Page 1: When You Should Visit A Cardiologist
Page 2: When You Should Visit A Cardiologist

The medical specialty that deals with conditions of the heart and blood vessels is known as ‘cardiology’ and the doctors who practice it are called ‘cardiologists’.

In the majority of cases, your family doctor will refer you to a cardiologist if he or she notices symptoms that indicate you have an issue in that department. However, it’s still wise for the patient to know when it’s time to visit a cardiologist because there are many reasons and most of them are very serious.

Page 3: When You Should Visit A Cardiologist

Family History

Having one or more close family members who have been affected by heart disease or other heart-related issues is one good reason to go see a cardiologist. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re guaranteed to suffer the same fate, but family history is a big risk factor for heart problems.

That’s not to say you should demand your doctor send you to a cardiologist just because your mother or father had a heart attack or something similar, but it is wise to monitor the situation. In some cases, you will be sent for testing just as a precautionary measure.

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Heart Attack If you’ve had a heart attack or have strong risk factors for

one, you must see a cardiologist for treatment or preventative care.

With a heart attack, or ‘myocardial infarction’, blood clots are formed from ruptures in the coronary blood vessels. The blood clots often block off the blood flow through the artery, and the portion of your heart muscle that is supplied by that artery begins to die.

The patient will typically notice extreme chest pain when a heart attack hits, but the size and scope of the attack depends on how much of the heart was damaged. In some cases, death is instantaneous, but in most cases emergency treatment can dissolve the clots and keep the heart working.

After a heart attack of any magnitude, you will surely be spending time in the cardiologist’s office to monitor your condition and ensure it doesn’t happen again.

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Coronary Disease Coronary disease is also called ‘hardening of the arteries’ and it is a

common condition in more developed countries. If you have this condition the passageways in your arteries become narrow and blood flow is disrupted.

Even though doctors don’t have a thorough understanding of the causes of coronary disease, you will still end up in the cardiologist’s office for treatment if you have it. There are some common risk factors that seem to make it more prevalent. They include:

Smoking High blood pressure Diabetes High cholesterol Family history

One of the problems with coronary disease is that it often doesn’t have any symptoms. And while it usually affects people who are older, it can cause blood vessels to rupture in some cases, which results in an emergency situation.

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Angina is a condition that is more a result of other things happening than an actual condition on its own. With angina, you will feel pressure or pain in the chest that usually occurs with physical or emotional exertion.

Angina occurs because your blood flow is reduced from coronary disease. As a result, your heart is demanding more oxygen than the arteries can deliver, and you feel chest pain.

It’s important to go see a cardiologist if you experience angina, because you may be headed for something dangerous if you don’t get it figured out. Rest often makes the pain and discomfort subside, or you may be given nitroglycerin to lower the heart’s demand for oxygen.

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High Blood Pressure High blood pressure is also known

as ‘hypertension’ and it is a common reason for people to have to visit a cardiologist. Basically, when your blood pressure rises to more than 140/90 for a long period of time, your heart and blood vessels can suffer damage.

Having high blood pressure has a major influence on heart attacks, strokes and heart failure. If you have high blood pressure, your cardiologist may prescribe different medications and suggest certain lifestyle changes.

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Common Symptoms

Regardless of your condition or what you have or haven’t been diagnosed with, there are some common symptoms that you shouldn’t ignore when it comes to your heart health. These are especially serious if you have a known heart issue or are over 40 years of age.

  Chest pain Irregular heart beat Shortness of breath Rapid heart beat In most cases, symptoms like these won’t mean

anything. However, some heart issues can cause permanent damage, so if you are worried or experience the symptoms regularly, get to your doctor and ask to see a cardiologist.

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