
Website Design For Smoke ShopsMany websites have old, standardized templates with the same boilerplate content

stamped out client after client after client.

Google wants sites that are optimized for search engines. Sites that really reflect the individual and local nature of the company and have content that is updated regularly.

We make great looking websites that Google loves!

Smoke Shop Website Design

We build our websites on the WordPress platform. There are over 150 million websites that are hosted on WordPress (that’s over 20% of all websites on the Internet today), so we are using the collaborative efforts of all of those webmasters to be sure that the tools and software that we have running on your site are all geared to create a highly-optimized website.

Vapor Shop Website Design

You are no longer going to be ‘held hostage’ to your tech guy who will nickle-and-dime you for every update that you need to make, saving you thousands of dollars in on-going website maintenance costs. You will have the ability to make these changes as easily as editing a word processing document. On top of that, anyone who is part of our optional Website Management Program, will have access to 40+ “How to …” videos that will show you how to do the most common tasks in WordPress.

Website Design For Vapor ShopsGoogle Ranking at the top of the search engines is the #1 way to gain new visitors to your website and your store. Unfortunately, many jewelers completely ignore this form of advertising. They think that simply by having a website up and running, people will find them. The days of “Build It and They Will Come” are over.

A good website is worth its weight in gold! Many websites that are out on the Internet today are older and outdated, or generated from very mundane templates — and you can see that when you visit them. Additionally, most website developers have only one thing in mind — appearance. Their goal is to create a website that is only visually appealing. That leaves all the heavy-lifting of getting people to your site up to you.We believe that the investment you make in a website should help you generate business! Our websites are designed from the ground up to be mobile-friendly, and more importantly, Google-friendly.

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