  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    By Joshua Sattely, Esq.

  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship



    The purpose o this paper is to provide readers

    with a thorough understanding o the emerging feld

    o Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship (CFS).

    It is intended or use by:


    sponsor to acilitate their mission-related work


    sponsorship services


    wish to inorm themselves about this topic

  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    1a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p

    table o f Contents

    Executive Summary 2

    I. Introduction 5

    II. Mission Alignment 6

    III. Te Memorandum o Understanding and Advisory Boards 7

    IV. Ease o Entry 8

    V. Ongoing Compliance 9

    VI. Nurturing Support 10

    VII. Addressing Misconceptions 12

    A. Donor Advised Fund vs. Fiscal Sponsorship 12

    B. Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship for the 501(c)(3) 13

    C. Incubator Only? 16

    VIII. Intangible Benets o Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship 16

    IX. Ease o Exit 18

    X. Conclusion 19

  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p2

    exeCutive summary

    Tis white paper examines the contours and constructs o Comprehensive Fiscal

    Sponsorship (CFS), a sub-practice o the broader field o fiscal sponsorship. ypically

    fiscal sponsorship describes a relationship in which an unincorporated group wishing

    to conduct charitable activities afiliates with an existing 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a

    compatible mission. With Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship, the parent organiza-tion, in accepting the group as one o its programs, provides legal and financial

    oversight as well as accounting, human resources and other back-ofice support.

    Fiscal sponsorship has been practiced in varying degrees since at least 1959 when the

    Massachusetts Health Research Institute, now Tird Sector New England (SNE),

    incorporated and began sponsoring research and community-based public health

    activities. In 2004, a group o fiscal sponsors rom around the country created the

    National Network o Fiscal Sponsors (NNFS) to share and promote eective,

    responsible practices in the field.

    Fiscal sponsors receive grants and other tax deductible contributions that are allo-

    cated in support o project activities. Such payments are usually disbursed in theorm o payments to project sta, vendors, contractors and grantees.

    Fiscal sponsors provide this support only to groups whose activities urther the

    sponsors mission and tax-exempt purpose. Te level o engagement between sponsor

    and project varies, but at a minimum all fiscal sponsors:



    501(c)(3) purposes


    exempt purposes.

    A Uni qU e An d Vi tAl Ro le

    Comprehensive fiscal sponsorship contemplates a more integral, connected role

    or the sponsor than other models. Te nature o CFS means that sponsors must

    exercise great care in screening potential new projects. When, ater careul consider-

    ation, a fiscal sponsor accepts a new project, the project becomes a program o the

    sponsor, part o the same legal entity. Te sponsor, thereore, has a vested interest in

    its success. Because o the total assumption o legal and nancial liability, such

    relationships should not be equated with so-called scal agency, conduit or

    pass-through arrangements. In act, a CFS relationship is the converse o an agency

    arrangement, in which a principal is in control and directs an agent to carry outactivities on its behal. In CFS, the sponsor and the project are both part o the same

    legal entity, governed by the sponsors board o directors.

    CFS urnishes projects with comprehensive personnel policies, liability insurance,

    financial and administrative expertise, and keeps projects abreast o and trained on

    new government regulations as they arise. Having these reliable operational mecha-

    nisms in place aords project leaders peace o mind, eliminating many o the stresses

    that can derail an operation.

  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    3a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p

    impRoVing pRogRAms

    Te intangible benet o CFS to projects and their leaders is critical. A leaders time

    and attention will not be sidetracked by the plethora o issues inherent in managing

    back ofice operations. Project sta work towards mission ulfillment knowing that all

    administrative and compliance issues are being eficiently addressed. CFS keeps the

    engines o their projects humming, allowing passionate, mission-driven project leaders

    and sta to ocus on the activities that are core to the projects existence.

    Even large projects may find that the quality service and support oered by CFS are

    advantageous and cost eective. Te large size and unified inrastructure o most

    CFS organizations create economies o scale otherwise unavailable to stand-alone

    smaller entities, maximizing administrative eficiencies while minimizing the costs o

    back ofice support and overhead. Tis is one reason why existing 501(c)(3)

    nonprofits are increasingly seeking out established comprehensive sponsors as

    long-term solutions to meet their needs o lower costs and increased proficiency.

    Despite the growth and widespread acceptance o fiscal sponsorship, certain miscon-

    ceptions linger. One concern voiced occasionally by oundations is that fiscal sponsors

    are actually sponsoring organizations that manage donor advised unds. However, itis clear rom a careul analysis that, with rare exceptions, these two constructs are not

    at all similar. Te three-pronged denition o donor-advised unds contained in the

    Internal Revenue Code is dierent in key respects rom the practice o scal spon-

    sorship. Such misconceptions are ully addressed in this White Paper.

    Oten an aterthought, ease o exit is a significant advantage o CFS. When a

    stand-alone nonprofit organization winds up its operations, it must do so in compli-

    ance with time-consuming and oten complex IRS and state requirements. When a

    CFS project terminates its operations, all assets previously maintained by the project


    viable but wishes to become independent or find a new sponsor, a well-drated fiscalsponsorship agreement should provide that all project specific assets and liabilities be

    transerred to the new entity upon termination o the agreement.

    Sponsorship with a reputable CFS practitioner conveys several messages to ounda-

    tions, other unders and the public. It says: (1) this project has been through a

    thorough evaluation process that determined it has the capacity to achieve its

    underlying objectives; (2) all back-ofice operations o the project are managed by

    competent, experienced proessionals ensuring maximum transparency; (3) project

    sta receive proper compensation and good benefits, increasing retention and

    minimizing burnout; and (4) the project will be able to ocus on the mission and

    not be distracted by administrative burdens and complex compliance issues.

    Whether oundation, charitable initiative or fiscal sponsor, due diligence coupled

    with an open mind to creative solutions like comprehensive fiscal sponsorship can

    contribute substantially to advancing the purposes or which the social sector exists.

    CFS stretches charitable dollars urther and more eectively than most stand-alone

    small to midsized and even many large nonprofits could ever on their own. CFS also

    oers a realistic, honest approach to not only survive, but excel in the challenges o

    our day and those that lie ahead.

  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p4

  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    5a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p

    The term fiscal

    sponsorship actually

    reers to several diferent,

    oten overlapping

    arrangements. Fiscal

    sponsors receive tax

    deductible contributions

    that are then allocated in

    support o projects.

    1 r. rul. 68-489, 1968-2 C.B. 210

    2 Chronology o Fiscal Sponsorship, T Fcal soo

    Dctoy at tt://www.caloodctoy.og/


    3 Brie History, Td scto nw eglad at


    4 natoal ntwok o Fcal soo at



    what is fisCal sp onsorship?

    Te term fiscal sponsorship actually reers to several dierent, oten overlapping

    arrangements. Te common denominator is generally that a group wishing to

    conduct a charitable program without incorporating or obtaining Internal Revenue

    Service (IRS) recognition finds an existing 501(c)(3) nonprofit to serve as its fiscal

    sponsor. Many groups, though charitable in nature, lack the legal status they needto receive grants rom oundations, individual donors and government agencies. In

    recent years, existing tax exempt charities have also turned to comprehensive

    sponsors, realizing benefits that extend beyond tax-exempt status such as enhanced

    back ofice eficiencies, cost savings and other value inherent in comprehensive

    fiscal sponsorship.

    Fiscal sponsors receive tax deductible contributions that are then allocated in

    support o projects. Such unds are usually disbursed in the orm o payments to

    project sta, vendors, contractors and grantees.

    A fiscal sponsor is able to oer this support only to groups whose activities urther

    the sponsors mission and tax-exempt purpose. Te level o engagement betweensponsor and project varies greatly, but at a minimum all fiscal sponsors must:





    exempt purposes.1

    501(c)(3) organizations acting as fiscal sponsors that ail to conorm to these

    requirements jeopardize their own exempt status.

    Fiscal sponsorship has been practiced in varying degrees since at least 1959 whenthe Massachusetts Health Research Institute, now Tird Sector New England

    (SNE), incorporated and began sponsoring community-based public health

    projects and research laboratories.2 SNE has since expanded and now oers

    Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship (CFS) to groups o people involved in many

    types o civic engagement activities in their communities.3 Over the years, SNE,

    along with other like-minded organizations throughout the country, independently

    developed a unique brand o fiscal sponsorship known as CFS.

    In 2004 these groups came together and created the National Network o Fiscal

    Sponsors (National Network) to share and promote eective, responsible practices

    in the field as well as gain a deeper understanding o the current practice o fiscal

    sponsorship around the country. Founders o the National Network includedCommunity Partners, Colorado Nonprot Development Center, Earth Island

    Institute, PHFE Management Solutions, CIF o the San Francisco Foundation

    (now Community Initiatives), SNE, and ides Center.4
  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p6

    A core tenet and legal

    requirement o any fiscal

    sponsorship relationship is

    that the purposes o a

    potential project must be

    consistent with the

    sponsors own mission.

    5 Col, Ggoy. Fiscal Sponsorship; 6 Ways To Do It Right,

    study Ct p, 2005.

    6 See r. rul. 68-489, 1968-2 C.B. 210

    Most members o the Network practice a type o fiscal sponsorship commonly

    reerred to as Model A sponsorship. Under a Model A relationship, the project

    becomes a part o the sponsor; the sponsor takes the project in-house. Te project

    has no separate legal existence.5 All employees o the project become employees

    o the sponsor. Te sponsors payroll tax withholding, workers compensation

    insurance, unemployment benefits, and health and retirement plans oered all are

    applied to the project sta in the same manner as the organizations otheremployees. Te sponsor will be liable or the actions o project employees within

    the scope o their employment as well as any other liabilities the project accrues.

    Additionally, all tax reporting is done by the sponsoring organization.

    Although the Model A direct project is the most commonly practiced orm o

    fiscal sponsorship, other maniestations occur throughout the charitable commu-

    nity and their use as legitimate, creative models should not be discounted. Gregory

    Colvins Fiscal Sponsorship; Six Ways To Do It Rightprovides the most thorough

    treatment o the various incarnations o fiscal sponsorship to date.

    CFS can best be characterized as a subset o fiscal sponsorship, typically patterned

    ater the Model A relationship, where the sponsor plays a deeper, more nurturingrole than contemplated by any other model. In addition to serving as the legal

    employer o project employees, oering insurance, and seeing to state and ederal

    compliance matters, sponsors provide a comprehensive suite o services designed to

    enhance the capacity and eectiveness o projects. Most o these oerings all into

    our broad categories: financial management, human resources management,

    inormation systems support, and capacity building.

    Comprehensive sponsors run the essential back ofice operations o their projects

    in a highly competent, cost-eective manner, allowing agents o change to ocus

    their passions and energies on activities central to project purposes. Tese sponsors

    also engage the projects in a wide array o capacity building endeavors, andbeyond that, a host o intangible benefits begin to accrue the moment a project

    finds a home with a credible comprehensive sponsor.

    Te end result o CFS is that progressive movements are able to minimize

    administrative burdens and maximize project impact and societys corresponding

    return on investment. Below, the parameters o CFS are thoroughly explored.

    mission alignment

    A core tenet and legal requirement o any fiscal sponsorship relationship is that the

    purposes o a potential project must be consistent with the sponsors own mission.6

    Tis threshold requirement is the first standard articulated in Guidelines for

    Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship (Guidelines), a must-read set o guidelines and

    recommended best practices or any nonprofit organization contemplating a role

  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    7a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p

    Advisory boards are

    responsible or providing

    assistance in the areas

    o project policy

    development, undraising

    and organizational


    7 Gudl 1. Guidelines or Comprehensive Fiscal

    Sponsorship at tt://



    8 id.

    9 Gudl 7, Guidelines, Id.

    as comprehensive fiscal sponsor or or any group seeking a responsible sponsor. 7

    Tese guidelines, created through the collaborative eort o the members o the

    National Network, will be reerenced throughout this paper.

    Beore a project can be taken under the supportive umbrella o a fiscal sponsor, it

    should be careully scrutinized to establish that its goals and vision are both

    compatible and consistent with the sponsors own mission.8

    Tis initial step isnecessary because 501(c)(3) exempt organizations must operate in urtherance o a

    specific charitable purpose ound in their organizing documents and orms filed

    with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

    Te activities o all nonprofits, not just those practicing fiscal sponsorship, must

    operate in accordance with a stated tax-exempt purpose. I a projects mission is not

    compatible with that o its sponsor, that sponsor is not serving its exempt status,

    and its 501(c)(3) classification could be jeopardized. Although the vetting processes

    used by organizations engaged in comprehensive fiscal sponsorship vary, all must be

    thorough, ensuring mission compatibility. Review and approval o the project by

    the fiscal sponsors board o directors is an essential step in the process.

    the memorandum of unders tanding

    and advisory boards

    Te union between project and Model A sponsor is typically described in a memo-

    randum o understanding between the fiscal sponsor and the unincorporated

    organization.9 Tis agreement establishes the project as a legal part o the sponsor.

    Te parameters o employment and project management, delegations o authority,

    the use and roles o advisory boards, property rights, and the duration and terms o

    project closure are typically addressed in this document.

    Te fiscal sponsor must be cautious in selecting projects because it assumes totallegal responsibility or the project, and all current and uture project employees

    become direct employees o the fiscal sponsor. Tis is a serious matter, as any

    previous legal issue attached to a project is generally absorbed by the sponsor.


    connection with the project. Until this arrangement concludes, the project is not a

    legally separate entity. Te sponsors assumption o liability is a necessary compo-

    nent o a CFS relationship. All nonprofits practicing CFS have established sets o

    criteria used to evaluate prospective projects. Tis total assumption o legal and

    financial liability dierentiates fiscally-sponsored relationships rom so-called

    conduit or pass-through arrangements, where control and responsibility remainwith other parties.
  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p8

    Ease o entry into

    community engagement

    is a key benefit o fiscal


    10 Gudl 6, Guidelines, Id.

    11 Liecycle o a Public Charityat tt://www..go/


    Ater a project joins the fiscal sponsor, project and sponsor maintain regular contact

    in order to properly manage all risks. CFS practitioners recommend and sometimes

    require that projects establish advisory boards that unction similarly to a tradition-

    al board o directors.10 Although these advisory boards have no legal or governing

    authority, they provide an important mechanism o accountability and support or

    many projects.

    Advisory boards are responsible or providing assistance in the areas o project

    policy development, undraising and organizational development. Tey also

    monitor and evaluate the perormance o project directors and provide the fiscal

    sponsor with advice and recommendations regarding personnel, financial and

    administrative matters as well as other issues related to their projects.


    sponsorship relationship, the organizations board o directors oten assumes the

    role o project advisory board. Te activities o the new advisory board remain

    substantially similar to those o the previous board except that fiduciary duties and

    legal liability are now vested in the sponsors board o directors, which must

    exercise final decision-making authority to ensure that the project is in compliancewith all state and ederal laws.

    ease of entry

    Ease o entry into community engagement is a key benefit o fiscal sponsorship.

    Te prospect o obtaining 501(c)(3) status and orever-ater complying with

    complex requirements can be daunting to many would-be social entrepreneurs.

    Organizing under state law, attaining an employment identification number, and

    filing the lengthy Form 1023 along with other required documents and accompa-

    nying ees are the first steps an organization must take to become tax-exempt under

    IRC 501(c)(3).11

    Ater all necessary filings have taken place, it can take many months to hear back

    rom the IRS, which may respond with ollow-up inquiries. Although the date o

    exemption is usually retroactive to the filing date or the date the organization was

    created, oundations and other donors are understandably hesitant to extend

    monetary support to groups that have yet to receive an afirmative determination

    rom the IRS. Tis arduous undertaking siphons time, money and energy rom a

    project, oten leaving it dead in the water. Costly legal assistance is oten neces-

    sary and always recommended.

    Many projects, such as small grassroots movements, may lack the resources to even

    begin this process. For others organized with a short-term charitable goal in mind,

    the process o obtaining an afirmative determination letter rom the IRS may take

    more time than its worth. Speed is o the essence or many important nonprofit,,id=122670,00.html,,id=122670,00.html,,id=122670,00.html,,id=122670,00.html
  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    9a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p

    Comprehensive FiscalSponsorship organizations

    also have annual financial

    audits that serve to

    maintain the highest

    standards o accountabilit

    and transparency.

    12 Gudl 5, Guidelines Id.

    13 See Ogog Colac ad rqud Flg o a

    ublc caty at tt://www..go/cat/


    14 Gudl 4, Guidelines, Id.

    15 T natoal Ct o Catabl stattc at



    respond to urgent, emerging issues. For these time-sensitive movements, indepen-

    dent 501(c)(3) status is not a viable option. For many groups unwilling to drain

    limited resources engaging with the IRS, fiscal sponsorship represents an attractive


    Under a properly constructed CFS relationship, the unincorporated projectbecomes a program o the fiscal sponsor and will not be burdened with navigating

    IRS red tape. As the project is now part o a larger nonprofit, its activities become

    part o the sponsors exempt activities. Te project can immediately solicit and

    receive unding in the fiscal sponsors name.

    In ulfillment o their fiduciary duties, CFS nonprofits careully monitor project

    und-raising eorts and will sign o on grant applications, RFPs, and legally

    binding project commitments.12 Under the legal control o a CFS organization that

    also runs all back ofice operations, projects are aorded a great deal o autonomy

    in both crating and achieving their goals so long as the activities continue to

    urther the exempt purpose o the sponsor. For groups that need tax-deductible

    donations to achieve a charitable purpose, fiscal sponsorship is the most straightor-ward and time-tested alternative to obtaining an afirmative determination letter

    rom the IRS.

    ongoing ComplianCe

    Once an organization has received an afirmative determination letter rom the

    IRS, it must meet a host o annual and semi-annual filing requirements under state

    and ederal law.13 Tis process is costly and time consuming, but ailure to comply

    properly can result in oreiture o the organizations exempt status. Once again,

    these organizations are requently orced to seek the assistance o costly legal

    counsel. With CFS, all required inormational reporting occurs in a streamlined,

    consistent, and transparent ashion on the sponsors Form 990.

    Te IRS also gains rom the organized inrastructure comprehensive sponsors

    provide. For instance, a fiscal sponsor with 100 projects files one Form 990. Tis

    single 990, assembled by experienced proessionals, presents all required inorma-

    tion or the 100 projects that make up the organization. Te IRS thus has to review

    a single return rather than 100 shorter returns oten prepared by nonproessionals.

    CFS organizations also have annual financial audits that serve to maintain the

    highest standards o accountability and transparency.14 With over 1.4 million

    nonprofits operating in the United States15, fiscal sponsors serve to ease the burden

    on the IRS, making eficient use o the corresponding tax dollars spent on the

    Services operations.,,id=122670,00.html,,id=122670,00.html,,id=122670,00.html
  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p10

    The back-ofice support

    structure inherent in

    Comprehensive FiscalSponsorship creates fluidity

    and continuity in project


    nurturing support

    Some commentators have likened scal sponsorship to a pass-through arrangement

    where the sponsor is used as a vehicle to steer deductible contributions to improper

    parties and individuals. Tis description does not stand up to scrutiny. Indeed,

    even a cursory review demonstrates that CFS is best described as a capacity

    nurturing relationship.

    When, ater careul consideration, comprehensive sponsors adopt a project, they

    are not merely extending a mission-consistent program their tax-exempt status in

    exchange or a ee. Te unincorporated project is transormed into a program o

    the scal sponsor. Te sponsor and the project are now one and the same. Te

    sponsor has a vested interest in project success, because success or ailure is a

    reection o the scal sponsors abilities.

    By eectively nurturing thousands o projects, CFS nonprots such as Colorado

    Nonprot Development Center, Community Partners, Earth Island Institute,

    ides Center and Tird Sector New England have built up outstanding

    reputations or growing capacity and ostering positive societal transormations.In order to ulll their missions and protect and enhance hard-earned brand equity,

    a scal sponsor must take all necessary steps to maximize the potential o the

    projects it serves.

    When a comprehensive sponsor adopts a project, the project benets immediately

    rom its interactions with the sponsors experienced sta and well-designed systems.

    Te sponsor handles all aspects o nance, administration, human resources,

    governance, compliance and risk management, enabling project teams to ocus all

    their talents on project advancement.

    Tis expertise relieves project leaders o the need to invest precious resources in

    creating inrastructure. It also rees up signicant time leaders might otherwisespend hiring, training, monitoring and retaining the sta necessary to perorm

    these critical administrative unctions. Many scal sponsors see their role as helping

    to build the internal capacity o projects and project sta. In those relationships,

    training and institutional knowledge transer is part o the service package.

    Te back-ofce support structure inherent in CFS creates uidity and continuity in

    project operations. With typical small to midsized stand-alone organizations, one

    to several individuals provide all o the above unctions oten while being tasked

    with other duties. I key sta members become unavailable even or a brie period

    other members o the organization, though not always trained or qualied, must

    ll this void.As sta attempt to perorm job unctions they are not trained to handle, while

    scrambling to ulll their own duties, the mission inevitably suers. Te level o

    in-depth, consistent support that comprehensive scal sponsors provide ensures sta-

    bility and eliminates inefciencies, resulting in optimal usage o project unds and

    talent. Tis, o course, maximizes the societal return on investment.

  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    11a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p

    Capacity building is

    also emerging as key

    component o

    Comprehensive Fiscal

    Sponsorship, adding

    more value to the

    projects served.


    or-prot programs, eective CFS requires that unds be allocated to cover admin-

    istrative and back ofce expenses. Some CFS organizations direct a portion o a

    projects unds towards administrative expenses when the unds are spent by the

    project. Others make the allocation as unds are received. Either way, CFS oers

    high quality services most oten at a cost lower than possible or small to-medium

    independent nonprots.

    Even large projects may nd that the quality service and support oered by CFS

    are advantageous and cost eective. Much o these savings are achieved through

    economies o scale. Te large size and unied inrastructure o most CFS

    organizations create economies o scale otherwise unavailable to stand-alone smaller

    entities. Tis maximizes administrative efciencies while minimizing the costs

    attributable to back ofce support and overhead.


    bargaining power to secure better coverage at avorable prices on health insurance

    coverage and other ringe benets. Te substantial benets scal sponsors provide

    all employees make CFS projects enticing employment options, attracting well-qualied, passionate job applicants.

    Capacity building is also emerging as a key component o CFS, adding more value

    to the projects served. Some sponsors oer training seminars and webinars to

    complement their back ofce support. Trough these oerings, projects are

    schooled by nonprot leaders on diverse topics such as undraising, strategic

    planning, inormation technology, and diversity and inclusion. Some sponsors

    urther build capacity by providing projects with periodic assessments, crating

    solutions to the myriad o issues nonprots commonly ace.

    Surprisingly, terminology such as client and ee that does not accurately

    reect the true legal structure o CFS relationships persists both within and

    outside the scal sponsorship community. Such terms add ambiguity and uel

    skepticism among those not amiliar with this brand o scal sponsorship.

    Widespread adoption o consistent language by the scal sponsorship sector will

    serve to eliminate conusion rom project sta and prospective unders. Accurate

    terminology such as project rather than client and project administrative

    expense instead o client ee is gaining currency as a clearer understanding o the

    parameters o CFS evolves.

  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p12

    Cash and in-kind

    donations that support

    specific projects are

    requently solicited by

    sponsored project staf.

    16 s Col, eq., Is a Fiscal Sponsorship Account

    Maintained or a Project by a Public Charity Also a Donor-

    Advised Fund?at tt://



    17 irC 4966(d)(2) alo Donor-Advised Funds

    Guidesheetat tt://www..go/ub/-tg/


    18 Donor Advised Funds Guide SheetExplanation at



    addressing misConCeptions

    donoR AdVised FUnd Vs. FiscAl sponsoRship

    Despite the success and growth o scal sponsorship, certain misconceptions

    surrounding the practice o CFS linger. One concern occasionally voiced by

    oundations is that scal sponsors are actually sponsoring organizations that

    manage donor advised unds. Te Pension Protection Act o 2006 created newrules and restrictions governing donor advised unds, putting oundations on

    heightened alert.

    However, a brie examination o how a sponsoring organization maintaining donor

    advised unds is dened and how this denition diers rom CFS makes it appar-

    ent that, with rare exceptions16, they are not the same or even remotely similar.

    Prior to the Pension Protection Act, the term donor-advised und was not dened

    in the Code or Regulations. IRC 4966(d)(2) now denes the term as (1) a und or

    account owned and controlled by a sponsoring organization, (2) which is separately

    identied by reerence to contributions o the donor or donors, and (3) where the

    donor (or a person appointed or designated by the donor) has or reasonably expects

    to have advisory privileges over the distribution or investments o the assets.

    All three elements o the denition must be met in order or a und or account to

    be treated as a donor-advised und.17 Te practice o CFS does not qualiy under

    this denition.

    Starting with the second prong, a distinct und or account o a sponsoring organi-

    zation must reer to contributions o a donor or donors, such as by naming the

    und ater a donor, or by treating a und on the books o the sponsoring organiza-

    tion as attributable to unds contributed by a specic donor or donors.18

    Nonprots practicing CFS do not maintain accounts that identiy donors byreerence. Rather, unds donated to specic projects are typically held in accounts

    reerencing the projects name or purpose such as Immigrant Support Services or

    Save the Right Whales. No reerence is made to the actual donor, as that indi-

    vidual or entity is irrelevant or purposes o administering project unds. Once a

    donation is made, all control over those unds previously exercised by the donor


    Cash and in-kind donations that support specic projects are requently solicited

    by sponsored project sta. In this respect, a donor can reasonably expect that the

    contribution will go toward that particular project o the scal sponsor. However,

    once the donation is made, the donor has no actual or implied inuence on the

    scal sponsors use o the unds.
  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    13a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p

    19 natoal Gogac socty, Doato FAQ ag at


    20 Id.

    21 natoal Gogac maaalad egcy Fud

    Doato ag at tt://doat.atoalgogac.


    22 suot pBs at tt://www.b.og/aboutb/

    Allowing oundations and the general public to contribute to specic projects o

    Model A sponsors is identical to the practices that large nonprots operating

    multiple programs have successully engaged in or decades. For example, when a

    donation is made to the National Geographic Society, donors can designate their

    gits to one or more o the ve major areas o the National Geographic Societys

    Mission Programs: education, research and exploration, conservation, cultures and

    public outreach.19

    Also oered are additional designation opportunities ranging rom purpose-speci-

    ic unds to special initiatives.20 For example, donors may make charitable contri-

    butionsthatwillgointoafunddedicatedtosavingtheAmboseliLions.21 I this

    were not possible, a separate nonprot would have to be created to protect these

    lions, a time-consuming undertaking that may not be set up until the lions are

    urther endangered.

    Without the ability to donate to this specic project o National Geographic,

    individuals would not be able to oer direct nancial support to the project and

    receive a tax deduction. Using the Public Broadcast Service as another example,

    donations to PBS may be directed to local stations, which oten encourage donorsto designate support or specic programs.22

    Donations to CFS projects and other nonprots operating several programs are,

    properly maintained in accounts that reerence the project or campaign, never the

    individual donor. Ater these donations are made, donors have no control o the

    disposition o the unds. CFS practitioners do not maintain donor advised unds

    and are, thereore, not sponsoring organizations.

    nonpRoFits And the g ReAt Recession

    Although typically utilized on behal o unincorporated projects, CFS is also an

    option worth considering or existing 501(c)(3) public charities. In todays com-

    petitive climate, even nancially healthy nonprots are seeking ways to reduce costs

    and increase efciencies. Many other cash-strapped organizations are being pres-

    sured to alter their mission and composition through merger. Although this trend

    is in its early stages, a small but growing number o nonprots are embracing CFS

    as a model enabling both short-term regrouping and long-term stability.

    continUed need

    Te Great Recession hit the independent sector beore it steamrolled Wall Street

    and Main Street, and its devastating eects continued to aect nonprots even

    ater the dust had settled elsewhere. Many believe the nonprot landscape has beenchanged permanently. Against this backdrop nonprots aced immense pressure to

    Many believe the

    nonprofit landscape has

    been changed permanent

    Against this backdrop

    nonprofits aced immense

    pressure to merge with

    other organizations or old

  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p14

    Having more players in themarketplace o ideas

    ensures that innovative

    ideas are brought to the

    oreront and old, worn-out

    models all by the wayside

    rather than becoming

    institutionally entrenched.

    23 natoal Ct o Catabl stattc

    24 maaoka, Ja, Too Many Nonprofts? NoThere Arent

    Enough Good Nonprofts, T Blu Aocado at tt://



    merge with other organizations or old altogether. Much o this pressure is coming

    rom oundations and government agencies that support nonprot endeavors.

    Weve seen this dynamic beore in down cycles.

    oo many nonprots! can be a popular but misguided mantra voiced by ounda-

    tions during periods o economic crisis. And it is important to note that the

    number o private oundations has ballooned by more than 85% over the past 15years twice the growth rate o the nonprots they serve.23

    Te nonprot sector has indeed experienced substantial growth over the past

    decade. However, this growth came about as the overall economy expanded,

    government social service programs were dramatically cut or eliminated, and civil

    liberties were being attacked. At the same time, income and wage disparities

    between rich and poor grew to unprecedented levels, and the realities o climate

    change were just beginning to be elt.

    Tis is precisely the time that the need or charitable services would logically spike.

    And this need remains as nonprots play a vital role in picking up the pieces and

    creating a sustainable uture.Merger, though appropriate in certain circumstances, is a costly and immensely

    complex option that will not always achieve an optimal or even positive outcome.

    Multiple nonprots with overlapping, complementary services are not necessarily

    indicative o inefciencies requiring remediation. Indeed, one commentator

    suggests that there are actually too ew good nonprots. 24

    Tere is no rule or law dictating that only one nonprot may oer a particular

    service in a given area. Competition breeds innovation and drives efciencies.

    Having more players in the marketplace o ideas ensures that innovative ideas are

    brought to the oreront and old, outmoded models all by the wayside rather

    than becoming institutionally entrenched.

    Further, although it may oten appear that two nonprots are perorming identical

    unctions, a closer examination will oten reveal that their operations are substan-

    tially distinct or oered within a distinct geographic area.

    compRehensiVe FiscAl s ponsoRship FoR the 501(c)(3)

    Many nonprot inefciencies reside at administrative and not programmatic levels.

    Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship addresses these issues by oering a sae haven

    or merger-leery nonprots, preserving their missions while providing high-level

    administrative support and the time and space to regroup. Unlike merger, there is

    never any sense that one organization is being overtaken by another, undermin-

    ing employee morale and service to constituents.
  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    15a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p

    Comprehensive Fiscal

    Sponsorship ofers a

    cheaper, aster, less

    stressul alternative to

    merger. Any nonprofit

    eeling the pressure to

    merge should careully

    consider all available

    options including

    Comprehensive Fiscal


    25 sack, Joata, Lets Slow Down the M&A Express,

    Tsne eD Fou at tt://www.t.og/dou/


    Certainly, the consequences o merger can be devastating. Depending on the

    bargaining power o the parties, a nonprot may nd that post merger its mission

    is diluted or completely lost. Te real losers are the constituents and causes

    squeezed through the cracks during these consolidations. So, the call or nonprot

    merger must be careully weighed against its possible consequences.

    Far rom being a hostile takeover or a predatory acquisition that benets oneparty only, a scal sponsorship transition, done properly, is a creative alternative

    whose objective is to enable the development and nurturing o grassroots solutions

    to community problems.25

    Te organization retains its own brand identity and unique web presence with

    CFS. Absent are time and asset-consuming negotiations over assets or program-

    matic control or direction since the sponsored project will continue to control its

    unding and programs. Tere is no potential board clash as boards may stay intact,

    providing an extra layer o oversight in conjunction with the scal sponsor.

    Nonprots transitioning into a CFS relationship go through a process similar to

    that o unincorporated projects, with a ew minor variations. Tis transition ischeaper and ar less complex than a merger or acquisition. Outside consultants,

    accountants and legal counsel are oten unnecessary. Mission compatibility remains

    a threshold requirement.

    Te employees o the nonprot become employees o the sponsor, gaining access to

    attractive ringe benets administered by the sponsor. Operating unds o the

    nonprot are typically transerred into an account held by the sponsor in the name

    o the project. However, unds not needed to support project operations as well as

    other assets, both real and intangible, may be retained by the nonprot in its own

    separate accounts.

    A memorandum o understanding specically tailored or nonprot projects shouldclearly dene the parameters o the relationship. I this option is exercised, meticu-

    lous records must be maintained by both scal sponsor and the nonprot, encing

    o assets subject to the sponsors control rom those that remain vested with the

    independent 501(c)(3).

    While the project is under the supportive umbrella o a CFS practitioner, its

    corporate and 501(c)(3) designation will not be used in support o the CFS

    projects purposes. I all sta and assets are transerred to the sponsor, the nonprot

    essentially goes into hibernation until the project resumes independent operations.

    When and i independent operations resume and the sponsored project is trans-

    erred back to the 501(c)(3), the entire und balance and other assets residing with

    the sponsor are directed back to the nonprot.
  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p16

    The advantages oComprehensive Fiscal

    Sponsorship are by no

    means limited to small or

    new organizations. The

    flexibility, reduced burden

    on project directors, greater

    capacity, proessional

    expertise, and cost savings

    flow to fiscally sponsored

    projects o all sizes.

    26 Fo o oato sack, Joata, Fiscal

    Sponsorship as a Nonproft Merger Alternative at tt://



    27 All b o t natoal ntwok o Fcal

    soo actc CFs. tt://

    A atoal dctoy o cal oo ca b oud at


    28 See natoal Aocato o pooal eloy

    Ogazato at tt://

    29 Fiscal Sponsorship Field Scan at tt://www.tdct.


    Undoing a merger can be even more complex than creating one, i not impossible.

    Te process or terminating a relationship with a scal sponsor, addressed in the

    Ease o Exit section below is ar simpler. CFS oers a cheaper, aster, less stressul

    alternative to merger. Any nonprot eeling the pressure to merge should careully

    consider all available options including CFS.26Likewise,nanciallyhealthynon-

    prots simply interested in increasing back ofce efciencies and renewing mission

    ocus may wish to investigate what CFS has to oer. 27

    incUb AtoR only?

    Some observers mistakenly believe that scal sponsors are limited to serving as

    incubators or uture independent nonprots. However, like proessional employer

    organizations28 and other shared service models utilized by the private sector, scal

    sponsors requently play a long-term role in the unctioning o charitable endeavors.

    As ar as Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship practitioners are concerned, serving as

    an incubator to uture nonprots is the exception rather than the rule. Results o

    the most thorough survey o scal sponsors to date indicate that less than hal o

    the projects o scal sponsors with over 50 projects have sought to be independent501(c)(3) nonprots.29 Te rate o retention is as high as 80 to 90% with some


    Although CFS practitioners generally adopt and oster the development o young,

    experimental projects, ater these projects mature, they oten remain sponsored

    programs. Te advantages o CFS are by no means limited to small or new organi-

    zations. Te exibility, reduced burden on project directors, greater capacity,

    proessional expertise and cost savings ow to scally sponsored projects o all sizes.

    Tese advantages, both measurable and intangible, oten render leaving the nest

    an unpalatable option or many, i not most, comprehensively sponsored projects.

    the intangible benefits of

    Comprehensive fisCal sponsorship

    Every day, charitable organizations and their sta and volunteers add tremendous

    value to our society. Tis value is oten impossible or prohibitively expensive to

    quantiy. A group oering companionship to the elderly in their last days may not

    add to our national GDP, yet has a proound eect on those served.

    An organization that acilitates physical activity and teaches inner city children

    healthy eating habits may be responsible or millions o dollars in medical cost

    reductions years down the road or which it will never receive credit. An environ-mental nonprot that, through litigation, protects a water supply rom pollution
  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    17a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p

    30 See T noot Ct ntwok at


    31 saca pf,A haven in a high-rent world,

    T Boto Glob at tt://



    saves thousands o lives, though attributing a single saved lie to that organizations

    actions can be elusive.


    value and advance culture with a wealth o benets that are not readily identiable

    and rarely mentioned. Nevertheless they are real. As soon as a project becomes

    scally sponsored and these intangible benets begin to accrue, projects otenreevaluate their independent aspirations.

    Because CFS sta work with a diverse group o projects, they gain valuable knowl-

    edge that they can then pass on to individual projects. Examples include spotting

    and agging potential nancial and human resource concerns beore they become

    problems, understanding the intricacies o unders requirements, and thinking

    strategically about project needs. CFS projects are, thereore, in a better position to

    weather economic downturns, navigating potential human resource issues and

    stretching donor dollars arther.

    Beyond back ofce operations, several sponsors now provide their projects with

    capacity building services designed to inuse the projects with the capabilities andbest practices that the sponsors themselves operate under.

    Tese sponsors oster a culture o sharing with shared back-ofce operations

    being only one component o an accessible network created through CFS. Fiscal

    sponsors that have operated or decades oer their projects access to an extensive

    list o contacts and relationships cultivated over many years. Individuals and groups

    that have worked with comprehensive sponsors in the past realize the immense

    value these organizations bring.

    Tus, requently they are willing to make themselves available, extending their

    expertise and contacts to sponsored projects. Individual projects themselves derive

    great value rom sharing experiences, lessons and best practices with one other.

    FocUs And innoVAtion

    Several organizations are taking the culture o sharing to another level, operating

    nonprot centers, buildings that oer both aordable and stable ofce space to

    nonprots and scally sponsored projects.30 raditionally, nonprots have been

    subject to the ebbs and ows o the real estate market. When rent rates balloon,

    these groups are oten orced to relocate to the ringes o urban centers impeding

    access to public transportation and the constituents they serve.

    Nonprot centers provide a solution to this persistent problem. Tey may consis-

    tent rents oten below market value and may also oer shared conerencespaces, I support, and even lunchtime seminars and yoga classes.31 Having
  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p18

    Sometimes a project

    reaches a point in its

    development where a

    spinof rom its fiscal

    sponsor is appropriate.

    32 Termination o an Exempt Organization at


    signicant numbers o mission driven groups in one location promotes collabora-

    tion and increases networking opportunities through both planned networking

    events and on an inormal basis.

    As noted, Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship urnishes projects with comprehen-

    sive personnel policies, liability insurance, and nancial and administrative exper-

    tise. It also keeps projects abreast o and trained on new government regulations asthey arise. Having these reliable operational mechanisms in place aords project

    leaders peace o mind, eliminating many o the stresses that can derail an opera-

    tion. Tis intangible quality cannot be underestimated.

    A project leaders time and thoughts will not be sidetracked by the plethora o

    issues inherent in managing the back ofce operations o any organization. Project

    sta works towards mission ulllment knowing that administrative tasks and

    compliance matters are being efciently addressed. CFS keeps the engines o their

    projects humming, allowing passionate mission-driven project leaders and sta to

    ocus on the activities that are core to the projects existence.

    ease of exit

    Sometimes a project reaches a point in its development where a spino rom its

    scal sponsor is appropriate. It is imperative that the process and terms o any such

    separation be anticipated and memorialized in the memorandum o understanding

    or similar agreement. Otherwise, unnecessary complications may occur. Under the

    typical memorandum o understanding, the project may retain the unds raised

    and allocated or it along with any real and intangible property it has developed so

    long as it attains its own 501(c)(3) tax-exempt statuses or locates another suitable

    scal sponsor.

    For a number o reasons, projects occasionally cease to operate without being spuno into new entities. Te project may have ullled its purpose or is no longer

    nancially viable. Winding up a projects operations highlights the nal advantage

    scally sponsored projects may realize: ease o exit.

    When a nonprot organization winds up its operations, it must do so in compli-

    ance with IRS requirements. Tis usually entails, at a minimum, completing

    Schedule N on Form 990 and listing the disposition o organizational assets in

    excruciating detail.32When a Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship project terminates

    its operations, all assets previously maintained by the project will simply be spent

    on purposes in urtherance o the sponsors mission.

    Comprehensive Fiscal

    Sponsorship keeps the

    engines o their projects

    humming, allowing

    passionate mission-driven

    project leaders and staf

    to ocus on the activities

    that are core to the

    projects existence.,,id=156422,00.html,,id=156422,00.html
  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    19a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e F i s C A L s p O n s O r s h i p

    Crisis breeds opportunityand organizations

    practicing Comprehensive

    Fiscal Sponsorship represe

    a piece o a young but

    rapidly maturing

    movement in the social

    sector that thrives on

    the sharing o resources

    and inormation.

    33 Ud t law o agcy, a agt act o bal o

    aot o o ogazato. Tat tty a t

    ow to dct ad cotol t actt o t agt.

    Ug t tology to dcb t lato

    btw a 501(c)(3) ad a ojct l tat t

    ojct xt cotol o t oot caty. To

    coly wt irs dctat ad au accoutablty,

    t oo ut walk a l ad lay t ol o

    twad; allowg a gat dal o ojct autooy

    wl xcg al autoty by oly gg of o

    cotact ad ot cubac tat ut

    t caty xt uo ad coly wt all

    alcabl law.

    Further, individual states have various regulations and procedures that must be

    ollowed when a registered entity dissolves. None o these complicated ling

    requirements are present when a scal sponsored project is terminated. Te

    dissolution o the project is simply reected on the scal sponsors Form 990. Te

    use o scal sponsorship eliminates considerable expenses (oten legal) associated

    with complying with dissolution.


    Savvy, orward-looking unders are taking notice o the numerous advantages that

    comprehensive scal sponsors oer and are becoming more receptive to unding

    programs that nd homes at credible sponsors. Tese scal sponsors increasingly

    play the role o project authenticator, vouching or a projects credibility to

    prospective unders. Becoming a program at a reputable Comprehensive Fiscal

    Sponsorship practitioner conveys several messages to oundations, other unders

    and the public. It says:

    1) Tis project has been through a thorough evaluation process that determined ithas the capacity to achieve its underlying objectives.

    2) All back-ofce operations o the project are managed by competent, experienced

    proessionals ensuring maximum transparency.

    3) Project sta members receive proper compensation and preerable benets,

    increasing retention and minimizing burnout.

    4) Te project will be able to ocus on the mission and not be derailed by adminis-

    trative burdens and complex compliance issues.

    A program utilizing Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship also communicates that

    it has the wherewithal to recognize its strengths as a passionate, mission-driven

    organization that properly addresses its need or efcient, seasoned backofce support.

    new solUtions FoR new ReAlities

    Fiscal sponsorship is still sometimes reerred to incorrectly as scal

    agency.33 Fortunately, this outdated terminology is rapidly disappearing. Similarly,

    old assumptions regarding nonprots and the social sector are being shed as new

    realities demand innovative solutions.

    For many years, a premium was placed on the independence o organizations

    operating in the nonprot sector even as the private sector realized the advantages

    oered through shared services, collaborative pricing and strategic outsourcing.Tis thinking is both illogical and counterintuitive. Crisis breeds opportunity and

    organizations practicing Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship represent part o a

    The use o fiscal

    sponsorship eliminates

    considerable expenses

    (oten legal) associated

    with complying with


  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


    a w h i t e p a p e r : O n C O m p r e h e n s i v e i s C a l s p O n s O r s h i p20

    Comprehensive FiscalSponsorship ofers a

    realistic, honest approach

    to not only survive, but

    excel in the challenges

    o our day and those that

    lie ahead.

    young but rapidly maturing movement in the social sector that thrives on sharing

    resources and inormation.

    Creative solutions abound including the multitenant nonprot centers now ound

    throughout the world and alliances o nonprots that turn over their back oce

    operations to one supporting organization, such as the MACC Commonwealth

    currently being pioneered in Minnesota.34

    Likewise, innovative ventures like AnnArbors Nonprot Enterprise at Work (NEW), through their npServM system,

    ofer nonprots shared I services that reduce hardware and sotware costs, increase

    reliability, enhance data security and allow or easy remote access. 35

    Tese orward-thinking organizations and alliances breathe long-term stability into

    groups that, like themselves, are dedicated to strengthening the presence, voice and

    efectiveness o civil society. Tough the methods employed vary, all o these groups

    enable nonprots and progressive grassroots movements to ocus on mission-relat-

    ed activities by assuming or sharing time-consuming and oten complex tasks that,

    though essential, are not mission-related. By transerring jobs to organizations

    better-positioned to perorm them eciently and efectively, precious time and

    money are saved, maximizing the potential impact o the nonprot sector.

    It is crucial to the uture success o Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship and the

    charitable sector in general that oundations and individuals providing nancial

    support to nonprots understand and embrace these solutions. Te bottom line is

    that comprehensive scal sponsorship stretches charitable dollars urther and more

    efectively than typical stand-alone small to midsized nonprots and even many

    larger organizations can. Comprehensive scal sponsorship ofers a realistic, honest

    approach to not only survive, but excel in the challenges o our day and those that

    lie ahead.

    34 maCC Coowt t


    35 nooft et t Wok (neW) t


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  • 7/29/2019 White Paper on Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship


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