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TOEFL  Vocabulary C

Children like to engage in all kinds of capers.

(A) charities(B) capacities(C) capsules(D) pranks

2. A mature person will not act from caprice.(A) constancy(B) stability(C) conscience(D) change of mind

3. This is a matter of cardinal significance.(A) trivial(B) petty(C) cankerous(D) essential

4. The party degenerated into an ugly carousal.(A) sobriety(B) awakening(C) drunken revel(D) fight

5. He used to carol in the morning when he was happy.(A) sing joyously(B) feel downcast(C) take a shower(D) become moody

6. We could not appreciate the beauty of the many cascades as we were forced to make detours around each of them.(A) abyss(B) lakes(C) small waterfalls(D) canvasses

7. A cataclysm such as World War II affected all the countries in the world.(A) casualty(B) cask(C) censor(D) violent upheaval

8. The major catalyst in the English-language explosion was war.(A) stimulus(B) catalog(C) castle(D) catacomb

9. The rain cataracted down the windowpanes.(A) poured(B) drizzled(C) seized(D) duped

10. The flood was a catastrophe.(A) calamity(B) cavalier


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TOEFL  Vocabulary C

(C) cavity(D) cavilAnswers

1D   2D   3D   4C   5A   6C   7D   8A   9A   10A 

It is said that our TV programs are designed to cater to low taste.

(A) discourage(B) gratify(C) censor(D) cease

2. According to Aristotle, poetry served as catharsis.(A) reflection(B) agony(C) ecstasy(D) purification

3. The critic's caustic remarks angered the unlucky actors who were the subjects of his sarcasm.(A) cordial(B) urbane(C) biting(D) bland

4. Some people don't like his cavalier attitude.(A) humble(B) lofty(C) modest(D) casual

5. He ceded his stock holdings to his children.(A) retained(B) withheld(C) kept back(D) transferred

6. Celerity is the soul of warfare.(A) caution(B) speed(C) unexpectedness(D) celebrity

7. We enjoyed the celestial music from the angelic choir.(A) heavenly(B) mundane(C) terrestrial(D) earthly

8. He was censured for his misconduct.(A) commended(B) applauded(C) supported(D) criticized

9. The workers threatened a cessation of all activities if their demands were not


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met.(A) stopping(B) continuation(C) certitude(D) expansion

10. His refusal to go with us filled us with chagrin.(A) riddance(B) pleasure(C) relief(D) vexationAnswers

1B   2D   3C   4B   5D   6B   7A   8D   9A   10D

The Christians chanted the praise of God.

(A) sang(B) prayed(C) characterized(D) blasted

2. The typhoon left chaos behind it.(A) mess(B) catastrophe(C) calamity(D) disaster

3. Political commentators have explored the importance of a candidate's charismain these days of television campaigning.(A) caliber(B) intelligence(C) charm(D) wit

4. Some professions are overrun with charlatans and rogues.(A) technicians(B) mechanics(C) quacks(D) prodigies

5. They could not see the bottom of the chasm.(A) captivation(B) cannibalism(C) calumniation(D) abyss

6. The mother is going to chastise her son for his misdemeanor.(A) reward(B) eulogize(C) punish(D) cede

7. We should cherish no resentment toward those who decline our request.(A) scorn(B) nurse(C) repudiate(D) abandon


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TOEFL  Vocabulary C

8. Grandma chided Junior for his lying.(A) endorsed(B) sanctioned(C) commended(D) scolded

9. Look at those sparrows chirping on the tree.(A) singing(B) hopping(C) flying(D) hiding

10. The artist was chiseling a statue from the marble.(A) overreaching(B) billing(C) defrauding(D) sculpturingAnswers

1A   2A   3C   4C   5D   6C   7B   8D   9A   10D

The Christians chanted the praise of God.

(A) sang(B) prayed(C) characterized(D) blasted

2. The typhoon left chaos behind it.(A) mess(B) catastrophe(C) calamity(D) disaster

3. Political commentators have explored the importance of a candidate's charismain these days of television campaigning.(A) caliber(B) intelligence(C) charm(D) wit

4. Some professions are overrun with charlatans and rogues.(A) technicians(B) mechanics(C) quacks(D) prodigies

5. They could not see the bottom of the chasm.(A) captivation(B) cannibalism(C) calumniation(D) abyss

6. The mother is going to chastise her son for his misdemeanor.(A) reward(B) eulogize(C) punish(D) cede


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TOEFL  Vocabulary C

7. We should cherish no resentment toward those who decline our request.(A) scorn(B) nurse(C) repudiate(D) abandon

8. Grandma chided Junior for his lying.(A) endorsed(B) sanctioned(C) commended(D) scolded

9. Look at those sparrows chirping on the tree.(A) singing(B) hopping(C) flying(D) hiding

10. The artist was chiseling a statue from the marble.(A) overreaching(B) billing(C) defrauding(D) sculpturingAnswers

1A   2A   3C   4C   5D   6C   7B   8D   9A   10D

They were clamoring for war, but it was simply a bluff.

(A) shouting(B) retreating(C) riding(D) planning

2. The gangsters had a clandestine meeting.(A) open(B) forthright(C) straightforward(D) secret

3. The Japanese people are said to be very clannish(A) self-centered(B) tribe-centered(C) egoistic(D) selfish

4. The judge was noted for his clemency toward first offenders.(A) sternness(B) cruelty(C) strictly(D) leniency

5. High school compositions are often marred by such clichés as " strong as an ox. "(A) worn-out expressions(B) creative phrases(C) amusing remarks(D) new words


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TOEFL  Vocabulary C

6. Some people use patriotism as a cloak for making money.(A) method(B) client(C) camouflage(D) clarion

7. The machinery was clogged with thick oil and dirt.(A) hampered(B) flowed(C) glowed(D) flooded

8. The playboy was cloyed with pleasure.(A) whetted(B) excited(C) provoked(D) satiated

9. Fingerprints are the best clues for the investigation.(A) hints(B) chunks(C) cliques(D) findings

10. Harry is a clumsy boy constantly stumbling over his own feet.(A) comely(B) handy(C) awkward(D) deftAnswers

1A   2D   3B   4D   5A   6C   7A   8D   9A   10C

Some flowers grow in clusters.

(A) singles(B) groups(C) coaches(D) coalitions

2. She coaxed her friend to help her with mathematics.(A) forced(B) coerced(C) bullied(D) cajoled

3. Mothers tend to coddle their children who are in poor health.(A) pamper(B) ruin(C) circumvent(D) churn

4. Don't coerce him into doing anything he has aversion to.(A) beg(B) force(C) convince(D) ignite

5. He presented cogent arguments to the jury.


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(A) impotent(B) feeble(C) convincing(D) ineffective

6. Please cogitate on this problem; the solution will come up.(A) think over(B) clinch(C) clump(D) clutch

7. Solids have a greater tendency to cohere than liquids.(A) separate(B) isolate(C) stick together(D) alienate

8. Two writers collaborated in preparing that text book.(A) collated(B) collapsed(C) worked together(D) coincided

9. If the aims of two countries collide, there may be war.(A) conflict(B) parallel(C) soar(D) hike

10. I enjoy our colloquy, but I hope it could be made more searching and formal next time.(A) informal discussion(B) conference(C) regime(D) lyceumAnswers

1B   2D   3A   4B   5C   6A   7C   8C   9A   10A

Radio City Music Hall has a colossal stage.(A) huge(B) miniature(C) tiny(D) colorful

2. He is a colt in his field.(A) old hand(B) novice(C) rogue(D) rascal

3. The man lay in a coma for five hours.(A) animation(B) unconsciousness(C) asylum(D) clinic

4. Combustible materials should be stored away from open fire.


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(A) flameproof(B) fire-resistant(C) combustive(D) fire-retardant

5. He would rather have a comely wife than a rich one.(A) attractive(B) plain(C) ugly(D) virtuous

6. A spirit of comity should exist among nations.(A) enmity(B) competition(C) antagonism(D) courtesy; goodwill

7. Your reward will be commensurate with your effort.(A) equal in extent to(B) contrary to(C) different from(D) commemorable to

8. We commiserate with him on his recent bereavement.(A) feel sympathy(B) expand(C) repay(D) communicate

9. The found their hotel room commodious.(A) cramped(B) narrow(C) spacious(D) strait

10. The city was in commotion during the electric blackout.(A) serenity(B) placidity(C) confusion(D) relaxationAnswers

1A   2B   3B   4C   5A   6D   7A   8A   9C   10C

The students enjoyed his compact speech.

(A) pithy(B) slack(C) tenuous(D) loose

2. We should be compassionate toward the miserable.(A) relentless(B) sympathetic(C) adamant(D) inexorable

3. Health and hard work are often compatible.(A) inconsistent


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(B) disagreeable(C) harmonious(D) incongruous

4. The philanthropist looks upon all men as his compatriots.(A) fellow countrymen(B) opponents(C) foes(D) competitors

5. He writes with a compendious style.(A) gaudy(B) verbose(C) concise(D) complex

6. The boss found his assistant very competent.(A) slow(B) shoddy(C) shabby(D) able

7. The upstart has a complacent air of superiority that often mars an ignorant self-made man.(A) intelligent(B) benign(C) diffident(D) self-satisfied

8. The courtier obeyed the king's orders in a complaisant manner.(A) rigorous(B) masterful(C) obliging(D) disobedient

9. Your story puts a different complexion on the matter.(A) complexity(B) companion(C) appearance(D) conformity

10. He was compliant and ready to conform to the pattern set by his parents.(A) complacent(B) complaisant(C) submissive(D) capableAnswers

1A   2B   3C   4A   5C   6D   7D   8C   9C   10C 

A chemist can separate a medicine into its components.

(A) admixtures(B) mixtures(C) elements(D) complexities


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TOEFL  Vocabulary C

2. She is cool, composed, mistress of herself and her destiny.(A) agitated(B) worried(C) eager(D) poised

3. Have you no compunction when you see the result of your act ?(A) brazenness(B) callousness(C) grudge(D) remorse

4. He lost a lot of money in a con game.(A) cheating(B) fair(C) equitable(D) competitive

5. They finally conceded defeat.(A) gainsaid(B) denied(C) admitted(D) gave up

6. His constant boasting is an indication of conceit.(A) self-importance(B) modesty(C) self-depreciation(D) humility

7. We must take concerted action.(A) isolated(B) individual(C) independent(D) combined

8. John tried to conciliate her with a gift.(A) alienate(B) estrange(C) provoke(D) appease

9. The essay is concise and explicit.(A) redundant(B) verbose(C) terse(D) voluble

10. Do you concur with the speaker in his viewpoint ?(A) agree(B) contend(C) altercate(D) argueAnswers

1C   2D   3D   4A   5C   6A   7D   8D   9C   10A 


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TOEFL  Vocabulary C

Some male chauvinists never condescend to help their wives with housework.

(A) sneer(B) stoop(C) culminate(D) deprecate

2. The widow's friends condoled with her at the funeral.(A) expressed sympathy(B) conceived(C) concealed(D) wept

3. We cannot condone his recent criminal cooperation with the gamblers.(A) reward(B) consent(C) forgive(D) forsake

4. Wealth does not always conduce to happiness.(A) reduce(B) contribute(C) assent(D) counter

5. The conduit got clogged.(A) trench(B) ditch(C) creek(D) channel

6. The robber was arrested, but his confederate was still at large.(A) crony(B) accomplice(C) master(D) leader

7. The university conferred an honorary degree upon him.(A) confided(B) granted(C) confined(D) confronted

8. If you try to smuggle goods into this country, they may be confiscated by the government authorities.(A) seized(B) conserved(C) preserved(D) confirmed

9. A conflagration destroyed a lot of buildings.(A) fire(B) epidemic(C) plague(D) contagion

10. He confronted his accusers with perfect aplomb.(A) evaded


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(B) eluded(C) shirked(D) facedAnswers

1B   2A   3C   4B   5D   6B   7B   8A   9A   10D

The speaker confuted his opponents by facts and figures.

(A) concurred with(B) disproved(C) cursed(D) confused

2. His passion for the actress soon congealed.

(A) boiled(B) rose(C) soared(D) froze; cooled

3. The free system of government is congenial with reason and common sense.

(A) antipathetic(B) incompatible(C) antagonistic(D) harmonious

4. He is a congenital liar.

(A) acquired(B) corrigible(C) nurtured(D) innate

5. The congregation of sightseers increases in summer.

(A) dispersal(B) gathering(C) departure(D) conjugation

6. These clothes are congruous with her military bearing.

(A) compatible(B) inconsistent(C) conjectural(D) contradictory


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TOEFL  Vocabulary C

7. When he failed to arrive on time, she conjectured that he was drinking again.

(A) complained(B) scolded(C) reprimanded(D) surmised

8. The magician could conjure a pigeon out of an empty hat.

(A) connote(B) connate(C) conceal(D) summon

9. A policeman should not connive at gambling.

(A) frown(B) repudiate(C) spurn(D) tolerate

10. Mr. Smith is a self-claimed connoisseur of fine wines.

(A) amateur(B) critical judge(C) dabbler(D) tyro


1B   2D   3D   4D   5B   6A   7D   8D   9D   10B 

Foreigners frequently are unaware of the connotations of the words they use.

(A) explicit meanings(B) implied meanings(C) syntax(D) phonetics

2. The boy felt happy because he had done a conscientious piece of work.

(A) upright ; honest(B) conscious(C) conjugal(D) reckless

3. We had better consecrate our lives to noble purposes.


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(A) save(B) rescue(C) dedicate(D) profane

4. It rained for five consecutive days.

(A) prior(B) successive(C) preceding(D) antecedent

5. The consensus indicates that we will not enter into this pact.

(A) in harmony(B) general agreement(C) disagreement(D) bickering

6. Say something, or he will take your silence for consent.

(A) decline(B) refusal(C) assent(D) balk

7. Kissinger used to be a consequential man in the field of international diplomacy.

(A) shrewd(B) tricky(C) crafty(D) important

8. Energy should be conserved.

(A) squandered(B) dissipated(C) preserved(D) frittered

9. We'll consign the goods by express.

(A) keep(B) dispatch(C) store(D) sell


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10. Time is said to be able to console anyone's grief.

(A) comfort(B) agitate(C) perturb(D) discompose


1B   2A   3C   4B   5B   6C   7D   8C   9B   10A

His performance was seldom consonant with his very real ability.

(A) accordant(B) discrepant(C) incompatible(D) incongruous

2. We frequently judge people by the company with whom they consort.

(A) contemn(B) associate(C) congeal(D) condole

3. A traffic sign should be conspicuous.

(A) covert(B) secret(C) striking(D) ordinary

4. Events seemed to be conspiring to bring about his downfall.

(A) unifying(B) plotting(C) constructing(D) booming

5. Ursa Major is the most conspicuous of the constellations in the northern sky.

(A) pebbles(B) cobbles(C) colts(D) groups of stars

6. The lightning threw the boy into consternation.

(A) excitement


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(B) composure(C) horror(D) equanimity

7. Flour, liquid, salt, and yeast are constituents of bread.

(A) components ; ingredients(B) aggregates(C) amalgams(D) compounds

8. If I construe your remarks correctly, you disagree with the theory already advanced.

(A) expand(B) explain(C) concede(D) concuss

9. The difficult allegro passages displayed her consummate skill.

(A) perfected(B) uncouth(C) callow(D) green

10. Enthusiasm is often contagious.

(A) repelling(B) infectious(C) poisonous(D) tainted


1A   2B   3C   4B   5D   6C   7A   8B   9A   10B 

. The sewage system of the city so contaminated the water that swimming was forbidden.

(A) consorted(B) constrained(C) polluted(D) construed

2. All day she did nothing but contemplate her plan.

(A) roam


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(B) drift(C) coalesce(D) ponder

3. This is not a time for contention.

(A) concurrence(B) accord(C) agreement(D) argument

4. You must set aside some money for contingent expenses.

(A) unanticipated(B) regular(C) fixed(D) definite

5. The clown contorted his face.

(A) smoothed(B) ironed(C) twisted(D) powdered

6. The contour of the Atlantic coast of America is very irregular.

(A) thread(B) length(C) width(D) outline

7. Her contrite tears did not influence the judge when he imposed sentence.

(A) sympathetic(B) concerted(C) remorseful(D) diffident

8. He contrived a useful camp store from a few bricks and a piece of screen.

(A) controverted(B) contravented(C) conspired(D) devised

9. The nobles used to treat the peasants with contumely.


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(A) benevolence(B) charity(C) insult(D) courtesy

10. The patient is convalescing.

(A) dying(B) getting worse(C) weakening(D) recuperating


1C   2D   3D   4A   5C   6D   7A   8D   9C   10D 

The council convened at 10 o'clock.

(A) ended(B) assembled(C) dispersed(D) adjourned

2. The main streets converge on a central square.

(A) meet(B) divide(C) fork(D) spray

3. Mr. Brown is thoroughly conversant with modern painting.

(A) ignorant of(B) familiar with(C) contemptuous of(D) fond of

4. Chinese missionaries converted many Japanese to Buddhism.

(A) induced(B) convoked(C) convoluted(D) correlated

5. Words often fail to convey our feelings.

(A) divert


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(B) communicate(C) erode(D) huddle

6. The convivial celebrators of the victory sang their college song.

(A) jovial(B) emotional(C) eminent(D) convincing

7. The merchant ship was convoyed by a destroyer.

(A) attacked(B) assailed(C) assaulted(D) accompanied

8. That regime is undergoing a political convulsion.

(A) stability(B) upheaval(C) conciliation(D) reshuffling

9. The company is trying to secure the closest coordination of effort from its employees.

(A) concord(B) disparity(C) variance(D) strife

10. She had copious reasons to reject the proposal.

(A) meager(B) sparse(C) slim(D) plentiful


1B   2A   3B   4A   5B   6A   7D   8B   9A   10D

We received the guest with a cordial welcome.

(A) frigid(B) taciturn(C) detached


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(D) sincere

2. He is interested only in corporeal matters.

(A) spiritual(B) psychic(C) mental(D) material

3. The corpulent man resolved to reduce.

(A) fat; obese(B) thin(C) lanky(D) slender

4. A satire should expose nothing but what is corrigible.

(A) correctable(B) incurable(C) fatal(D) vital

5. Rust has corroded the steel rails.

(A) tarnished(B) embellished(C) worn away(D) corresponded

6. Cosmic forces produce stars and meteors.

(A) universal(B) earthly(C) terrestrial(D) mundane

7. A real philosopher usually has a thoroughly cosmopolitan outlook on life.

(A) tunnel-visioned(B) world-wide(C) local(D) provincial

8. Go and counsel him to wait for a more propitious occasion.

(A) force(B) coerce


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(C) advise(D) repeal

9. Nature has given the Indian a hard and stern countenance.

(A) temperament(B) disposition(C) quality(D) look

10. He was arrested for using counterfeit money.

(A) bona fide(B) genuine(C) authentic(D) fake


1D   2D   3A   4A   5C   6A   7B   8C   9D   10D

Night and day are counterparts.

(A) complements(B) antidotes(C) cosmos(D) assignments

2. They drafted a covenant to defend their religion.

(A) contract(B) epic(C) elegy(D) prologue

3. The shy boy took a covert glance of her.

(A) stealthy(B) overt(C) candid(D) open

4. The covetous eye of the avid collector never left the curio.

(A) abstemious(B) desirous(C) liberal(D) austere


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5. The frightened child cowered in the corner of the room.

(A) shrank(B) swaggered(C) strutted(D) bristled

6. She was coy in her answer to his offer.

(A) brash(B) brazen(C) impudent(D) shy

7. Reading in a cozy room is an incomparable pleasure.

(A) chilly(B) comfortable(C) bleak(D) astute

8. The crabbed old man was avoided by the children because he scolded them when they made noise.

(A) complaisant(B) benign(C) genial(D) sour; peevish

9. The politician is as crafty as a fox.

(A) dignified(B) gallant(C) cunning(D) elegant

10. She crammed all her clothes into the bag and had to sit on it to close it.

(A) tapped(B) stuffed(C) withdrew(D) bared


1A   2A   3A   4B   5A   6D   7B   8D   9C   10B

The secretary is working in a cramped cubbyhole of an office.


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(A) narrow(B) commodious(C) spacious(D) huge

2. The philosopher deplored the crass commercialism.

(A) refined(B) grossly insensible(C) high-minded(D) decent

3. Most young people nowadays crave a college education.

(A) reject(B) repudiate(C) spurn(D) desire

4. The prisoner crawled through a hole and escaped.

(A) stalled(B) crept(C) skipped(D) skimmed

5. Skateboarding is the latest craze in the United States.

(A) fad(B) tournament(C) gamble(D) trade

6. The old man is living in a creaky old house.

(A) renovated(B) rejuvenated(C) shaky(D) restored

7. The bachelor is always wearing a badly creased suit.

(A) leveled(B) ironed(C) crabbed(D) wrinkled

8. Don't place any credence in his promises.


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(A) fidelity(B) falsehood(C) treachery(D) belief

9. Her academic credentials were excellent.

(A) references(B) promises(C) designs(D) devices

10. The witch doctor took advantage of the credulity of the superstitious natives.

(A) readiness to believe(B) mistrust(C) suspicion(D) wariness


1A   2B   3D   4B   5A   6C   7D   8D   9A   10A 

In any loyal American's creed, love of democracy must be emphasized.

(A) statement of faith(B) standard(C) criterion(D) creek

2. The boys went wading in the creek.

(A) ocean(B) bar(C) riverlet(D) beach

3. The national emblem of Turkey is a crescent.

(A) shape of the moon in its first or last quarter(B) well(C) barrel(D) barrage

4. We were surprised at his reaction to the failure of his project; instead of beingcrestfallen, he was engaged in new plans.


Page 25:…  · Web viewWe could not appreciate the beauty of the many cascades as we were forced to make detours

TOEFL  Vocabulary C

(A) complacent(B) compliant(C) complaisant(D) dejected

5. The mountain climbers found footholes in the tiny crevices in the mountainside.

(A) cracks(B) gorges(C) cliffs(D) creeds

6. Their banner is crimson in color.

(A) navy blue(B) deep red(C) light green(D) sable

7. Business was crippled by the strike.

(A) prospered(B) boomed(C) paralyzed(D) boosted

8. She gave us a crisp reply.

(A) clear-cut(B) limp(C) flaccid(D) shabby

9. Success in money-making is not always a good criterion of real success in life.

(A) standard(B) calumniation(C) covenant(D) justice

10. Frogs begin to croak when it gets warmer.

(A) make a deep, hoarse sound(B) scream(C) shriek(D) bellow



Page 26:…  · Web viewWe could not appreciate the beauty of the many cascades as we were forced to make detours

TOEFL  Vocabulary C

1A   2C   3A   4D   5A   6B   7C   8A   9A   10A

It is everybody's knowledge that Bert is Jimmy's crony.

(A) foe(B) buddy; chum(C) opponent(D) counterpart

2. Being a stranger in town, he inadvertently took a crooked road.

(A) straightforward(B) undeviating(C) winding(D) direct

3. The bushman crouched behind a rock and watched the white men.

(A) crawled(B) stooped(C) scuttled(D) strutted

4. During the stagflation, the company was undergoing a crucial test.

(A) chronic(B) trivial(C) invalid(D) critical

5. Their nation has stood the crucible of war.

(A) severe test(B) crucification(C) agony(D) anguish

6. I wonder if he understands the crux of the matter.

(A) crumble(B) core(C) crunch(D) crumple

7. The mother cuddled her baby in her arms.

(A) fondled(B) squeezed


Page 27:…  · Web viewWe could not appreciate the beauty of the many cascades as we were forced to make detours

TOEFL  Vocabulary C

(C) raved(D) ravished

8. The cop beat the mad dog with a cudgel.

(A) branch(B) bar(C) short, thick stick(D) whip

9. The stranger took his cue from the actions of the natives.

(A) hint(B) note(C) demand(D) command

10. Chinese cuisine is known all over the world.

(A) culture(B) virtue(C) ethics(D) style of cooking


1B   2C   3B   4D   5A   6B   7A   8C   9A   10D 

Many chefs attribute their culinary skills to the wise use of spices.

(A) sewing(B) cooking(C) pleasing(D) serving

2. Every month the farmer culls the nonlaying hens from his flock and sells them tot he local butcher.

(A) kills(B) cooks(C) picks out(D) stews

3. The manager has reached the culmination of his career.

(A) ebb(B) flow


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TOEFL  Vocabulary C

(C) wane(D) apex; acme

4. Corrupt politicians who condone the activities of the gamblers are equallyculpable.

(A) meritorious(B) blameworthy(C) cunning(D) shrewd

5. The culprit of the mess deserved punishment.

(A) guilty person(B) defender(C) egoist(D) egotist

6. Buddhism includes many cults.

(A) creeds(B) limitations(C) follies(D) reasons

7. You'd better travel light; you will find your luggage very cumbersome.

(A) expedient(B) convenient(C) unhandy(D) futile

8. The defeated people could not satisfy the cupidity of the conquerors.

(A) revenge(B) avarice(C) demand(D) requirement

9. Please curb your passions.

(A) spur(B) restrain(C) release(D) emancipate

10. Terror curdled her blood.

(A) steamed


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TOEFL  Vocabulary C

(B) stirred(C) thickened(D) exhausted


1B   2C   3D   4B  5A   6A   7C   8B   9B   10C

All the courtiers tried to curry the favor of the king.

(A) confer(B) seek(C) refuse(D) overlook

2. A cursory glance revealed no trace of the missing book.

(A) painstaking(B) attentive(C) meticulous(D) casual

3. The salesgirl gave us a curt answer.

(A) detailed(B) rudely brief(C) scrupulous(D) prudent

4. During the oil shortage, we had to curtail our use of this vital commodity.

(A) reduce(B) curfew(C) curl(D) peddle

5. The orphan was placed in the custody of his uncle.

(A) guardianship(B) caprice(C) mercy(D) whim

6. They turned pale upon hearing a cyclone nearby.

(A) blizzard(B) tornado(C) hail(D) slush


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TOEFL  Vocabulary C

7. A cynic at all times, he was suspicious of all altruistic actions of others.

(A) sardonic person(B) pessimist(C) convict(D) comet


1B   2D   3B   4A   5A   6B   7A


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