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What It Means To Be A Psychic Empath?

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So what is a psychic empath? Well if you’ve ever seen the movie The Green Mile, you’ll know that

a psychic empath is much like the fictional character John Coffey. A psychic empath is larger than life, with a heart of gold, the innocence of a

child, and the sensitivity of a government classified document.

They feel emotions ten times stronger than the average person, and are often confused by hatred,

ignorance, greed, and violence. Many of them never learn how to deal with these intense

emotions. So as a result they spend most of their lives alone. For many, their lives become

unbearable. Their work environment feels like a prison, consisting of 6 by 8 panel jail cells that

block them from the external world.

Lunch breaks feel like a warden is offering them their last meal. And life becomes as tedious and

unbearable as sitting around waiting to be executed on death row. If you’re a psychic empath,

you don’t have “to walk the green mile.” Instead, learn how to use this mysterious gift for good by

shifting the energy throughout the universe.

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That’s really what empathy is. It is a mysterious gift that comes along with

being enlightened.

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In my previous articles, How to get God to Answer Your Prayers and Stop Suffering, I

wrote about human needs and how they are associated with higher and lower emotions. I used Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to explain that many people have deficiency needs and thus can’t feel higher emotions such as love, compassion and


However, this is not the case for many psychic empaths. They not only have a strong grasp on their own emotions, but can feel other people’s emotions as well. Some psychic empaths even take on other

people’s energies and emotions and mistake them as their own.

In many situations, they can communicate with people, pets, plants, nonverbally and can often discern what others are thinking. Much like the fictional character John Coffey, psychic empaths

can actually treat and heal people of mental illness.

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A psychic empath is a holistic healer.

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In fact, that’s perhaps why they’re here. New York Times Bestselling author David Wilcock explains in his book the

Synchronicity Key that there are many enlightened souls here on earth. He explains that our thoughts are just not in our heads. Rather, we share our thoughts through a

congenial web of information known as the universal mind.

I call the universal mind, an energy system. Others may refer to it as the matrix or even the universe. This theory

also ties into the illusion of the individual, which I commonly talk about in my videos and blog. In short, we

are all interconnected and thus share one mind. David Wilcock explains that we are suffering from a series case

of amnesia and thus have forgotten our source and connectedness.

This is perhaps the primary reason why people are afflicted with mental illnesses such as depression, addictions, Post

Traumatic Stress Disorders, etc. The illness derives from an imbalance of negative and positive emotions. Naturally, someone who suffers from depression is experiencing a

disproportionate amount of negative energy. The biggest problem is that many people simply don’t know how to treat

mental illness. It really can’t be studied or explained scientifically.

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With great power comes great responsibility.

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Many psychic empaths have this gift. They are able to feel a person’s sickness and pain as if it were their own. Then, much like John Coffey, they are able to release negative energy by shifting it from the afflicted individual back into the

ecosystem. This ecosystem is commonly known as the universal mind. In fact, I’ll even go as far to say that most problems stem from energy not circulating properly throughout the universe. It is important to understand that the concept of the individual is an illusion. This illusion creates separatism and thus blocks us from the healing energy

needed to evolve and grow.

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Dr. Judith Orloff, author of the New York Times Bestseller, Emotional Freedom identifies the major characteristics

of being an emotional empath. She not only touches on many of the downfalls that come with being highly

sensitive such as: loneliness, isolation, and miscommunication. But also, the level of joy that comes from really being able to reach people on a much deeper


I truly enjoy Dr. Judith Orloff’s work, simply because she touches on viable solutions that don’t only help the psychic

and or emotional empath, but also to the people they’re treating as well. I’ve been both an emotional and psychic

empath all of my life. And dealing with other people’s negative emotions can feel like I am being fried in the

electric chair.

Much like the fictional character John Coffey, “I just get tired, dog tired.” The cruelty, the ugliness, the greed and injustice

is so overwhelming, it makes it difficult for people like me to carry on. In our hearts, we understand that we can save one

or two people. But for everyone that we save, a million others will still suffer. This is when we need to take on

effective shielding methods to ensure that we are shifting this energy properly throughout the universe.

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Are You Ready To Go To Heaven?

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There are all kinds of shielding methods for both emotional and psychic empaths that go beyond this

post and video. However, I believe that it is important for empaths to understand that what and how they feel is not wrong. People are often baffled

when I explain to them that negative energy isn’t necessarily bad.

In fact, the whole purpose of negative energy is to turn it into something good. This is the whole process of alchemy that many spiritualist and

metaphysicians often allude to. Negative emotions will boggle you down if you don’t make an effort to

transform them into something good.

This concept is also known as the process of ascension, of balance, of alignment, and rising up to

the heavens. It is a feeling of blissfulness. It is a feeling of exhilaration that only comes when you

know that you stopped the pain and brought about real healing and transformation.

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