Page 1: What are you worrying about most From PEs 2009-2010

What are you worrying about most From PEs 2009-2010

Page 2: What are you worrying about most From PEs 2009-2010


RINO hunting – getting everyone involved (Rotary In Name Only)

•Make a RINO a mentor • Identify passions and get advice• Assign them a job •Continue to refresh members minds on reasons joined •Courtesy call before meeting for non-attendees •Recognize members •Find out their talents and passions •Get them to be a greeter •Focus on selves not becoming a RINO •Gathering of past presidents to discuss RINOs •Solicit ideas from RINOs and follow through •Talk to original sponsor and ask about skills •Change RINOs job •Change seating arrangements in meeting occasionally •Do better job with red badges to prevent future RINOs •Show them how their involvement matters •One on one committee assignments

Page 3: What are you worrying about most From PEs 2009-2010


What can I do NOW to make my year easier?• Pre-board meeting to establish and discuss new ideas • Put together calendar for the entire year • Start with the end in mind • Set up binders for each leader with job responsibilities, information • Get started early • Have one-on-one with each member for ideas • Plan for dynamic programs • Meet 1 on 1 with new board for enthusiasm / buy-in • Have existing chairs mentor/apprentice new chairs • Get new board enrolled in Leadership Academy • Start fund raising committee early • Focus Projects on theme for year • Encourage and solicit potential members • Poll existing committee chairs on effectiveness of their committees • Meet with past presidents for ideas • Circulate anonymous questionnaire for ideas from entire club • Review/create strategy/plan

Page 4: What are you worrying about most From PEs 2009-2010


The First 100 Days•Make meetings interesting, informative and fun •Have fun social activities •Good communications to members in multiple ways •Targeted membership solicitation (by company, title, name) •Hold a club assembly •Get commitment to Rotary Foundation early •Coordinate projects with other clubs •Inspirational first meeting with board •Educate members on Rotary •Review accomplishments from past year •Every member on a committee •International project speakers•Be prepared for the unexpected •Talk about club finances to affect contributions •Have opportunities for fellowship •Hold contest by teams for most new members brought in• Utilize Rotarian magazine for topics •Thank people by name

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