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Why you Should Rethink the Value of Your Brain 01 March 2016

Given the competition for your brain's attention, no wonder our brains are so-easily overwhelmed.

Limit the impacts on your performance by rethinking how you value and use your brain.

Given the constant bombardment of distractions competing

for your brain's attention, I'm going to start by simply

saying "thank you" for taking the time to look at this post.

I really do appreciate it, because:

We live and work in a world

not wired for thinking space.

A perplexing glut of information, data and choices

Endless streams of emails and messages

Exhausting meeting schedules

Change and uncertainty at every turn

The burning temptation and expectation to be

"always on"

No wonder our brains are so-easily distracted and, at

times, overwhelmed.

The natural limitations of the brain

But we can't place the blame solely on the external world:

our brain is playing its part too.

Our brains operate under a number of natural limitations,

there by evolutionary design, but nevertheless hampering

us at work. And it turns out, one of the best ways to

overcome those limits is know what they are.

Brain Limitation #1: Energy Intensive

The brain is extremely energy-hungry. And so the brain

resists new thinking.

Brain Limitation #2: Limited Capacity

The "thinking brain" has just a fraction of your brain's full


Brain Limitation #3: Serial Processor

The conscious brain cannot perform more than one process

at a time. And so relegates other thinking.

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+44 (0) 7976 751 095 [email protected]

Brain Limitation #4: Extremely Fussy

The brain needs just the right neurochemistry to operate at

its best. And rarely achieves that.

Brain Limitation #5: Easily Distracted

Your brain is constantly bombarded with distractions.

And so easily moves off-task.

Brain Limitation #6: Easily Threatened

Our brain's threat state is easily-aroused. And so our brain

downgrades its own (thinking) function.

Brain Limitation #7: Hardwired Perception

The brain sees the world according to its own hardwiring.

And so struggles for different perspectives.

Focusing your attention

The brain is an attention economy. Look again at those

limitations above, and you might agree that if you could

only guide your attention, those limitations would have

less negative impact on your day.

So without wanting to overload your already-taxed brain;

yet still wanting to help you better-manage the challenge:

here's a simple focusing technique to guide your attention

to the task at hand.

1. Notice

Start by simply noticing what’s in the background. Any

preoccupations or dominant thoughts. Keep it light: be the

independent observer of your thinking.

2. Acknowledge

Very simply and succinctly acknowledge those thoughts,

either to yourself or to your coach. Keep it high-level and

out of the detail. “I’m thinking about that big project I need

to initiate.”

3. Label

In literally a word or two, label the emotion attached to

that thought. Again, keep it out of the detail and succinct:

in a word or two only. “The feeling around that is:


4. Park

In whatever way works for you, park the issue. Sweep it

away, stick it in a drawer, put it on the shelf. Essentially,

giving yourself permission to park it and think about

something else.

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+44 (0) 7976 751 095 [email protected]

Understanding the brain for peak performance

One delightful finding to come out of more recent brain

research is that understanding a little about how the brain

works leads to improved performance. Aside from the

opportunity to take steps to counter the autopilot (like the

focusing technique above), it's also a natural reappraisal

mechanism: "ah, that's just my brain doing what it does",

you can say.

It doesn't stop there. And I'm sure you're already starting

to think of things you can do (prioritise first, write lists,

creativity first thing, email inbox later) to start adapting

your working habits to your brain's preferred ways of


There's never been a better time to re-think how you

value and use your brain.

Dan Beverly is a leadership and performance coach helping high-calibre, high-

performing professional women embrace the pivotal career moments.

His mission is to inspire possibility in others: to help us excel in careers without

compromise; and to leave us feeling energised and uplifted by a new future.

Go online to book your complimentary “Session Zero” with Dan – and start

capitalising on your pivotal career moments today.

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