Page 1: Welcome to AP SummerHomework - Weebly

AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  

Welcome  to  AP/Honors  World  History.  I  look  forward  to  a  great  year  teaching  you  again.  Below  you  will  find  the  directions  for  your  summer  homework.  If  you  have  questions  you  can  email  me  at  [email protected],  however,  each  section  has  clearly  stated  directions.  Before  you  email  me  with  questions  be  sure  you  have  read  through  the  directions  carefully.      This  is  the  first  time  that  BHCS  will  be  offering  AP/Honors  World  History.  This  will  be  the  fist  time  you  have  taken  this  class.  To  be  successful,  you  will  need  to  stay  focused  and  organized.  This  class  will  require  more  time  outside  of  class,  which  means  you  will  have  to  be  dedicated  to  doing  well.  I  have  recommended  you  to  take  this  course  because  of  your  ability  seen  from  last  year’s  second  semester  World  Geography.  During  the  school  year  we  will  be  examining  about  10,000  years  of  human  history.  This  class  is  an  exciting  class  that  will  allow  us  to  see  the  big  picture  of  history,  trace  cultures  through  time  and  examine  human  interactions.      This  homework  is  to  help  you  jumpstart  your  learning  so  that  you  are  ahead  of  the  lessons.  This  means  you  will  be  able  to  discuss  and  share  your  learning  in  class.  Discussion  will  be  key  during  class  time.  Since  you  will  be  sharing  your  class  time  with  the  regular  class  be  prepared  for  days  where  AP/Honors  students  will  work  separately  from  the  regular  class.      This  summer  assignment  is  due  on  the  first  day  of  school.    Late  assignments  will  not  be  accepted.  You  will  be  quizzed  on  the  information  from  this  packet  as  soon  as  school  starts.  It  is  important  that  you  show  you  are  capable  of  successfully  completing  independent  assignments.  History  AP/Honors  is  at  times  more  difficult  then  other  AP/Honors  course  because  of  the  required  memorization.  However,  during  this  course  we  will  be  looking  at  ways  to  help  you  memorize  more  information.  History  is  less  about  knowing  all  of  the  information  and  details  and  more  about  connecting  the  stories.  There  are  techniques  and  methods  that  I  will  be  teaching  you  to  help  you  master  the  content.  With  that  said  you  will  have  to  put  forth  your  own  effort.      So  lets  have  some  history  fun  this  summer!    

 Ms.  Gareis    

Email:  [email protected]        

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AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  

Things  you  will  be  required  to  turn  in  on  the  first  day  of  school:    1.  Your  signed  contract  for  AP/Honors  World  History    2.  A  packet/folder  (a  binder  dedicated  to  just  this  class  would  be  wise)  that  contains  the  maps,  vocabulary,  charts  and  PIRATES  charts  and  reading  questions.    3.  Your  typed  essay  following  MLA  formatting.  (email  format  is  okay)  It  is  important  that  you  edit  and  proof  read.  ***  You  can  email  me  your  essay  by  August  1st  and  I  will  edit  it  for  you.  If  you  turn  it  in  after  August  1st,  I  will  not  be  able  to  edit  it***    

I. Mapping  Exercise    Neatly  LABEL  the  world  maps  with  the  land  and  water  features  listed  below  in  the  COLOR  indicated  in  parentheses.  Print  neatly  and  make  sure  your  maps  are  easy  to  read.      Map  #1:  AP  World  REGIONS    LABEL  the  AP  World  regions.  You  can  use  this  website  to  help  you.    Map  #2:  BODIES  OF  WATER  AND  RIVERS      Oceans,  Seas,  Bays,  Lakes  (color  them  blue)  1. Atlantic  Ocean  2. Pacific  Ocean  3. Indian  Ocean  4. Arctic  Ocean  5. North  Sea  6. Baltic  Sea  7. English  Channel  8. Norwegian  Sea  9. Barents  Sea  10. Mediterranean  Sea  11. Adriatic  Sea  12. Aegean  Sea  13. Black  Sea  14. Caspian  Sea  15. Great  Lakes  16. Read  Sea  17. Persian  Gulf  18. Arabian  Sa  19. Bay  of  Bengal  20. South  China  Sea  21. East  China  Sea    22. Yellow  Sea  23. Sea  of  Japan  


Rivers  (draw  them  in  blue)  1. Nile  River  2. Tigris  3. Euphrates  4. Amazon  River  5. Mississippi  River  6. Rio  Grande  River  7. Indus  River  8. Yellow  River  (Huang  He)  9. Yangtze  River  10. Ganges  River  11. Irrawaddy  River  12. Mekong  River  13. Congo  River  14. Danube  River    

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AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  

Map  #3:  Mountains  and  Deserts      Mountains  (Brown)    1. Alaska  Range  2. Rocky  Mountains  3. Appalachian  Mountains  4. Alps  5. Andes  Mountains  6. Atlas  Mountains  7. Ural  Mountains  8. Hindu  Kush  9. Himalayan  Mountains    


Deserts  (Yellow)    1. Gobi  Desert  2. Kalahari  Desert  3. Sahara  Desert  4. Thar  Desert  5. Sierra  Madre  Desert  6. Mojave  Desert  7. Namib  Desert  8. Syrian  Desert    

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AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  


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AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  



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AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  


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AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  

II.    Vocabulary    1. Absolutism  2. Agriculture  3. Aristocracy  4. Bias  5. Bureaucracy  6. Chiefdom  7. City-­‐State  8. Civilization  9. Commercial  10. Demography  11. Divination  12. Dynasty  13. Empire  14. Epidemic  15. Forager  16. Globalization  17. Indentured  Servant  18. Interregional  19. Kingdom  20. Medieval  21. Merchant  22. Monotheism  23. Nation  

24. Neolithic  25. Nobility  26. Nomad  27. Ocean  28. Pandemic  29. Papacy  30. Pastoral  31. Patriarchal  32. Periodization  33. Polytheism  34. Prehistoric  35. Primary  Source  36. Revolution  37. Rural  38. Scribe  39. Secondary  Source  40. Serf  41. Shaman  42. Slave  43. State  44. Steppes  45. Urban    


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AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  

III.  PIRATS  Work  Sheet    A  great  way  to  help  you  remember  the  information  is  to  break  it  down  into  simpler  forms.  This  will  also  help  you  make  connections  that  will  be  required  of  you.  Use  the  Internet  or  other  recourses  to  analyze  each  civilization  listed.      


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AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  (PIRATES  chart)    Mesopotamia    

Tigris  and  Euphrates  River  Valley  Politics  Leaders/groups  State  Structures  Wars  Diplomacy/treaties  Courts/laws    


Interactions  Geography  Migrations  Environment  Patterns  of  settlement    


Religion  Holy  books  Beliefs/teachings  Conversion  Sin/salvation  Deities    


Arts  &  Literature  Writing/Literature  Music  Philosophy  Education  Intellectual  Achievements  Paintings  and  Sculpture    


Technology  Industries  Innovations  Weapons  Math  and  Science  Inventions    


Economy  Type  of  system  Trade/commerce  Capital/  money  Types  of  business    


Society  Family  Gender  relations  Social  classes  Entertainment  Life  Styles  



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AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  (PIRATES  Chart)  Ancient  Egypt  

Old  and  New  Kingdoms  (Nile  River  Valley)  Politics  Leaders/groups  State  Structures  Wars  Diplomacy/treaties  Courts/laws    


Interactions  Geography  Migrations  Environment  Patterns  of  settlement    


Religion  Holy  books  Beliefs/teachings  Conversion  Sin/salvation  Deities    


Arts  &  Literature  Writing/Literature  Music  Philosophy  Education  Intellectual  Achievements  Paintings  and  Sculpture    


Technology  Industries  Innovations  Weapons  Math  and  Science  Inventions    


Economy  Type  of  system  Trade/commerce  Capital/  money  Types  of  business    


Society  Family  Gender  relations  Social  classes  Entertainment  Life  Styles  



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AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  (PIRATES  Chart)  

Indus  River  Valley  Harappa  and  Mahenjo-­‐Daro  

Politics  Leaders/groups  State  Structures  Wars  Diplomacy/treaties  Courts/laws    


Interactions  Geography  Migrations  Environment  Patterns  of  settlement    


Religion  Holy  books  Beliefs/teachings  Conversion  Sin/salvation  Deities    


Arts  &  Literature  Writing/Literature  Music  Philosophy  Education  Intellectual  Achievements  Paintings  and  Sculpture    


Technology  Industries  Innovations  Weapons  Math  and  Science  Inventions    


Economy  Type  of  system  Trade/commerce  Capital/  money  Types  of  business    


Society  Family  Gender  relations  Social  classes  Entertainment  Life  Styles  



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AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  (PIRATES  Chart)  

Huang  He  River  Valley  Shang  and  Zhou  Dynasties  

Politics  Leaders/groups  State  Structures  Wars  Diplomacy/treaties  Courts/laws    


Interactions  Geography  Migrations  Environment  Patterns  of  settlement    


Religion  Holy  books  Beliefs/teachings  Conversion  Sin/salvation  Deities    


Arts  &  Literature  Writing/Literature  Music  Philosophy  Education  Intellectual  Achievements  Paintings  and  Sculpture    


Technology  Industries  Innovations  Weapons  Math  and  Science  Inventions    


Economy  Type  of  system  Trade/commerce  Capital/  money  Types  of  business    


Society  Family  Gender  relations  Social  classes  Entertainment  Life  Styles  



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AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  (PIRATES  Chart)  

Mesoamerica  and  South  America    Olmecs  and  Chavin  

 Politics  Leaders/groups  State  Structures  Wars  Diplomacy/treaties  Courts/laws    


Interactions  Geography  Migrations  Environment  Patterns  of  settlement    


Religion  Holy  books  Beliefs/teachings  Conversion  Sin/salvation  Deities    


Arts  &  Literature  Writing/Literature  Music  Philosophy  Education  Intellectual  Achievements  Paintings  and  Sculpture    


Technology  Industries  Innovations  Weapons  Math  and  Science  Inventions    


Economy  Type  of  system  Trade/commerce  Capital/  money  Types  of  business    


Society  Family  Gender  relations  Social  classes  Entertainment  Life  Styles  


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AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  

IV.  Overview  of  AP  World  History      Read  pages  5-­‐23  of  the  AP  World  History  Course  &  Exam  Description  (click  on  the  link  below).  This  reading  will  provide  you  with  an  overview  of  the  historical  thinking  skills  this  course  is  intended  to  enhance  as  well  as  the  themes  of  world  history  that  provide  the  framework  for  the  course.  Answer  the  questions  below.­‐world-­‐history-­‐course-­‐and-­‐exam-­‐description.pdf    1.  Define  historiography.    2.  How  might  you  become  proficient  in  the  historical  thinking  skill  of  Historical  Argumentation?  Cite  an  example  of  this  skill.    3.  What  should  you  be  able  to  do  to  demonstrate  Appropriate  Use  of  Relevant  Historical  Evidence?    4.  Why  does  a  course  in  World  History  not  often  rely  on  written  sources  as  evidence?  What  sources  do  they  use  in  lieu  of  written  sources?    5.  How  might  you  become  proficient  in  the  historical  thinking  skill  of  Chronological  Reasoning?  Cite  an  example  of  this  skill.    6.  What  should  you  do  to  be  able  to  demonstrate  knowledge  of  Patterns  of  Continuity  and  Change  Over  Time?    7.  Why  is  Periodization  challenging  yet  important  in  a  study  of  World  History?    8.  How  might  you  become  proficient  in  the  historical  thinking  skill  of  Comparison  and  Contextualization?  Cite  an  example  of  this  skill.    9.  What  does  it  mean  to  Contextualize?    10.  How  might  you  become  proficient  in  the  historical  thinking  skill  of  Historical  Interpretation  and  Synthesis?  Cite  an  example  of  this  skill.    11.  Come  up  with  one  word  to  describe  each  of  the  five  Course  Themes?    12.  Memorize  the  following  AP  World  Regions  that  are  shown  on  page  22.  They  are:  Southeast  Asia,  East  Asia,  Central  Asia,  South  Asia,  The  Middle  East,  North  Africa,  West  Africa,  Central  Africa,  Southern  Africa  (you  cannot  refer  to  it  as  South  Africa  as  that  is  a  modern  nation-­‐state),  Latin  America  &  the  Caribbean,  and  North  America.    You  should  also  know  Western  Europe  and  Eastern  Europe.    

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AP/Honors  World  History  Summer  Assignment  2015  

V.  Continuity  and  Change  over  Time  Essay  (CCOT)  CCOT  is  an  essay  that  is  often  required  on  the  AP  World  History  Exam.  We  are  working  hard  to  be  approved  by  the  College  Board  to  be  approved  for  AP.  Rather  or  not  we  are  approved  it  is  still  a  good  practice  and  will  help  you  better  understand  the  history  skills  needed  for  your  final  exams.      This  summer  I  would  like  for  you  to  write  your  own  CCOT  essay  about  yourself.  You  should  pick  an  area  to  specialize  in:  education,  friends,  responsibility,  religious  life,  family  athletics,  music,  or  another  topic  of  your  choosing.  In  regards  to  a  time  frame,  start  the  essay  wherever  it’s  appropriate  for  the  topic.  More  advanced  essays  will  look  at  3-­‐4  different  specialty  areas  (1  paragraph  for  each)  and  will  be  able  to  tie  them  all  together  to  give  a  more  thorough  analysis  of  you.      The  chart  below  should  be  completed  to  help  you  plan  before  you  write  and  to  provide  an  organizational  structure  for  your  essay.  You  will  use  a  similar  planning  chart  throughout  the  year  as  we  write  other  CCOT  essays.  If  you  are  striving  for  a  more  advanced  essay,  you  would  have  3-­‐4  different  charts  (1  for  each  category).  I  don’t  expect  perfect  essays  but  I  do  expect  you  to  try.  Basic  essays  will  have  a  minimum  of  three  paragraphs  with  a  clear  thesis.  A  basic  essay  will  earn  a  maximum  grade  of  B.  In  order  to  earn  an  A  for  this  apart  of  the  summer  assignment,  you  will  need  to  attempt  the  more  advanced  essay  and  have  a  logical  thesis  tying  it  together.      Final  essays  should  be  typed  (MLA  formatted).        Characteristics  at  beginning  of  Time  Period  

Examples  of  Significant  Changes,  Turning  Points,  or  Developments.  Note  Type  of  change  (sudden,  gradual,  developmental)  

Characteristics  at  end  of  Time  Period    

  1.    2.    3.    


Significant  Continuities  1.    2.    3.    

Reasons  why  changes  and  Continuities  occurred    

1.  2.  3.  

**  Courtesy  of  Mrs.  Kelly  (AP  World  History  Teacher  for  Eisenhower  Academy  2013)    

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