
Welcome to the Scottish Learning Festival 2014


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Kyle Learning Partnership

No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to

play it.H.E. Luccock

Education ScotlandLearning Community/Partnership Inspection 2013 The learning community around and including

Kyle Academy very successfully addresses a wide spectrum of learning needs of the learners in its locality through its partnership. It effectively uses the strengths of local schools, CLD, the police and local voluntary services, and community groups. As a result of this approach, almost all young people and most adults are achieving to their full potential. This achieves a number of key goals in the South Ayrshire Community Plan.

The partners actively promote and secure wellbeing. This is seen as the foundation for its work in improving learning and increasing life chances.

Key Strengths

The sector leading focus on closing the gap that is addressing this issue by moving beyond education through the work with partners.

Outstanding operational partnerships that are characterised by high levels of professionalism, mutual respect and willingness to learn from each other and other examples.

A developing ethos of achievement across the community.

Who we are and what we do

South Ayrshire Council

Single Outcome Agreement:

Our children and young people in South Ayrshire have the best possible life chances

What needs are being addressed at school level?

Forehill and Grammar Primary schools have identified pupils in P5-P7 who would benefit from support in building their resilience, making healthy choices, learning new life skills and involve them in new experiences.

What difference is the work intended to make?

• Improve the resilience of the pupils involved.

• Increase pupils knowledge and understanding of subject areas.

• Increase the confidence of the pupils.

• Improve the positive attitude of the pupils within schools and in other areas of their lives.

• Expand the life skills of the pupils.

• Encourage parental engagement with the school.

Our Project

Building Positive Futures Group

Main Partners

Programme Format 31 sessions delivered from all partners involved

Community Learning & Development

Using Bounce Back focused on various themes during their input i.e. honesty & fairness, respect and friendliness and inclusion.

Ayr Housing Aid

Information sessions focusing on housing, homelessness, budgeting, rights & responsibilities, health & hygiene.

Community Safety

A programme of outdoor learning opportunities, visiting allotments, working in Pinclanty forest focusing on safety and the practical aspects of the outdoors.

Peer Educators Kyle Academy

The Peer Educators 6th year pupils from Kyle Academy, developed and delivered a programme of sessions for the pupils focusing on drugs and alcohol.

These sessions were provided within Kyle Academy, pupils enjoyed attending the school top receive these lessons and loved working with the older pupils.

Pizza Fun

Heart Start

All pupils and partners enjoyed a day out a Kelburn Country Park.

Pupils prepared and enjoyed their own carvery.

Celebration Event

Next Steps All partners have agreed to commit to deliver

another programme.

A new format of the programme has been developed, each programme will now be 11 weeks this allows us to provide the programme to a wider audience

Funding has been sourced via CashBack for Communites to provide a new format of the Building Positive Futures Programme offering it to 48 pupils (8 schools).

To continue to work closely with the partnership, identifying gaps in provision and work collectively to provide innovative early interventions within our local community.

A new action plan and evaluation will be prepared and reviewed on completion of the newly formatted programme.

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