
What movies could



The selected film: Gattaca

Sci-fi movie released in 1997 directed by Andrew Nicol

Noteworthy cast but not very popular at that moment: Ethan

Hawke, Jude Law and Uma Thurman

An economic failure domestic total gross of $12.5 m – reported

production budget $36 m


Mixed critics, but nowadays is considered a cult film

Art direction was nominated to the Oscars. Won the best motion

picture and soundtrack at the Sitges festival



DNA plays the primary role in determining social class and


Vincent Freeman is considered a genetic invalid

However his dream is to flight to Saturn. He creates a fake “genetic

identity” in order to cheat the system

What we could learn about

this film?

1. AFAK it’s the first film to raise the issue of Genoism and the moral and

ethical issues regarding Genetic Engineering

2. Presents an “utopical” society where everyone accepts its genetic

place in the society.

3. The eternal dilemma: “Science itself is not evil but..”

4. An intense message about self-personal improvement

5. It was a visionary film in 1997 describing what it’s now a new scientific

field known as Personal Genomics.

And also you could improve

your English

It is plenty of jargon related with Genetics and health

Film’s pace is slow and dialogues are easy to follow

Characters working at Gattaca offices use a very formal register.

Useful to know about polite vocabulary and expressions

About the scene: The real


2000 Venter and Collins publish the first human genome (10m$).

Discovery of the century?

About the scene: The real


2006 23 and me provides genetic testing and interpretation to

individual consumers

About the scene: The real



About the scene: The real


And recently, four days ago…

About the scene: Exercises

There are several words and expressions missing from the subtitles

Could you find some missing sentences and discourse fillers?

Which is the synonym expression for conceived?

Which two diseases mention by the geneticist are missing?

Guess pronunciation for: fertilized, inheritable, hazel, eradicating,

alcoholism, obesity

Why do think Vincent describes this procedure as the “natural way”?

The end

“We used to think that our fate was in our stars, but now we know that,

in large measure, our fate is in our genes," James Watson

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