
“For the Lamb in the midst of

the throne will be their

shepherd, and he will

guide them to springs

of living water.”

Revelation 7:17

February 4, 2018

Dripping Springs

Church of Christ

PO Box 1

Dripping Springs

Texas 78620

(512) 858-4500

[email protected]


Bible Class 9:30am

Worship 10:30am

Worship 6:00pm


Bible Class 7:00pm

His real name was Joseph, but he was known by the early church as “Barnabas” because of his ability to encourage. He so excelled in the quali-ty he was known as “Mr. Encourage-ment.” Sometimes we have to be around discouraging people and cir-cumstances. There are people who ap-parently have the “gift” of being able to see the worst in every person and circumstance. They could find a way to pour cold water on a drowning man! However, people like Barnabas will always be needed and valued in the body of Christ.

Since God is “the God of all com-fort” (2 Corinthians 1:3-5), it follows that we are never more like Him than when we seek to properly honor Him through encouraging thoughts, words and actions (Colossians 3:17; 1 Thes-salonians 5:14). In last week’s Monday’s With Mike, we noticed 3 areas where Barnabas greatly encour-aged the church. Let’s consider 3 more now.

Like Barnabas, I Will Encourage the Church in the Area of Transition and Change (Acts 13-15). The church was growing, and God chose to use an encourager like Barnabas as the people of the church dealt with “growing pains.” Because he was anchored to the unchanging Rock of Ages, Barnabas encouraged as the times changed. He

was humble enough to deal with the personal transition of “Barnabas and Paul” to “Paul and Barnabas” – the matter of ego and who gets “top billing.” As has often been said, “it takes more grace than I can tell, to play the second fiddle well.” To the credit of Barnabas, there really does not seem to be the slightest hint of animosity.

Barnabas also encouraged the church in embracing Gentile converts without adding circumcision and other aspects of the old law (Acts 15). He was absolutely uncompromising of the truth yet helped Christians faithfully navigate the changes which naturally occur in life.

Like Barnabas, I Will Encourage the Church in the Area of Personal Integrity and Conduct in Times of Disagreement in Judgment. In the closing verses of Acts 15 a “sharp disa-greement” arises between Paul and Barnabas concerning John Mark going on the second missionary journey. While the disagreement was real and sharp, it is apparent they did not “bad mouth” each other and declare all-out war. Love for Christ and His church, along with the practice of godly char-acter, prevailed. The way Paul and Barnabas dealt with this personality conflict serves as an excellent reminder that friction among members in matters of judgment need not lead to fracture

What Every Church Needs: Encouragers, Part 2 Mike Vestal

of fellowship. Wouldn’t it be won-derful if the work force of the church actually doubled today when there was a difference in personal judgment?

Like Barnabas, I Will Encour-age the Church in the Area of How I Deal With Personal Sin and Failure (Galatians 2:11-14). Barnabas was not a perfect man; this account mentions that he was

“led astray” by the hypocrisy of those who failed to treat Gentile Christians as family. But do not fail to notice Paul’s seeming apos-tolic shock that “even” Barnabas was “led astray.” It was uncharac-teristic, something surprising and unexpected that “Mr. Encourage-ment” should act so discouraging-ly. Would Paul or our Lord be so shocked about your or my misbe-havior? Would it be uncharacteris-tic of how we normally behave?

There is no doubt that Barnabas responded to Paul’s rebuke with the spirit of David in Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” This is true because life in Christ for Barnabas had been characterized by encourage-ment in being able to see the grace of God at work, by desiring to do good, by being full of God and His Spirit and by being full of faith (Acts 11:23-24). How about us?

Sermon Outline

Bad Apple: Sin’s Dictator Follow along with the sermon and fill in the blanks

1. Satan’s ______________________

a. The Book of Job shows us that Satan:

i. ___________________ to God (Job 1:6-7)

ii. ___________________ by God (Job 1:12; 2:6)

iii. ___________________ by God

iv. ___________________ by God

2. Satan’s ________________________

a. The Bible shows Satan working in four key areas:

i. _____________________

1. In ________________ (1 Cor. 7:5)

2. In ___________________________________ (2 Cor. 2:20-11)

3. In ____________________ (Eph. 4:26-27)

ii. _____________________

1. He _______________ (John 8:44)

2. He _______________ (Mark 4:15; 2 Cor. 4:3-4)

3. He ________________ (2 Cor. 11:13-14)

iii. ______________________

1. He ______________ (Job 1:13-22)

2. He _______________ (Job 2:7-8)

3. He _______________ (Luke 13:16-17)

iv. ______________________

3. Satan’s Des3na3on

a. This is the ul3mate end of the one who has caused so much pain and suffering: absolute and

total _________________ and eternal _____________ (Rev. 20:10).


Tracy Frisinger

Bill Hyde

Roland Merz

Kelly Miller


Randy Banks

Stephen Estrada

John Gray

Damon Hyde

Jay Kelsey

Winston Kinser

Matt Walker

Joel Wilkinson

Brian Wilks

Robert Wright

Tim Wright


Steven Akin

Jacob Rutledge

Mission Works

Joshua Ankiah

South Africa

Daniel Sackey

Liberia, West Africa

Peter Chin

Far East Evangelism (Singapore)

Tom Jackson

Lancaster, New Hampshire

Life Verlooy

Rice Lake, Wisconsin

John Moore

Bible Passages

Troy Spradlin

Paraguay Mission Work

Hensel Youth Camp

Southwest School of Bible


World Video Bible School

For the Record

Week of Jan 21

Sunday AM ....................... 181

Contribution .............. $8,109

Week of Jan 28

Sunday AM ....................... 189

Contribution ............. $13,719

Privileged to ServePrivileged to ServePrivileged to ServePrivileged to Serve Sunday, Feb 4Sunday, Feb 4Sunday, Feb 4Sunday, Feb 4 Morning Morning Morning Morning Announcements ....... Robert Wright

Scripture Reading .... To Be Selected

Song Leader ................ Keith Mauck

Opening Prayer ........ Tracy Frisinger

Sermon .................... Jacob Rutledge

Closing Prayer ............ Damon Hyde

LordLordLordLord’’’’s Table s Table s Table s Table Roland Merz .......... Stephen Estrada

Robert Wright ............. Ma? Walker

Joe Williamson ............ Russell Speir

Byron Pogue .................. Nick Stoots

Evening Evening Evening Evening Song Leader ...................... Bill Hyde

Opening Prayer ............. Tim Wright

Sermon .................... Jacob Rutledge

Closing Prayer ... Clinton Rutherford

Wednesday, Feb 7Wednesday, Feb 7Wednesday, Feb 7Wednesday, Feb 7 Prayers .................... To Be Selected

Song Leader .................. Brian Wilks

Speaker ................. Stephen Estrada

Sunday, Feb 11Sunday, Feb 11Sunday, Feb 11Sunday, Feb 11 Morning Morning Morning Morning Announcements ............ Paul Brown

Scripture Reading .... To Be Selected

Song Leader .................. Tim Wright

Opening Prayer ............... Jay Kelsey

Sermon .................... Jacob Rutledge

Closing Prayer ........... Charles Smith

Evening Evening Evening Evening Song Leader ......... Maverick Walker

Opening Prayer .............. Ma? Hand

Sermon .................... Jacob Rutledge

Closing Prayer .. Darrell Underwood

Ushers Ushers Ushers Ushers Tom Pawelka ............ Gerald Sherrill

Building LockupBuilding LockupBuilding LockupBuilding Lockup John Gray. ..................... Kelly Miller

Communion PreparaConCommunion PreparaConCommunion PreparaConCommunion PreparaCon

Lee Gully..................... Damon Hyde

Ladies Room 101 DutyLadies Room 101 DutyLadies Room 101 DutyLadies Room 101 Duty February: February: February: February: Nichole Bonne?, Kathy

Boydston, Hailey Lawrence,

ChrisCe Pogue

March: March: March: March: Karla Gray, Tammy Hyde,

Jo Kelsey, Karen Perrone

April: April: April: April: Carol Nelson, Carrie Nelson,

Lori SimoneD, Mary Williams

Announcements Prayer List Prayer List Prayer List Prayer List

Church Family:Church Family:Church Family:Church Family:

Opaline Bonner, Marvin & Mary

Crumley, Sarah Crumley, Nelawyn

Dalley, Peggy Hinseley, Cora Jonas,

Barbara Smith, Be?y Starling, Tracy


Family & Friends of Church FamilyFamily & Friends of Church FamilyFamily & Friends of Church FamilyFamily & Friends of Church Family

Cyndi & Kelly Arbuckle, Pat Balderas,

Judy Barthel, Lura (Lyles) Stovall, Monty

& Linda McNair, Gary Montgomery,

Alyssa Moore, Mary Moore, Edward

O’Daniel, Avis Yates Rivers, Andrew

Sanchez, Regina Sanchez, Mary Sharp,

Margie Simmons, Wade Thomson,

Dennis Tilley, Don Walker, Gary

Williamson, Tommy Williamson

ShutShutShutShut----ins & Other Needsins & Other Needsins & Other Needsins & Other Needs

Lore?a Knox, Alene McNair

HCC ResidentHCC ResidentHCC ResidentHCC Resident

Nancy Wallace

Updates to the Prayer ListUpdates to the Prayer ListUpdates to the Prayer ListUpdates to the Prayer List

Tracy Wright had shoulder and bicep

surgery on Tuesday and is home

recovering. Please keep Tracy in your

thoughts and prayers for a comfortable

and speedy recovery.

Sandra Montgomery, mother of Angela

Smith has the flu. Please keep Sandra in

your thoughts and prayers at this Cme

that they caught it early enough and for

a speedy recovery.


Spring Family Camp Out will be March

2-4 at Inks Lake State Park. Come enjoy

a weekend in the great outdoors with

fishing, hiking, campfire cooking and

fellowship with your whole family.

There is a sign-up sheet on the back

table in the auditorium so we may get a


We are in need of volunteers to help

provide meals for our Youth Friends in

Faith Dinners. Please see the sign-up

sheet on the bulleCn board outside of

room 101

Mark Your Calendars Mark Your Calendars Mark Your Calendars Mark Your Calendars

TODAY TODAY TODAY TODAY - First Sunday Focus and

Fellowship Potluck; all visitors welcome

Feb 11Feb 11Feb 11Feb 11 - Bible Bowl Test on 1 & 2

Corinthians @ 4:45pm in Room 101

(all are welcome to take the test)

Feb 16Feb 16Feb 16Feb 16----18 18 18 18 - Bring, Teach, Keep

Evangelism Seminar; with guest

speaker Chuck Anderson

Youth Calendar Youth Calendar Youth Calendar Youth Calendar

Youth Singing Class - dinner @ 5:45,

class @ 6:15pm

Friends in Faith Dinner Every

Wednesday @ 6:15pm in Room 101

Prayer & Coffee (High School)

Every Tuesday @ Starbucks

7:45-8:15am with Steven

Bible Study “Sharpen The Sword”

every Monday (previously held on

Thursdays) @ the home of

Steven & Catherine Akin - 6:30pm

Followed by UlCmate Frisbee

TODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY - Pew Packers today following

morning worship


Feb 11 Feb 11 Feb 11 Feb 11 - Bible Bowl Test of 1 & 2

Corinthians @ 4:45pm in Room 101

(all are welcome to take the test)

Feb 23Feb 23Feb 23Feb 23----24 24 24 24 - Young Ladies’ Day hosted

by University CofC; see flyer on youth

bulleCn board closest to room 101 for


Mar 2Mar 2Mar 2Mar 2----4 4 4 4 - Spring Family Campout at

Inks Lake State Park; see Stephen

Estrada for any quesCons

Mar 30 Mar 30 Mar 30 Mar 30 ---- Apr 1 Apr 1 Apr 1 Apr 1 - Lads to Leaders


Lesson Titles for TodayLesson Titles for TodayLesson Titles for TodayLesson Titles for Today

A.M.— Bad Apple: Sin’s Dictator

P.M.— First Sunday Focus Devo

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