Page 1: What is the Cloud? The Myths, Facts and Benefits


with David Alder, Director of Product Nick DeBoer, Content Manager

What is the Cloud?

The Myths,Facts and Benefits

Page 2: What is the Cloud? The Myths, Facts and Benefits

You’ve been on the Cloud


IBM in April 2014 ran 64 different

TV commercials during Masters

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Does your organization use anysoftware applications in the Cloud?

POLL Q1Answers:1. Yes, several applications2. Yes, a few applications3. Yes, but not sure how many4. Don’t think so 5. No

: 25%: 13%: 31%: 13%: 19%

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HISTORYabout the Cloud


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A short history of the Cloud:The internet is born “Intergalactic Computer Network” concept was

introduced in the April 1963 by J.C.R. Licklider

He develops the ARPANET in 1969 (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)IBM in 1960’s offered “time-sharing” or “utilitycomputing” to banks and other large orgsSignificant internet speeds increased in 90’s: broadband vs 56k dial-up!

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A short history of the Cloud:Software heads to the Cloud Expansion of internet in mid/late 90’s brought

ASP’s (Application Service Providers)

ASP’s managed and hosted software of others, but generally require software on PC also

SaaS (Software as a Service) in 2001: develop and manage software accessed on a website via a web-browser (Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc.) Hosted software: your server in the Cloud!  

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A short history of the Cloud:Some big milestones for the Cloud

2002: Amazon Web Services: Cloud-based services (storage, computing, content delivery)

2009: Google launches browser-based enterprise applications

Cloud-services revenue today:Amazon $11B, Microsoft $13B, Salesforce $6.7B 

1999: delivers enterprise application via a website 

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Also called cloud-computing or cloud services

Microsoft: Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services – servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and more over the internet (“the Cloud”)

So, are you still not 100% clearwhat the Cloud is?

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Do you need some examples?Well, you are using it now!

Online services to send email (AOL Mail, gmail…)Online games, music, videos (Youtube)

This webinar on GoToMeeting

So, why do phones use apps? (bandwidth!)

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10 – CRM/sales/marketing toolsGoogle AppsMailChimp Email MarketingSurvey Monkey Carbonite Server BackupMicrosoft Office 365 (now Cloud!)Intuit QuickBooks (also now Cloud!)

Many widely used business applications are in the Cloud (most started there!)

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Why are organizations reluctant to use cloud services?

POLL Q2Answers:1. Feel data is not secure2. Feel it is unreliable 3. Difficult to get adoption of new technology4. Never used a cloud service before5. Recurring monthly or yearly fees

: 81%: 5%: 5%: 10%: 0%

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MYTHSabout the Cloud


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The Cloud inherently seems less secure as data is stored on servers you don’t own or control

Myth: The Cloud is not secure

Cloud-based services inherently focus more on security; a firewall can create complacency  Data location matters less as it can be accessed on your server or in the Cloud

On-premise servers experience more attacks(61.4 per year) than cloud service providers (27.8)*

*Alert Logic’s State of Cloud Security Report

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Having all your servers at one location is riskyData can easily be mirrored at multiple sitesalso making disaster recovery easierCloud solutions can achieve 99.999% uptime (99.9% or 8.5 hours a year is the low end target)The secure IT backbones that power cloud datacenters are too expensive for most organizations

Myth: The Cloud is unreliable

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Does your organization use the Cloud for anything mission critical?

POLL Q31. Yes, a lot of applications2. Yes, some applications3. Don’t think so4. No, but might in the future5. No, and not planning to soon

: 5%: 45%: 32%: 9%: 9%

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Non-mission critical much already cloud, (i.e. not core to the business), e.g. CRM, payroll, and HRComplex systems should always take a phased approach when going to or from the CloudMission critical apps are the least frequently updated which is counter-intuitive; canrequire hardware upgrades, staff participation in complex upgrade installs, long lead times

Myth: The Cloud is not for mission critical apps

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Cloud computing is not “one thing”Many still think they need one system to do it allMany employees are using cloud services, but you don’t know it (Google Apps, Dropbox, etc.);Multiple solution usage is already happening!Don’t need “one” strategy, but do need “a” strategy to prevent uncontrolled, unsecure “Shadow IT” creep in your organization

Myth: We need one cloud strategy or vendor

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If it is in the cloud it should be free! (you getwhat you pay for or trapped into upgrade later)Gartner’s 2014 CIO Agenda Survey: cost savings are only 14% of the reason for going cloudSecurityReliabilityFlexible strategy; less trapped

Myth: The Cloud is always about saving money

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Is there reluctance in your organization to adopt new technology?


1. General reluctance2. Some reluctance3. Neutral4. Very little reluctance5. Early adopter

: 22%: 35%: 22%: 17%: 4%

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There is the convenience of being able to access files anywhere, at anytime on any deviceDesktop “trash can” doesn’t really delete filesAuto-sync, backup and cross-device accessibility!Copy retained just in case vs. permanent deletionPublic (FB, Flickr, etc.) vs. private (SaaS) controlPasswords, authentication, encryption important!

Myth: Once data is in the Cloud it can’t be erased

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Does everyone still only use a fax machine, desktop computer and a landline phone?Many hate change, but people are adaptableGrowing Millennials in the workplace are generally tech-savvy, so can help others adapt“We’ve always done it on paper,” is not a reason(not to mention, untrackable and unsecure!)

Myth: Everyone in the company is afraid to change

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Offline device saving/viewing of contentImmediate sync with cloud when back onlineLocal/mobile device security still critical

Myth: Must always be online to access data

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Secure and easy access to board materials anytime, anywhere, on any device- Dropbox and email should be avoided- Printed documents hard to track

• Agenda and board book builder• Digital notes and annotations• Document resource center• Surveys and polls• e-signatures• More, much more

Board meetings made easy

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If you would like to learn more about how the OnBoard meeting solution can greatly improve your meeting efficiency and effectiveness please email:

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Board meetings made easy

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