
Tuesday, August 04#Windows10 Launch

Social Media Report

Mert Caner

Social Community Manager

[email protected]

This report shows what we have done so far around Windows 10 launch and what are the results during pre-launch, launch day and post-launch terms.

It covers the social activity on Facebook and Twitter channels of Microsoft Turkey and Microsoft Turkey blog.

Pre-Launch – Activity, Reach, Engagement

We started to countdown posts on Microsoft Turkey, Windows Turkey and Microsoft Developer Turkey pages 1

month ago and posted frequently especially on the Microsoft Turkey and Windows Turkey. On the other hand,

we posted on Office Turkey and Partner Network Turkey pages on 28.07.2015.

Below tables are showing 1) Posting Activity 2) Total Reach 3) Engagement

Date 29.06 06.07 07.07 09.07 13.07 14.07 15.07 16.07 19.07 22.07 23.07 24.07 25.07 26.07 27.07 28.07

Microsoft TR ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Windows TR ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Microsoft DX


✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Date 29.06 06.07 07.07 09.07 13.07 14.07 15.07 16.07 19.07 22.07 23.07 24.07 25.07 26.07 27.07 28.07

Microsoft TR 15.5k 15.7k 10k 8.9k 18.5k 32.9k 16.9k 28.5k 14.5k 24.8k 20.8k 70.2k 31.9k 78.9k

Windows TR 30.8k 21.2k 13k 34.9k 16.7k 55k 22.3k 24.7k 22.5k 56k 24k 52k 62.6k

Microsoft DX


8k 5.6k 8k 5.3k

Channel Total Post Likes Comments Shares Total Engagement Total Engagement

/ Total Post

Total Fans

Microsoft TR 13 3419 555 479 4453 342 130k

Windows TR 13 5196 1865 466 7527 579 229k

Msft Dev TR 4 281 39 52 372 93 24k

Pre-Launch – Activity, Reach, Engagement

We also tweeted so many contents from Microsoft Turkey and Microsoft Developer Turkey accounts.* Unlike

Facebook, we had a chance to retweet Microsoft Turkey’s tweets from Microsoft Developer Turkey’s account as

much as possible. Below tables are showing 1) Tweeting Activity 2) Impressions 3) Engagement

* Windows Turkey hasn’t got a Twitter account.

Date 06.07 08.07 09.07 13.07 14.07 15.07 16.07 19.07 23.07 25.07 26.07 27.07 28.07

Microsoft TR ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Microsoft DX TR ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Date 06.07 08.07 09.07 13.07 14.07 15.07 16.07 19.07 23.07 25.07 26.07 27.07 28.07

Microsoft TR 6.5k 6.3k 7k 6.4k 8.7k 5.8k 13.9k 5.6k 13.8k 14.3k 6.5k 13.7k

Microsoft DX TR 1k RT RT 1.6k RT

Channel Total Tweets Replies Retweets Favorites Total Engagement Total Engagement

/ Total Post



Microsoft TR 13 39 209 207 455 35 45.1k

Msft Dev TR 2(+3 RT) 9 8 17 8.5k 2.2kk

Pre-Launch – Content Strategy

We didn’t post same contents at all channels everyday. We posted different contents on different channels but

at the end of the day, their message was the same, i.e. below posts were all said ‘’Windows 10 will be launched

tomorrow!» but they all have different images, different texts and more importantly, different purposes like

asking a question to fans, giving an info to Devs or just to remind countdown to mass community.

Pre-Launch – Community Management

We tried to answer the questions and comments of fans and followers as much as we can do in order to increase

engagement and make them feel ‘’Microsoft is caring about me.’’. As we always do, we use a friendly tone of

voice instead of robotic anwers. We also didn’t hide or delete negative comments, try to answer them as


Pre-Launch – Using All Channels Integrated

We picked 2 days for Windows Turkey and Microsoft Turkey pages and shared a Windows 10 related content

from all channels. It increased the reach number and engagement well. However, we weren’t able to do it

everyday due to it’ll decrease the other channels overall engagement performance. We also got in touch with the

agency of Lumia and requested them to share and retweet Microsoft’s countdown posts on Lumia accounts.

Pre-Launch - Top Performed Posts

56k Reach - 1.040 Likes

504 Comments- 75 Shares

78.9k Reach - 489 Likes

108 Comments- 86 Shares

62.9k Reach - 828 Likes

542 Comments - 103 Shares

Launch Day – We Used All Channels

Launch – Reach, Engagement

Below tables are showing the social activity around Windows 10 Launch posts. Despite, our community is highly

online between 17:00-23:00 and we posted between 08:00-09:00, both reach and engagement numbers are great.

Windows Turkey page broke it’s reach record on the launch day by reaching to 129.4K fans (As we have

136K fans, it’s almost %90 reach and normally Facebook pages reach to it’s %10 fans) and Microsoft Turkey

Twitter account broke it’s interaction record with 82 retweets and 61 favorites. The most important point is that

we spent nothing for Facebook Ads or Twitter Ads. All these numbers are organic. We got reward of our

highly engaged pre-launch content and community management during the launch day.

Facebook Reach Likes Comment Share Total Engagement Link Clicks Fans

Microsoft TR 65.1k 510 317 183 1.010



Windows TR 129.4k 1.225 1.425 204 2.854 230.797

Microsoft Dev TR 5.6k 60 20 2 82 24.594

Office TR 3k 37 4 2 43 14.525

Twitter Impression Favorites Retweets Replies Total Engagement Link Clicks Followers

Microsoft TR 13.590 61 82 19 162 735 45.244

Blog Total Page Views Unique Page View Visitors Average Page View Duration

Microsoft TR 12.02k 10.23k 9.72k 11.9s

Post-Launch – Push Users To Update

After July 29, we’re pushing contents to direct users to update, inform the features of Windows 10 or sources for

Windows 10. Reach and engagement numbers are great so far. #Windows10 is still in the most PC users agenda and

we’ll keep posting about upgrade and other topics accordingly. We’ll also use a media budget in the next

days for promoting a Facebook post and as soon as we start to post on blog regarding Windows 10, we’ll

have a chance to inform people much more detailed.

Thank You

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