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What is a DoS attack?---------------------------------------------SafeBytes Software

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The Denial of Service attack is a regular occurrence for those who use the internet without the benefit of SafeBytes. It works by making the network resource or even the PC unavailable. That means that the people who are supposed to access the system and all it entails are left on the wayside.

The services that are required including access to the internet are then suspended. This can be on a temporary basis or turn into a more permanent arrangement. The malware has a trick up its sleeves designed to get you off the network.

It will flood the computer with so many requests that it becomes impossible to provide the necessary network resources. The same trick is sometimes used on socially unacceptable websites in order to keep them off the grid.

The other consequence of the multitude of requests is that genuine requests that should have been prioritized are left aside. In the case of a distributed DDoS attack, there is more than one source of the malware.

It is possible that your computer will be besieged by thousands of requests for information or access. Eventually, the system will be overwhelmed and you will not be able to serve the legitimate customers or requests that are supposed to come your way.

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Indeed it is the perfect way to shut down a rival’s business. The level, complexity and scale of DDoS attacks continue to rise. Some websites report figures that are in excess of 400Gbits.

Criminals Getting at You

Although the people using these types of attacks may claim to be internet warriors, the truth is that often they are skirting the law. It can amount to unfair competition practices as well as an invasion of privacy.

They are normally very selective of their victims through careful scanning for websites that are either high profile or lucrative. For example, they may decide to go for a credit card company or even a bank in order to gain maximum exposure or money or both.

At other times this is nothing more than revenge attack that users’ computer pathways as a gateway for access. Blackmail has been reported as one of the consequences. Activists sometimes use the same tactic to shut down websites that are engaging in antisocial behavior such as racism and other forms of discrimination.

The signs of an attack are diverse and complex. For example, you may notice that there is a significant deterioration in your network performance. Everything will be slow including getting to websites or opening your files. You may find that certain websites are no longer accessible.

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At other times you will get an increase in email spam. This is what is known as an e-Mail bomb in the language of hacking. You could get disconnected from the internet in the middle of a process.

The solution is to usually get rid of the identity that the hackers know. Alternatively you can redirect them or opening up a new website. Others create a human verification procedure prior to access. You also need TotalSystemCare.

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