Page 1: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds

Who We AreBy Owein L.

Page 2: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds

Material Goods

Page 3: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds


There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds of foods I like. Pizza, Hot Dogs, Spaghetti with red sauce, and the most wonderful food in the world (drum roll please), Carmel Gelato Ice cream. In the morning I have a bagel with cream cheese, at lunch I have a ham and cheese rap or just a sandwich, and for diner there are many things that I eat, pizza, soup, pasta, and much much more.

Page 4: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds


Out here in Vermont the temperature varies a lot. In the summer it is about 80 degrees, which is pretty hot for us so I wear shorts and a t-shirt. In the Winter when there is a thick layer of snow on the ground I wear long pants and a long sleeve shirt and or a t-shirt with a sweat shirt. When I go outside I would wear snow pants, a hat., a jacket, and boots. In between these to seasons are spring and fall where I usually wear both long and short pants and long and short shirts.

Page 5: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds


Some of the many tools that I use to help me get through my life are my computer, which I use to get my school work done, my Itouch which I use to communicate with friends and family, and my cell phone which I use to call and communicate with my family. I Also have to do my chores around the house so I use a tractor to move things and A lawn mower for when the grass gets to long.

Page 6: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds


My parents are divorced so I have two houses. My mom lives in a small village named Bristol and my dad lives kind of out in the middle of know where. My dad has a wood stove but also dry heating while my mom just has dry heating. We have triangular roof so that the snow and water runs down the sides and doesn’t collapse your house.

Page 7: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds


We use mostly cars such as Subaru’s and trucks because they get around much easier in the snow and the mud. Both my parents have a Honda fit and my dad has a minivan. I also live in a village so I also ride my bike and skate board a lot too.

Page 8: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds

Personal PossessionsI own many things but the most important are the one’s that I list below. I have an Itouch, a computer, a phone, a TV, and of course a bed.

Page 9: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds

The Arts, Entertainment, Recreation

Page 10: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds


I like many different types of music but my favorites are pop and rap. I like the use of techno and music combined. I have many favorite artists and it is hard to pick which on I like the most, but I think it would be Imagine Dragons.

Page 11: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds

SportsI am big into sports and play a variety of them. In the spring and fall I play soccer. In the Spring I also play lacrosse. In the winter I ski and play basketball, and in the summer I bike and swim. My favorite sport is soccer though.

Page 12: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds


We have bowls, plates, and cups that we use on a daily basis for eating and drinking. The designs in them are mostly of nature and scenic backgrounds.

Page 13: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds


Most of the art that is created in Vermont is about our mountains and sunsets. They are mostly about nature and really capturing the moment. I have draw many landscapes in art over the years and have liked doing so.

Page 14: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds


The dance up hear varies depending on the person and the music. Such as swaying, head banging, and or the robot. I am not much of a dancer but I like the robot kind of dancing kind of dancing.

Page 15: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds

Social Organization

Page 16: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds

Family Roles

My mom and my dad are divorced so I live in two different house. They provide the food, clothes, and shelter for my sister and I. Some of the many jobs I have around each house are, going to school, do my homework, mowing the lawn, vacuum and clean the house, clean the car, and do my laundry.

Page 17: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds


Page 18: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds


When I do Good in School or do my chores my parents sometimes instead of giving me money take me out to dinner or give me a sweet. I often trade stuff with my sister too such as candy, toy or other possessions.

Page 19: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds

Manufacturing And Producing

Vermont is a farming state and some of the major products produced that we sell are Maple Syrup, Milk and cheese, and corn. We are also home to a great manufacturing company Ben and Jerry's, which sells hard Ice cream.

Page 20: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds


My dad lives and works at the Audubon. The Audubon is a non profit organization that protects nature. I live right on the property and there is a whole forest behind me. My dad bands birds and also goes out onto the lake to help a bird called the common tern. My mom works for the Vermont Community Foundation where she gives out grants to people who need it.

Page 21: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds


Page 22: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds

Informal Education

Some of the many things that I have learned form my family and friends are driving, hand writing, eating correctly, and playing soccer. There are so many more that I couldn’t even begin to list them.

Page 23: Who We Are By Owein L.. Material Goods Food There are many types of food that have a place in my list of favorite foods. These are just some of the hundreds


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