
Why Your SEM Strategy Isn’t Working

This world has become increasingly complex for even the most experienced marketers to navigate.

Here are 3 reasons why your current SEM strategy isn’t working…

1| Your Keyword Strategy Isn’t Good Enough

1. determines user intent 2. attempts to find pages that match

broad topics rather than specific words.

Google’s recently updated search engine algorithm now:


Marketers need to mix in short-tail & long-tail keywords to broaden their reach.

2| You’re Relying On the Same Old Call to Action

The best CTAs in the modern marketing climate will be…


Simple | Personal | Inspiring

Think out of the box and invest in A/B testing to ensure you have a strong Call-to-Action.

3| You’re Changing Too Radically

If you’re radically changing your strategy every few weeks in response to small changes with Google’s algorithm update, you could sabotage yourself.

Instead, stick to established SEO practices and keep your eye on upcoming trends.

Want to learn more?

Check out the full article on our blog at:

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