  • 8/20/2019 What is an Evangelical paper


    Kammer 1

    Alley Kammer

    Professor Bacote

    Gospel Church and Culture

    17 September 2012

    There are many phrases that come to mind upon hearing the word ‘evangelical.’  Some

     people may be reminded of Billy Graham, a famous TV evangelist who brought many people to

    Christ via large, televised gatherings. Others may think of an overly conservative Republican

    who is hateful towards people who believe in pro-choice. As a whole, the true definition of an

    evangelical has become a skewed ‘gray area’ in the viewpoint of society. There are many people

    whose reaction upon hearing the word ‘evangelical’ is to think of ‘hypocrite’, ‘crazy’, and/or

    ‘Bible-thumper.’ So much of what the world perceives an evangelical to be today has been

    developed largely on behalf of a select few who have given a face to Evangelicalism. This poses

    a question, that as Christians living in the twenty-first century we must try to answer to the best

    of our ability: What really is an evangelical?

    First, and foremost, Evangelicalism is not a denomination, but rather a blanket term that

    engulfs a number of different traditions and a range of opinions on a few unwavering

    foundational beliefs. An evangelical is a person who takes everything they read with ‘a grain of

    salt’. It is a person who is constantly allowing God to take hold of their perspectives of His

    gospel and allowing Him to be the center of their life. “Thus, if we are serious about following

    Jesus, we must rethink much of our inherited understanding in the light of what Jesus said and

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    did” (Danaher 1). An evangelical takes all things to God in prayer. According to The Norton

    Dictionary of Modern Thought, there are four main principles that all evangelicals have in

    common. These tenets of evangelicalism ask that Christians who are evangelical place an

    emphasis on spreading the gospel, proclaim the words and stories of the bible as true, make

    Christ the center of their faith, and recognize the importance of the encounter with Christ that

    determines when they except Him as their savior, and in turn, accept His gift of salvation.

    Evangelicalism was founded on fundamentalist principals, but take on a more accepting attitude

    in regards to the finer details surrounding one’s particular beliefs on the accepted subject matter.

    (For some, the aspect of evangelizing is a determining factor of Christianity, and for others, they

     prefer to live quietly by example. Both sides could find biblical support for their lifestyles, but

    Evangelicalism blankets both types of Christians and offers acceptance under the foundational

    goal of living as Jesus did.)

    Evangelicalism is a constantly changing idea surrounding the Christian walk. There are

    some who identify with the term and are not even certain of its historical background or the

     principles that accompany the word, while others follow steadfastly to its four main principles.

    Ultimately, it’s important to remember that above all we should follow Christ and the Word of

    God and share that lifestyle of love with others.

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    Alcorn, Randy. "Does the Word “Evangelical” Mean Anything Anymore?" Web log post. EPM .

    EternalPerspective Ministries, 15 July 2011. Web. 17 Sept. 2012.


    Bullock, Alan, and Stephen Trombley. "Evangelical." The Norton Dictionary of Modern

    Thought . NewYork: W.W. Norton, 1999. Print

    Danaher, James P. "Theology In The 21St Century." Evangelical Review Of Theology 35.2

    (2011): 111-121. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials. Web. 7 Sept. 2012.

    Luhrmann, T. M. "When the Almighty Talks Back." The Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones &

    Company, Inc., 5 Apr. 2012. Web. 7 Sept.2012..

    Marsden, George M. Fundamentalism and American Culture. New ed. New York: Oxford UP,

    2006. Print.

    What Is An Evangelical? Dir. Phil Ryken. YouTube. TheGospelCoalition, 10 Sept. 2008. Web.

    17 Sept.2012. .

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