
Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and AppCurrent online presence

1. Search Ads2. Display Ads3. Social Ads

1. Search Ads2. Display Ads3. Social Ads

Search AdsTarget Audience

Moment of Purchase

Searching for: “whitecaps tickets” on Google to buy

tickets and season passes from

Search Ads

Search AdsBudget and Timeline

Two sets of Adwords keywords

Keywords Month/s Cost

First “best sports atmosphere” “whitecaps fc” “vancouver sports” “whitecaps” “ole ole ole” “whitecaps schedule 2017” “david ousted” “mls soccer” “vancouver” “season tickets whitecaps” “whitecaps tickets” +whitecaps+tickets, +vancouver+soccer+tickets

March, April, May $1,350

Second “mls soccer vancouver” “vancouver soccer” “professional vancouver soccer” “professional sports vancouver”

April, May $900

That’s 15 dollars a day (max) for each. Whole campaign runs for through March, April and May. About $2,250 total.

2. Display Ads

Display AdsTarget Audience

Active Evaluation

Pushing towards moment of purchase

Display Ads

Display AdsBudget and Timeline

- 30 dollars a day max- March 2nd until May 6th

1. Search Ads2. Display Ads3. Social Ads

Guiding previous customers back to

the Moment of Purchase

Social AdsSeason Ticket - Target Audience

Social AdsSeason Ticket

Social AdsSingle Game Tickets - Target Audience

Social AdsSingle Game Tickets

Social AdsBudget and Timeline

March, April and May

Search Ads $2,250

Display Ads $1,710

Social Ads $2,600

TOTAL $6,560 (max)

SummaryBudget and Timeline

Price Range $34.75-$153.00 (Average of 93.00)Need over 65 conversion (on that average) to see an acceptable ROI

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