
What major psychological processes influence customer response to the marketing program ?

Key Psychological ProcessesThere are 5 of them :

1. Motivation2. Perception3. Learning4. Memory5. Emotions


Needs are psychogenic and biogenic.

A need becomes a motive when it is aroused to a sufficient level of intensity that makes us act.

Sigmund Freud’s understanding of the human brain (represented via the iceberg diagram)

Deeper Motives are needed to be uncovered for better marketing

Maslow’s Theory

Human needs arranged in

hierarchy from most

to the least.

(Bottom to top)


It is a process by which we select , organize and interpret

the information.

Selective Attention

People are more likely to notice the stimuli :

▧ That they relate to their current load.

▧ That they anticipate.

▧ Whose deviations are large in relationship to be the size of the stimuli.

Selective Distortion

Tendency to interpret the information in way that fits our own views/perception.

BRAND BELIEFCustomers often distort information to be consistent with prior band belief,this works to the advantage of the established brands.

Selective Retention

It is the reason we are likely to remember the good points about a product we like and forget good points about competing products.

Also explains the marketers, why repetition is necessary.

Includes changes in our behaviour arising from experience


1. Includes changes in our behaviour arising due to situations.

2. Marketers can build demand for a product by associating it with strong drives,using motivation cues,by providing positive reinforcements.



Customer responses are not all cognitive and rational.

They may be emotional and invoke different feelings.


Yes, you heard it right !

Short Term Memory

Memory is of two types

Long Term Memory

Associative Network Model views long term memory as a set of nodes.


Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free:▧ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival▧ Photographs by Unsplash▧ Backgrounds by Pixeden▧ Google Images

Presentation design

▧ Created by : Praneeth Ponnekanti, IIITD&M Kancheepuram

▧ During an internship under : Prof. Sameer Mathur , IIM Lucknow

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