

Pest Ecology. Pages 4-26. In: Dennis S Hill. 1987. Agricultural Insect Pests of Temperate Regions and their Control. Cambridge Press, Cambridge UK, 659 pages,

Keywords: ecology and pest control, weather, food, other animals and plants, shelter, habitat, community, agroecosystem, competition, monoculture, increased edibility of crop plants, multiplication of suitable habitats, loss of competing species, change in host/parasite relationships, spread of pests by man, pest population, life-table, resurgence, population dynamics theory, insect pest diversity, insect pheromones in relation to pest control, aggregation, dispersal, sexual behavior, oviposition, alarm behavior, attractants, sex attraction in Lepidoptera, insect feeding on plants, recognition of food, manipulation of food, ingestion, plant odors, plant resistance to insect feeding, food sources for adult insects, abundance and richness of insect faunas on host plants, insect pest distributions, endemic zone,

zone of occasional abundance, zone of possible abundance, changing distribution, dispersal, migration, pollination

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