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    The year 1988 marked an exodus from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist denomination byseveral dedicated and devout souls that were unified in the doctrine of victory over sin (commonly known asrighteousness by faith). This small group studied the history of the Christian Church and Adventism

    intensely, praying fervently for Gods divine guidance in their plans. The first congregation of CSDA believerswas founded at Spring City, TN in early 1991, and the second assembly was established in the Fall of 1991 in

    Lakeland, FL, under the name of Creation 7th Day Adventist. These former SDA Christians heard a call to

    come out of the General Conference churches in response to the loud cry of the mighty angel of Revelation

    18:1-4. It was their belief that the General Conference Corporation, by unifying with the United States Federal

    Government in their trademarked church name of 1981, had formed an image to the beast as described in

    Revelation chapter 13. It was further believed that through the prosecutions of various trademark violations(1986-1991) the General Conference had met the criteria necessary to become Babylon Fallen which

    necessitated a coming out. A position paper was published in the Fall of 1991 entitled Crucified Afresh!,

    which set forth the basic principles motivating this new movement.

    Following 1991, the CSDA movement spread to Kansas where some souls organized as a local Church inOsawatomie, taking the name Edenbrook Remnant Church of Creation 7th Day Adventists. By 2001 a

    Church covenant was signed at St. Joseph, TN under the name St. Joseph Creation 7th Day & AdventistChurch. Prior to this, a small group of CSDA believers had moved to a farm in Rienzi, MS where they

    established a health recovery outpost for medical ministry purposes.

    The year 2002 saw the group in Rienzi purchase property in Guys, TN where they chartered A Creation

    Seventh Day & Adventist Church, pastored by Walter Chick McGill. McGill opened the first CSDA

    Christian Academy in 2003 on the Guys property as a free private educational opportunity.

    Following the Guys developments, mission trips were made to various parts of the United States and Canada. In

    the Spring of 2005, CSDA work in Canada had its official beginning. By the Fall of 2006, a group ofcovenanted CSDA members were gathered in British Columbia under the leadership of Pastor Abraham Dyck.

    The influence of Creation Seventh Day Adventists has been felt in many countries of the world, with scattered

    believers and sympathizers in India, various regions of Africa, Europe and Australia.

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    With the erroneous and wide-spread belief in the theory of evolution and the popular pagan error of growingin spiritual stature by human efforts (a form of theistic evolution) the 1991 Adventist believers, under the

    inspiration of the Holy Spirit, added as the antithesis and rebuke Creation, to the name 7th Day

    Adventist, which had already been the heritage of their true faith. The identity of the seventh-day Sabbath had

    been variously obscured by Saturday-keepers, Sunday-keepers, and calendar reformers alike; hence, the

    Creation 7th Day in their name served to stress the seventh-day Sabbath of Creation, the day God rested from

    His creative process. Adventist Church in the name signified an Adventist group of called-out ones those

    Christians expecting and looking for the imminent and soon second coming of Christ.

    When combining the two sections of the name, it is proper to insert and, (and), (&), or the moon

    symbol () between Creation Seventh Day and Adventist Church. In order to represent the significant

    doctrinal difference of the New Moon between the General Conference brand of Adventism and the CSDAmovement, the moon symbol is often employed with the ampersand in the center of it. When referring to the

    world-wide CSDA Church the name is rightly styled The Creation Seventh Day (and) Adventist Church and

    when signifying a single local congregation, A Creation 7th Day (and) Adventist Church. The designations

    Seventh and 7th are used interchangeably. (see also: CSDA Logo)

    In the same way that Christians are spiritual Jews, these Adventist Christians, comprising the CSDA body,

    are certainly spiritual Seventh-day Adventists because they keep the Creation 7th Day (seventh day of the

    Gregorian calendar Saturday) as the Sabbath of the Creator, and they anticipate the soon, imminent and

    visible return of the Christ to transport them to the Heavenly City, New Jerusalem. They would, in good

    conscience, refuse to recant their former religious name 7th Day Adventist without direct revelation from

    God. In respect of the most solemn warning in all of Scripture, prohibiting the worship of [agreement with] theimage of the beast, (Rev.14:9-11) and reception of the mark of his name, the least obedience to the

    trademark law would endanger the souls of these worshipers by disobeying the mandate of the Holy Spirit.

    Refusal to obey mans law, when it conflicts with Gods revealed will, is a matter of individual conscience. Wemust obey God rather than man. (Acts 5:29) The trademark law, a human enactment in conflict with the

    religious liberty principles that Adventists have historically upheld, is firmly resisted by Creation 7th Day

    Adventists as traditional Protestants for liberty of conscience.


    The prayer of Christ in John chapter 17, that they all may be one as the Father and the Son are One.

    The Bible alone is the standard for all faith doctrine and practice. The inspired writings ofEllen G. White are

    regarded as a reliable commentary on the Bible.


    To reflect the truth as it is in Jesus by keep[ing] the commandments of God, and [having] the faith of Jesus.

    (Revelation 14:12)

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    To share this experience with the world in both word and deed is their primary goal. By this exemplary

    Christian life of love and unity, the world will know that God sent His only begotten Son into the world that theworld through Him might be saved from sin, suffering, and eternal death. The mission further calls Christians

    and non-Christians alike out of their self-defeating lifestyles and associations into the Sabbath Rest of Christ

    and the holy fellowship of His last visible body in this age the Remnant Church of Revelation 12:17. Final judgment for this planet is imminent; the nations must be warned, and a people prepared to stand blamelessbefore Gods Throne.


    The good news of the gift of Christs life which, when accepted in the new birth experience, provides therecipient with a life of victory over sin and death.

    This Gospel is seen by the Church in its most succinct manner in Revelation 14. The three angelsmessages of Revelation 14, in combination with the mighty angel of Revelation 18, are intended to bring the

    light of salvation to the final generation in which we live. Out of this generation there will be a people which

    will stand without fault before the throne of God. (Rev 14:5) These will be translated to Heaven withoutexperiencing death, as were Enoch and Elijah. The message is given the name The EliYah Message, since it is

    the fulfillment of the prophecy of Malachi 4:5,6 to turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart

    of the children to their fathers... In this is seen the restoration of sound family government which ultimately

    forms solid church government. EliYah will restore all things pertaining to godliness. (Mat 17:11)


    Congregational administration with an association of sister churches.

    The local congregation is autonomous, but inter-dependent on other associated churches in much the way as a

    human body functions with its various systems.

    To the sheep scattered abroad, we have made special provision for holding membership in The Association

    Remnant Church of Creation 7th Day Adventists. By this means, faithful souls scattered the world over may

    participate in finishing the work of righteousness on the earth. Gods providential blessing shall assist Creation

    7th Day Adventist world evangelism through Christian order and unity.


    The Family is the foundation of the Church. Without sound family government the Churchwill not prosper. To restore the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to theirfathers (Mal. 4:6) is of utmost importance to Creation 7th Day Adventists.

    Religious liberty for all people in all religions, sects, etc. The First Amendments freeexercise clause is fundamental to all religious freedoms in the U.S. Individuality in religion is a sacred trust.

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    * Absolute separation of Church and State. Respect for the authority of the State and submission to it is required.

    Since the members citizenship is in Heaven, they have no desire to be involved in the politics of earthly kingdoms.Christs kingdom is not of this world, but State laws congruent with Gods Law must be obeyed.

    * Literal creation by God, specifically, Christ, the Son. He spoke the world into existence in six literal days andrested the seventh day which is the original seventh-day Bible Sabbath. (Exodus 20:8-11)

    * Christ is the only Head of the Church. There are no visible presidents, popes, etc. The Church is a priesthood of

    believers, all identical in grace and dignity.

    * Christian education is to be totally separate from public education. Home schooling is recommended, and church

    schools should be established where practical, and without State jurisdiction.

    * Country living is preferred to city lifestyle. Living a life as simply and naturally as possible away from stressful

    influences is encouraged.

    * Separation from the world in custom is emphasized. The common amusements of the world are avoided(e.g., theater, sports, billiard rooms, dance halls, saloons, most television). Competition is considered detrimental to

    proper spiritual and physical development.

    * The true Christian virtues are exemplified in the fruit of the Spirit and a consistent model life. This fruit is

    composed of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.(Gal


    * The new birth is an experience of total victory over past sinful habits and the incremental discovery ofadditional personal faults with subsequent victory in those areas. Desires are changed; tastes are different; the

    temperament is refurbished; the mind is renewed in the image of the Christ. Everlasting life has begun in thebeliever.

    * The faith of Jesus transcends the concept of His teachings. It is actually the experience of His life how He

    behaved in every situation. The truly born again Christian possesses the faith of Christ which is to know Him.

    (John 17:3; Col 1:27)

    * Baptism spiritually symbolizes the Funeral, (death to self) and the Wedding (marriage to Christ). The ordinance

    of Baptism is only administered after close examination of the baptismal candidate, seeing that the fruits of

    repentance are manifested beforehand. Upon completion of the Baptismal Ceremony, a copy of the Creation 7thDay Adventist Baptismal Vow is provided to the new member including date and sealed signatures of both the

    candidate and officiating elder(s).

    * The sacred name of God, or , is transliterated YAH or YHVH. (Psalms 68:4) The most accurate

    transliteration of the name of Gods Son, , is YAHSHUA (not Jesus). The third commandment of theDecalogue promises the Christian that he will not take the name of YAH in vain while being in covenant

    relationship with Him.

    * The Bible is YAHs personal love letter to each person, sharing vital promises by which individuals become

    partakers of the divine nature. All of the Ten Commandments are intended to be divine promises to the believer.

    For the Christian, Heaven begins on the earth.

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    * The Word of YAH does exactly what It says It will do. The living Word always creates life. The spoken word

    has creative potential and must be regulated strictly.

    * The universe is ruled by immutable laws, (both natural and spiritual) ordained and maintained by the Creator.

    Life is much easier to understand when circumstances are reasoned from cause to effect. Teach children to reasonfrom cause to effect, and they will have sound mental health. Relationships are more harmonious and secure when

    the principles of agreement and honesty are applied. There is always enough of anything you need in this life.

    There is never a reason to worry as long as you are living in harmony with YAHs spiritual and physical laws.

    * God is Love, and only persons who partake of that unconditional love will reside in the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Willingness to obey the Law of YAH from a heart of love and unreserved devotion is evidence that YAHs love has

    been implanted in the soul. The Creation 7th Day (Sabbath) of the fourth commandment is Loves signbetween God and man. (see Ezek 20:12, 20)

    * The Biblical feast days have never been abolished. Special blessings are to be experienced in their observance.

    YAH ordained daily worship, weekly worship, monthly worship, and annual worship for His children. God desiresus to meet Him at the appointed times.

    * The new moon day is the appropriate time to celebrate the Lords Supper. This is called The Festival of

    Humility, and is observed monthly in the dark of the moon. The new moon festival will be kept in the New

    Earth along with the Sabbath. (Isa 66:22, 23)

    * Pagan holidays, such as Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentines Day, and other Roman Catholic festivals are

    generally unrecognized. The keeping of these traditions can be spiritually detrimental.

    * Health is an important aspect of holiness. There are eight laws of health:

    1. Good Nutrition2. Exercise on a regular schedule

    3. Pure Water (inside and outside the body)

    4. Sunshine5. Temperance (moderation in all things healthful, and abstinence from all harmful products)

    6. Fresh, Pure Air

    7. Rest for the Mind and Body

    8. Trust and Rest in the Creator

    * Alternative and natural healing methods are preferred to conventional ones. Physicians, educated in nutrition, and

    who refrain from the use of drugs, are commonly sought for medical counsel and/or treatment.

    * A vegetarian diet is highly recommended. Total abstinence from the unclean meats is a rule. Simple and

    natural fruits, grains, nuts, and vegetables in proper combinations are most wholesome.

    * Communication is very critical to success in family, church, business, and social relationships. Violence is not an

    option for any situation.

    * There are three Sabbaths: 1. The Jewish Sabbath observed on Saturday no particular spiritual rest implied,

    2. The Papal Sabbath observed on Sunday in violation of the Ten Commandment Law, and 3. The Creation 7th Day

    Sabbath of YAH, which is the essence of spiritual rest from all human effort to make oneself acceptable to God.

    This peaceful experience is a routine daily walk, but specially observed symbolically from sundown Friday until

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    sundown Saturday. During this holy time there is to be no work, no buying or selling, only communion with God

    and His creation including church worship and fellowship. This is the Great Family Day together.

    * The Creation 7th Day, when observed in the beauty of holiness, will teach one that to bring suit in civil court

    for a redress of grievances is a disgrace to God and His Church. All desiring to exalt the holy name of YAH willrefrain from initiating any civil court action (after the action is initiated against a member, an appropriate answer to

    the charge is fitting and encouraged).

    * No man has any righteousness of himself. Every good gift comes from the God of Heaven. Therefore the name

    and character of the true Church or Body of believers is YAH is Our Righteousness. (Jer 23:6; 33:16) This

    describes their eternal heritage bestowed from Heaven.

    * The gifts of the Spirit are active in Gods Remnant Church of Creation 7th Day Adventists. Among the greatest

    of all modern prophets, Ellen G. White (died 1915) penned more than 5,000 periodical articles and 26 books, taken

    from her 55,000 pages of manuscript. She is the most translated woman writer in all the history of literature, and the

    most translated American author. Her counsel is effectual for the people of God expecting to witness the soonSecond Advent of Christ.

    * The Second Advent of Christ is the culmination of Gods plan for mans restoration and complete salvation. It is

    the blessed hope of every true Christian. Members expect Christ to return in this generation.

    * The character of YAH has been misrepresented by evil men and fallen angels. The concept of a burning hell in

    which sinners are tortured forever and ever is absurd. The God of love does not destroy, but the unrepentant sinner

    destroys himself by his unrelenting rebellion against Gods law of love. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he alsoreap. (Galatians 6:7) Obedience to YAHs immutable laws insures a life of blessing.

    * Satan is a fallen angel and a deceitful foe. He, along with his innumerable company of demons, will harassmankind as long as time shall last. He cannot, however, force anyone to sin or break his or her conscience withoutconsent. For this reason, the Christian who trusts in the word of YAH, prays for constant deliverance, and acts upon

    the faith of YAHSHUA, cannot be overcome by the enemy of souls. The power of righteousness is greater than

    that of unrighteousness.

    * The Gift of Individuality is cherished. While Christian dress and deportment are required, each individual

    member exercises the ultimate discretion of individual conscience.

    * Membership in labor unions and secret societies is strictly avoided.

    * War is condemned as an evil. As conscientious objectors, members may serve in the armed forces in nationalemergencies as medics or in other non-combatant capacities.

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    We, the undersigned, do hereby seal ourselves together in covenant as the Church of Yah, who is the Creatorof Heaven and earth (Psalm 68:4, Exo 20:11). By this action we declare our membership in the body of Christ,

    maintaining His absolute and sole ownership, supreme authority, supervision, and Providential guidance of this


    Thusly, being identified as __(tribal name OR "A")__CREATION 7TH DAY (&) ADVENTIST CHURCH,

    and in harmony with Rev. 14:12, we covenant to keep the commandments of YAH and the faith of

    YAHSHUA, accepting His character as our heritage and seal: YAH IS OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (Jer 23:6;33:16).

    For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them. (Matthew 18:20)

    Where Christ is, even among the humble few, that is Christs church, for the presence of the High and Holyone who inhabiteth eternity can alone constitute a church. (Upward Look, page 315)

    Those who keep Gods commandments, those who live not by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth

    out of the mouth of God, compose the church of the living God. (1 MR, page 296, 1890)

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