
Why should you cite your work?

How do you cite a book?

Are there different ways to cite work?

What is citation?

How do you cite an encyclopedia?How do you cite a website?

How do you cite a magazine?What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism examples

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What is citation?

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When your teachers assign research projects, you go to books, encyclopedias, websites, Discus, and other sources to find out what you need to know.

Since you are using information created by other people, you must give them credit. You do this by “citing” their work. This means that at the end of your report or presentation you tell where you found your information and who is responsible for creating the book, website, etc. that the information came from.

To see examples of different styles of citation, click on the question, “Are their different ways to cite work?”

Why should you cite your work?

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Just as you shouldn’t get paid for a job someone else did, you shouldn’t take credit for ideas that are not yours. Citing the work lets the reader or audience know whose ideas you are presenting.

However, any comments, opinions or ideas that are yours alone do not need to be cited.

Are there different ways to cite work?

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MLA (Modern Language Association) Used for literature, arts, and humanitiesSachar, Louis. Wayside School is Falling

Down. New York: Scholastic, 2001. APA (American Psychological Association) Used for psychology, education and other social sciencesSachar, Louis. (1999). Wayside School is Falling

Down. New York: Scholastic.

Chicago Used by books, magazines, newspapers, and other non-scholarly publicationsSachar, Louis. 1999. Wayside School is Falling

Down. New York: Scholastic.

Turabian Used by college studentsSachar, Louis. 1999. Wayside School is Falling

Down. New York: Scholastic.

There are various styles that are used, depending upon the researcher, audience and purpose for which the research will be used. Here are a few styles, the purposes they are generally used for, and an example of how to cite a book in each.

The examples given in the rest of this presentation are in MLA style.

How do you cite a book?

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To cite a book you would write the author’s last name (comma , ) first name (period . ) the name of the book (underlined __ with a period after it . ) the city in which the book was published (colon : ) the name of the publisher (comma , ) and the copyright date of the book (period . )

If this takes more than one line, you must double space and the second line would be indented.

This information can be found on the copyright page, usually after the title page of the book.

Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. Star Trek Chronology: The History

of the Future. New York: Pocket, 1993.

Snicket, Lemony. The Slippery Slope. New York: HarperCollins, 2003.

How do you cite an encyclopedia?

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An encyclopedia article is cited in this order: author’s last name (comma , ) author’s first name (period . ) the name of the article in quotation marks with a period after the name and before the last quotation mark (“. ”) the name of the encyclopedia (underlined __ with a period after it . ) the edition (period . ) and the copyright year (period . )

Sturgeon, Theodore. “Science Fiction.” The Encyclopecia Americana.

International ed. 1995.

How do you cite online sources?

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Many times website information is a little more difficult to find. Many times the information will be found in a link on the bottom or side of the pages. Sometimes the “contact” link has information on the author of the website.

The citation is as follows: the author’s last name (comma , ) first name (period . ) the title of the website underlined (period . ) the date the website was posted or updated, the name of the organization that produced the site, the date you visited the website and the website’s URL (web address) inside of angled brackets < > followed by a period.Brown, Joan Marie. An Online Resource Page for Middle School Students.

4/10/03. Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency.

2/18/04. <>.

How do you cite a magazine or periodical?

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Magazine and periodical articles are cited this way: author’s last name (comma , ) first name (period . ) the name of the article in quotations with a period before the last quotation mark “. ” the name of the magazine (underlined __) the publication date of the magazine (colon :) and the pages the article was on (period . )

This information can be found at the beginning or end of the article and on the front of the magazine.Gawande, Atul. “The Man Who Couldn’t Stop Eating.” New Yorker.

July 2, 2001: 66-75.

What is plagiarism?

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Plagiarism is taking someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. This includes copying an encyclopedia article word for word, borrowing passages from books, articles or websites without identifying them, and copying and pasting parts of online articles and handing them in as your work.

Plagiarism is stealing – donPlagiarism is stealing – don’’t do it – TEACHERS CAN TELL!t do it – TEACHERS CAN TELL!


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Works Cited

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Dewey, Russ. APA Research Style Crib Sheet. January 2003. Georgia Southern University. 2/20/04.


Delaney, Robert. Citation Style for Research Papers. Long Island University. 2/20/04.


DeCourcy, Delia, Breda Dyck, Glenn Gurley, Karen Kliegman, and Cathy McQuone. Midlink Magazine.

2/21/04. <>

Moder Language Association. Frequently Asked Questions about MLA Style. 2004. 2/22/04.


Procter, Margaret. How Not to Plagiarize. September 14, 2003. University of Toronto. 2/22/04.


Beverly Hall for CLIS 761 February 23, Beverly Hall for CLIS 761 February 23, 20042004

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