Page 1: Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015 ... the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with Nobel Peace Laureate to be announced soon. Past, present


Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015

“Fireworks, like friendship and laughter, light up the human spirit”



This Bulletin and details about Winchester Rotary UK are available at:

Page 2: Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015 ... the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with Nobel Peace Laureate to be announced soon. Past, present


Lunch Meeting Monday 5 Oct.

Winchester Rotary meets on the first

and third Monday in each month in

the Royal Hotel at lunchtime 1.00 p.m.

President Anthony Arkwright chaired

the Meeting on 5th October.

Siri Borchgrevink from Bjugi Rotary, in

Norway, gave a colourful presentation.

She was accompanied by Ragnhild and

her aunt Tone.

There was the customary résumé of

past events and the informative

advertisements of forthcoming


On Monday 19th October two

potential Georgia Scholars introduced

themselves and explained why their

applications to take a Gap year in

America has a strong appeal to them.

We wish them every success.

Luke Addison mentioned the plans for

the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with

a Nobel Peace Laureate to be

announced soon.

Past, present and future projects and

issues were discussed with interest.

The new website was explained by Jim

Hull (see right) and further information

will be in the December Bulletin.


Monday 19 Oct.


Lunch Meeting

Anthony Arkwright, Ragnhild

Gabrielsen and Tone Oftedal

Hampshire Room, Royal Hotel,


President Anthony Arkwright and Siri


David Farthing and Ragnhild Gabrielsen

Simon Theobalds and Luke Addison.

Torrin Hoynes, Anthony Arkwright,

Casey Dugan and Denis Welstead.

Jim Hull and Mike Tilbury

Jon Pierce and Chris Nutt

Jim Sawyer with a Rotary International

Vintage Car Badge. To buy, contact Jim.

Trotters Independent Trading Co.

Jim Sawyer’s Uncle Dick was

President (1961-62) and his vintage

car badge is up for sale with the

proceedings going to charity.

Hampshire Room, Royal Hotel,



4.5 Litre Blower Bentley Le Mans

To whom it may concern: Whether

you own a three wheeler like Del

Boy and Rodney or a swish Bentley

this badge will add value.

Vintage item Carpe diem

Bjugi Rortary project in Norway


Page 3: Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015 ... the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with Nobel Peace Laureate to be announced soon. Past, present


Geoff Cox and Richard Chisnell with Friends

of Royal Hampshire County Hospital.

President Anthony

Attending District meetings and group 4

meetings has allowed me to get to

know more Rotarians from further

afield and I love hearing about their

successes and how they solve their


Whilst we able are to create an

admirable output in Winchester, the

Conference is a reminder that we are

part of a much greater organisation,

indeed two; Rotary International in

Great Britain and Ireland and Rotary

International itself, the largest charity in

the world. It is as part of Rotary

International that we make such a

difference around the world, most

notably the 'End Polio Now' campaign.

your ideas. At the same time, I echo

Karen McCleery's request for

suggestions for speakers for 2016.

Welcome Sara Rollason who joined us

in October, I am pleased to see you

now firmly among us and I am sure

we are unlikely to meet another

medical model maker.

I am pleased we have two more

prospective members in the pipeline

and I hope you are all looking out for

guests to invite.

Please remember to put your names

down for Fireworks Night, we are still

short of volunteers and as I write,

only half of members have responded

to the web site. Anthony Arkwright

The International and Foundation

teams have a diverse range of

causes and of course more of you

would be welcome to join them to

further those causes or even bring

new ones to their attention.

A ‘Thank you’ to Nick Bell for

arranging a lovely evening for the

Winchester contingent and a

congratulations to Rotaractor Luke

Addison for a most confident

presentation in front of 500


We have again received some

fabulous Rotarian visitors, from

USA, Australia, Malaysia and from

Norway. In place of the customary

banner, we received a Viking ship

from Norway - not quite sure where

we should display this!

Surely the highlight of our

programme at home this month was

the demonstration of the

preparation of Sushi by Rotarian Miff

Kayum and his chef Daniel. It was

clear we had some enthusiasts of

Japanese food amongst us and

perhaps a few more were

converted? If so, or you need a

second try, pop along to Miff's Kyoto

Kitchen in Parchment Street.

This evening was also a success for

being a more informal evening with

an earlier start.

Many of you have asked for more

variety for evening meetings and as

we head towards the second half of

our Rotary year, I would welcome

The big event since the Marathon was

the District Conference. Twelve

Winchester Rotarians and their

partners made the trip to Bristol this

year and not only heard some great

presentations but also networked with

members from other clubs.

District 1110 Conference in Bristol

Ian Murray, Rotarian Anna O’Brien and Alan

Titchmarsh (University Chancellor).

Congratulations for honouring

more than 100 years of service

to the Friends of Royal County

Hospital (see left). Richard

Chisnell takes over as Chairman

from Geoff Cox.

Community Star Award was

awarded to Anna O’Brien,

Chairman of the Hospital Radio

and champion of many causes.

Many congratulations to Anna.

Community Hospital Radio Hospital Friends

Rotarian Miff Kayum’s Kyoto Kitchen

Fireworks Night in the highstreet & park

Page 4: Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015 ... the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with Nobel Peace Laureate to be announced soon. Past, present


Breakfast Meeting

Careers and Educational Guidance [email protected]

Winchester Rotary Bulletin Sponsor

Wednesday 21 Oct.

Winchester Rotary offers a monthly

Breakfast Meeting in the Hampshire

Room of the Royal Hotel.

The meal of a ‘Full English’ of more

modest ‘Continental’ spread starts at

7.30 am, and at 8.00 am.

Guests are invited to introduce

themselves for a couple of minutes.


Fiona Whitehouse and Nadine Perry

anticipating their breakfast.

Dominic Hiscock, Richard Spalding, Jim Hull, Rob Carter, Nadine Perry & Lt.Col.Mark Cox.

Mark Butcher and Paul Ratcliffe

appreciating the ‘Full English’ option.

Joe Bright setting an example with the

healthy ‘Continental’ option.

Rob Carter (Chairman) & Lt.Col.Mark Cox.

Fiona Whitehouse and Mark Witt.

Richard Spalding: mobile okay post meal.

David Wills’ good taste in reading.

Chairman Rob Carter invited several

Members to report on any recent

activities and to highlight projects which

will be run at home or abroad.

The Breakfast finishes at 8.30 which

allows some networking for those who

do not have to rush away to their

morning’s work.

Do visit the website for other details:

Not to be seen

during the meal!



Page 5: Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015 ... the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with Nobel Peace Laureate to be announced soon. Past, present


John Eade (Proposer), Sara Rollason (New

Member) and President Anthony Arkwright.

I was born in Hertfordshire but

spent most of my younger years in

and around London. I am a country

girl at heart with an artist in my

soul. My background is in Art. I

completed my foundation at The

Chelsea School of Art then chose to

specialise in fine art illustration at

the City & Guilds of London Art


At the City and Guilds I met and

became engaged to David. After

graduating, David and I rented a

studio which enabled us to carry on

our study of Art. I freelanced, taking

on commissions for portraits while

studying on a couple of Open

University foundation courses.

David went on to attend The Royal

Academy. We exhibited in a few

small open studio exhibitions.

I married my childhood sweetheart.

We had two children, both girls,

now grown up. We divorced sadly. I

enrolled in a post graduate course

with the Medical Artists

Association, where I met my second

husband Anthony. Three years later

Anthony developed a rare form of

leukaemia. We were together five

years, a short life time. I lived in

and out of hospital with him.

We married when the stem cell

transplant looked like being a

success. One year later I was a


I am a Grandmother and work now as

Managing Director of the Medical

Model Making Company founded by

my late husband. It took a great deal

of tenacity, hard work and a huge

amount of advice to eventually

stabilise and secure the Company’s

future. I love the creative side of the

research and development. I love

that our models enhance the training

of specialists who in turn perform

better and save lives.

Prior to my first marriage I worked as

PA to the Church Urban Fund Officer,

making up and distributing fund

raising packs.

Monday 12 Oct.

I am profoundly passionate about

certain causes and have

campaigned vehemently for those

who cannot speak for themselves –

I have collected for and donated to

various charities, particularly

cancer. I promote and sign various

petitions for varied causes that

move me in some way.

I would like to join the Rotary as I

just feel I have so much to give. I

am a great problem solver and will

constantly strive to find solutions. I

have a need to feel that my life will

make a positive difference to

someone else’s existence. We are

all victims of life under the slings

and arrows of outrageous fortune. I

like to believe as human beings we

will help each other through those

times. I enjoy listening to various

members talk about their work,

work that has helped those less

fortunate than themselves. It gives

me hope and a great deal of

pleasure to believe that people

have such a positive effect on the


Interests include Art, Eclectic taste

in music – Opera, Verdi, Bob Dylan.

Classic Literature. Poetry. Film. Fine


Membership Sara Rollason

Inspiring Goalball Youth Supporter Pudsey

Rotary logos shining bright on their arms.

See good RIBI Aug/Sept. magazine article.

They will be working closely with

Pudsey during the coming year.

Last year, Chief Exec. of Goalball UK

with Adam and Bridget Knott met the

national Executive Committee of Inner

Wheel in the hope that they will

support the Ladies GB Goalball Team.

Do come along and support their

training at Peter Symonds. November

dates are 7th and 28th 9.30 to 2.30 for

all teams and special elite training on

8th Nov 10 – 2 pm.

You’ll be inspired! David Farthing

Great News from Winchester Goalball

Club which most members will know

we helped launch during the time of

the London Paralympics.

They are proud to announce that they

have been awarded approximately

£5500 from Children in Need to

support their members who are

under the age of 18.

Winchester Rotary provided a

reference for this award which will

help fund training, travel, tournament

and volunteers costs.

Optimum House, Winnall Valley Road, Winchester, SO23 0LD

'Good old fashioned service'

Winchester Rotary Bulletin Sponsor

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01962 856 900

'Care in your own home'

Page 6: Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015 ... the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with Nobel Peace Laureate to be announced soon. Past, present


Salisbury to… Fundraising Clarendon Marathon


“Amazingly well organised and a big

THANK YOU to the marshals and


“The marshals were brilliant - all with

a happy smiley face and words of


“Really well done and thank you to

the Rotary clubs for taking on the

event again this year. It was really

enjoyable and must be a logistical

nightmare to organise!”

“The number of runners was good -

not too many (hassle and stress free,

friendly), not too few (good


Runners World: “For me it beats any

major city marathon; it's personal and you

really feel like part of the event and not

just a number amongst thousands.

Ron Venturi (Winchester Hospital

Radio) and Giles Peck (Finish Co-

ordinator). “A fantastic day out!”

Alan Darlington (Welcome Station

Co-ordinator). “Handwriting on the

goody bag was a very nice touch.”

Bookings this year were 1,050. A

good 10% or so of those who book

don’t actually show up on the day!

“heaps of marshals (e.g. Brian Bull

and Anne Weaver) to keep you on

the well-marked course.”

Rotaract President, Ross Buchan

and President Anthony Arkwright,

host to Mayoral party at Kings’ Sch.

“The volunteers were great… and

the run was awesome!”… (Above:

John Eade and Fiona Whitehouse.)

The St. John’s Ambulance Service

provided an effective and efficient

charitable first aid service. Thanks.

Congratulations to all the 'new

management'; it was brilliant. Leaders

JJ & Sue Heath - Caldwell (see above).

Helen Brown and Jim Baker cyclists.

“I loved the countdown signs to the

end. They were very motivating.”

Page 7: Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015 ... the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with Nobel Peace Laureate to be announced soon. Past, present


…Winchester Clarendon Marathon Fundraising


“I have completed the run a number

of times and keep coming back.

Lovely route and great smiles and

support from the many marshals.”

“Lovely to take part as a team.

Beautiful scenery, first class

organisation fabulous day out.”

“This is a great race with an

atmosphere second to none.”

“This was my first ever marathon and

as I was told many times around the

route, "Wow, a tough one for your

first!" I loved every minute of it!”

£11,500 for their many charities and

such good causes as the Anthony

Nolan Trust for blood cancer.

“I have nothing but praise for the

organisation, marshals, helpers,

checkpoints, T-shirts, medals etc.”

This year 858 finished the course,

including the runner (above) after

cramp 20 yards from the line!

Turnover for this year (2015) will

probably be just over £34,000 net.

An encouraging record amount.

“Fantastic organisation from the

buses to the start line, to the bus at

the end and back to the car.”

“Scouts were shouting out to me

like I was their biggest sporting

hero, willing me on to the finish.”

Opportunities to advertise: “New

Energy Fitness” (above) and put into

practice. "Don't change a thing"!

“No better way to experience the

glorious Hampshire countryside.”

Mother and daughter combination.

“Especially appreciated the hot

drinks, cakes and goodies served by

the charities at and near the finish!”

“Excellent information and maps

provided on change-over points.”

Father and daughter combination.

Page 8: Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015 ... the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with Nobel Peace Laureate to be announced soon. Past, present


District Conference

Literacy in a Box Trust

Saturday morning’s session included

presentations from RYLA, Hope and

Homes, Tom Yendell on Flat Spaces,

and LifeLab. After the break we were

entertained by two superb Young

Musicians, followed by Jonathon

Porritt on “Population Matters”. The

session closed with a motivational

speaker/comedian who hit exactly

the right note.

President Anthony, his wife Annie

and twenty of us attended the annual

Rotary District Conference held this

year in the City Centre Marriott

Hotel, Bristol over the weekend of 9-

11th October.

Such Conferences give the delegates

the opportunity to hear about much

good work at home and abroad.

On Friday evening our group

gathered for our traditional club meal

at an excellent Italian restaurant

where, thanks to Nick’s brilliant

organisation, we enjoyed good food

and fellowship.


Food for thought

The Gala Dinner that evening was an

opportunity to meet with the other

500 delegates for good food and


Our elite group adjourned later to

the upper bar area where party

drinks and witty repartee flowed

until the early hours.

District Governor Tony Summers had

arranged a splendid programme of

speakers complemented by a Rotary

Showcase featuring many charities.

The range of Charities are illustrated

in this report with their logos and all

have their own website with

extensive information.

There was an official dinner with Jan

Leeming as Speaker but I can say that

we in true Winchester style had the

better time!

Marriott Hotel

Below are examples of Charities in

the District Conference Showcase.

President Anthony and Annie Arkwright

Tony Summers, is Governor of District

1110 which has 77 clubs across

Hampshire and the Channel Islands.

Question Time (left to right with Tom

Yendell, Annie (RYLA), Leonie (Hope and

Homes), Hazel (Lifelab).

Mouth and Foot

Painting Artists

District Awards Awards received by Past Dist. Gov. John

Eade on Sat. 31st Oct. at the District

Meeting. Left: is a certificate of

appreciation for financial support to End

Polio Now. Right most members brought

in District 1110 in 2014-5.

Page 9: Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015 ... the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with Nobel Peace Laureate to be announced soon. Past, present



If you have never been to a District

Conference do try to attend. It is a

time to reflect on what Rotary does

best – serve others and enjoy

fellowship. Once you have been you

will be “hooked”.

Past District Governor John Eade

The final session on Sunday morning

included our own Luke Addison

speaking on Rotaract and Peace

Jam, addresses by Alisson Smith the

District Chairman of Inner Wheel

and RIBI President Peter Davey.

Sunday October 11th

11.00 Coffee Break

11.30 Conference session

DG Tony Summers; Cardiff 2016

and Michael Portillo.

13.00 Conference closes.

District Conference

Holiday accommodation for the less abled traveller

Affordable housing

Food for thought

Saturday Evening Gala Dinner

9-11 October

We look forward to next year in

Cardiff with the incoming Governor

Chris Slocock. See website for details.

Programme Outline

Friday October 9th

19.30 Dinner

21.00 Speaker Jan Leeming

22.00 Fellowship

Saturday October 10th

09.00 Showcase Open

09.30 Session: Young Musician;

Life Lab project; Inner Wheel.

10.45 Coffee break

11.15 Conference Session

Jonathon Porritt; Geoff Mackey.

13.30 Session closes

Afternoon – Visit Historic Bristol

19.30 Dinner

21.30 Music – Otis P Driftwood Band

23.00 Evening ends

Sunday October 11th

09.20 Conference Session

RIBI Pres. Peter Davey; Dean Beadle;

Luke Addison.

Young Musician

We finished in great style with an

address by Michael Portillo on his

political and journalistic careers.

All in all – it was a memorable and

thoroughly entertaining Conference

weekend. The best of Rotary was on

show with inspirational moments.

Probably the most moving talk was

that given by Dean Beadle on “Living

with Asperger’s”.

Michael Portillo

Luke Addison (right)

Page 10: Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015 ... the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with Nobel Peace Laureate to be announced soon. Past, present


Winchester Rotary Bulletin Sponsor

33 Jewry Street, Winchester, Hampshire

SO23 8RY Tel: 01962 869966

E-mail: [email protected]

Winchester Musicals and Opera

Society presents “Carmen” this

autumn. It is a passionate tale of lust,

seduction and betrayal, no other opera

boasts as popular a following as Bizet’s

Carmen. Set during the dying days of a

dystopian Spain. The action pivots

around Carmen, a gypsy who has the

power to seduce any man who suits

her fancy.

Don José, a corporal, throws honour

aside in pursuit of Carmen. Carmen

soon casts off her ardent lover for the

handsome toreador Escamillo.

Jealously and passion seal Carmen’s

fate in one of opera’s most memorable

conclusions. How can you resist it?!

Visit the website to sign up for a special

ticket price. Gill Russell

Fellowship Friday 20 November Theatre Royal

‘My life’ Talk Fellowship Monday 12 Oct.

Half Marathon Runners: Simon Burge and

JJ Heath-Caldwell.

Edward Miles-Kingston, Gilly Slot, Carole

Miles Lovelock and Anthony Arkwright.

Robert Cadd (Round Table Fireworks

Chairman) and Mike Downie.

Paul Miles-Kingston & Carole Mile-Lovelock

Concert in Winchester Cathedral

At this evening meeting Carole

Miles-Lovelock gave a fascinating

‘My Life’ talk with a difference. She

showed her silky tones by singing

‘Memories’ from ‘Cats’ and the Elvis

number ‘You were always on my

mind’. Such talks are always

captivating and Carole, with her son

Edward’s help, spoke of her classical

singing career and family life.

Chris Kyme (Hong Kong & Island East) and

President Anthony Arkwright.

Roger Sales (Club Treasurer), Nadine Perry

and Robert Parsons (Fellowship Director).

Terry Sachs (Barossa Valley, Australia)

and President Anthony Arkwright.

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Nick Bell with guest Rotaractors

Chef Daniel, Anthony Arkwright, Miff Kayum

Christmas Shoeboxes

‘My Life’ Talk Fellowship Monday 26 Oct.

Japanese cooking of superb quality.

Winchester Rotarian Miff Kayum

invited his chef Daniel from his Kyoto

Kitchen restaurant to give a Sushi

demonstration which was brilliant.

A second ‘My Life’ talk this month

was given by effervescent Nadine

Perry. Her Polish background gave

her presentation a special quality.

How she manages to do so much with

her financial work, family and multi-

interests is truly remarkable.

Mike Hill and Maggie Hastie sort out

the boxes in Colin Cook’s garage.

Giles Peck with Rotaractors Irena Sleeve

and Hilda Mertens

Anna O’Brien.

President Anthony Arkwright

and Nadine Perry.

Lt. Col. Mark Cox, President Anthony

Arkwright and Joe Bright.

The audience in the palm of Nadine’s hand

Dan, Ruth, Hannah and Nadine Perry.

Fiona McWilliams, Kim Otteridge and

Lynn Mears of Peter Symonds College.

Bruce Royston-Smith, Clive Cook (Shoebox

Co-ordinator) and Robert Parsons.

For children abroad These have been sorted and checked

ready for distribution this week.

Hundreds of lovely gifts have been

collected by countless local children.

Children in Montenegro, Albania,

and Moldova will be the recipients.

Page 12: Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015 ... the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with Nobel Peace Laureate to be announced soon. Past, present


Reminiscence Community Thurs. 8 Oct.

The Reminiscence Group meets on

the second Thursday each month at

11.00 am in Sunrise Senior Living.

A number of photos with interesting

images that helped draw out

memories and stories were used.

If you know of any dementia sufferers

and their carers who would like a

happy break, sign up on the website.

Meeting in the lounge for coffee & chat.

Time to reflect

Norman with Kate Freemantle

Jungle clearance

Environment Sat. 24 Oct.

Dominic Hiscock, David James, Simon

Burge and Mark Butcher joined Ali

Morse of Hampshire and Isle of

Wight Wildlife Trust and landowners

George and Veronique, to revisit the

site where we'd planted some 200

trees along the banks of the River

Test near Timsbury last year.

As has often proved the case during

these events, we quickly got

ourselves organised with a couple of

us clearing, somebody else mulching

and then another person putting in

the new stakes and protective mesh.

After about 10 minutes we located the

first one and over the following 4 hours

manged to locate, mulch and detect at

least 100 of them, some of which, as

you can just make out in the picture on

the left, have more than doubled in

size since they were planted.

The object of the exercise was

twofold. First, sapling thrives amidst

the jungle and secondly, replace the

original protective sheathing with

larger mesh, that would give the

saplings more room for growth and

greater protection from deer.

Toby and Dominic (Dad) Hiscock

mulching and screening a sapling.

Clear some of the undergrowth to give

the saplings more light and room to

spread. It turned out, the area which

those who'd been there when the trees

were planted swore was flat grass, was

covered in thick, wild undergrowth up

to 5 or 6 feet deep, meaning that our

first task was to find a sapling without

accidentally cutting one down and then

spreading out from there.

After the winter, when much of the

undergrowth will have died back, or

perhaps even been compressed by

snow, we will return to complete the

job when hopefully the remaining

saplings that we didn't manage to

find will be visible. Our efforts are

beginning to create a legacy for the

future. Mark Butcher

David James, Ali Morse, Simon Burge

with landowners George & Veronique.

Co-ordinator Diana Brooks (right)

Example photo of a 1950s family dinner.

Rotarian Ian White (right)

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Winchester University Winchester Rotaract

Another month done and a whole

host of activities taken part in. The

month began with the Clarendon

marathon which was a huge success,

and enjoyed by all who took part,

with a semi-choreographed dance

performance at the finish line.


Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 March 2016 – The

University of Winchester

Following the success of the first PeaceJam UK Annual Youth Conference to be held at the University of Winchester in

March this year, with Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams, the plans for next year’s conference are under way.

Attending Nobel Peace

Laureate to be announced in

the Autumn Term

PeaceJam is an international peace education programme aiming at helping teenagers become active citizens and

advocates for peace, justice and human rights. It is directed by a group of leading Nobel Peace Prize winners, including

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama, and Aung San Suu Kyi. See

The Conference is run by PeaceJam staff, and students at the University who act as mentors, facilitators and role models for

the teenagers attending. We hope to welcome over 200 young people, their teachers and youth workers from schools all

over the country for a weekend of inspiration, fun and practical learning.

The weekend will include a talk and Q & A session with the Nobel Peace Laureate, facilitated small group discussions, fun

and inspiring ice-breakers and workshops, and a presentation by young people of their own projects for social change, and

much more. For further details please contact our Conference Coordinator on: [email protected]

Alex, President Ross Buchan and

Alex Roeshanne.

Several of our members got to

experience their first Rotary meeting

in the Darials Room in the Royal

Hotel with the Japanese cookery

demonstration. We also heard a

great ‘My Life’ talk by Nadine Perry.

Social events: a meal at Slug and

Lettuce which included a group

colouring project and finally, on

Friday we held a Rocky Horror

Picture Show social with 8 magentas,

1 riff raff and a slightly disturbing

Frank n Furter (full drag) by our Vice

President Tom. Ross Buchan

We have had a few more new people

join, with the club getting closer and

closer to 20 members all the time.

The other week we had Julian English

from the cathedral kindly come and

talk to us on about 6 hours’ notice.

He was very interesting & impressive.


‘Rocky Horror’ Tom

Marathon stars

Page 14: Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015 ... the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with Nobel Peace Laureate to be announced soon. Past, present


Menu details on line

Christmas Breakfast

Christmas Party

Meetings in December

Youth & Community

Winchester Rotary Directors:

The design of the Bulletin follows the structure of Winchester Rotary, which has 6 directors who are responsible for:

Membership Communications Service Fellowship Fundraising Foundation & International

Menu details on line

9a Jewry Street , Winchester SO23 8RZ

Tel: 01962 842742

EMAIL : [email protected]

Winchester Rotary Bulletin Sponsor


The grateful Bulletin Editor wishes to thank all those who have contributed to this month’s issue, especially with their

reports. Thanks to several opportunistic photographers. Everything points to the website; so thanks to Shelagh Bird, Gill

Russell and President Anthony for all their work on that & those who manage the programme of meetings. Ed. JML

Meetings in November

Monday 2 November. Lunch Meeting. 12.30 for 1.00p.m. The Royal Hotel. Buffet.

Meeting Chair: David Farthing and “William Walker” Talk. Attendance & Props: John Eade.

Monday 9 November. Evening Meeting. 7.00 for 7.30 – 10.00 p.m. The Royal Hotel.

Attendance: Mike Slinn. Props & Grace: Barry Lipscomb. Tech: Colin Cook.

Speakers: “Youth and Community Showcase”.

Monday 16 November. Lunch Meeting. 12.30 for 1.00p.m. The Royal Hotel. Buffet.

Meeting Chair: John Eade. Attendance & Props: Julian English.

Wednesday 18 November. Breakfast Meeting. 7.15 for 7.30 – 8.30 a.m.

The Hampshire Room, Winchester Royal Hotel. Contact: Iain Steel/Website.

Monday 23 November. Evening Meeting. 6.00 for 6.30 – 9.00 p.m. The Royal Hotel.

Attendance: Jim Hull. Props & Grace: Dominic Hiscock. Tech: David James.

Speaker: “Life Talks” by Mike Slinn and Kordo Saeed

Monday 7 December. Lunch Meeting. 12.30 for 1.00p.m. The Royal Hotel. Buffet.

Meeting Chair: Mike Downie. Attendance & Props: Colin Eames.

Monday 14 December. Christmas Party. 7.00 for 7.30 – 10.30 p.m. St. Johns House.

Co-ordinator: Robert Parsons. Special menu to savour and details are on line.

Live Entertainment.

Monday 21 December. Lunch Meeting. 12.30 for 1.00p.m. The Royal Hotel. Buffet.

Meeting Chair: Mike Downie. Attendance & Props: Bill Lumsden.

Wednesday 23 December. Breakfast Meeting. 7.15 for 7.30 – 8.30 a.m.

The Hampshire Room, Winchester Royal Hotel. Contact: Iain Steel/Website.

Monday 28 December. Bank Holiday - No Meeting.

Monday 30 November. Evening Meeting. 6.00 for 6.30 – 9.00 p.m. The Royal Hotel.

Attendance: Jim Hull. Props & Grace: Dominic Hiscock. Tech: David James.

Speaker: Special General Meeting.

Mike Slinn

Kordo Saeed

Page 15: Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015 ... the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with Nobel Peace Laureate to be announced soon. Past, present


Inner Wheel Winchester Ladies

Adrian Noke (see above) is the

Regional Organiser and Community

Rehabilitation Manager for the South

of England for Arthritis UK, which has

been in existence since 1936.

A social coffee morning was held at

the home of Maureen Chisnell and

with the very generous donations

from the attendees, she presented a

cheque to Patrick Piper, Treasurer of

the Friends of the Royal Hampshire

County Hospital at their AGM.

The Friends support patient care and

recovery at the hospital and since

their foundation in 1955, have

donated in excess of £2 million.

Each year wards and departments at

the RHCH submit bids for items of

equipment or furnishings which fall

outside the normal expectation of

provision by the NHS Trust.

Patrick Piper and Maureen Chisnell

Inner Wheel District Chairman,

Alisson Smith, visited the Club and

gave a talk about her year. She

supports the Honeypot House in the

New Forest which is a lifeline for

young carers incredibly as young as

five! They get the chance to be

children and have the luxury of a

meal cooked for them instead of the

daily routine of cooking for their


Her chosen charity this year is The

British Heart Foundation. She was

very impressed with Inner Wheel's

large amount of activities

undertaken, including fund raising for

home and international charities,

community support in schools

helping children to read and help at

the prison in the visitors' tea bar, to

name but a few.

Seated l


Committee members with guest Governor

Catherine Bowen, President Adrian Noke

Lucy Imrie-Brown

Ann Bull

On Tues. 3 Nov. we will be organising

a Bridge afternoon with tea and

cakes, at Shawford Parish Hall. All

bridge players are very welcome to

join us and for further information

please contact Sheila Wickes, Tel.

867709. Maureen Chisnell

Club Correspondent

Dr. Catherine Bowen gave a talk on

her 13 years of research work, now

as an associate Professor at

Southampton Hospital, where she

specialises in arthritis in feet and

ankles. She advised us that women

who wear 1 inch heels generally have

good foot health !


Monthly Review

Page 16: Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015Winchester Rotary Bulletin - November 2015 ... the PeaceJam Conference in 2016 with Nobel Peace Laureate to be announced soon. Past, present


Hosted by Winchester Rotary in the

upstairs sitting room. Time to chat with

carers too. Contact: Norman Murphy.

7.00 – 10.00 pm for a celebration for all

connected with the Clarendon Marathon.

Balaka Restaurant, Stoney Lane, Weeke.

Front of House will be managed by

Rotarians. Please sign on the website -

special ticket price. Contact: Gill Russell.

Monday 14 December

Winchester Rotarians assist Round Table

on this bonfire night with marshalling

and fundraising. The River Park venue

attracts over 20,000 spectators.

The commitment will be from 5.00pm

to about 8.00pm and helpers will be

briefed at the River Park Pavilion.

Contact: Web and Anthony Arkwright.

Winchester Music and Operatic Society

presents this production of Carmen with

a new, talented Director Sam Quested.

Tuesday 3 November Marathon Dinner

Winchester Rotary Bulletin Sponsors

Richard Steel & Partners – Family Owned Funeral Directors Alderman House, 12-14 City Road, Winchester 862333 (24 hours)

The Lilacs, West Hill Road North

South Wonston Winchester SO21 3HJ

T/F: 01962 882445 Mob: 07800 617240

E: [email protected]

Star Lane House Staple Gardens Winchester SO23 9AD 01962 844544 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Thanks to Rotarian Shafi and his team.

The cost will be £15 and payment on the

night will do. Contact: JJ Heath-Caldwell.

10.45am–12.00pm. Sunrise Senior Living.

A coffee morning for those living with

Dementia and their Carers.

Reminiscence Group Thursday12 November

Looking Ahead…

Friday 20 November Theatre Royal, Winchester

Saturday 7 November Fireworks Night

No great singing skill is required. Do

enjoy the event for just an hour if you

are free. Contact: Carole Miles-Lovelock.

St. John’s House

Carol Singing - Buttercross

7.30 -10.30 pm in the beautiful main

room for a two course meal with a

difference. Menu details on the website.

Wed. 9 - Fri. 11 December

An hour or two across lunchtime

depending on the weather the high

street is crowded with shoppers.

Main course: Venison or Pork or

vegetarian. Desserts: Lemon Posset or

Chocolate Torte. Contact: Robert Parsons.

Charity Swimathon Saturday 20 February, 2016

Morning and afternoon at the beautiful

Winchester College Swimming Pool.

Swim in relay for 55 minutes for fun. Up

to 8 swimmers in team for your charity.

Donate £25 to Rotary Trust Fund. Visit

website to register now and see details: or Contact: Mike

Slinn. Gift aid can be administered for you.

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