Page 1: Whatever Your Hand Finds To Do The Joy of Excellent Work Red Pacesetter Lesson... · ways to grow your skills and fine-tune your talents. Remember growth leads to joy; stagnation

Whatever Your Hand Finds To Do – The Joy of Excellent Work

Excerpts from 40 Days to a Joy-filled Life by Tommy Newberry

Our work is not a secular activity but an extension of our walk with God… You have a market

place. You have a group of people you are charged with serving in one way or another… The

object of the game is to serve others and add value to their businesses or lives. We are made

to serve, and when we do so with excellence, we experience rich, lasting joy.

In everything, work as though God were your boss—for this is always the case. Your work

carries eternal significance when you do it for the glory of God! And the way in which you do

your work reveals your commitment to serve him in a real way. Cut yourself off from any

alternative except complete excellence in your work.

Going the second mile and doing more than the minimum is a powerful key to abundant joy in

your walk with God, your marriage, your health, your career, and all other areas of your life. So

travel that lonely additional mile. Do far more than others expect. If you are in the business

world, you’ll find that doing more than you’re paid for is the absolute fastest way to get paid

more in the future.

The world argues, “Pay me more—then I’ll work harder.” But that is like sitting in front of the

fireplace and saying, “Give me heat—then I’ll put in the wood.” To become great, first become

a servant. Here’s a quote that has really stuck with me ever since I first heard it about fifteen

years ago: “If a man only does what is required of him, he is a slave. The moment he begins to

do more than he is required, he becomes a free man.”

To achieve excellence in the workplace and the joy that accompanies it, constantly seek new

ways to grow your skills and fine-tune your talents. Remember growth leads to joy; stagnation

does not…

Plateaus are no fun and complacency never honors God, so challenge yourself to continually

improve your work. Remember, “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the

glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). You can accomplish more in one hour with God than in an

entire lifetime without him.

Page 2: Whatever Your Hand Finds To Do The Joy of Excellent Work Red Pacesetter Lesson... · ways to grow your skills and fine-tune your talents. Remember growth leads to joy; stagnation
Page 3: Whatever Your Hand Finds To Do The Joy of Excellent Work Red Pacesetter Lesson... · ways to grow your skills and fine-tune your talents. Remember growth leads to joy; stagnation

All I Ever I Needed to Know About Becoming a National Sales

Director I Learned at a Skin Care Class…By Dorothy Boyd

Success is 99% attitude. No question.

What you take in during the quiet times is what you give off during the crisis times.

A positive, smiling, professional, feminine image opens doors

before I ever even open my mouth.

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Build a relationship with your hostess & rapport with her guests.

When your hostess says, “How are you?” – Don’t dare tell her!

Make each individual feel important. Be genuinely interested in others.

If you “tell, tell, tell” you won’t sell, sell, sell. Ask positive questions.

When you help enough others to get what they want or need,

you will have everything you want and need .

Education transforms. Be a good student of the business, then a good teacher.

God is faithful to bless someone with a strong work ethic.

Be positive & enthusiastic, no matter what.

Take yourself out of the picture.

Work full circle. Follow through each opportunity, leaving no stone unturned.

Appearing organized makes other people feel more secure.

Being organized makes me feel more secure.

Look for the sparklers, & get excited about their future.

Good hostesses make great beauty consultants.

Tell your heartfelt Mary Kay story, painting them into the picture.

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Be Prepared, Be Brief, Be Kind, Be Bold, then Be Gone.

It’s my job to create desire & interest. Sell the sizzle, not the steak.

When I show that I lack confidence, my clients will lack commitment.

Play the numbers to win: “20 Appointments Up” means a postponement is a relief!

The grass is not greener on the other side.

It is greener where it is watered & fertilized.

Be patient, not short-sighted. This is a marathon, not a 100 yard dash.

Every appointment, if nothing else, is practice for the next one.

In every adversity lies the seed of an equal or greater blessing.

Discipline must kick in when the motivation is not there.

Be loyal to your leadership. What you give out will come back to you.

Until someone has experienced our product with me, their opinion of it

is not very relevant. Same with the career…

K.I.S.S.- Keep It Simple, Sweetie.

What you choose to focus gets bigger, so only focus on what you want more of.

Don’t major in minors.

What is written in my date book will soon be written in my checkbook.

Coaching the hostess empowers her. To not coach her is to put the situation at risk.

Book appointments from appointments, & you never have to drum up business.

You cannot change other people, you can only change your attitude towards them.

Attempt to take each person to the next logical step.

People tend to believe what they perceive.

Scripts work. Don’t reinvent the wheel.

It’s not about me.

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Did you realize that you never have a 2nd chance to make a great first impression?

Have you ever stopped to think that YOU as a Mary Kay consultant are the only Mary

Kay that someone knows? Do you realize that your actions and your attire as a Mary

Kay consultant or Director reflect on all of us? I know most of us get to going so fast that sometimes we lose

sight of these things.

Mary Kay Image is an attitude. Mary Kay Image is a dress code. Mary Kay Image is a code of ethics that we

strive to uphold because Mary Kay herself was very serious about the image that we project to our community

by the words we say, the way we treat others around us, and our attire. Mary Kay Image is not something we

can choose to uphold or not uphold, rather it was expected of us to uphold it by the woman herself. When we

uphold the Mary Kay image as outlined by Mary Kay herself, we honor her. So…with all that said, I would like

to outline the basics of Mary Kay Image that is expected of all of us representing this awesome company.

1. We must wear a dress, a business suit, a skirt and blouse, a beauty coat, or company attire (Red Jacket

with a black not-too-short skirt, hose, and black pumps) to EVERY Mary Kay function (regardless of

weather). This includes every sales meeting, workshop, business debut, skin care class, or facial. I do

realize that the fashions are quite casual these days and pant suits are very in with Corporate America,

but guys, Mary Kay women have always been a cut above, and we must always look like we represent

the #1-selling brand of skin care and color cosmetics in the land.

2. Along with our skirts and suits, Mary Kay asks that we wear hose and close-toed shoes. (The

Company has updated their policy and now allows us to go “hose-less,” if we choose, using our best

judgment, and also has advocated open-toed attractive heels. If you don’t have the great legs to pull

this off, though, wear the hose!) We need to sport a cute “in” haircut and manicured nails. It is never

OK to wear pants to a sales meeting even if you have had a rushed day and no time to change. Think

ahead and put a skirt in the car. You can change in the bathroom if necessary.

3. If you are in Red Jacket, it is important that you attend Mary Kay functions wearing that Red Jacket

with a black skirt and white blouse if you are a Red Jacket, Team Leader, or Grand Achiever, and a

black blouse if you are a Future Director or DIQ. Don’t ask for exceptions; be exceptional.

Consultants: don’t get upset with your Director when she enforces these guidelines. It is her job.

4. Pick your Top 3 pins to wear on your lapel. We are professional businesswomen and having a zillion

pins on at one time looks a little overdone and can detract from our professional image.

5. We are not to smoke or have any alcohol at any Mary Kay function, and I love that, because it keeps us

acting our best in a work environment. Gum-chewing can be distracting, so avoid that as well.

6. It is our job to coach our guests at functions that the meeting attire is professional dress and they will

probably feel more comfortable if they do not have on jeans or sweats. They will appreciate you.

7. Please take care to turn off your cell phone before entering your MK function. It is very distracting to

the speaker and very rude to those around you. If you absolutely must keep it on for a phone call, then

please quickly leave the room to talk. You’ll want to coach your guests on this issue also.

8. Please don’t bring small children to meetings, and ask your guests to do the same. Children are

precious and we all love them, but a sales meeting atmosphere is not an appropriate place for a child.

We cannot expect them to act like adults and be quiet, because they are not. It’s like taking a 2-year

old to an adult movie and expecting them to not cry…it just doesn’t work.

9. We mustn’t get away from standing and clapping out of respect for a Sales Director or NSD when they

enter a room or are introduced at a function out of respect for their accomplishments

10. from DB: Be ever mindful of your image on social media. Have a professional publicity photo on your

PWS. When posting anywhere, remember what mama said, “If you can’t say something nice…”

No one wants to do business with a critic, a hater, or whiner. Negative posts, especially politically

biased ones, can harm relationships with sister consultants, and send clients choosing elsewhere.

It’s just unwise business to advertise how you vote!

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Code Red Pacesetter Class II PSYCHOLOGY OF MK Appointments

Mary Kay was a master at people skills and communication, because she

understood _________________ _________________.

“If an appointment is worth ___________________, it is worth ________________.”

Mary Kay Ash

Coaching and Avoiding Postponements

_________________ of faces, _____________ will hold. If you always have at least ________________ as

many appointments on your datebook as you want to hold, postponements will be a ___________________

rather than a ________________________. Stay focused on what you can ____________________, which is

how many you book. Otherwise you are putting your paycheck/future in the hands of ____________________

_______________________ ____________________. The choice is YOURS.

Postponements happen for a variety of reasons, some of which are totally legit and others which are simply

HUMAN NATURE. Doctors, hairdressers and the airlines all know this, so they _______________________.

QTIP and get it right back on the datebook, but the second time, double book her, because if someone

_______________________ once, it may indicate a _____________________ of ________________________

on her part. Once may be a ___________________, twice is a _____________________ & three times is a

_________________________. Rarely do people’s patterns change unless they have an emotional reason to.

When someone says she is not going to be able to hold her appointment, resist the urge to express any

frustration whatsoever. Be a pro, take a breath and say this,

“No problem! Hold on while I grab my appointment book….” ( If it is not velcroed to you already LOL, go get it

it hand and scan for options. If her original apt was booked on a Thursday, like she will rebook on a Thursday )

“Okay which is better for you, next week or the next?”

Of course in the event of death or family emergency, you will want to be sensitive and offer to follow back up

in a couple weeks, but in 90% of the cases, you can get the appointment right back on your date book if you

immediately ______________the _____________________to.

“Chicken Booking”: Make a diagonal line in that box of your datebook and book 2 appts there for insurance.

In the extremely unlikely event they both hold, you can either have Jane meet you at Sally’s or “dovetail” one

of the appointments to another SKILLED consultant, preferably someone on your team.

7:00 Jane Jones

7:00 facial

Sally Smith Party (Rescheduled)

If you aren’t

booking, you

must really HATE


VP Sean Key

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Memorize this and say it on the tail end of EVERY BOOKING to drastically DECREASE POSTPONEMENTS:

Appointment Insurance Script

“I work by appointment only, just like the hairdresser and dentist. So, since I’m saving Thursday, March 4th in

my date book for you, I’ll be turning away others for that same time slot. If you must reschedule, can I count

on you to let me know at least 2 days in advance, so I have time to fill that slot?

Great! I love doing business with reliable people!”

The _______________ ______ an appointment is booked, the more likely it will hold.

For any appointment booked over a week away ( party, facial, career talk, guest) send a postcard reminder the

Tuesday prior and a text reminder the day before. The reminder wording is an advance “thank you note”.

Also remind her of what is in it for HER (to re-excite her on why she said yes in the first place!) along with

logistical reminders ( place , time, guest list needed etc). The Tuesday postcard will be received about

Thursday. ( She may call and reschedule then, but it is not hitting you last minute that way if she does. )

Hostess Plans

Which one should I use? It doesn’t matter, as long as it:

a) ___________________ you, and you would book a party for it. b) Is easily understood by the potential hostess. Have a snazzy ___________________ in your hostess

packet, along with a ______________ _________________ and a piece of _____________________ __________________________.

Take at least __________ hostess packets to every party and put them in your _________________

_________________, along with datebook, money bag to remind you to book/coach

Party Tools and Resources is an excellent resource for fun, professionally printed skin care party tools:

hostess packets, tray inserts and closing placemats has tools you can print yourself for coaching/closing under Consultant Training/Skin Care

Class login: yellowbrick password: road

Print in color and laminate to re-use again and again with dry-erase markers.

The ______________ ______________, so make sure ALL your printed tools _____________!

( no dog-eared pages or poor grayscale copies)

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Page 12: Whatever Your Hand Finds To Do The Joy of Excellent Work Red Pacesetter Lesson... · ways to grow your skills and fine-tune your talents. Remember growth leads to joy; stagnation

There are 3 Goals to be met in a Full Circle Product appt ( & in this order):

1) How many _____________ can I sell? This will be today’s income.

2) How many ______________ can I get booked? This will be your next 2 week’s income.

3) How many team building_______________ can I book? This will be your future!

The Perfect Party achieves 2 + 2 + 2. You come home with:

at least 2 new Skin Care SETS sold = 2 new long-terms clients with at least their 2 second facials on your calendar and hers to be held in 10 days -2 weeks before you leave

at least 2 new parties booked to be held within the next 2-3 weeks before you leave ( if time permits preliminary coaching can often be done with hostesses, too)

at least 2 live career chats booked to be held within 2-3 days before you leave What counts as a skin care set? Any if our lines of personalized skin care regimens including at least a______________, _____________ and ________________product. Preferably, it also includes an exfoliating product, but for most a basic skin care set will be 3-4 steps. Why is a foundation included? A woman can wear either _______________ or ________________. It is up to her, but protected skin is healthier, and color cosmetic products work more effectively and have much more staying power on a face that has a foundation or CC cream applied first. All of our lines- TimeWise, TWRepair, Botanicals & ClearProof are ________ - _________________.

Why focus on selling Skin Care Sets? 1. Strong ______________ business develops from it. Women are fickle about _____________ but

loyal to their ______________ _________________. They are MOST loyal and emotional about their _____________________.

For every 100 clients you sell a skin care set to and follow up with a 2nd facial to TIE her to YOU

and to the ongoing use of the product, you may add an additional $8000 in annual PROFIT.

Last week my reorder sales were $593 to 7 clients. One was new ( PWS). 2 have been buying

from me for 5-10 yrs, 2 for 10-20 yrs and 2 for 32 yrs ( came to my biz debut)

2. Everyone _______________ _____________ _______________ with something.

3. Fastest growing segment of the cosmetic market 4. Over _____________ % of our sales come from it.

While it does seem that our product almost sells itself, we can increase our percentages of sets sold by Mastering the Skills of CLOSING. Our Close begins with our ___________________ ________________ with a potential client.

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4 Phases of an Effective Close ( gets results without being pushy)

1. Capture ___________________ 2. Create ______________________ & ______________________ ( yes OUR JOB to CREATE!) 3. Overcome objections ___________________ given, 4. Complete the transaction.

By doing 1, 2 & 3 above conscientiously, you won’t need to be concerned about being perceived as pushy. Pushy people go straight to #4, without taking care of 1, 2 & 3.

1.. Capture Attention

How am I selling _________________________ though my pro image, kind words and positive attitude?

Am I consistently Pre-profiling? ( see Lia Carta text examples)

Are my Tools & props professional looking and professional packed?

Am I calling people by name and making eye contact?

Are people ______________ __________________ at my appointments?

2. Create Desire & Interest






*Romance the product and the 2nd appointment

“Sell the sizzle, not the steak” of the color appointment and your hostess plan!

Biggest mistake consultants make at their parties is ______________________ to book the color appointment on the

spot, and attempting to turn it into a _______________________ with EVERYONE who buys a skin care set, and

everyone who wants to buy but cannot afford to.

*Demo skin care line with the “½ Face Method” & keep color to a bare minimum if at all, at the first appt.

Showing lots of color at the first appointment is like putting dessert in front of your kids and expecting them to eat the

vegetables. They buy it for the instant gratification it gives, but those who purchase color only rarely become strong

repeat customers. When you have two appointments with her you have time to cover both and a client who buys both.

3. Overcome Objections with the Magic Page ( recite before Cleansing)

Note to self: I should only bother to memorize my Opening Remarks, Magic Page, Table Close and Individual Close


4. Complete the transactions privately at one-on-one close __________________ from the table. Closing at the table

will cause your sales and bookings to diminish by about 75%.

“If you hold product and team building appointments and fail to close, you

are nothing more than a professional visitor.” NSD Emeritus Rena Tarbet

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The Art of Asking Questions

a. The 30-85% contrast – Five results of memorizing the 30 Questions

1. Gain more favorable attention by placing a positive question after every third and forth sentence. 2. Deepen understanding by asking emotional questions 3. Create “nodding” head rhythm by building a “yes” atmosphere. 4. Deepen conviction of prospects personal benefits. 5. Building a definite “buying mood”.

b. Three types of Questions!

1. Positive Questions get “Yes” answers 2. Tie-Down Questions 3. Choice Questions



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You aren’t doing your customers or yourselves any favors when you “break the basic”. Explaining to clients

before they cleanse why it is our policy to retail the basic initially as a SET is the best way to pre-empt getting

this buying objection at the close. If she takes home just foundation, it will NOT look and feel the same way as

it did at her facial! Some consultants have their clients cleanse and moisturize half the face & simply wipe the

other side with a damp cloth, then apply foundation all over. The “half-face concept” really works to sell her

on the benefits of using all 3 steps! MEMORIZE the “Magic Dialogue” below and say on the page in the flip

chart before the cleansing page (but only if you want to make LOTS of $!) REMEMBER TO SMILE AND NOD!

Most women, when they are trying a new skin care program, want to know three things about it: How much does it cost? How much time does it take to use? and does it really work? So, I’m going to cover all three of those things right now:

FIRST of all, the money is the good part! If you normally purchase skin care products at the department store,

Mary Kay is about 30-50% less in price. Skin Care sets are reasonably priced and are about a 3 month supply.

You’ll be excited to know that we have ways you can get your Mary Kay free or at a discount! I have all kinds of

creative financing options available to you that the lady at the department store doesn’t have! So I’m sincere

when I say if you really want to have a skin care program tailor-made for you, I’ll find a way for you to get it.

SECOND is the time it takes…only 3 minutes in the morning and 3 minutes at night to do this skin care program!

…about as long as brushing your teeth. I’m amazed at how many women spend more time and money on their

hair, their nails, and on their clothes, than they do on their skin, when in 10 years this (point to your shoulder)

will be at Goodwill and this (point to your hair) will be cut off, but what will still be left? Your skin, right? (nod

head yes) It’s just a matter of priorities, isn’t it?

THIRD does it really work? Well, we wouldn’t be the best brand of skin care in America if it wasn’t working for

someone, right? Plus, at your Color Consultation in two weeks I’m going to make sure it’s working for you, and

if we need to make some adjustments in your formulations, we can. If I can’t get it working for you, what can

you do with it? (have one of the guests respond about our 100% satisfaction guarantee) Now, if you’re going to

use a new skin care program, you do want to see results, don’t you? That’s why you need to use all 3 steps or

don’t use any of them. They’re scientifically formulated to work together like a “prescription” in 3-4 bottles for

your skin. If your skin is dry, in time, it will be less dry. If it’s oily, it will be less oily, and if it’s normal, it will be

softer and smoother. The longer you use Timewise, the softer your skin will be & the less evident the facial lines!

If you just use bits and pieces of the program, you just won’t see the same results. As a matter of fact, you may

see the kind of results you don’t want to see. For example, occasionally a woman might tell me that she has

another brand of moisturizer at home that she likes and hasn’t used up yet. She would just like to try the other

2 “pieces” without realizing that the ingredients that one cosmetic chemist has chosen for his brand of product

may not be compatible with what another cosmetic chemist has chosen for his brand. What’s the unfortunate

result of hodge-podging incompatible products? You could have a little “explosion” on your face in the bathroom

in the morning! I certainly don’t want you to have a reaction, much less blame it on Mary Kay! I want you to be

telling me at your check up facial what great results you are getting! That’s why I tell you up front, before you

ever get it on your face, that if you’re going to fall in love with one of the steps, fall in love with all 3 of them! If

the total cost of your set is too much to spend at one time, I’ll break the payment, but NOT the Basic. Now, is

everybody with me on that one? (nod head yes)

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Ladies, do you remember the opinion poll I mentioned at the beginning of the class? You’ll find it on

your placemat. Jane is going to serve some refreshments now, & I want to thank you for being so attentive…

You are all probably wanting to visit, & I’m ready to sit down, so I’m going to have Jane serve the

refreshments here at the table. I have a little “Office” set up over on the sofa for our one-on-one consultations.

There is truly no obligation to purchase, but I would love to have your opinion of our products & my

presentation. Who is in the biggest hurry to go? Diane? Then I’ll be glad to talk with you first. Then I’ll take

Mary, then Carol, & I’ll finish with our hostess, Jane. Why don’t you go ahead and fill out your opinion polls,

& as soon as you’re finished writing, Diane, just let me know…

(Keep an eye on Diane’s writing as you begin to pack. As soon as she gets to the last question, say…) Finished, Diane? Great! Why don’t you grab your paperwork & bag of products? I’ve got your profile card

(as she rises, pat her on the back) & let’s step into my office! (Sit down on the couch with her beside you.

Maintain a warm, friendly & helpful attitude, making right eye contact. Try to position yourself at or below her

eye level to put her at ease).

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Dorothy’s 6 Question Individual Close - Cheat Sheet

1. How did you enjoy the facial? What was your favorite product?

2. So that I can become a better consultant, do you have any suggestions for how I can improve my


3. May I see your opinion poll? I see that if money were no object, you would go with the ____ set.

Good choice! You know, I was serious when I said I would bend over backwards to help you find

a way to get it. Of all the creative financing options I mentioned, which could work for you?

(Write up transaction & make the sale)

4. Now, _____, while we’re together, we need to go ahead & set an appointment for your follow

up..which is better for you, next week or the next? ( Keep giving choices until date & time are

agreed upon)

5. Tell me, when we get together for your Color Appointment, is there any reason why you wouldn’t

want to share it with a few girlfriends, so you can shop with me at up to 50% off?

(Give Hostess Packet & coach her on the spot, if time, or set phone appt. to do so tomorrow)

6. Before you go, may I give you a compliment? ( smile) I’ve been really impressed with you

tonight, & I think you would be great at doing what I do. You’re probably no more interested in it than I

thought I was_________ago, but even so, I wouldn’t consider it a waste of time to sit down over a

Starbucks & tell you about what I do. If you like what you hear, I’d love to help you pursue it. If you’re

still not interested after we talk, that’s fine too. Would you be open minded enough to just listen?

Great! Which is better for you, lunch hour or right after work? ( Keep giving choices until an agreed

upon time, preferably within 48 hrs.)

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Homework Assignments Week One

All work has a point value. Please be prepared to snap a photo of your this

page each week and send it to your sales director showing your point totals.

Name____________________________ Points earned this week:

1. Complete all assignments in the body of this workbook on Lesson Two. 5 pts ________

2. Memorize Magic Page. 5 pts ________

3. Prepare party tools: placemats, rollup bag and hostess packets 5 pts __________

4. New parties booked this week 4 pts ea ________

5. Parties HELD this week ( hostess + at least 2 guests) 6 pts ea ________

6. New Career talks booked this week 3 pts ea ________

7. Career chats held and closed this week 4 pts ea ________

8. New Facials ( 1-2 people) booked this week 1 pt ea ________

9. Facials held this week this week 2 pts ea ________

10. For each $100 in actual retail sales this week 2 pts ________

11. For each $100 wholesale ordered from co this week 2 pts ________

12. Memorize table close and individual close 5 pts ________

Total points _________

It’s not what you know, it’s

what you DO with what

you know, you know?

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