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The animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with extension of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren; they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth.

Henry Beston, The Outermost House, 1928


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Animal names have been used as insults over decades, so much so, that they are now a part of our daily language. The insults have degraded the existance of animals to such an extent, that somewhere along the line, the image of these animals has altered and we have started to despise them, creating for us a path leading towards animal cruelty.

Indeed, there are people who think about animals and are ahead in the race, but there are some loitering far behind. Do they not think they ought to give the animal kindgom their due respect? Perhaps, we need to think from an animal’s perspective. How their behaviour and characteristics are defined by default to help them survive the wild. In their environment, better or worse, how else are they meant to survive?

Humans have choices to act the way they do. So using animal names to define humans, doenst seem quite right. Animals are helpless and can’t help the way they act. While saying all this, we must not forget that we are hurting animals subconsciously and that they have feelings too!

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We, as humans (creatures of the highest order) have always taken everything for granted. We are so consumed with everything around us, that we never give anything but ourselves a second thought. How many of us thought about the little homeless kitten outside our house? Surely we could have given it a tad bit of our leftovers we threw in the bin after dinner. I’m quite sure our guilty conscience never catches us by surprise, when we throw stones at dogs happily roaming around our neighourhood, because frankly we dont care! Or has one ever just wonderd why, we abuse the poor donkey who has burdened himself, carrying load overload for his master, and that also by comparing the sheer stupidity of humans, to the names of an innocent hardworking animal.

Over the years, we have used animals for clothes, medical tests, entertainment and food, perhaps, we can do without insulting them by using their names as insults at least. It’s a good thought, at least for starters.

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We, in the animal kingdom may not be the most smartest or the most elegant creatures.

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It’s the way God made us and we cant really help that.

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We have unique qualities.some good....some bad, sometimes ugly!

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But it’s those very qualities that help us survive in the wild

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Look at it from our perspective; because a little understanding goes a long way!

But it’s those very qualities that help us survive in the wild

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Humans have choices. They can choose to do or notto do all sorts of silly stuff

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but we are limited by our insticts. We do things by sticking to our primitave- non technology ways.

Humans have choices. They can choose to do or notto do all sorts of silly stuff

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I mean, being simple creatures we dont need any luxuries. We are quite happy living out in the open, in a pile of hay and can even lay on your front porch.

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It’s a way of life we have perfected over the years, and that’s the way we like it!

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So why are our names being used to describe people's bad qualities. THATS NOT FAIR!

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And it starts as just insults, the next thing you know, you've lost all respect for us and you dont feel bad about it. You should know that, when you degrade us, you cause us a lot of pain!

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Take my friend, the dog.He can smell and hear things you should thank God you cant. Still, his nose is pretty handy for sniffing out food or danger, but just because he barks and bites, you guys use his name like it means something shameful.

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I understand that we can’t talk but that doesn’t mean we dont have feelings.

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Bedbugs are tiny, so not very good at hunting and they feed the only way they can, by sucking blood. A technique they have adopted to survive. Kind of like a spy, in his black tux. But I bet that never occured to you, because to you he’s just a parasite, so it’s ok to compare him to people who wear black and you find irritating.

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The Rhinoceros.Dislikes human company and get’s aggressive seeing you around. Over time he has grown and toughened his skin to protect himself from you, and unintelligently comparing him to the lazy and over-weight wont calm him down.

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and the crow.The crow can’t sing like the sparrow, but he’s stuck with that harsh voice. So it’s unfair that loudmouthed people are compared to him.

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The Jackal is from the wolf family, therefore pretty brave, but it takes guts to survive in the night. Besides, being a family guy he likes to stick to his pack rather than moving about alone or having to confront you. So, that doesn’t make him a coward nor should it make you misuse his name for some-one who is one.

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Take the snake.She’s scary looking, she hisses...but just to warn you of her poisonous presence, so that you dont step on her.But you guys made ‘snake’ synonymous with ‘evil’, I mean she’s got no arms or legs, so how else is she supposed to defend herself?

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The lizard too, Isn’t the prettiest rose in the bush but her ability to creep and crawl, awsome! After seeing her innocent beady eyes and pale skin you compare her to all those weird and skinny looking people. She can’t help that she’s cold blooded.

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So all we’re saying is that; we admit, some of us bite, others hiss, we get agressive and we hunt. But we dont like to hurt you, unless you get on our nerves.

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Which you do quite often. We are used for food, work you people cant do on your own, so...we could do with not being insulted atleast!

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We are all on the same earth, there’s no changing that. Co-existing takes a lot of work, and not using our names as insults is a step in the right direction.

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We’re all trying to survive, and believe me it’s a tough world out there!

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It would make things a lot easier for both of us, ifwe cold go about living our own lives without being given a hard time.

We’re all trying to survive, and believe me it’s a tough world out there!

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