Page 1: WE’RE THE 12-1/images/AugustNewsletter.pdfBob Weskerna, DCDR - attended our June flotilla meeting. It was a pleasure to have him come all the way





NEXT MEETING: August 16, 2010

Information contained in this newsletter is for official US Coast Guard & Coast Guard Auxiliary

use only under the Privacy Act of 1974. The Auxiliary is guided by the current equal opportunity

policies of the Commandant of the Coast Guard. No person shall be subject to discrimination in

the Auxiliary or its programs because of race,color,religion,sex,age,national origin or disability.

Editor: Sue Carty FSO-PB, 803-478-7022, [email protected]

AUGUST 2010 Volume 1 Issue 11



August 4 is celebrated as Coast Guard Day to honor the establishment on that day in 1790

of the Revenue Cutter Service, forebear of today’s Coast Guard, by the Treasury Department.

On that date, Congress, guided by Secretary of the Treasury

Alexander Hamilton, authorized the building of a fleet of ten

cutters, whose responsibility would be enforcement of the

first tariff laws enacted by Congress under the constitution.

The Coast Guard has been continuously at sea since its

inception, although the name Coast Guard didn’t come

about until 1915 when the Revenue Cutter Service was

merged with the Lifesaving Service. The Lighthouse

Service joined the Coast Guard in 1939, followed in 1946 by

the Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection.

In 1967, the Coast Guard was transferred to the newly formed Department of Transportation

and then in 2003 to the newly established Department of Homeland Security.

Coast Guard Day is primarily an internal activity for active duty Coast Guard personnel,

civilian members, reservists, retirees, auxiliarists, and dependents, but it does have a signifi-

cant share of interest outside the service. Grand Haven, Michigan, also known as Coast

Guard City, USA, annually sponsors the Coast Guard Festival around August 4. Typically

it is the largest community celebration of a branch of the Armed Forces in the nation.

In addition to celebrating their own day every year, Coast Guard members also participate

as equal partners in Armed Forces Day activities. Courtesy: DefenseLINK, US Dept of Defense

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USCG Barque Eagle under full sail in San

Francisco Bay. Photo by Bruce Bennett, USCG Aux

Biscayne Bay, Fla.-Coxswain candidate Judy

Sanchez,VFC 6-11,D7 takes the helm of opera-

tional facility Bravo Zulo during an evening patrol

mission. Photo by Christopher Todd, USCG AUX

CG helo, “Rescue 1”, in a hover, recovers basket contain-

ing simulated victim, as CG 25 foot Fast Response Boat

maintains security zone. The demonstration was part of

the activities in Boating Safety Week at Channel Islands

Harbor, Oxnard, CA. Photo by Mike Brodev, USCGAUX

PWC patrol near Whittier, Alaska, on Prince

William Sound July 4th weekend 2004

Station LA-LB, San Pedro, CA, March 27, 2009--

To the men and women who gave their lives to


USCGC Ida Lewis (WLM-551), a USCG Coastal Buoy

Tender, on Narangansett Bay, RI. Photo by private

citizen, Kenneth Gabel.

FILE PHOTOS except USCGC Ida Lewis

Page 3: WE’RE THE 12-1/images/AugustNewsletter.pdfBob Weskerna, DCDR - attended our June flotilla meeting. It was a pleasure to have him come all the way


A Note from the Flotilla Commander Perry Moses, III FC

mail to: [email protected] What a great organization to be a member of! Every time I ask for help or suggest a new

project, the Flotilla Staff Officer (FSO) in charge of that area steps up and hits a home run.

We continue to make a big difference in the practice of safe boating on Lake Marion. As

each of you know, both the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary, along with several other

organizations are stressing the importance of wearing your life jacket while in the boat,

especially in the smaller boats that we routinely see on Lake Marion. I feel that it is

important that we set a good example by always wearing a life jacket and encouraging our

guests to do the same. As you know, while we are on patrol, every member must keep his

life jacket (PFD) on at all times while on the boats. With Type 5 inflatable PFD’s readily

available and at a reasonable cost, especially the manually operated units, every member of

the flotilla should strive to always have on a life jacket on while underway.

At our July meeting, we voted to keep our annual dues at $45.00 for 2011. These are due

by the August meeting. The reason we request that the dues be paid this early for next year

is because the flotilla will be billed for the 2011 dues based on our roster as of October.

While we hope everyone will continue to be a member, if you are considering resigning

from the Auxiliary, please contact me as soon as possible so that I can send you the proper

forms to withdraw. I realize that not everyone is able to be as active in the flotilla as they

may like to be. Circumstances arise in everyone’s lives that either temporarily or perma-

nently reduce their activities. I hope that each of you will continue to show your support for

our primary mission of promoting safe boating by continuing your membership in our

flotilla even if you are not able to be active in the flotilla and attend most of our meetings.

Also, I encourage each of you to complete the necessary forms to register your hard

work within AUXDATA. If you are having trouble navigating the system or completing

the forms, contact Don Carty FSO-IS and he will be more than glad to assist you in anyway.

As of July 22, 2010, AUXINFO is showing Flotilla 12-1 as having reported 2,568 hours of

work including 82 vessel safety checks (VSC). I know that we have done much more and

only need to get the reports in to AUXDATA. Keep up the great work and be sure to

complete the reports so that both you and our flotilla are credited for all the hours and time

you put in.

ANNUAL FLOTILLA DUES FOR 2011 Due by August 16

Annual dues of $ 45.00 (same as last year) are now due and payable. We would like to have all dues paid no later than the August meeting. Please feel free to mail dues to me at 2555 pinewood road, Sumter, sc 29154. From our $ 45.00 dues, $ 26.00 goes to National and District, leaving $ 19.00 for our flotilla operations. We look forward to 100% renewal of membership, but if you do not plan to renew, please notify Perry so appropriate disenrollment forms can be prepared. Sep Harvin FSO-FN Flotilla 12-1

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A Note from Vice Commander Tammy L. Rodvansky VFC

mailto:[email protected]

Greetings All: Congratulations to Sue for receiving her Publications Certificate at the July meeting. Sue did a wonderful presentation on how we can all contribute to making the public aware of our presence and our mission. Don Carty has received his Facility renewal. Below are the current Auxinfo reports.

We have several upcoming events. September 9

th is the tentative date for the Parachute jump at Lake Murray and

September 25th is Kids Day at Manning High School.

Thank you all for volunteering your time to make all our events a success.



ve Support (99)

AUXMP - Marine Patrols





Support (08,92)

CGOPS - Cg Operational Suppo

rt (07,20,22,26)

MS - Marine Safety

MT - (06) Member Training

RBS - (99) Recreational Boating


UMDV - (11) Marin

e Dealer Visits

UPA - Public Affairs


UPE - Public Educa

tion (04)

VSC - (91)

Vessel Safety Check

All Missions

070-12-01 LAKE MARION

0.00 120.20 31.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 1,759.00 60.00 95.00 12.00 78.00 2,175.20

070-12-02 GRAND STRAND

0.00 29.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 1,545.00 73.00 125.00 29.00 14.00 1,818.50

070-12-03 LAKE MURRAY

62.00 278.60 246.00 149.00 0.00 4.00 2,880.90 33.00 291.20 45.00 19.00 4,049.70

070-12-06 EAST COOPER

0.00 197.60 24.50 635.00 172.50 2.00 4,129.00 110.00 233.30 45.54 186.00 5,770.34

070-12-08 CHARLESTON

0.00 150.70 103.00 67.00 108.25 30.00 2,743.00 23.00 150.00 36.50 72.00 3,608.25

070-12-10 GEORGETOWN

0.00 206.60 43.50 80.25 48.75 20.00 3,660.00 50.00 136.45 40.05 43.00 4,330.85


0.00 203.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 916.00 23.00 18.00 18.00 17.00 1,237.34

Div 12 62.00 1,186.60 448.00 931.25 329.50 82.00 17,632.90 372.00 1,048.95 226.09 429.00 22,990.18

Facility Inspections Count as values

VSC - (91) Vessel Safety Check

FACI - Facility Inspection (91b)

PB - Vessel Safety Check (91a)

VE Count VE Count








070-12-01 LAKE MARION 2 157

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AUGUST EVENTS: August 14- Big Daddy Fishing Tournament - Santee State Park, call the park at

803-854-2408. More information about the 35th Annual event on page 14.

FUTURE EVENTS: September 9 - Parachute Jump at Lake Murray

September 23 - “Kid’s Day” at Manning High School - PA Booth, any volunteers wanting to

help, contact Tammy or Steve Rodvansky

CONGRATULATIONS TO: Don Carty - his boat Facility (OPFAC) renewal

Sue Carty - completion of the AUX 20 Introduction to Auxiliary Public Affairs course

as part of the requirements for participation in the AUX-12 Public Affairs C-School

August 2010

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4

Coast Guard


5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Big Daddy

Fishing Tour-


15 16 Flotilla

Meeting 7PM

17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31

WELCOME TO BOB YOUNG Our newest Flotilla member

Bob was sworn in at our June Flotilla meeting by

Bob Weskerna DCDR, Division 12 Commander


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Bob Weskerna, DCDR - attended our June flotilla meeting. It was a pleasure to have him

come all the way from Mt Pleasant, SC and his Flotilla 12-6 East Cooper to be with us.

Not only did he swear in our newest flotilla member, Bob Young, but also addressed the

flotilla members.

He gave some very encouraging remarks thanking all of us for our hard work and

assured us that we are truly making a difference assisting the Coast Guard and DNR in

promoting boating safety. He explained the significance of the service awards and the

amount of time it takes to earn these awards. Bob also brought along the remainder of

our order of SC Handbooks. He noted that trailering expense is now permitted but

cautioned that we may lose our SAMA reimbursement.

(SAMA stands for Standard Auxiliary Maintenance Allowance and is intended to

reduce maintenance costs incurred by Auxiliarists).

July 4 busy time for members

Several patrols, VE safety blitzes and PA booths were part of all we participated in

during the July 4 holiday weekend. A big thank you to all who gave of their time and

talents to make the public aware of the Auxiliary and safe boating.

A “FIRST” FOR FLOTILLA 12-1 PATROLS ON JUNE 26 Report by Joe Livingston FSO-OP (operations staff officer)

A special patrol, that represents a “first” for our flotilla, occurred on June 26. Your Flotilla

Operations Group participated in a two boat Safety/Training patrol. The two operational

facilities (OPFAC) and each crew that were involved included:

Facility No Name “Reel Thrill”

Boat Owner Don Carty Joe Livingston

Coxswain Perry Moses III Joe Livingston

Crew Members Vito Giardina FL12-10 Georgetown Larry Odom

Ron Cunningham, Don Carty John Owen

The patrol originated in Wyboo on Lake Marion, patrolled through part of the lower lake area

and then preceded through the Diversion Canal into Lake Moultrie. The group patrolled the

length of Lake Moultrie, then transited the Lake Moultrie Pinopolis Dam Locks and

patrolled into the upper Cooper River Area. The group later returned via the same route. During

the patrol, visits were made to several boat landings and marinas where there were numerous

opportunities to interact with private boaters, both at these facilities and while transiting the

Locks. The group also conducted some two boat training evolutions and reviewed and practiced

basic first aid procedures. The group was also honored to be joined on this patrol by Vito

Giardina VCDR, Division 12 Vice Commander, who participated fully in all aspects of the

patrol and contributed greatly to making this a successful patrol.

This patrol is significant because it was our flotilla’s first sortie into the Lake Moultrie area and

as such it provided a good opportunity to “show the flag” on that lake and into the upper

Cooper River. This was a good patrol and one that we hope will be able to be repeated with

some regularity as we increase our coxswain and crew numbers. CONT’D Page 7

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On Don Carty’s facility

Pictured from left:

Vito Giardino, FL12-10

Ron Cunningham

Don Carty

Perry Moses, III

Passing time while going through

The Pinopolis Locks although the

crews did interact with private


Pictured from the left:

Don Carty

Perry Moses, III

Vito Giardina

Ron Cunningham

Waiting to enter the

Pinopolis Locks at the south

end of Lake Moultrie to get

to the upper part of the

Cooper River.

Perry Moses, III, Coxswain of

Don Carty’s facility, appearing

to be flying away into a sea

of blue while on patrol on

Lake Moultrie.

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Ellen Newman, Joe Newman and John Owen were at Rocks Pond on July 3 for Vessel Safety

Checks (VSC) as part of the VE Blitz by our flotilla for the July 4 holiday weekend. Great job

on such a hot summer day.

Above: John Owen talking to boat owner

Across: Ellen Newman with check list


Vessel examiners Perry Moses, III, Lee Rudd, Ron Cunningham and Don Carty did VSCs at

Scarborough Landing and Restaurant on July 3. A PA (Public Affairs) Booth was manned by

Sue Carty.

Don Carty pointing out safety standards Perry Moses, III advising boating safety

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Admiral Bob Papp,

Commandant of the

U.S. Coast Guard


Flotilla 07-12-1 Steering Committee for 2011 Flotilla Commander - Vice Flotilla Commander

(FC-VFC) election. Perry Moses, III FC has asked me to act as the steering committee for the

election of the 2011 elected offices of 070-12-1 FC and VFC. Each year we hold an election at

a 12-1 flotilla meeting prior to December 31, 2010. Any member that wishes to be considered,

please notify me.

The election criteria for both the FC and VFC offices are on the following page. Should you

have any questions, please let me know.

1. On June 23, 2010, the Coast Guard Auxiliary will celebrate

seventy-one years of faithful and dedicated service. Our Auxiliary

shipmates have once again given generously of themselves to

support Coast Guard personnel and missions, and to make our

nation’s waterways safer for the more than 83 million recreational

boaters who sail them. Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteers have

literally taught generations of boaters how to properly equip and

operate their vessels. Through their dedication to boating safety

and their lifesaving activities, thousands of mariners are saved or

assisted every year. The Coast Guard Auxiliary has honored our

profession and advanced the outstanding service we provide our


2. Over the past year, the Auxiliary has set the standard for organ-

izational resilience and continuous improvement. By modernizing

its national organization, the Auxiliary positioned itself to parallel

the Coast Guard in its conduct of operations, training, policy de-

velopment, and mission support. At the same time, it broadened

its capabilities through a major expansion of its Trident program

to provide greater support for the Coast Guard’s marine safety

mission, the innovative application of social media and language

interpretation skills to support rescue operations following the

January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, and the formalization of the

Auxiliary’s chef program to better support Coast Guard food

service personnel. More recently, Auxiliarists have served in a

range of capacities in support of Deepwater Horizon Spill

Response operations, including over 5,000 hours checking the

readiness of vessels participating in clean-up operations,

monitoring deployed booms, supporting the area command

center, and assisting with public affairs.


3. Our shipmates, the Coast Guard

Auxiliary, have performed

superbly, always standing a taut

watch and exemplifying our core

values. Please join me in

Recognizing their superb

Dedication by celebrating their

seventy-first anniversary with your

local Auxiliarists.

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Flotilla Commander (FC)

• Must, by the date of nomination, have a Favorable OS PSI determination

recorded in AUXDATA; and,

• Must be a member of the Auxiliary for one year prior to date of election (the

time that an individual is in AP status awaiting a PSI determination counts for

this purpose); and,

• Must, by the date of nomination, successfully complete the Administrative

Procedures Course (APC); and,

• Must, by the date of nomination, successfully complete IS 100 and IS 700

courses; and,

• Must, by the date of nomination, be a member of the Flotilla to which they

seek elected office; and,

• Must, by the date of nomination, meet one of the following requirements:

- Have obtained an Auxiliary qualification (interim certification

acceptable) and be current in one of the Auxiliary programs or mission

areas as defined in Auxiliary Manual sections 8.B.2.-8.B.7.; or,

- Have served as a staff officer or elected officer at any organizational

level for two years; or,

- Have twenty-five (25) hours of documented activity in Auxiliary

programs or mission areas that are authorized in Auxiliary Manual

section 2.B. and as reported on Activity Report forms, not including

Member Activity forms (ANSC-7029), for the previous year.

Vice Flotilla Commander (VFC)

• Must, by the date of nomination, have a Favorable OS PSI determination

recorded in AUXDATA; and,

• Must be a member of the Auxiliary for one year prior to date of election (the

time that an individual is in AP status awaiting a PSI determination counts for

this purpose); and,

• Must, by the date of nomination, successfully complete the Administrative

Procedures Course (APC); and,

• Must, by the date of nomination, successfully complete IS 100 and IS 700

courses; and,

• Must, by the date of nomination, be a member of the Flotilla to which they

seek elected office; and,

• Must, by the date of nomination, meet one of the following requirements:

- Have obtained an Auxiliary qualification (interim certification

acceptable) and be current in one of the Auxiliary programs or mission

areas as defined in Auxiliary Manual sections 8.B.2.-8.B.7.; or,

- Have served as a staff officer or elected officer at any organizational

level for two years; or,

- Have twenty-five (25) hours of documented activity in Auxiliary

programs or mission areas that are authorized in Auxiliary Manual

section 2.B. and as reported on Activity Report forms, not including

Member Activity forms (ANSC-7029), for the previous year

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CoMmunications– Don Kerl

FiNancial– Sep Harvin

DON’T FORGET 2011 FLOTILLA DUES - $45.00 to be paid BY August 16. See Sep

Harvin FSO-FN report on page two.

Human Resources– John Owen

Although we have not received new interest from prospective members this month, we

maintain vigilance with contacting those individuals who have shown past interest but yet to

move forward with joining us for a meeting. If you recall any of those individuals, please

give them a call or drop them a line about membership. As a reminder, when you have

someone interested in the USCG Auxiliary please pass along to me their name and contact

information. It is a great help to obtain a good telephone number and valid email address. I

enjoy contacting prospective members and passing along information about membership.

Information Systems– Don Carty

As we start the eighth month of Flotilla missions, it is important that your time and mis-

sions be recorded in Aux Data, before we know it December will be upon us.

About 1/3 of the members are reporting in a timely fashion but 2/3 of the flotilla has not

submitted anything. Should you need help or have questions please contact me.

MAterials– Gregg William

Received considerable new boating safety pamphlets that were ordered

- Ordered and received ANSC Vessel Safety Check related materials for Ron

Cunningham FSO-VE

- Ordered and received several ANSC items per request from Tammy Rodvansky VFC

- Ordered and received ANSC items per request from Perry Moses, Flotilla 12-01, FC

Marine Safety– Joe Moore

Member Training– Tammy Rodvansky

Two presentations were given at the flotilla meeting.

1. Ron Cunningham had a training session on boating laws.

2. Sue Carty gave a presentation titled “ Public Affairs is Everyone’s Job in the Coast

Guard Auxiliary”.

OPerations– Joe Livingston

Your OPS Group continues to make every effort to maintain our commitment to the Coast

Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary motto of “Semper Paratus”. Since I last reported to you

in our previous newsletter your flotilla OPS Group has mounted a number of patrols, most

of which can be reported as “OPS normal, no assists made”.

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Public Affairs– Joseph Newman

Joe made contact with Chip Chase with “The Item” and other publications around the lake. A

very nice article titled “Safety on the Water” appeared in the “Lakeside Magazine” in their

June/July issue. The story was written by Randy Burns who interviewed Perry Moses, III FC.

Several quotes from Perry appear in the article.

PuBlications– Sue Carty

DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES– Monday after monthly Flotilla meeting

If you give a verbal staff officer report at our meeting, please email me the information

so I can include your report in our newsletter. Important to keep members up to date.

No newsletter was issued for July because of vacation and attending the AUX-12 Public

Affairs C-School in Baltimore, MD, both in June.

The Summer 2010 issue of “The Breeze” Magazine is being issued and should be out shortly.

“The Breeze” is the official publication of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary 7th District, the

District we are in. Two items to look for in this issue:

1. The article in our June newsletter about the WLTX-TV Channel 19 Press Event that our

flotilla participated in with Flotilla 12-3 Lake Murray on May 21 will be included. The

article was written by Joe Livingston, our Operations Officer, and photos by Barbara

Burchfield, Flotilla 12-3. I don’t know the final form the article will have. I had emailed

the article and photos to Dottie Riley DSO-PB (District Publications Officer) who is the

editor of the District 7 Auxiliary publication. She asked me to write photo captions for

two of the photos, which I did and forwarded to her.

2. There will also be an article from Flotilla 17-2 South Brevard, FL in our Division 7

North. The title should be “Not an Ordinary Patrol Day”. It is a very interesting article

about one of their days on patrol and two unusual events that occurred. The article and

photos were by their flotilla members but, as the Assistant District Staff Officer for

Publications (ADSO-PB) for Division 7 North under Dottie Riley, I did the edit on the

article. I received final approval from the writer of the article before I forwarded it to

Dottie to be issued.

Public Education– Larry Odom

Larry is still trying to schedule Goat Island Boat Club for a “You are in Command” boating

safety presentation.

Program Visitor– Lee Rudd

Lee mentioned the 35th Annual Big Daddy Fishing Event that will be held on Saturday,

August 7. More information is included on page 14..

SecRetary– Richard Kinkade

Vessel Examiner– Ron Cunningham

Ron reported that 24 jet skis and one boat had vessel safety checks done at Walt’s ICW tour

at Moncks Corner on June 10.

Ron did member training on Boating Laws as part of member training at our flotilla meeting,

See page 13 for part of that presentation. If you would like a copy of the full report, please

contact Ron.

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Ron gave a great presentation as part of Member Training at our July flotilla meeting. He

stressed that it is our responsibility as Auxiliary members to inform the public of every infrac-

tion that you see when out boating whether as an Auxiliarist or as a private citizen. There are

too many people who are not familiar with the laws and as a result there have been too many

people hurt or killed while boating. He also mentioned some comments he gets from boaters.

One big point Ron brought out was that boat numbers and letters MUST BE 3 INCH

BLOCK LETTERS. Neither script letters nor numbers smaller or larger than 3 inches in

height should be used.

Below is a part of that presentation, which was handed out to all members attending, that

compares different requirements between Federal laws and South Carolina laws.

If you were unable to attend the meeting and would like a complete copy of his report,

Ron has copies and would be very glad to see that you receive one.

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FC – Perry Moses, III [email protected]

VFC – Tammy Rodvansky [email protected]

FSO-CM – Donald Kerl [email protected]

FSO-CS – Vacant

FSO-FN- Septimus Harvin [email protected]

FSO-HR (formerly FSO-PS) - John Owen [email protected]

FSO-IS- Don Carty [email protected]

FSO-MA-Gregory Williams [email protected]

FSO-MS- Joe Moore [email protected]

FSO-MT- Tammy Rodvansky [email protected]

FSO-NS- Vacant

FSO-OP-Joe Livingston [email protected]

FSO-PA– Joseph Newman [email protected]

FSO-PB- Sue Carty [email protected]

FSO-PE– Larry Odom [email protected]

FSO-PV– Lee Rudd [email protected]

FSO-SR- Richard Kinkade [email protected]

FSO-VE– Ron Cunningham [email protected]

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