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Nastáva čas opakovania. Slovnú zásobu podľa tém zopakujeme úplne na záver. Pôjdeme podľa štátneho vzdelávacieho programu a doplníme prípadné drobné nedostatky.

Dnes začneme podstatnými menami, množným číslom, členmi, some a any, fráza: there is/ isn’t , there are/ aren’t , must /mustn’t, sloveso byť, mať, predložky, privlastňovacie zámená ... .Znie vám to povedome? (Does it ring a bell? ) ÁNO. Je to učivo piateho a šiesteho ročníka. Takže veľa síl a zdaru a minimum chýb, je to predsa opakovanie!!!

Na nasledovných stranách tohto dokumentu sú 4 pracovné listy. Nie je potrebné to tlačiť. Pekne si otvor svoj milý zošitok a píš iba odpovede. Označ vždy číslo prac. listu. Napr.

Worksheet 1: A) churches, classes, ....... B) .....Worksheet 2: ......Worksheet : ....... Revision: A).....

Keď budeš mať vypracované všetko, odfoť zošit a zasa pošli na msng. Samozrejme pridám kľúč správnych odpovedí a skontroluješ si i sám.

Good luck and thanks.

Your beloved teacher Zigova

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Worksheet 1

1)Add “s” to make plural.

Cottage cottages

Year years

Month months

Noun nouns

Street streets

2) Adding “es” to nouns end in (‘s’,’sh’,’ch’ and ‘x’)

Dress dresses

Bus buses

Fish fishes

Wish wishes

Class classes

3) Nouns end in ‘o’ (cons + “o”) add ‘s’.

Piano pianos

Solo solos

Photo photos

Kangaroo kangaroos

Radio radios

4) Other nouns end in ‘o’, add ‘es’ to.

echo echoes

hero heroes

tomato tomatoes

Potato potatoes

mango mangoes

5) Nouns end in ‘y’ (cons + “y”) add “ies”

story stories

diary diaries

country countries

lorry lorries

6) Nouns end in ‘y’ (vow + “y”) add “s”

day days

donkey donkeys

key keys

way ways

boy boys

B) Complete the sentences with the right plural.1. The _______(girl) are happy because they have

got new _______ (toy).2. These are the _______ (way) to school.3. Angie has _______ (candy).4. My mother has _______ (mango) for me.5. My _______ (glass) for the sun.6. That is the _______ (bus) to school.7. She is in ten _______(photo).8. Tony is 2_______(year) old.9. My grandfather has three _______(radio).10. These are my book _______(story).11. These are your_______(key).12. The map has hundreds of _______(country) .13. I have many _______(wish) for Christmas.14. Those are new ____________(computer).

A) Write the right plural for each word.Church =________ Class =________

Kimono =________ Video =________

Story =________ Baby =________

Hero =________ Cargo =________

Box =________ Zero =________

Bufalo =________ Fox =________

Tax =________ Watch =________

Motto =________ Volcano =________

Dancer =________ Carrot =________

Boy =________ Peacock =________

Office =________ Pilot =________

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Worksheet 2Plural of Nouns

Write the plural:Apple ………………………….House ………………………..Child…………………………….Knife……………………………Friend………………………….Fish………………………………Man……………………………… Family………………………….Hamburger………………..Vegetable…………………..Sheep……………………………Mouse…………………………..Hand…………………………….Wife………………………………Bus………………………………..Tooth…………………………….Sweet………………………….. Foot……………………………….Baby………………………………Box……………………………….Dictionary…………………… Monkey………………………….Tiger………………………………Church…………………………..Person…………………………….Eye………………………………….

Rewrite the following sentences into plural:1.There is a child in front of the trees.……………………………………………………………………………… 2.I am your best friend.……………………………………………………………………………… 3.There is a pen under the book.……………………………………………………………………………….4.He has got an orange in his hand.……………………………………………………………………………….5.She has got a child.………………………………………………………………………………6.My neighbor usually buys in this shopping centre.……………………………………………………………………………….7.I don’t like this book.…………………………………………………………………………………8.That is the best cake I’ve ever eaten.…………………………………………………………………………

Complete the sentences with the, a, an.1.I don’t want ______ biscuit, I prefer ________chocolate ice-cream.2.Do you want _________ orange or __________ strawberries.3.-I’ve got _________ cat, ________ cat is black and white.4. ________ books are on the table.5.Here is _________ money.6.My grandmother always eats ________ banana after dinner.7.My sister has got ______ new car. ______ car is red.

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Worksheet 3

A / AN / THE / ØA / AN / THE / ØFill in the blanks with Fill in the blanks with A / AN / THE / ØA / AN / THE / Ø

1. _______ couple was sitting on ______ bench. _________ man was reading ______ book while _______ woman was knitting.

2. ________ cheetah is ________ fastest land animal.3. What ______ nice view!4. We went to ________ cinema and saw _______ very funny movie. We really had _______ good

time !5. You should take _______ umbrella, it’s going to rain.6. My father is ______ vet and my mum is ______ teacher.7. I need ______ new pair of _______ shoes.8. What _________ lovely shoes you have!9. I am against ___________ vivisection.10.She dislikes __________ bananas.11._________ banana I ate this morning was ripe.12._________ dog is ________ pet she prefers; she thinks it is _____ faithful animal. Personally, I

prefer _______ cats.13.How much ________ luggage do they have?14.He went to ______ school by _______ bike.15.Put ________ oil in the pan.16.Go past ________ school and then it’s on your right. You can’t miss it!17.______ prices have gone up lately.18.Would you like ________ cup of _______ tea?19.They play ______tennis twice ______ week.20.She has _______ shower every morning.21.Ann and Rob met by ________ chance on ______ train.22.________ boy who is sitting in _______ last row is my brother.23.Will you pass me _________ salt, please?24._______ French are said to be presumptuous _______ people.25.They live in _______ Belgium but they were born in ______ USA.26._______ mount Everest is ________ highest mountain in ______world.27.We had _______ romantic dinner cruise on ________ Seine.28._______ Himalayas form _____ border between ______ India and _____ rest of ________ Indian

continent.29.He is afraid of ________ death.30.I want to know ________ truth.31.Paul plays _________ soccer better than he plays ________ guitar.32._______ most boys are interested in ________ cars.33.I heard on _______ radio that there had been ________ terrible earthquake in _____ California

_______ last night. 34.Make _______ love, not ______ war!35.Lynn goes to ________ university by ________ car; it takes her ______ hour to get there.

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