Page 1: Winter term newsletter Winter newsleter 2… · We have been exploring the different genres of the theatrical world from romance,

Winter term newsletter


changing the lives of adults with learning disabilities forever.

Page 2: Winter term newsletter Winter newsleter 2… · We have been exploring the different genres of the theatrical world from romance,

Group Director Suzanne Gilby

Wow, what an amazing first year 2011 has been.

The doors were opened by the chairman Darragh McAnthony and the then Mayor Keith Sharp, ably assisted by the Peterborough United squad and manager.

We had a number of prospective parents look round the facilities, it was a great, lively start to our provision.

On the first day Shane Auckland made Helping Hands history after he was picked up by Kayleigh and myself, to be the first student to receive a service.

He had great fun over the first few months having 2 ladies running around after him!

Gradually our reputation has grown and we now have 15 adults with learning disabilities use our service.

The staff team has also grown from 2 to 17!

The students and staff have all settled in well and grown together, this has shown in the quality of the service provided and how quickly the students have settled.

The service continues to grow from strength to strength and we have already received 8 referrals for the forthcoming year.

A huge thanks to the parents who have believed in us and allowed us to provide services for their sons and daughters.

On a personal note I would like to thank the staff team for all their hard work and dedication.

Extra special thanks go to Darragh McAnthony for believing in us and financially backing the organisation, Kayleigh Garzia, my first staff member who took a huge risk to come and work with me, not to forget my family and friends for all their support.

And finally to my ever supportive husband, Neil, who if it wasn’t for his optimism and support The Helping Hands Group would not exist today.

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News 2011

Behind the scenes


The Staff Team

Suzanne Gilby – Group Director

Neil Gilby – Director of Operations

Amanda Preston – Curiculum Tutor

Kate Hayes – Office Manager

Kayleigh Garzia – Senior LSA/Therapist

Mark Mowvley – LSA

Gemma Stent – LSA

Nicola Searle – LSA

Karl Dardis – LSA

Debbie Henderson – LSA

Mason Smith-Jones – LSA

Sue Moss – LSA

Sharon Williams – Driver

Pat Waterhouse – Driver

Megan Kelly – BANK LSA

Erum Ali – BANK LSA

Julia Watt – BANK LSA

We are sad to lose two members of our bank team. Kayleigh Stent and Carrie Fisher are moving on to full time employment and we wish them all the very best for the future.


We have three first aiders who are Kayleigh, Debbie and Amanda.

Kayleigh is also our communication coordinator who works alongside the speech and language therapist.

Debbie is currently studying the Health and Social Care level 3 Diploma apprenticeship.

Nicola and Amanda have recently completed eating and drinking training as delivered by SALT.



Kayleigh, Gemma and Sue have all registered for the level 2 Team Leader course with Kate and Amanda registering for the level 3 in management.

Kayleigh has also passed the Boots medication training.

Our Students

Danielle Axam

Leah Andrews

Nadia Fani

Zoe Forbes

Alex Norman

Tina Slater

Kerrie Woods

Shane Auckland

Lee Farrington

John Quinn

Andy King

Gearoid McNammara

Daniel Whitfield

Mohammed Asaf

Ali Hussain

Welcome to Pets as Therapy (PAT) who visit on a weekly basis. PAT are an organization who specially select rescue dogs with good temperaments to come into the workplace to offer therapeutic support.

We recently saw the DRAMA workshop take place. This was provided every other Saturday for six sessions and was thoroughly enjoyed by all that took part.

Two groups of students get the opportunity to go once a month to The Hair and Beauty Department at Peterborough Regional College, where they are models for the students who are on their courses. This allows them to have their hair cut, washed and styled.

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Life Skills Purchase, prepare, cook, eat and clean

Four out of the Five days a week see’s a life skill session take place at The Helping Hands Group. Each

week groups will choose which main and desert they will cook up for the following week.

The group then go shopping where they need to find and purchase the ingredients to make their dinner.

On arriving back to the HHG they will then spend the afternoon cooking their lunches as well as making

sure that the kitchen is clean and tidy at the end of the day.

Lasagne, Spaghetti Bolognaise, Pizza, beef burgers and vegetable soup are just some of the meals which

have been prepared and made from scratch this term.

These have been followed by deserts such as fruit salad, apple crumble, cup cakes, trifle and rice crispy


The satisfaction and happiness that this life skill creates is something that many of us take for granted,

here we aim to make sure that everyone is able to achieve, which in turn creates yummy scrummy food.

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On Site

Hydrotherapy Suite

Our Hydrotherapy facility is

now in full swing. Everyone is

now able to take full advantage

of our six berth sensory hot

tub, with lights, jets, waterfalls

and music it makes for a very

relaxing and at times

beneficial session.

We seek all parents and

relatives permission before

giving students the

opportunity to use this fantastic


Hydrotherapy can then be

added to timetables on an

individual basis.

Below: Shane and Zoe enjoy some

quality relaxation with LSA Nicola

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Drama Allowing the imagination to run wild

A Busy Period…..

It’s been a very busy period for the drama group since August.

We have been exploring the different genres of the theatrical world from romance, comedy, musicals,

action, horror and adventure. The group have had the chance to act like West End stars, dress like

zombies, dance like Native American Indians and solve murder mysteries like Sherlock Holmes would

have done.

The group who also play social skill games, re-enacted the famous end scene from Dirty Dancing and even

directed their own freeze frames.

This term we have looked at Pantomimes, the group have made a giant wand and have hung their dreams

for the future from it, they have turned their hands towards make-up and hair design to transform two

members of staff into the ugly sisters. The group then went out for the day to watch Cinderella at the


We are really looking forward to seeing what dramatic antics the drama group get up to in 2012!

Gemma Stent

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At the centre

Andy helps keep us on top of stock levels here at the HHG as well as helping count

the petty cash.

Peterborough United Football Club

The Helping Hands Group have strong links with The Posh, so much so that we now

offer certain Work Experience sessions there. Leah currently spends one day a week

at the football club where she helps the maintenance team keep the club clean and

tidy. Leah regularly see’s footballers walking around and even had her picture taken.


Leah also spends a morning a week at Spencers Hair Salon down Lincoln Road where

she helps make drinks and keep the shop floor tidy.

We are always looking for new companies to help us to

provide Work Experience. If you know of anyone who would

be willing to offer us this fantastic session please contact us.

Work Experience Going out into the community to meet new people and learn new skills

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Let us know Your


Contact Us The Helping Hands Group Padholme Road East Peterborough PE1 5XL Tel: 0800 085 0865 01733 561000 Email: [email protected] Web:

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