 10x the value that you expect to be paid for.a) If you don’t get paid, look at the lesson that is learned and realize the lesson is worth more than the money you

expected. What is the lesson? What did I learn from this?6) You want to create real value, not the illusion of value, surface level value that doesn’t go deep.

a) Examples: junk food (no nutrients), pornography (no connection), psychedelic drugs, or venire on furniture (low quality).

b) This provides just the quick fix, but not the real thing. This is not the real thing. It’s not what creates long-term value and wealth. And actually leads to death.

c) Marketing is infected with the illusion of value. There is no trust. 7) Notice when you receive and experience value in your life (physical, emotional, health, relationship, education).

a) Invest in yourself. When you do this you experience what you are trying to do for others when you create value for others (joy, satisfaction, fulfilment). You want them to feel the same way with your product or service.

8) Contexts for creating value in your life. Pick the one that makes the most sense for you and become a master at it. a) A job, working for another company.

i) Learn your job, your industry, imagine that you own the company and figure out what it would take to create massive value for that company.

b) Starting your own business. i) Become an expert at your market, at running a business, at creating value for your customers.

c) Investing

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i) Learn about your investment, know everything about it. Become a master and expert at what it is you’re investing in. You don’t invest in what you don’t understand.

9) Personal value tipping point. a) The point at which you go from looking for areas where you can create value, to where others seek you out to

create value for them. b) For example, when you’re first looking for a job you’re out there looking trying to get someone else to notice

you. Eventually, you get to a point when you become a superstar and others seek you out to work for them. You are now in demand.

c) Most people don’t reach their personal tipping point. It takes 5 -10 years to develop yourself into an expert and master at your field of study. You have to stick it out for the long-term to reach this point. There’s no quick fix in this.

d) Primary asset of the future: Learning how to learn new skills, teach them to others, and communicate with others. Life is changing so quickly you really need to learn to adapt rapidly and teach others to do so.

10) Types of value creation that you need to learn and do on a daily basis.a) New Economy: knowledge, relationships, feelings and experiences are most highly valued aspects of life.b) Teaching: teach what you learn so that you can get it yourself. Transfer your knowledge from you to another so

that they really get it. By doing this you get it at a deeper level. c) Coaching: helping others develop a skill, develop a part of themselves, stay accountable, keeping them on track.d) Mentoring: helping another person actualize who they are: their talents, gifts, and vision.e) Fusion: fusing human beings together. Introducing people together that can work well together.

Exercise: Focus on what you’re really good at, not on your weaknesses1) Identify what you’re really good at, your talents and gifts. Then take that gift and develop it into a strength that is

valued by others. 2) Make a list of all the areas where you feel naturally talented; where things come easefully and effortlessly. List 3 – 5

things. a) Review the list and ask which of those talents can be developed into a strength that can really help in the world,

where you can add value to others. b) What do you have to do to get from where you are to developing that strength? c) Find a mentor that has the same talent and is really good at what you want to do, and can help you take that

talent and convert it to a strength that can really help in the world. d) What’s the one thing you can do now to start developing your natural talent into a strength that can create

massive value in the world? Write it down.

Exercise: Mastering the skill of compassion1) Every day ask one person:

a) What’s your biggest frustration or fear? (what they want to move away from)b) What’s your ideal outcome or result? (what they want to gravitate toward)

2) Then clarify with active listening, giving examples, confirming your understanding. a) Repeat what you heard in your own words, and clarify your understanding.

3) See how they respond. Did they confirm your understanding?4) Now if possible, help them create the outcome they want.

a) Go out and do it.b) Then get their feedback to ensure you achieved the outcome they requested.

Accumulating AssetsWhy accumulate assets? You can't get assets unless you have value creation. You can't build wealth unless you have assets.Definition of an Asset:1) Assets are things of value that can be readily converted into cash. 2) Assets are things that have real, sustainable true value.

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a) Many assets can be converted into cash. Cash itself is not an asset. b) Instead of converting assets into cash, then buying what you want, you should simply trade assets for another

asset. That way you don’t get tagged with the fee of converting assets into cash and using that cash to buy another asset.

c) Examples: income real estate, stocks in strong companies.

Categories of Assets1) Soft (Inner) assets: skills, knowledge, expertise, experience, relationships, intellectual property, brand image

a) Relationships: Only associate with superstars.i) Network: everyone you know – strength of the weak ties, network science.

(1) What your aspirations for the future?(2) What are some of the skills that you’re learning?(3) What’s your area of expertise?(4) What are some of the other people you hang out with?

ii) Triading or Fusing: introducing and connect other superstars to each other who can synergize and create value together. Connect them at a personal level to help transfer the trust immediately. (1) Get a profile on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other social network tools.

iii) Mastermind: small group of people that you meet with on a regular basis to support each other in your wealth goals. These are solid individuals that you trust, focused and dedicated at building their wealth and creating value in the world. These are the superstars, the top 1% or top 0.1% of those you know.

iv) Mentors: these are super geniuses that take you under their wing and take you to the next level.b) Reputation: total integrity, deliver results, report and communicate, take risks, take personal responsibilityc) Time, effort, energy, attention: productivityd) Expertise: education + experience – learning and doing.

i) The best way to do this is to work for or with a master in the field. ii) Invest 10% of what you earn on education, advice to build up your expertise.

2) Hard assets: these are all external assetsa) Real estate: historically this has been one of the best classes of assets that both appreciates, throws off cash,

and has lots of tax benefits.b) Stocks: over time stocks have gone up and have been well. c) Precious metals: gold, silver, platinum. Potential inflation hedges, and have utility value.d) Luxury collectibles: be careful here. You really need to know what you’re doing. e) Financial instrument: bond, CD, personal loan. These are based on money. f) Personal business: you’re in charge of this, you have full control. More control with how you manage taxes. You

can take your profits and reinvest it in the business without paying taxes on what you reinvest in. You can sell shares of your business and get capital gains on those shares. i) Learn sales and marketing.

3) Appreciating (grow in value) and Cash Flow Assets. These are the best of all.a) Rental real estateb) Dividend paying stocksc) Personal Business: get paid and grow your business

4) No matter what you invest in become an expert at it. Know when to buy, and what exactly to buy. a) Only invest in what you fully understand. Start with something simple. b) Make one good investment decision per year. So do your homework first, then invest on what you fully


Exercise: Accumulating Inner Assets1) Make a list of inner assets that you need to develop with education and experience? Where do you need to develop

your expertise on the inside? Consider these:a) Social skills: ability to connect with anyone and build a network of superstars.

2) Where do you need to go to get this education and experience? Brainstorm and make a list.

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Exercise: Accumulating External Soft Assets (People Assets)1) How can you start building your network now? How can I meet superstars now that I can network with? What are

the environments that I need to go to to meet superstars?2) How can I build my mastermind now? Small group of 7-8 people to work together and help each other grow.

a) Mastermind meetings: share your biggest challenge and opportunities. The rest of the group brainstorms how to overcome the challenge and take advantage of the opportunities.

b) Examples: Gus, Andy, Carlos, Urbano, Steve, Matthew, Dave, Alvaroc) Do a project together like create a website with educational videos you can share with others to get your name

out there and build your network.3) How can I attract powerful mentors now?

a) I am a dedicated student in the area that you’re an expert. I’m looking for someone who can help me improve in this area.

b) Show them you’re a great student. Use their advice and report back the results.

Exercise: Accumulating Hard Assets1) Choose one asset class that you’re going to become an expert in that you will develop in the next 10-20 years.

Explain why you chose this asset class. Now make a commitment. 2) Get the education and experience in this area. Find the education, people and mentors in this asset class.

Building Long-term WealthWealth Consciousness1) There is much more money out there than there are deals. 2) There’s so much money just looking for a place to go. You don’t have to fight others for “scarce” resources. You just

have to create massive value and the money will flow to you, because all that money is looking for a place to go. 3) We live in an abundant world. All we have to do is create massive value and the money will come.

a) Need the Skills: empathy and compassionb) Become an expert at whatever area of life you choose.c) We live in the most abundant period of human history.

Wealth Frames of Reference1) Building wealth as a long-term project in your life. It’s like building a home. You take steps every day to remove the

obstacles to building wealth, build your wealth consistent with an empowered model of wealth creation and creating value everywhere you go. a) You’ve got to know that this is very doable. After taking consistent action over 20 -30 years you will wake up

wealthy. This is not magic. Like any project, you take consistent action over the long term and you will achieve your goal.

b) It’s no harder than building a healthy body or a healthy relationship. It’s just another project. 2) Wake up and realize that the fantasy portrayed by the media for wealth is not for you. This is fake and the likelihood

of achieving that fantasy is practically nil. a) The real way to build wealth is described here.

3) Wealth creation isn’t taught, it’s learned. When the student is ready, the master will appear. a) You have to make a study of wealth creation. You have to be passionate about it in your own personal

experience. Go out seek the knowledge, meet the experts, look at your own psychology and responses in the moment. Design -> Implement / Experiment -> Feedback (obstacles, challenges) -> Redesign.

b) You need to have personal, firsthand knowledge and experience in wealth creation. c) Persist: As soon as you run into a challenge pick yourself up and find a new skill to overcome it. You need to

continuously push yourself to the next level, the next level, the next level as you run into challenges and opportunities.

4) Boundaries: Say “NO” to investment opportunities. Become very selective. a) There are far more investment opportunities than you can ever take advantage of. b) Opportunity cost: what you could have done instead. What’s it costing you in terms of other opportunities?

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i) Even if you don’t get into a deal in that moment it will likely be around at a later time down the road. c) Always consider the opportunity cost when considering investments. d) The more you say “NO” with an open, unattached mind, the more powerful your self-esteem grows, the more

respect you have for yourself, the more respect you earn, the more value you put on yourself and your time, and the more opportunities show up in your life.

e) Warren Buffet says “NO” more than anyone else. He has access to more investment opportunities than anyone else.

f) In general, the time you’re going to waste on an okay investment opportunity is worth way more than the investment itself.

g) What are you going to give up to achieve what you want? You have limited time, energy and attention. So you need to focus on the best opportunities only. Distractions are the enemy of focus.

5) Ownership vs. Controla) Wealthy people rather control a resource or asset than own it. There’s no attachment to any asset, including

their home. Everything on the planet is temporary. We really don’t own anything anyway. We’re just a steward of the assets during our time on this 3-D plane of existence. i) Poor people identify with their stuff. They’re attached to it. ii) They set up trusts, corporations, LLCs to set up ways to control assets, but not own the assets.

6) Manage Risk: risk is something to be managed, not avoided.a) Risk is inherent in life. You can’t avoid risk. You just manage it, rather than being afraid and not live life. b) In wealth creation you will need to take risks, and balance the risk across different assets to manage the risk.

7) In order for you to succeed at creating wealth, you may have to do it in “secret”. a) Your friends and loved ones may become the enemies of your wealth creation. You don’t want to trigger their

shadows against you. b) You will need to find others that really get it and integrate more with them.

8) The obstacles, roadblocks, and challenges you will face throughout your journey is life telling you that your model is incomplete, and / or you need to pick up a new skill to reach the next level of your development.a) What’s the new skill do I need to overcome this obstacles or roadblock?b) The four possible reasons change doesn’t happen:

i) Chance to: system issue, such as organizationalii) Want to: motivationiii) How to: training and skillsiv) Able to: not your natural talent, and therefore, a lot of energy expenditure to do it.

c) Most people stop before they get their biggest breakthrough, because they’re just one skillset away from that next breakthrough. There’s always a new level to elevate to.

d) As you add the new skills it makes the others in your toolbox exponentially more powerful.e) As you add nodes or elements to the network the impact is exponential in its power.

9) Use your Superpowers. a) See PD 1: Your ability to consciously CHOOSE in the moment how you perceive life, regardless of the

circumstances and energies around you, is the SOURCE of your True POWER. There are never any accidents; you always get back what you project. Empower only the very best in yourself and others. Be Unconditional in expressing your Heart’s Intention!

b) Create massive value. Convert it into assets. Build wealth.10) Master the first thing, then the second, then the third, etc., and put them all together. It’s the synthesis.

a) Master your personal health first. b) Mater relationships with other human beings.c) Master interpersonal psychology.d) Master creating value.e) Master money, assets, wealth, etc.

11) Investing is like farming.a) Farmers cherish their seeds. They pay a lot of attention to their seeds and the quality of the seeds.b) Eat from the harvest, not from the seeds. Plan to harvest later. Plant the beginning assets to grow and cultivate.

Then eat the fruit when it’s harvested. Plan and build over the long term.

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12) Four main approaches to long-term wealth creation:a) Career-based wealth building: earn a modest income, pay off all debt, pay cash for everything, save up for what

you want, invest in relatively low risk investments to build up your nest egg for retirement. Invest 10% - 20% of your income in these low risk investments.

b) Lifestyle-based wealth building: For example, those that live in an investment property while they fix it up. Home builders build a home for themselves and live in one of the homes while they sell and build the subdivision. Income real estate landlord.

c) Investment-based: Becoming a professional investor, such as accredited investor. They invest in other things rather than they create value. They invest in what others have created. Warren Buffet is a full time investor.

d) Business-based: Start a business, reinvest the profits into the business to grow it over time. The business becomes the asset that you can eventually sell.

e) Combination of the above. f) Whatever approach you choose be the best, go deep, be the expert at what you choose to focus on.

13) Put your focus on long-term trends, where there’s a huge demand: “Choose the right horse to ride”a) Work for a great company that is in an industry that is growing and has good long-term prospects. b) Work for the right boss who is doing great in their career and growing. c) Look for where there’s already success and long-term trends in place. Rather than stuff that is fading out.

i) For example Internet marketing.ii) These are areas where there are a lot of people looking for solutions and not too many options available.

d) All these things make it easier for you to grow your career and add value.14) Look for something that wealthy people enjoy so you can get around them in a social atmosphere.

a) Whether social or professional.b) Your greatest asset you’ll ever have is you. Refine yourself, your personality, your communication and

expression, so that you are attractive to the successful people. 15) Temptation and Impulses: emotion chemistry, short-term squirts of emotional high

a) Emotion-backed addictions: instant gratification, using credit, eating junk food, b) Set up your life so that you don’t have the temptation in front of you.

Exercise: Personal Wealth Creation Business Plan1) The purpose of this plan is to plan out growing yourself and your wealth over the long term.2) The value in planning is not that you follow the plan exactly, but the process you go through in planning forces you

to learn and identify opportunities and challenges you to grow. The process of creating a plan changes you, and how you look at the world and others around you as you are now looking for those things that support you in success.

3) Review and update this plan at least quarterly, and completely rewrite from scratch once per year. 4) Here’s the process:

a) List all of your strengths, everything that you’re naturally good at.b) List all your knowledge. What do you know how to do? Where do you already have some expertise that you can

teach to others?c) List your superstar relationships that you either know or could know.d) List all your skills that you need to develop. e) Next develop organized details plans with all the action steps for:

i) How you’re going to develop your skills.ii) How you’re going to create your mastermind. iii) How you’re going to find your mentors.iv) How you’re going to create value, turning that value into assets and growing wealth over the long term.

f) See the whole thing and figure out how it’s going to work for the next 20 – 30 years. The plan itself is not so important. It’s that you’re seeing the whole thing, and can see that you can do it. i) This gets you on the road to success. Even though the actual unfoldment may not look the way you sketched

out here it will get you in motion. And as you get in motion you will find new opportunities, new ways of creating value, meet new people that you never would have imagined had you not done this.

5) Inevitability thinking: The First Dominoa) What would make it inevitable that I create self-made wealth in my life?

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b) Here’s the process:i) Know what you want to create in the first place.ii) Work backwards: what are the steps it will take to get there? (see your plan)iii) What would be something that I can do right now that would make this all inevitable, they would definitely

happen? This is like the first domino that pushes over all the other dominos in your plan.(1) How are you going to make your success inevitable?(2) For example, what communication can you send out that would be this first domino? What would that

communication look like? (3) Could this be a public commitment of what you plan to do to the most respected and successful people

in your life? (4) Hire a business coach who will hold you accountable to taking the action steps you laid out here.

c) Now do that first domino. 6)

Resources1) 2) “The Truth in Money Book”, Thoren and Warner

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