  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    Textbooks: Evaluation forSelection and Analysis for

    ImplementationPatricia Byrd

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)



    Use of textbook involves selection of book and stepstaken to implement the book in class.

    Most teachers have different encounters with textbooks

    as they make decisions about how to implement andsupplement materials for the most effective classespossible for their students and for themselves.

    Basic question for evaluation for selection: does thisbook have the feature that we want it to have so thatwe can adopt it?

    Basic question for analysis for implementation: how do Ias a teacher working with particular students in aparticular class in a particular program make this bookwork to ensure effective and interesting lesson?

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    How evaluation is done?

    Evaluation are done to select textbooks that areappropriate.

    Evaluation and selection of textbooks is carried outin many different ways.

    For example:

    - Getting info from publishers and colleagues toselect books

    - Made by administrator or committee of teachers

    - Made by the government

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    Systematic evaluation

    Evaluation done by using a checklist.

    Criteria of the textbook must fit:

    - the curriculum (materials well-adapted andsupplemented to support the curriculum),

    - students (materials meeting the need ofstudents as language learners) and,

    - teachers(materials can be adapted andadopted well by teachers using)

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    Fit between curriculum and

    text Create material based on curriculum

    ( reasonableand achievable).

    Large educational systems, publishers create materialsbased on published curriculum statements.

    States with large ESL populations, publishers compete

    to provide materials that fit the stated curriculum.

    For smaller program (Harder to achieve)

    -too many programs do not have clearly articulatedcurriculum statements.

    -smaller program have its own unique curriculum

    statement however the program is not large enough for

    publisher to provide textbooks based on its individual

    curriculum statement.

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    Solutionfor the problems?

    Textbook must be selected based on features other

    than curriculum( text becomes the curriculum). Find books that have as good a fit as possible.

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    Fit between studentsand

    texts Content, examples and tasks (support by presentation, illustration

    or graphic) must be suitable and meeting the needs of students as

    language learners.

    Content- Is it interesting?

    - Is there any offensive text?

    - Do they help learners to understand?


    - Is it appropriate?

    - Is it interesting?

    - Is it connected with the content?

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    - Is there enough variety to meet the needs of the


    - Is it interesting?


    - Are the graphic appropriate for their age or

    educational level?

    - Is the printed text easy to read or appropriate for

    their level?

    - Is a balance between the texts?

    - Does the book have indexes, appendices, or other

    section that useable?

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    Fit between teachersand

    texts Can teachers use textbook effectively?

    To see the fit between teachers and texts:


    - Is it useful to carry out goals of the course or


    - Is it a teacher-friendly textbook?

    - Does the book fit between content and teachersknowledge?

    - Is the instruction manual available to understand

    the content?

    - Are the any audio tapes/workbooks available?

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)



    - Are the examples useable?

    - Can the examples be easily expanded and elaborated? Tasks

    - Do the tasks provide enough things to be done?

    - Can students do the task?- Did the tasks provide variety learning styles?

    - Did the tasks provide instructors manual?


    - Is there any graphic (can provide opportunities)?

    - Is the a close connection between content and graphic?

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    Analysis for implementation

    Involves series of value judgments to see whether

    the textbook fits or not

    Basic question asked: Does the textbook have the

    features that we want it to have so that we can

    adopt it?

    The categories of evaluation are same as in

    selection process: content, examples and tasks.

    Contains two types of analysis:

    - Analysis of the content of the textbook

    - Analysis of Exercises/Tasks in the Textbook for

    Implementation in Classes

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    Getting overview of the

    textbook Teacher needs to read the whole book

    - Problem = New teachers tend not to see the textbooks

    as whole and not reading it in detail before the firstclass.

    - A basic rule of textbook implementation = You can only

    implement materials if you know they are there.

    - Teaching involves 3 key aspects; Presentation,Practice, Evaluation.

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    Initial reading of textbook

    General overview of the textbook.

    1. Presentation/format

    - What kinds of units does it have?

    - How is each organized?

    - How many graphic elements?

    - How does they connected to rest of thematerials in the unit?

    - Additional features(index, glossary,

    workbooks and audiotapes)

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    2. Content/Information

    -What does each unit give me to present?

    - What is each unit about?

    3. Practice

    - What does each unit give me to use wit my

    students for practice?

    - Where do tasks are placed and how it relate to

    the content?

    - Connection between activities provided in thevarious units?

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    Analysis of the content of the

    textbook Discussion of problems with public

    textbooks for other disciplines often

    concentrate on two related areas :- Inaccurate or incomplete content

    - Poor readability for the students

    audience because content experts do not

    necessarily understand how to presentcomplex content for new/young learners.

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    ESL/EFL made up of two strands of content:

    -the linguistic content(grammar, vocabulary, skill area)

    -thematic content(school, gender issues, NativeAmericans and the topical content used to present and

    practice the linguistic content)

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    Analysis of Exercises/Tasks in the Textbookfor Implementation in Classes

    Teachers need to be making concrete if tentative

    decisions about how different activities will be used

    during the academic term, asking question such thosein the table:

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    Seeking help in implementationof the textbook

    Formal resources:

    - Using instructors manual

    - Written materials available in school or program.

    - Materials that include curriculum statement,

    course syllabi in previous term and copies of

    handouts used by previous teachers.

    Informal resources:

    - Talking with colleagues who are teaching the

    same course or who have taught it before.

  • 7/22/2019 Week 4 - Material Development (2)


    What We Like About the Checklist

    Gives good evaluation on textbooks

    Relates the fits between students, teachers and curriculum with the


    You can only implement material if you know its there (Byrd, 2000)

    What We Dislike About the Checklist Too simple

    Not really in-depth

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