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Pastoral Ministry and Leadership


This workshop is based on the book by Bruce G. Allder, Embodying a Theology of Ministry and Leadership.

I. A Theology of Leadership

A. We were created in God’s image (Gen 1:26-27). Our goal now is to be recreated in wholeness in this image. This image was best revealed in the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.

B. Problem: Sin and Self Dismissive Barrier (resistance to truths that seem impossible to us) Discrepancy Barrier (professed values that are not character deep) Distracted Barrier (a lifestyle slowly drifting off course) Disconnected Barrier (not regularly abiding in Jesus) Distressed Barrier (an initial moment of troubling emotional stress that is not addressed

and becomes debilitating, excessive worry (pages 14-15)

C. Leadership and DiscipleshipDiscipleship is the process of becoming more like Christ.Discipleship happens through worship. Worship does not happen only on Sunday morning but is a lifestyle of submission in humility to God, getting to know God in reverence and relationship.

D. Forming Character1 John 2:3-6Re-orienting our heart towards God in relationship with God.

E. Developing Spiritual DisciplinesJohn Wesley’s “Means of Grace”:1. Works of Piety

• Individual Practices: reading, meditating and studying the Scriptures, prayer, fasting, regularly attending worship, healthy living, and sharing our faith with others

• Communal Practices: regularly sharing in the sacraments, Christian conferencing (accountability to one another), and Bible study

2. Works of Mercy• Individual Practices: doing good works, visiting the sick, visiting those in prison,

feeding the hungry, and giving generously to those in need• Communal Practices: seeking justice, ending oppression and discrimination,

addressing the needs of the poor

Spiritual disciplines:

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Learn to listen to God Form good habits Study the Bible: regular devotional reading Develop character: Stephen Covey states three components to integrity:

o congruency (where a person acts according to their values)o humility (a person is more concerned about what is right than in being right;

embracing new truth, rather than defending an opinion), and o courage (the ability to do the right thing even when it is difficult). (p. 20)

Trust is key to character formation: trust God and trust others. Internal trust requires courage because it is not seen by others

Brené Brown has a practical challenge in her Anatomy of Trust under the acronym “BRAVING.”26 Boundaries – respecting the other person’s boundaries and having my own Reliability – being both reliable and authentic Accountability – owning my own mistakes, apologising and making amends Vault – what I share with you, you hold in confidence, and I do the same for you Integrity – choosing courage over comfort, what’s right over what’s fun, easy, or fast Non-judgement & reciprocity – offering and asking for help Generous – believing the best in the other even when they disappoint

What is on the inside will eventually come to the outside (Matthew 23:27-28).

Finding an accountability partner or participating in small groups helps us grow in character and integrity. See Wesley’s class meetings.

Development of the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) through obedience to the Holy Spirit.

This will lead to a change in values and how we make decisions.Values: loving people, caring for them; we must distinguish was is crucial to being Christlike and what is personal preference or conviction. In ministry, inflexible convictions that are not filtered through love can become selfish and create barriers between people. Core values must be based on the Bible and inspired by the Spirit. “Keeping the core values to a small number, but providing a multitude of ways of expressing them, gives rise to flexibility in actions. Core values remain stable, but their expressions may vary enormously.” (p. 25)

F. When Things Go Wrong . . .. . . When we are not reflecting Christ:The selfish use of a leadership position, the use of coercive power, or an emphasis on a forceful personality that does not listen wellBeing impatience for resultsRelying on our own thinking and not the Holy Spirit, not listening to God.Answer: => Prayer, listening to God Prayer shows our dependency upon God Prayer helps us listen to God’s agenda

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II. A Biblical Perspective of Ministry and Leadership

A. The shepherd is a biblical motif for ministry and leadershipIn the OT kings were called shepherds (Jer 23:1-4; Ezek 34)God is the Good Shepherd (Psalm 23)Qualities of a Good Shepherd: Protects the sheep Recognizes and intimately knows the sheep who know his voice Provide safety Provides food Leads to safetyJesus is the model of a good shepherd (John 10).Leaders should be good shepherds in imitation of Jesus (1 Peter 5:1-3).Leaders are stewards of people who are entrusted into their care. This is a privilege and not a “right to rule.”

B. Servanthood as a Mode for Ministry and LeadershipJesus is a model of servanthood (Mark 10:42-45; John 13:12-16).Servant leaders desire the best for others, to help them grow and be healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants and Christlike.

C. Incarnation as Being in Ministry and LeadershipLeaders must be incarnational (Philippians 2:6-8).Humble, loving, and looking out for the best of others through tangible action.The most important question to ask: Who is Jesus? God in the flesh who showed God’s love. As leaders, we must reflect this attitude and be For people. We are the hands and feet of Jesus (Matthew 25:37-40).We must be careful not to let our ego get in the way. How will we respond to opposition and criticism?“Ministry and leadership is not about us; it is about living as servants in the Kingdom of God!” (p. 34)We must submit to God’s agenda and mission.Wesley’s prayer of commitment:

I am no longer my own, but thine.Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.Put me to doing, put me to suffering.Let me be employed by thee or laid aside by thee.Exalted for thee or brought low for thee.Let me be full, let me be empty.Let me have all things, let me have nothing.I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal. (P. 34)

Note the qualities in 1 Timothy 3:1-5.

D. Empowering of others as a biblical mandate for ministry and leadership.The leader is not the focus but following God’s agenda.We are to reflect God’s image (the being) and make disciples (the doing).

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“…there are no professional disciple-makers. We are all called to be disciple-makersregardless of our vocations.” (p. 35)As leaders, we make disciples1. United together as the body of Christ (Eph 4:4-6): Common identity in Christ, common

purpose, and common focus2. By empowering others for ministry (Eph 4:12-13). God gives different gifts and

abilities that we must use and develop in service to others. We must not institutionalize or systematize the gifts.o Apostles: ensure that the faith is passed to other contexts and the next generation;

think futuristically, thinking about establishing the church in new contexts and developing leadership to take the church where it is not yet.

o Prophets: are especially in tune with God and his communication for today. They challenge prevailing assumptions from our own contexts and question the status quo

o Evangelists: recruit for the cause. They elicit a response to God’s call in Christ and draw other believers into the wider mission, which is expressed in seeing the church grow.

o Shepherds: nurture and protect those in the church. These gifted people focus on helping Christians mature in their faith. Shepherds cultivate a loving network of relationships as they seek to make disciples

o Teachers: the gift of understanding and explaining. They focus on remaining biblically grounded and guiding others in discerning God’s will and way. They believe that helping people remain faithful to God’s Word and knowing theological doctrines aids the maturing process and assist in focusing mission

We are empowered by the Holy Spirit

The Spiritual Gifts:

Romans 12ExhortationGivingLeadershipMercyProphecyServiceTeaching

1 CorinthiansAdministrationApostleDiscernmentFaithHealingsHelpsKnowledgeMiraclesProphecyTeachingTonguesInterpretationof TonguesWisdom

Ephesians 4ApostleEvangelismPastorProphecyTeaching

Other PassagesCelibacyHospitalityMartyrdomMissionaryVoluntaryPoverty

III.Doing of Ministry and Leadership

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A. Our CallingMoses is an example of someone called by God for a specific task.At first Moses did not want to lead but God had prepared him for this.With God’s help, Moses could be the person he was born to be.Moses had to make a choice to follow God’s call.a. Begin with prayer, asking God to reveal his calling to us.b. Assess God-given talents and passions and how they may be used or neededc. Ask the advice of others who know us well.People receive a calling from God in different ways.

B. Doing God’s WayMinistry and leadership in the Kingdom of God looks very different than service and leadership outside the Kingdom.

This king was to be one who took his instructions from God and his word. The king’s authority was derived from his ongoing relationship with his God, not from some inherent positional title.

Leader in the church: We are called of God (God’s choosing), confirmed by the Church (recognised by appropriate character traits, giftedness and perhaps results), and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

C. The Art of Theological Reflection“an intensely practical process that examines a specific experience through which we seek to learn about God’s action. How does our faith inform our interpretation of God’s action or how does the experience ask questions of our faith?” (p. 45)1. Begin by evaluating our experiences, learning from them, and letting them shape our

future.Firstly, we can rely upon the Holy Spirit to guide as we continue in prayerful conversation. Secondly, theological reflection is best conducted in a small group where those with differing perspectives to our own can contribute to our thinking.For the process of theological reflection to be genuinely transformational, we need to be open to hearing what is said.

D. Different Perspectives on LeadershipDifferent leadership approaches will be needed in different situations. We must use biblical and theological reflection to know how appropriately to approach each situation.1. Trait Leadership: Focus is on the leader’s traits or talents considered vital for

leadership, but there are many traits and it is difficult to determine which ones are important.

2. Skill Leadership: focus on the leader’s technical, human, and conceptual skills; skills may be developed.

3. Behavioral or Style Leadership: focus on the personality of the leader, 4. Transformational Leadership: the leader is a catalyst for a process that transforms

people rather than simply guiding them to a particular goal; involves emotions, values,

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ethics, standars, and long-term goals of individuals involved; helps people flourish as authentic persons and accomplish more. Also called relational leadership.

5. Value-added Leadership: helping people change their values and world view motivating them to accomplish more

6. Transactional Leadership: involves contracts, expectations, and job descriptions. Helps activities be done in an orderly way. This is more the task of management.

Different sources of authority (Thomas Sergiovanni): (pp. 49-50)1. Traditional (positional and institutional) authority expects people to follow because of the

position in the system held by the leader.2. Psychological authority emphasises the motivational aspects of self-interest of the follower.3. Technical-rational authority expects the followers to follow what is considered true.4. Professional authority is based upon the seasoned craft knowledge and personal expertise

of the leader.5. Moral authority highlights the obligation derived from widely shared values, ideas and

ideals. Requires that people be trusted. The values must be based on God’s kingdom.

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E. Kingdom ValuesThese values are opposite of what most people might think. Summarized in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and the beatitudes1. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3):

humility helps us be dependent upon God and listen to God.2. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4): God brings

comfort when all seems lost and comes to us at the point of our need.3. “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5): This leads to

balance and a teachable spirit and helps us deal with pride and self.4. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled”

(Matthew 5:6): This shows what must be our ultimate pursuit.5. “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Matthew 5:7): This shows

how we must interact with those we lead.6. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” (Matthew 5:8): This is a test of

our motives.

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7. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9): This governs our relationships, with grace, mercy, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

8. “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:10): This requires courage and resiliency, especially on the long hard road of ministry.

IV. Incarnating Ministry and Leadership

Bringing the being and doing together.

A. A People FocusPeople and relationships are the primary focus of incarnational ministry. Modern cultures and technology make building community difficult. Hospitality suffers when we are interrupted by technology. Technology has replaced physical presence and immediate communication. This feeds consumerism and individualism. It makes communication difficult in the church. The goal of incarnational ministry is to cultivate a hospitable presence and availability to other people. How?1. Make affirming decisions about time and space.2. Choose the best method to accomplish the task.3. Use as many senses as possible in the communication.4. Give your undivided attention to those with whom you are communicating.5. Look at the long term in the communication.

A relational approach to ministry,1. Learn the art of walking slowly with others. Being impatient on a slow journey shows

our selfish agenda.2. Have an open-ended commitment to living our lives with people. Spend time together.

B. Strategies and GoalsThese are part of our accountability and communication with the Body of Christ. Align our values with the priorities of God’s kingdom.“Who sets the vision for a local church from which goals and strategies are developed?” The answer will depend on the context and circumstances. A church plant will require a different approach than an established church. There must be conversation among people. With prayer, the church can determine its calling to its community. Keep the focus on becoming like Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us.Reasons for goals in ministry and leadership:1. Goals express what is important to us and keep the focus right.2. Goals can be stepping stones to a bigger strategy to fulfill the vision and calling God

has for us.3. Goals express exactly what we are trying to achieve with God’s help.4. Goals can hold us accountable for ministry activities. Celebrate goals and do not

highlight failures. Use “we” and not “you” to develop a supportive culture. 5. Goals help measure what matters. Measuring is important if we know why we are

counting a particular statistic.6. Goals help us check on mission drift.

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C. AdministrationPlanning, reporting, record keeping, rostering, communicating, book keeping, etc. Don’t let administrative tasks take the focus, time, and energy away from the central mission of ministry. Administration must be kept in balance with other aspects of ministry.Team approach: collaboration , trust, shared goals, competence among members, standards of excellence, each player knows his or her place on the team and acts with humility and listens.A church will have multiple teams: the whole congregation, boards, staff. All on a board should be given opportunity to share ideas in dialogue. This is the job of the chair. Once a decision is made on a board or committee, each member must be a promoter of it. A close vote shows that more time is needed to work through the process.Key questions to consider are:Has everyone been heard? Has everyone been treated with respect? Arerelationships restored? Is everyone who needs to be at the discussion,present? The temptation is to lose patience with the process. Practice the gospel when there are disagreements.

D. Conflict ResolutionConflict is inevitable with a group of people. Conflict is not bad but how it is addressed may be unhealthy.Conflict offers opportunity to see a situation differently. Conflicts can be viewed as new opportunities.In the church, we work with volunteers and authority lines are not always clear.Dealing with conflict takes wisdom.How to resolve conflict:a. Recognize the interdependence between parties or people that has created the conflict.

This shows positive care from which conflict can be resolved.b. Understand the perception of conflict, what people think is happening. This may be real

or imagined.Once the conflict is understood, it can be reframed so there are positive outcomes. Choice of words matter.

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Conflict is opportunity for growth.Strategies:(1) delay responding to the conflict while emotions are running high; (2) think reflectively once away from the heat of the moment; (3) listen for understanding and perspective;(4) allow for honest and straightforward communication

E. Pastoral CareDo not let technology substitute for face-to-face encounter. “What is the larger message being delivered when we use processes that avoid or minimise personal encounter?”Ways to do pastoral care:1. Provide opportunity to fellowship around a meal. Fellowship before or after worship

provides opportunity for hospitality.2. Develop a shared ministry experience that draws people together around a common

focus (Work and Witness Trip).3. Make sure every member of the church is visited in a convenient location outside

regular church activities. Be systematic and include everyone.4. Develop a network of communication to hear of important events in the life of

members of the congregation.5. Never do a ministry activity alone. Mentor someone in the process.It is a privilege to do pastoral care and to do life with other people.Know your limits with pastoral care, such as when counseling someone. Maintain a list of a list of well-respected professional practitioners in such fields as psychology, medicine, social work, and justice.Always act ethically and appropriately. People for whom we care are responsible for their decisions and actions, not us. We can guide them but must respect them as persons. Have appropriate boundaries, especially of opposite sex. Maintain confidentiality.

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