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Reuse for a Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe: the WIRE AG

A. BatillaniWater & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe

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AG112 - Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe

Presented in 42 workshops/seminars/events19 events branded WIRE

Involved as Stakeholder in 28 new EU project proposalsIndicated as link with EIP water in 22 EU project

proposalsGrouping 52 Demosites

(last update December 2015)

More than 90%

of EU irrigated

areas covered by


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AG112 - Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe



ACTION LINES:- integrated agricultural water management under

drought- efficient water reuse in irrigation- energy saving in irrigation- contact group (knowledge exchange, co-creation)- expert group (market facilitators)

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AG112 - Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe


INTERRA-Technology and process innovations for irrigation reuse of treated municipal and agro-industrial wastewaters in order to achieve sustainable water resources management

AQUEMFREE - In-Farm remediation by solar photocatalysis of agro-waste water with pesticides from remnants, cleaning and rinse

ReQpro – A model to reclaim and reuse wastewater for quality crop production

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AG112 - Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe

RichWater - First application and market introduction of combined wastewater treatment and reuse technology for agricultural purposes

Carbon source

Removing Nitrogen in constructed wetland

Removing P with a phosphor filter

Combined Treatment for N and P removal in Flandres


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W4Cs - Natural treatment systems for wastewater reuse in irrigation

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AG112 - Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe


KLIMZUG - Groundwater Recharge with cleaned wastewater

MAR4FARM - Managed Acquifer Recharge Dissemination activities in Arenales aquifer

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IRIS – Intelligent Reclaimed Irrigation System -Eurostar Project

EARSAC pilot - Dissemination activities in Majorca island

OLIVE-WASTEWATER - Wastewater Reuse for Olive Irrigation

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AG112 - Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe


Reclaimed Water Use at Farm and Irrigation District in Miraflores (Spain)

Fiordelisi demo-site for agro-industrial wastewater reclamation for reuse in irrigation

Castellana Grotte demo-site for municipal wastewater treatment for reuse in irrigation

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AG112 - Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe





Mapping of the deficiencies and barriers hampering innovation

in EU irrigated agriculture

Diagnosis of barriers and bottlenecks

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AG112 - Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe

Innovation barriers for water reuse in irrigation

Suboptimal use of alternative water resources Economically often not (yet) competitive Treated waste water does not comply with end users’

needs (e.g. nutrient content, inorganic and microbiological contaminants)

Need for improved water storage and purification / treatment to align quantity (quality) of alternative water supply with plant needs

Individual responsibility of farmers for risks (sanitary, financial)

Need to adapt irrigation technology (e.g. water filtering systems) to water reuse to avoid high maintenance cost and shortened irrigation system lifespan.

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AG112 - Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe

Negative perception / lack of acceptance of water reuse From Consumers point of view undifferentiated fears

concerning health risks and lack of awareness about possible crop contact with the reused irrigation water

Consumer rarely reward water reuse under of sustainability point of view

From farmers point of view great dependency on water supplier and fear of contaminants when using reclaimed water (food safety / farmers’ health/ soil contamination), but also fear of salinization of soils

Unsecure market access for crops produced when applying water reuse

Innovation barriers for water reuse in irrigation

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Lack of knowledge on how to manage irrigation using alternative water

Need to set realistic targets for water reuse with sufficient flexibility

Need of improved knowledge transfer, training for adequate management and specific skills required when irrigating with alternative water resources

Site specific management (crops, soils, climates) and real time assessment of water quality

Technical difficulties in waste water treatment (adequate low-cost purification technology), storage (lack of land), and distribution infrastructures

Innovation barriers for water reuse in irrigation

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AG112 - Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe

Innovation barriers for water reuse in irrigation

Lack of financial incentives High treatment and installation cost Low return on investments (lifespan of investments in

irrigation infrastructure) Lack of support schemes for water reuse similar to those

for renewable energies to cover additional water costs

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AG112 - Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe

Innovation barriers for water reuse in irrigation

Lack of legislation facilitating water reuse for irrigation Lack of coherent regulation across the EU and for 3rd country

imports for crops produced with reclaimed water No commonly agreed rules and safety measures / need for

a common approach across EU when applying water reuse For some countries too demanding, strict requirements in

national legislation, lacking flexibility regarding crops and uses

Need to ensure public health while taking into account various uses and users

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