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  • Welcome to ENGLISH CLASS! Get excited.
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  • 10 th Grade HONORS The year in a (tiny) nutshell: Unit 1: Narratives (plot, character) Unit 2: Arguments (point of view, narrator, voice) Unit 3: Change can be Unexpected (irony and summary) Unit 4: Response to Literature (symbolism/allegory, poetry) Unit 5: Consumer and Workplace Docs (Business letter) Unit 6: CAHSEE, Research Paper (test prep, paper) Unit 7: Drama (The Playeither Julius Caesar, A Midsummer Nights Dream, Oedipus, or Antigone) Unit 8: Society and the Individual-- To Kill a Mockingbird
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  • 9 th Grade The year in a (tiny) nutshell: Unit 1: Fiction (plot, setting, character, voice) Unit 2: Themes (point of view, narrator, voice) Unit 3: Irony and ambiguity/symbolism, allegory) Unit 4: Intro to Mythology (Selected myths, The Odyssey) Unit 5: Epic and Myth (The Odyssey) Unit 6: Consumer and Workplace Docs (Business letter) Unit 7: Literary Criticism/Biography and History (selected short stories) Unit 8: Poetry (selected poems, writing your own!) Unit 9: Drama: Tragedy (Romeo and Julietthe greatest love story ever written) Unit 10: Novel (The House on Mango Street)
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  • Grading info: Grade Categories Essays, writing, projects: 35% Tests, quizzes: 30% Class work, homework: 25% Independent Reading: 5% Class Participation: 5% Do I round? Yes. (89.5=A)
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  • CARDSnot for playing These start on an individual basis when I decide and get enforced when necessary. Lets review them now quickly so there is no confusion.
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  • WORD DISSECTION We will have a weekly WD quiz every Friday which WILL impact your grade and which will be multiple choice and matching. Students must come to class prepared to take these quizzes and tests. Class time will not be given for studying. How do you acquire your WD list? They are available on my website. I will NOT provide them. However, the library has printers.
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  • Need help? Office hours: Wednesdays 3:00-3:30 -Also, I can be found in A167 OR screaming at the copy machine every morning beginning at 7:25. When am I for sure not here? -During lunch -After school on Thursdays -On Fridays after school (YOLO)
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  • Oh, youre absent? Figure. It. Out. I am not going to find you. I have 225 students. Get real. If you miss work, you must seek me out, do the work, and return it to me within ONE week for full credit.
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  • Oh, you missed the deadline? For HALF credit, you have one week. Otherwise, you missed the boat. Reminder: half credit is still failing. But it IS better than ZERO credit.
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  • No more baby games! Please, do NOT whine. Do not waste time. EngageNOW!
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  • Plagiarism What is it? How can you avoid it? Websters Dictionary says that plagiarism is the act of using another persons words or ideas without giving credit to that person (http://www.merriam-
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  • Turn it in on! Class IDs and Passwords Period 1: ID = 8542159 PW = Jaguars2017 Period 3: ID = 8542171 PW = Jaguars2017 Period 4: ID = 8542194 PW = Jaguars2018 Period 5: ID = 8542199 PW = Jaguars2018 Period 6: ID = 8542209 PW = Jaguars2018 My school website is under the Teachers link at (Search by last name.) and other relevant, helpful information is under the Links tab on the left side of the page. Clicking it will allow you to find your class ID and PW. WRITE THESE DOWN NOW.
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  • Paper? Pencils? Bring them. If you dont, it isnt an excuse to not do your stuff. Get up and grab them.
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  • What not to do. Duh. Instead, do THIS:
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  • Are you in the NBA? These guys are.
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  • Oh, youre not? Here is how it is done: Put your trash in the trash AT THE END OF CLASS. Do NOT stand up and head that way unless you are going to throw up.
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  • Need other stuff? Its all here.
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  • Read, read, read! This is not only English class, but it is life. Reading is the study of it. Do it.
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  • Everyone is doing it. You know you love Biebs.
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  • Also, you have to. Reading logs are real. And, theyre graded. Every week. Burn. Also, you have book reports that count at 5% of your overall grade. Reading logs will be here soon and will be checked every Friday.
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  • Join them. Heres how. Sign out your books. Read them! Return them. Repeat.
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  • What happens if you lose or damage the book you checked out? Just kiddingname your firstborn child after me and well be even.
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  • Other stuff: This is where the work goes when you dont put your name on things. Its hard to get credit for things if you make this choice. This is my desk. Its usually messy.
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  • What do you want to see? Learn?
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  • You all have BRIGHT futures ahead of you! I am SO looking forward to helping you build tools to achieve your goals.

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