Page 1: Website Designing: Make Art Website



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Page 2: Website Designing: Make Art Website

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Maybe its something you've thought

about once. Maybe you think about it again and again. Well the time is now, to make your site. It has never been easier or cheaper to own your website.

Why spend time creating a "free" site, that will only be seen by

your friends and family? A site that could be removed at any time, for any reason.

Instead, build a site that will be seen by many people all over the

world. A website that could put you in touch with people that share your own interests. A site that if you wish, could possibly bring you a great income. These are all very good possibilities when you create your own site.

How to get started? Thats easy. The first thing you need is a

good web host. The web host provides all the tools you need to get started. You get unlimited space, unlimited transfer, unlimited emails, autoresponders, newsletter center, and great software to create your site. You also get your free domain, such as I've seen many articles instructing people to buy a domain first. That makes absolutely no sense, when all the good hosts give you this for free. Other articles advise people to study HTML and research every aspect of web technology. Most of today's good web creation software does not require HTML, or very little. If I need an HTML line here or there, I simply Google what I need and paste it in.

So that's your first step, getting your web host. This host gives

you everything you need to start your site and great support if questions come up. And of course they will. Oh yes, the total investment for running your own website? Less than $5.00 a month. Where else could you find this kind of investment for less than $50. a year?

Next you can start creating your website. You will log on to your

host and browse your new control panel. If you have never created a site before, you may want to start with Wordpress. Wordpress comes with your web host package. Wordpress is a great program for many reasons. First, you can start with a theme. There are many hundreds of themes available. Once you have a theme you like, you go to your Wordpress administration panel. This is where you enter your information. You can start with one post if you wish and your website will be started. You may think its impossible to start a website in one hour, but its not. In fact I have done it many times. I'm not saying it will be the finished product, but it will be on its way.

Page 3: Website Designing: Make Art Website

After you have your basic site created, you can gradually add content, stories, articles, photos, music and anything else you wish, to your site. You can take your time and add things and improve your site a little at a time. You can also start to promote your site, to get people interested. Most hosts will also include credits at Google and Yahoo, so you can start generating visitors to your site. If you are interested in making money with your site you can join affiliate agencies, and add offers and advertisements. If you are interested in this you should check out and Commission Junction. You will probably want to add Google Adsense to your site as well. All of these methods involve getting people that visit your site, to click an advertisement.

Of course building a website can take a while to complete, if it is

ever completed. Think of it as a never ending work in progress. You can think about having your own website indefinitely, or you can get your web host and start your website today. You could very easily have your own basic website up in about an hour. This could be the best $5.00 you ever spent.

Get your own site started with my #1

choice Own a Website [] A great deal on your own website Own a Website

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