Page 1: What channel will your documentary be on and why?

What Channel will your Documentary be on and why?

Page 2: What channel will your documentary be on and why?

Channel four will be a suitable channel to broadcast my documentary on because:

It is a popular channel and broadcasts a variety of shows my target audience watch (women working class, aged between 30-55) I know this channel is suitable for my audience as the programmes similar to my documentary are broadcasted generally from 8pm onwards signifying the programmes are aimed at an older audience. Furthermore on the channel four website on almost all of the programmes there is a parent lock which means only individuals either 16/ 18 or over should watch the contents as it is not suitable for younger viewers. Further information can be found on;

The Channel generally advertises other similar shows on commercial breaks therefore the channel could advertise my documentary and make the documentary appeal to a wider audience

Channel four is a well known channel and has been around for a long time and has a good reputation

Page 3: What channel will your documentary be on and why?

Channel four is also available on a variety of mediums such as T.V. ,Laptop, phone, I pad, Channel four website and can be watched on catch-up or on demand on T.V.s

Channel four doesn’t conform to a conventional cinematography style therefore my filming style would fit in with other shows broadcasted on the channel

Channel four has a variety of separate channels that come under the Channel four franchise such as 4OD, E4, More4, Film4

Channel four’s documentary specifically look at real life situations such as; 24hr in Police custody, One born every minute, educating the East End, Goggle box and many more shows.

How does your documentary link to the current programmes?

My documentary also follows themes such as following a specific persons POV

The text style used by Channel four to advertise programmes similar to mine could be used for my documentary.

My documentary footage is going to have a black and white colour filter so that the footage signifies dark undertones and some of 4OD’s documentaries also follow a dark story line

I plan on writing my newspaper and double page spread article in a friendly and informal way much like Channel fours programme blurbs.

Channel fours documentaries delve deep into a story and reveal the truth of a situation, I also plan on doing this in my own documentary by exposing on my mum’s story through the use of extreme close ups and long takes which will make the audience fee uncomfortable due to the unconventional subject matter of the documentary. I also plan on cutting the footage together at lots of different points so that there is a continuous movement between the key topics talked about in my footage which were prompted by my key questions

Another use of these camera angles is to make the audience of my documentary feel a part of the conversation and unable to look away from the footage.

Page 4: What channel will your documentary be on and why?

Influential shows found on Channel 4OD:

I have chosen to analyse these two shows as they both posses elements of a hidden agenda much like in my documentary.

Page 5: What channel will your documentary be on and why?

In the programme the; ‘Paedophile hunter’ the man smoking in the image is a convicted offender however he has turned his life around by making it his mission to draw out paedophiles from the internet and turn them into the police. This unconventional and rather shocking documentary is all about the hidden conception that the man actually wants to do something good and help people.The second image is from the show; ‘24hrs in Police custody’ much like the first image the use of darker shadowed tones signify a dark story however the documentary rather shocking and unconventional gives the audience an in-depth understanding of what it is like to be a police officer when looking after individuals in custody.Both of these programmes have chosen to use dark tones much like my own documentary which I plan to make in black and white and the main element of my own documentary is a hidden agenda, my mum talks about her childhood and how her identity was hidden from her while she was growing up.

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